+The Basics+
+Name: seken marus
+Location: near Pittsburgh
+Sexual preference: most of the time none, but I have a tendency to change quickly.
+Zodiac sign: Aquarius
+Piercings or tattoos?(If so what of): no, but after I get my life together I will start branding my self.
+Favorites+I can not decide.
+Bands: sistem of a down, romstine, and many more that I can not remember.
+Food: I hope not
+Drink:151 please
+War: was in the army. I can not kill.
+Abortion: is murder, but what do I care people die every day, plus u get to spare that child the shame and sadness of being human.
+Teen pregnancy: kids with kids suicide is the only anser.
+Drinking/smoking/doing drugs: i am half way my first pack of Marlboro #27's , pot is good but no money, I do not like to be drunk (bad things happen).
+What makes you so unique?: no memory, no sex drive (when I do get horny I can taste blood and I can not stop moving), I’m dyslexic, very smart, and oh yah I’m crazy.
+Tell us something we don’t already know about yourself: I’m a virgin!!! R U Happy Now!!!
+Promote this community to at least one more person/community and tell us who/where: yuriarmy
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