A community for anybody interested in / involved with alternative erotica and alternative porn.
For info on what that means, please have a look at AltPorn.net to get some ideas.
Post pictures, talk about your favorite sites, discuss modeling, softcore/hardcore/nocore, certain models, what bugs you with altporn, what your favorite genre is, get in contact with new sites etc. It about discussion and networking, not just promoting your site. In the name of networking, we'll be compiling a new list of photographers, models, site, etc.
Basic rules which also are listed in memories; don't spam, harass, post multiple pictures without lj-cut, keep on topic, hardcore pics under lj-cut and friends-only, no rating communities or posts, don't delete or screen comments, do not post pictures you do not legally own without giving (c), no homophobic/fatfobic/rude comments, must be 18 to join or post pictures and nobody in this community is more important than anybody else. don't expect this community to be worksafe. if it is, we're doing it all wrong. if you want a worksafe/family-safe option, then please take the time to create an adult filter. people who break the rules might be banned.
this community is moderated which means the moderator has to approve your membership, i.e have your whole birthdate listed and you're in!
Please note that all obvious troll-accounts, ie; no info, friends or entries are denied access.
If that doesn't match and you have still been denied, you're either too young or haven't listed your full birthdate.