Modeling of electrical parameters in the vortex and superconducting states of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O ... more Modeling of electrical parameters in the vortex and superconducting states of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O x thick tapes Inas Aref Naser M. Sc. Thesis Jerusalem-Palestine 2004 Modeling of electrical parameters in the vortex and superconducting states of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O x thick tapes brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
The study aimed to identify some ethical practices of faculty members and its relationshipwith th... more The study aimed to identify some ethical practices of faculty members and its relationshipwith the students' ethical behavioral practices at Al-Quds University. A stratified randomsample consisting of 366 male and female students was selected, and the descriptive approachwas used as it suits best the nature and objectives of the study. Findings showed that theethical practices of the faculty members as perceived by the students were moderate.However, their ethical behavioral practices were high. The results revealed a significantdifference in the ethical practices of faculty members as perceived by the students due tocollege. However, there were differences in the students' ethical behavioral practices due togender. Also, college and faculty member's ethical practices emerged as a significantpredictor of students ethical behavioral practices. Implications of the findings and directionsfor future empirical research were discussed.
This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowle... more This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowledge economy concepts from their perspective in Palestine. Which raises teachers’ efficiency and improves their performance by recognizing their roles. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire consisted of 35 items was developed. Also, an interview which was prepared to measure the teachers’ practice of knowledge economy concepts was applied in groups and individually. The sample of the study consisted of 250 male and female teachers in the Directorate of Education in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate. Results showed the degree to which the teachers are practicing their roles was high (planning, teaching implementation, self development, students’ learning). Results also revealed lack of differences between the means of the teachers’ degree of practicing their roles attributed to gender, specialization and scientific qualification variables, but there were differences in the means of the teachers’ degree of practicing their roles attributed to years of experience in favor of the (1-5 years) and the stage variable in favor of lower basic stage in addition to the supervision variable in favor of private schools. Moreover, the results of the interviews showed that some of the knowledge economy practiced by the teachers was heavily based on teaching strategies and teacher’s roles. Additionally, there were concept abandoned especially in the field of research, social media, the student’s role in producing knowledge and the authentic evaluation field. Based on the results, the study recommended the necessity of organizing training workshops on the procedural research and authentic evaluation in addition to carry other similar studies.
A systematic investigation of the electrical parameters of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox thick tapes in the vorte... more A systematic investigation of the electrical parameters of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox thick tapes in the vortex and superconducting states was carried out. The tapes were grown on either single crystals of MgO or silver foil under different heat treatment conditions. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in the vortex state was found to follow an Arrhenius-like relation of the form ρ(T,H)=ρ0exp(−U0(H)/kBT).
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 2017
Prirodni jezik omogućava veliki broj izražajnih varijacija. Pisci, naročito tehnički pisci, teže ... more Prirodni jezik omogućava veliki broj izražajnih varijacija. Pisci, naročito tehnički pisci, teže da razviju posebne rečnike (žargone), stilove i gramatičke konstrukcije. Tehnički jezik postaje nerazumljiv ne samo običnim čitaocima, već i stručnjacima. Problem postaje posebno izražen kada se takav tekst prevede na drugi jezik, jer prevodilac često nije stručnjak u tehničkoj oblasti. Kontrolisani jezici (CL) su razvijeni da se suprotstave tendenciju pisaca da koriste neuobičajen ili preterano specijalizovan, nedosledan jezik [1, odeljak 7.6 ]. Profesionalci u inženjeringu znaju da je pisanje razumljivog teksta veoma izazovno u domaćem okruženju (srpski jezik), a posebno u međunarodnom okruženju (uglavnom engleski jezik). Pojednostavljen srpski jezik može pomoći u domaćem okruženju. Pojednostavljeni engleski jezik već pomaže u međunarodnom okruženju. Pojednostavljeni engleski se ponekad koristi kao generički pojam za kontrolisani engleski. Pojednostavljeni engleski je originalan naziv kontrolisanog jezika originalno razvijenog za avio industriju da bi olakšao korišćenje priručnika za održavanje inženjerima kojima engleski nije maternji jezik. On je danas zvanično poznat pod svojim zaštićenim imenom kao Pojednostavljeni tehnički engleski (STE). Iako je STE je razvijen za upotrebu u vazduhoplovstvu i vojnoj industriji, druge industrije su ga korisitle kao osnovu za razvoj sopstvenih standarda za kontrolisani engleski, koji se uglavnom koriste za izradu odgovarajuće tehničke dokumentacije.
This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowle... more This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowledge economy concepts from their perspective in Palestine. Which raises teachers’ efficiency and improves their performance by recognizing their roles. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire consisted of 35 items was developed. Also, an interview which was prepared to measure the teachers’ practice of knowledge economy concepts was applied in groups and individually. The sample of the study consisted of 250 male and female teachers in the Directorate of Education in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate. Results showed the degree to which the teachers are practicing their roles was high (planning, teaching implementation, self development, students’ learning). Results also revealed lack of differences between the means of the teachers’ degree of practicing their roles attributed to gender, specialization and scientific qualification variables, but there were differences in th...
This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Dep... more This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department and achievement on the degree of students’ writing difficulties in both departments. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was designed comprising 32 items applied to the study sample which consisted of 128 students from the Departments of Arabic and English at Al-Quds University in Palestine. The results of the study showed that students’ difficulties in written expression were fain in degree; they also revealed statistically significant differences in the averages of students’ difficulties in written expression due to gender in favor of females, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the averages of the difficulties in written expression due to level, and in favor of third and fourth year students; there were...
This study aims at identifying the teacher’s roles in light of knowledge economy from the perspec... more This study aims at identifying the teacher’s roles in light of knowledge economy from the perspective of the educational supervisors in Palestine. To achieve the study’s objective, a questionnaire consisted of 35 items was developed and applied on 50 male and female supervisors in the Directorate of Education in governorate of Ramallah, al-Bireh and UNRWA in addition an interview and a checklist of the teacher’s roles in light of knowledge economy were prepared and applied on 9 supervisors. Results showed the teacher’s roles were moderate and there were no differences in the means of the teacher’s roles attributed to the years of experience and scientific qualification variables. But there were differences in the means of the teacher’s roles attributed to the schools being supervised variable in favor of the UNRWA school. The results of the interview and checklist of the teacher’s roles revealed that 84% of the teachers need training on the innovative roles of the teacher in the era...
The study aims to recognizing the concepts of knowledge economy and the roles of faculty members ... more The study aims to recognizing the concepts of knowledge economy and the roles of faculty members in the light of knowledge economy from the perspectives of its members, it was clear that the concept of the knowledge economy was high, it was (2.7,) and there were differences in years of experience in favor of (1-5 years) class, and in favor of the associate teacher in the educational degree, and the university in favor of Bier Ziet University. Whereas the mean of the faculty members’ roles was (2.26) with differences in gender in favor of the females and as for the university, in was in favor of Bier Ziet University.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of using the intelligent learning environment ... more The aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of using the intelligent learning environment in the sixth graders students regarding the development of mathematical thinking & readiness for self-learning in the Directorate of South Hebron. This study was applied in the first semester of the academic year (2018/2019), on a target sample consisting of (110) students. The sample was distributed to two experimental sections (56) students, & was taught using a smart learning environment. In addition, this study was applied to a non-experimental sample that was divided into two groups of (54) students & studied using the conventional method. The study lasted four weeks.
The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of faculty’s use and stimulation of critical... more The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of faculty’s use and stimulation of critical thinking skills in the English Department at Al-Quds University. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire consisting of 21 items was designed and applied to the study sample, consisting of 95 students in the English Department at Al-Quds University in Palestine. In addition to that, 11 students from the same department were interviewed. The results of the study showed that the degree of faculty’s use and stimulation of critical thinking skills in the English Department were medium, and that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of the faculty’s use and stimulation of critical thinking due to gender and performance, and the presence of significant differences was due to level and in favor of third year English majors. The results of the students’ interview also showed that there were skills that teachers used largely as the skill of interpretatio...
This study aimed at finding out the degree of including international standards of science educat... more This study aimed at finding out the degree of including international standards of science education in the physics syllabus of the secondary stage in Palestinian schools. The sample of the study consisted of the analytical aspect of the physics textbooks of the eleventh and twelfth grades. The findings of the study show that the rates of including international standards of science education in these textbooks do not match expectations. The study also shows that the criterion of physics ranked first on the study scale among the criteria of content, followed by the criterion of science as a survey, and then the criterion of unified concepts and processes of science. However, there is obvious omission of the standards of science and technology, science from personal and societal perspectives, and the history and nature of science. In light of these results, the researcher recommends the development of the physics syllabus of the secondary stage to include international standards. The study, further, calls for more research on the assessment of physics textbooks and other disciples of science at different educational levels in view of content standards as well ason the impact of including such standards on the learning outputs.
Modeling of electrical parameters in the vortex and superconducting states of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O ... more Modeling of electrical parameters in the vortex and superconducting states of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O x thick tapes Inas Aref Naser M. Sc. Thesis Jerusalem-Palestine 2004 Modeling of electrical parameters in the vortex and superconducting states of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O x thick tapes brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
The study aimed to identify some ethical practices of faculty members and its relationshipwith th... more The study aimed to identify some ethical practices of faculty members and its relationshipwith the students' ethical behavioral practices at Al-Quds University. A stratified randomsample consisting of 366 male and female students was selected, and the descriptive approachwas used as it suits best the nature and objectives of the study. Findings showed that theethical practices of the faculty members as perceived by the students were moderate.However, their ethical behavioral practices were high. The results revealed a significantdifference in the ethical practices of faculty members as perceived by the students due tocollege. However, there were differences in the students' ethical behavioral practices due togender. Also, college and faculty member's ethical practices emerged as a significantpredictor of students ethical behavioral practices. Implications of the findings and directionsfor future empirical research were discussed.
This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowle... more This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowledge economy concepts from their perspective in Palestine. Which raises teachers’ efficiency and improves their performance by recognizing their roles. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire consisted of 35 items was developed. Also, an interview which was prepared to measure the teachers’ practice of knowledge economy concepts was applied in groups and individually. The sample of the study consisted of 250 male and female teachers in the Directorate of Education in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate. Results showed the degree to which the teachers are practicing their roles was high (planning, teaching implementation, self development, students’ learning). Results also revealed lack of differences between the means of the teachers’ degree of practicing their roles attributed to gender, specialization and scientific qualification variables, but there were differences in the means of the teachers’ degree of practicing their roles attributed to years of experience in favor of the (1-5 years) and the stage variable in favor of lower basic stage in addition to the supervision variable in favor of private schools. Moreover, the results of the interviews showed that some of the knowledge economy practiced by the teachers was heavily based on teaching strategies and teacher’s roles. Additionally, there were concept abandoned especially in the field of research, social media, the student’s role in producing knowledge and the authentic evaluation field. Based on the results, the study recommended the necessity of organizing training workshops on the procedural research and authentic evaluation in addition to carry other similar studies.
A systematic investigation of the electrical parameters of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox thick tapes in the vorte... more A systematic investigation of the electrical parameters of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox thick tapes in the vortex and superconducting states was carried out. The tapes were grown on either single crystals of MgO or silver foil under different heat treatment conditions. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in the vortex state was found to follow an Arrhenius-like relation of the form ρ(T,H)=ρ0exp(−U0(H)/kBT).
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 2017
Prirodni jezik omogućava veliki broj izražajnih varijacija. Pisci, naročito tehnički pisci, teže ... more Prirodni jezik omogućava veliki broj izražajnih varijacija. Pisci, naročito tehnički pisci, teže da razviju posebne rečnike (žargone), stilove i gramatičke konstrukcije. Tehnički jezik postaje nerazumljiv ne samo običnim čitaocima, već i stručnjacima. Problem postaje posebno izražen kada se takav tekst prevede na drugi jezik, jer prevodilac često nije stručnjak u tehničkoj oblasti. Kontrolisani jezici (CL) su razvijeni da se suprotstave tendenciju pisaca da koriste neuobičajen ili preterano specijalizovan, nedosledan jezik [1, odeljak 7.6 ]. Profesionalci u inženjeringu znaju da je pisanje razumljivog teksta veoma izazovno u domaćem okruženju (srpski jezik), a posebno u međunarodnom okruženju (uglavnom engleski jezik). Pojednostavljen srpski jezik može pomoći u domaćem okruženju. Pojednostavljeni engleski jezik već pomaže u međunarodnom okruženju. Pojednostavljeni engleski se ponekad koristi kao generički pojam za kontrolisani engleski. Pojednostavljeni engleski je originalan naziv kontrolisanog jezika originalno razvijenog za avio industriju da bi olakšao korišćenje priručnika za održavanje inženjerima kojima engleski nije maternji jezik. On je danas zvanično poznat pod svojim zaštićenim imenom kao Pojednostavljeni tehnički engleski (STE). Iako je STE je razvijen za upotrebu u vazduhoplovstvu i vojnoj industriji, druge industrije su ga korisitle kao osnovu za razvoj sopstvenih standarda za kontrolisani engleski, koji se uglavnom koriste za izradu odgovarajuće tehničke dokumentacije.
This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowle... more This study aims at identifying the degree to which teachers are practicing their roles and knowledge economy concepts from their perspective in Palestine. Which raises teachers’ efficiency and improves their performance by recognizing their roles. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire consisted of 35 items was developed. Also, an interview which was prepared to measure the teachers’ practice of knowledge economy concepts was applied in groups and individually. The sample of the study consisted of 250 male and female teachers in the Directorate of Education in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate. Results showed the degree to which the teachers are practicing their roles was high (planning, teaching implementation, self development, students’ learning). Results also revealed lack of differences between the means of the teachers’ degree of practicing their roles attributed to gender, specialization and scientific qualification variables, but there were differences in th...
This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Dep... more This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department and achievement on the degree of students’ writing difficulties in both departments. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was designed comprising 32 items applied to the study sample which consisted of 128 students from the Departments of Arabic and English at Al-Quds University in Palestine. The results of the study showed that students’ difficulties in written expression were fain in degree; they also revealed statistically significant differences in the averages of students’ difficulties in written expression due to gender in favor of females, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the averages of the difficulties in written expression due to level, and in favor of third and fourth year students; there were...
This study aims at identifying the teacher’s roles in light of knowledge economy from the perspec... more This study aims at identifying the teacher’s roles in light of knowledge economy from the perspective of the educational supervisors in Palestine. To achieve the study’s objective, a questionnaire consisted of 35 items was developed and applied on 50 male and female supervisors in the Directorate of Education in governorate of Ramallah, al-Bireh and UNRWA in addition an interview and a checklist of the teacher’s roles in light of knowledge economy were prepared and applied on 9 supervisors. Results showed the teacher’s roles were moderate and there were no differences in the means of the teacher’s roles attributed to the years of experience and scientific qualification variables. But there were differences in the means of the teacher’s roles attributed to the schools being supervised variable in favor of the UNRWA school. The results of the interview and checklist of the teacher’s roles revealed that 84% of the teachers need training on the innovative roles of the teacher in the era...
The study aims to recognizing the concepts of knowledge economy and the roles of faculty members ... more The study aims to recognizing the concepts of knowledge economy and the roles of faculty members in the light of knowledge economy from the perspectives of its members, it was clear that the concept of the knowledge economy was high, it was (2.7,) and there were differences in years of experience in favor of (1-5 years) class, and in favor of the associate teacher in the educational degree, and the university in favor of Bier Ziet University. Whereas the mean of the faculty members’ roles was (2.26) with differences in gender in favor of the females and as for the university, in was in favor of Bier Ziet University.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of using the intelligent learning environment ... more The aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of using the intelligent learning environment in the sixth graders students regarding the development of mathematical thinking & readiness for self-learning in the Directorate of South Hebron. This study was applied in the first semester of the academic year (2018/2019), on a target sample consisting of (110) students. The sample was distributed to two experimental sections (56) students, & was taught using a smart learning environment. In addition, this study was applied to a non-experimental sample that was divided into two groups of (54) students & studied using the conventional method. The study lasted four weeks.
The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of faculty’s use and stimulation of critical... more The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of faculty’s use and stimulation of critical thinking skills in the English Department at Al-Quds University. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire consisting of 21 items was designed and applied to the study sample, consisting of 95 students in the English Department at Al-Quds University in Palestine. In addition to that, 11 students from the same department were interviewed. The results of the study showed that the degree of faculty’s use and stimulation of critical thinking skills in the English Department were medium, and that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of the faculty’s use and stimulation of critical thinking due to gender and performance, and the presence of significant differences was due to level and in favor of third year English majors. The results of the students’ interview also showed that there were skills that teachers used largely as the skill of interpretatio...
This study aimed at finding out the degree of including international standards of science educat... more This study aimed at finding out the degree of including international standards of science education in the physics syllabus of the secondary stage in Palestinian schools. The sample of the study consisted of the analytical aspect of the physics textbooks of the eleventh and twelfth grades. The findings of the study show that the rates of including international standards of science education in these textbooks do not match expectations. The study also shows that the criterion of physics ranked first on the study scale among the criteria of content, followed by the criterion of science as a survey, and then the criterion of unified concepts and processes of science. However, there is obvious omission of the standards of science and technology, science from personal and societal perspectives, and the history and nature of science. In light of these results, the researcher recommends the development of the physics syllabus of the secondary stage to include international standards. The study, further, calls for more research on the assessment of physics textbooks and other disciples of science at different educational levels in view of content standards as well ason the impact of including such standards on the learning outputs.
Papers by Inas Naser