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Gay Vanity
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Alternative Gay guyz n galz's LiveJournal:

Tuesday, June 29th, 2004
12:54 am

+The Basics+
+Name: seken marus
+Location: near Pittsburgh
+Sexual preference: most of the time none, but I have a tendency to change quickly.
+Zodiac sign: Aquarius

+Piercings or tattoos?(If so what of): no, but after I get my life together I will start branding my self.
+Favorites+I can not decide.
+Bands: sistem of a down, romstine, and many more that I can not remember.
+Food: I hope not
+Drink:151 please

+War: was in the army. I can not kill.
+Abortion: is murder, but what do I care people die every day, plus u get to spare that child the shame and sadness of being human.
+Teen pregnancy: kids with kids suicide is the only anser.
+Drinking/smoking/doing drugs: i am half way my first pack of Marlboro #27's , pot is good but no money, I do not like to be drunk (bad things happen).

+What makes you so unique?: no memory, no sex drive (when I do get horny I can taste blood and I can not stop moving), I’m dyslexic, very smart, and oh yah I’m crazy.
+Tell us something we don’t already know about yourself: I’m a virgin!!! R U Happy Now!!!
+Promote this community to at least one more person/community and tell us who/where: yuriarmy

Current Mood: horny
Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
1:19 pm
+The Basics+
+Location:Perth Western Australia
+Sexual preference:not into labels i am ME...
+Zodiac sign:Im on the border line of aries and pisces so i have both traits of each sign
+Piercings or tattoos?(If so what of):4 flesh tunnels,eyebrow ring,labrette,lip ring and a tattoo on my right shoulder

+Food:chinese anything if im hungry
+Drink:bourbon and coke and beer..
+Movie(s):american beauty
+Book(s):rolling stone
+Fetishes?:biting and self piercing

+War: dont be bothered with it if we arent really involved
+Abortion:do it if it comes to that.
+Teen pregnancy:tsk tsk tsk
+Drinking/smoking/doing drugs:i drink i smoke and i do drugs when i can so?..........

+What makes you so unique?:im crazy
+Tell us something we dont already know about half singaporean?
+Promote this community to at least one more person/community and tell us who/where:ok then ....i will but i dont know which one cos i aint part of one yet let me get back to u x

Current Mood: uneasy
Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
1:31 pm
First entry...
Ok well, this is the start of a community which will hopefully get lots of members, and be a great place to come n check stuff out. Planning to have members from all over the world, and just showing how different everyone can be. The thing we don't want in here, are people that are looking all altenative in their pics, when in everyday life, they're not. We want people who are comfortable being themself, all the time, in pics or not. Once a member, posting lots of pics would be great, also about fashion lines, make-up tips etc, anything you think would be relevant in this community.
Hope to see lots of people posting.