? ?
Journal created:
on 1 June 2004 (#3333142)
on 30 June 2004
Alternative Gay guyz n galz
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
-=Alternative × Gay=-
For unique gay people

This is a rating community for people who're unique, alternative and gay. So for galz, guyz and anything in between!

We Judge on pictures of yourself and a short survey so you can explain to us just why you're so unique and should be in this community. This way we're judging on your personality and looks.

This community is based mainly around fashion, make-up etc and just people doing things out of the "norm" and people are that are just comfortable with being their unique self.

Also, once a member, anything related to the topic can be promoted, added, such as fashion lines, events etc. Also any poetry written by yourself may be added, and just anything that expresses who you are.

+- Okay, the first rule is not to break the rules. I havent spent my time making rules for pure enjoyment so dont be an ass and break them. If you do i shall brand your forhead with the word B.A.N.N.E.D. Thank you.
+-Post your application and pictures behind an LJ-cut please. Id you dont know how to do this...find out.
+-No Arguing with accepted members. They're voting on your application just like they had people vote on their application and the reason they're probably still there is because they didnt bitch back. So dont. Infact, dont argue at all, please.
+-You'll be accepted in 72 hours at the most. Give all the members chance to post their vote on your application.
+-Please dont post more then 7 pictures of yourself after your servey.
+-Have fun, that is all this community is about after all.
+-Post "New Memberl" in the subject line.


+The Basics+
+Sexual preference:
+Zodiac sign:
+Piercings or tattoos?(If so what of):


+Teen pregnancy:
+Drinking/smoking/doing drugs:

+What makes you so unique?:
+Tell us something we dont already know about yourself:
+Promote this community to at least one more person/community and tell us who/where:

-=Post 3 or more pictures=-

After you've joined the community you have a week to post your intro and pics...
