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FYI - Hiring music interns [04 Nov 2008|12:20pm]
AR just posted a job listing for music interns. From what I gather, in short,
the intern will be responsible for growing the fan bases of 1-3 bands of his/her choice through various online marketing initiatives.

Full description's here:
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Black Scorpion [17 Jun 2008|04:46pm]

Hope this isn't spam...

Ok, so the band Acrassicauda fucking rocks. They're a band originally from Iraq (formerly the only metal band in the country) and they've been through so much crap I can't believe it. I mean, not being able to make a gig because you're caught on the wrong side of a warzone? That's crazy.

So I was stumbling through the archives of this website I work for when I discovered that we have their movies-- Heavy Metal In Baghdad and Heavy Metal In Istanbul. I bestow them upon you all.

Trailers behind the cut.Collapse )

x-posted to anywhere there's metal.
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Looking for Rare Music? [01 Jun 2008|09:00am]
Hey guys,
So, I'm posting this to all communities that I think would be interested. If you're looking for rare albums and such, check out this page:
There's a search box on the right side. You can type in a band name or album name that you're looking for.

It's kinda hit or miss, depending on what you're looking for, but I did some searches with very positive results. For instance, if you're a Foo Fighters fan, I found all these albums:
In Your Honor - Owned by 3 members
One by One - Owned by 3 members
The Colour And The Shape - Owned by 2 members
There Is Nothing Left to Lose - Owned by 2 members
Foo Fighters - Owned by 2 members
Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace - Owned by 2 members
Skin and Bones - Owned by 2 members
We Will Rock You - Owned by 1 members
U.F.O.O. Ecstasy - Owned by 1 members
Brain Damage - Owned by 1 members
Five Songs and a Cover - Owned by 1 members
Echoes Silence Patience & Grace - Owned by 1 members
Skin & Bones - Owned by 1 members
Late!Pocketwatch - Owned by 1 members
With Compliments to Eddie - Owned by 1 members
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Tinhorn Saloon [01 Apr 2008|09:45pm]

Tinhorn Saloon



A month ago, during some winter down time, I put together a FREE forum, the Tinhorn Saloon. The goal was to put together an online bar, just add beer. There are categories from muscle cars to pinups, from music to tattoos. Post info on gigs, signings, burlesque shows, services, products, and parole board hearings. Folks don't have to already know who are, and your messages don't just reach people who are already your fans.

AND, to sweeten the pot, I've posted 3000 pinup images (with links to the model, artist, or photographer's page) as added incentive for becoming a member. Who doesn't like hot chicks?

There is also room in the header for posting a banner to promote your band/group/site. Check the thread on banner exchange in the Welcome category.

Thanks for your time, knuckleheads
Brady Addison
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Go to Concerts? [03 Sep 2007|05:54pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]

Another update for what is becoming one of my frequented sites, They recently added a new Concerts feature. The idea is for you to find other concert goers who are attending the same concerts and then share videos, mp3s, photos, etc. from that show.

The feature is not really being used, but I think it's a good idea, so I'm helping spread the word here. Anywhere, there are still some more invites left to join the new music community. Here's the link:

Enjoy, folks.

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Ex-Jane's Addiction bassist joins Smashing Pumpkins [08 Jun 2006|01:56am]
Wow, more progress on the reunited Smashing Pumpkins. According to this article, Eric Avery is joining them as their new bassist.'s-Addiction-bassist-joins-Smashing-Pumpkins.php

What do you think?
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Here I Am, It's In Your Hands [09 May 2006|06:03pm]

[ mood | hungry ]

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Listen to new Godsmack! [11 Feb 2006|12:42pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

The new single of IV, "Speak," has been posted online. You can listen to it here:

I'm really digging this!

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Foo Fighters downloads [14 Jan 2006|02:25pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

Alright, found more downloads. This time from the Foo Fighters:

I've already downloaded 3 concerts and some 93' demos. (Note: most of the downloads on the Foo Fighters bbs are from yousendit, so they will expire.)

There will also be more mp3s to be uploaded.

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tons of RHCP downloads [12 Jan 2006|11:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Hey guys, not sure if you saw this. It's been up for a few days already... here's a ton of RHCP mp3 downloads:,-covers,-and-other-stuff.php
They are mostly bsides and live tracks.

For those who like radiohead, here are some radiohead concert download info:


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Rock news site [07 Jan 2006|04:17pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

Check out this rock news site:

All content is submitted by members, so if you stumble across some news, you can sign up and post up the news yourself. Here's some of the news I found on the site:
- download new RHCP songs (from Stadium Arcadium)
- download Foo Fighters' Oxegen gig
- STP & VR to share stage

Also, members can download some full concerts. Here are some I see up now:
- Foo Fighters - Trabendo, France (mp3s)
- Velvet Revolver - Rock Am Ring (video)
- Stone Temple Pilots - 5/12/2002 (mp3s)
Here's the full list (not much more):
The Foo Fighters show is a really good one.. setlist contains like 20 songs.

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[04 Jan 2006|11:11pm]

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New shit [24 Jul 2005|09:57pm]

Yep, we have more new things up. Retro, hot rod, and 50's furniture, home decor, art, jewelery, hair clips, there's so much I can't even think of it all.

Feel free to check us out.

Image hosted by
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[17 Jul 2005|09:44pm]

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x-posted like a mutha [17 Jul 2005|03:12pm]

I'm whoring my company, but hey, we've all been broke. Anyways, my friend and I started our own company called Lady Luck Lounge.

We sell Kustom art, home decor, accessories, hot rod art, and a lot more; all pertaining to old cars, the 40's & 50's eras, retro, pin ups, pinstriping, traditional tattoos and anything else in the Kustom Kulture.

Just check it out, if you want to buy anything, we take paypal, money orders and checks.

Lady Luck Lounge
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[03 Jul 2005|08:56pm]


If you're interested in Nirvana, then PLEASE SIGN this petition for Kurt. i know you might think its useless.. but think of how much more music he could've given us?.. How he could've lived his life with Frances.. Even if you think it will do nothing, why not sign it anyway?... Kurt shouldn't be the only one who knows what really happened that day..

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[03 Jan 2005|06:03pm]

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Branded! [03 Jan 2005|09:46pm]

Branded-Music is an upcoming alternative music site featuring reviews, interviews, tours, news on a whole selection of bands from different genres we have from indie to death metal. Come check us out.
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[30 Dec 2004|06:43am]

[ mood | amused ]

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[20 Dec 2004|01:03am]

Read more...Collapse )
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