Papers by Abdulhamit KARADEMIR

Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 2023
Developments in information and communication technologies caused an increase in the possession o... more Developments in information and communication technologies caused an increase in the possession of digital tools and facilitated their use. The use of digital tools, especially the internet, now starts below the age of two. In this sense, during early childhood, parents have a great responsibility as they are primarily responsible for their children's "digital exposure." They need mediation strategies to determine their children's use of digital tools. This study aims to examine the parental mediation situations of the parents of preschool children. This study, conducted as a survey model, adapted the Parental Mediation Scale to the preschool level as a data collection tool. The participants of the study consisted of 108 parents of preschool children. The results of the study determined that the parental role (mother-father) and educational status of parents affected parental mediation strategies; whereas, the number of children, internet usage experience, income status, and the age of the parents or children did not affect said strategies. The qualitative analysis indicated that the parents have many concerns about the social-emotional and physical problems that may occur due to internet use in children from an early age. It is among the other qualitative results that parents prefer more direct intervention techniques and technical solutions to protect their children from the risks of the internet. As a result of the research, this study presents suggestions to parents and researchers for future studies on children's conscious use of digital tools.

International Journal of Educational Research Review
Bilingual children face various challenges when they start school. They have difficulty communica... more Bilingual children face various challenges when they start school. They have difficulty communicating with peers and adapting to school and have poor academic performance. This paper investigated teachers' views of and solutions to problems experienced by bilingual preschoolers. In this study a case study research design was adopted. The sample consisted of 11 preschool teachers from provinces in Eastern Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia regions. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview questionnaire developed by the researchers. The data were analyzed using inductive content analysis and presented in Tables with direct quotations from participant opinions. Participants stated that bilingual children had difficulty implementing receptive and expressive language skills, communicating with teachers, and obeying the classroom rules. Participants also noted that they had difficulty with classroom management and educational planning because they could not communicate with bilingual students. However, they reported that their bilingual students developed language skills in the later stages of preschool education. Teachers remarked that parental involvement and collaboration were critical. They advised their colleagues to be mentally and cognitively prepared, perform word-based teaching, collaborate with parents, and make use of books, songs, and rhymes.

Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 2022
This 13-week study aimed to determine whether early childhood science education integrated with p... more This 13-week study aimed to determine whether early childhood science education integrated with puppetry had a significant effect on preservice preschool teachers' critical and creative thinking skills. The study adopted a single-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 98 preservice preschool teachers from the Faculty of Education of Mus Alparslan University in the fall semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. Data were collected using the "How Creative Are You" (HCAR) scale and the California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI). The data were analyzed using a dependent samples t-test. The 13-week program moderately helped participants develop critical thinking dispositions and significantly helped them develop creative thinking skills. At the end of the program, there was a moderately and significantly positive correlation between critical thinking dispositions and creative thinking skills. The results were discussed in light of the literature, and recommendations were made for future research.

In this study, it is aimed to determine teachers„ views of classroom management in theory and pra... more In this study, it is aimed to determine teachers„ views of classroom management in theory and practice to help the development and implementation of new strategies to improve classroom management skills and to increase the quality of preschool education. The study sample consisted of 20 preschool teachers (19 women; 1 men) who have been working in public and private kindergartens within the central district of Muş in Turkey for 1 to 17 years. According to the results, participants‟ self-assessments of using reward and punishment strategies in classroom management show that Teacher Determination is the most important factor in the structuring, determination, and implementation of all other strategies used in classroom management. It is recommended that new approaches be developed in classroom management based on digitalization and Education 4.0. Teachers should be trained on different management strategies such as robot teachers, gamification and inverted classes.

International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 2021
We are going through hard times that remind us that good health is the most important thing in li... more We are going through hard times that remind us that good health is the most important thing in life. The COVID-19 pandemic has immensely affected everybody. Measures taken by all countries, including Turkey, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus have deprived students (from preschool to university) of face-to-face education. While the pandemic has had a profound impact on parents and educators, children's lives have been stuck between the "new normal" and the pandemic. This paper investigated how children and their parents experienced the pandemic, how they interacted, and managed educational activities at home. This was a case study, which is a qualitative research method. The sample consisted of 15 families with different sociocultural and socioeconomic status (SES) living in five cities in four regions of Turkey. Data were collected through video-audio recordings, observation notes, and e-interviews. Data were analyzed using second-cycle coding and inductive content analysis. The COVID-19 pandemic caused economic problems, especially in lowand middle-SES families. Economic problems and mental stress impeded the marital interaction patterns of couples, negatively affecting children the most. Upper-SES parents received support from teachers for homeschooling, but other parents faced numerous setbacks and made numerous errors during home-based education, causing parents despair and concern for their children's future. Of all participants, the children of the parents with COVID-19 related health problems were affected by outbreak measures the most. These results can help raise all stakeholders' awareness of the current situation. Given that the COVID-19 pandemic may continue for the foreseeable future, it is believed that the suggestions made to parents and educators for homeschooling can help mitigate the future impacts of the pandemic, especially on preschoolers.

Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2021
This study aimed to determine the views of thirty preservice preschool teachers recruited using c... more This study aimed to determine the views of thirty preservice preschool teachers recruited using convenience sampling on STEM education and engineering. Phenomenology was the design of choice. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form and analyzed using inductive content analysis. Participants offered different definitions of STEM education and thought that it could have contributions in numerous aspects. They also remarked that preschool STEM education on civil and computer engineering skills made teachers better equipped. They mentioned designs and projects for preschool STEM education as well. However, they had the stereotypical image of engineering as a dirty job for men working in construction sites and carrying sand. Results suggest that preschool undergraduate education should integrate STEM activities and offer workshops and trainings to change preservice preschool teachers' misconceptions about engineering.

Bridging Theory and Practice for Early Years Education, 2021
Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has taken a toll on every aspect of life. It has change... more Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has taken a toll on every aspect of life. It has changed how healthcare systems operate and dramatically affected people’s thoughts, expectations, lifestyles, and economic status. Countries have taken drastic measures (lockdowns, school closures, and stay-at-home orders) to prevent the spread of the virus, curtailing many social activities and trapping people in their homes for weeks, even months. However, the pandemic has claimed millions of lives and caused economic and social instability worldwide despite all those measures. This paper investigated what parents thought about distance preschool education during the pandemic. This study focused on how parents with different sociodemographic backgrounds coped with the pandemic. The study sought answers to the question, “How do the opportunities provided by parents affect the way they meet their children’s needs?” The study adopted phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design. The sample consisted of 79 parents recruited using snowball sampling. Data were collected using online surveys (Google Forms). The data were analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the pandemic caused sociological and emotional instability, making children more addicted to technology and less capable of engaging in social interactions. Participants found different solutions to pandemic-related problems. However, they believed that distance learning was worse than face-to-face learning. Teachers who were in contact with parents were better at managing the situation, keeping the negative impacts of the pandemic to a minimum. The pandemic will be around for some time in the future. Therefore, we should make recommendations to parents and educators about distance learning to mitigate the pandemic’s adverse effects on children.

Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 2021
Attitudes towards science and scientific perspectives in the future depend on early childhood sci... more Attitudes towards science and scientific perspectives in the future depend on early childhood science experiences. Preservice teachers who are provided with the opportunity to develop positive attitudes and self-efficacy towards science teaching before they enter professional life are more likely to help preschoolers develop positive attitudes towards science in their professional life. The aim of this 12week study was, therefore, to determine the effect of a shadow play workshop on early childhood preservice teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes towards science teaching and to investigate their workshop experiences and application processes. This study employed an explanatory sequential mixed methods design. The sample consisted of 24 first-year early childhood preservice teachers. Quantitative data were collected using the Early Childhood Teachers' Attitudes Toward Science Teaching (TSAS) and the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI) and were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and the dependent sample t-test. Qualitative data were collected through focus group interviews and observations and were analyzed using content analysis. Results showed that shadow play had a positive effect on participants' self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes towards science teaching, indicating that shadow play is an interesting, fun, and effective material that can be used in early childhood science education to turn abstract concepts into concrete forms. Results were discussed with reference to literature, and recommendations were made for future studies.
International Journal of Educational Methodology, 2021
This paper investigated how puppetry could be used to improve the standards of early childhood sc... more This paper investigated how puppetry could be used to improve the standards of early childhood science education. This study determined the effect of a puppet-making and puppetry workshop on preservice preschool teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards science education and looked into their experiences during and after puppet-making. Although participants faced some difficulties during the workshop, they developed numerous socioemotional skills. Puppetry activities can help preservice teachers learn how to deliver child-centered, stimulating, and interactive classes. Using puppets in early childhood science education can help teachers develop positive attitudes towards science and offer students high-quality, engaging, and creative activities.
Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 2021
This quantitative study aimed to address variables related to six classroom management models use... more This quantitative study aimed to address variables related to six classroom management models used by 1323 preservice preschool teachers: behavioral change theory, Dreikurs, Canter, Glasser, Kounin, and Gordon models. Data were collected using a demographic characteristics form and the Classroom Management Strategy Determination Scale. Data were analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling. Results showed that the classroom management course taught by experts helped preservice preschool teachers choose the right models. Gender played a role in Dreikurs' social discipline model, while undergraduate education played a role in Canter's assertive discipline model.

Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 2021
Quality in early childhood education services; are affected by factors such as the physical envir... more Quality in early childhood education services; are affected by factors such as the physical environment and material, teacher and related personnel competencies, the number of children in the classroom, the number of children per teacher, teacher and child interactions, program, communication, and family education and participation. Early childhood educators and researchers state that the provision of educational services in well-organized settings by qualified teachers and staff support children's early learning. Based on this view, in this research, the opinions of teachers, in-class assistant staff and institution managers working in nursery classes and kindergartens about quality in early childhood education were tried to be determined. The research, which was designed as a case study, is carried out in the central district of Muş in the 2019-2020 academic year. Six pre-school teachers and five administrators working at four primary schools and also six pre-school teachers and four administrators working at four kindergartens affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, selected by the sample of which the study the group could be accessed from the purposeful sampling forms. Nine questions were asked to the people determined within the scope of the research with semi-structured interview technique and their opinions about these questions were taken. The results of the research were analyzed using the inductive content analysis technique. As a result of this research conducted to compare different perspectives on quality in preschool education; besides physical conditions, the quality was found to be directly related to the quality of the teacher and the content of education and training services, and the positive attitude habits desired to be given to the children were indirectly related.

Preschool Inquiry-Based Mathematics in Practice: Perspectives of Teachers and Parents, 2021
An Inquiry-Based Mathematics Activities Module (IBMAM) consisting of integrated and child-centere... more An Inquiry-Based Mathematics Activities Module (IBMAM) consisting of integrated and child-centered activities was developed. IBMAM provides preschoolers 60-72 months of age with the opportunity to develop mathematical and inquiry skills and use them actively to construct their own learning. The present study aims to investigate the effects of IBMAM on preschoolers. Teachers' and parents' views were obtained, and long-term observations (16 weeks) were performed. Phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design, was used in this study. The study sample consisted of a preschool teacher of a kindergarten (Sincan, Ankara) and her children's parents in the academic year of 2016-2017. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teacher to assess the post-IBMAM process, changes in their views of math and math education, the effects of IBMAM on preschoolers' math skills and changes in the classroom. Preschoolers' parents' were also interviewed to evaluate changes in preschoolers at home. To support the results of the interviews, unattended and structured classroom observation was conducted twice a week for four months on certain dates. Instant field notes were taken during each observation, which was also videotaped. Data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Results showed that IBMAM contributed to all areas of development by providing a fun and educational setting that increased preschoolers' motivation. In the observations, it was understood that the applied module gave preschool children different perspectives, encouraged active participation, enabled learning to continue, and help enabled preschool children to use their scientific process skills more frequently. Moreover, parents noticed positive changes in their children, and therefore, were optimistic about the future.

The purpose of this study is to determine candidates of preschool teachers' behavior levels towar... more The purpose of this study is to determine candidates of preschool teachers' behavior levels towards a sustainable environment. The cross-sectional survey was employed in the present study, which was conducted within the quantitative paradigm. The population of the study consists of preschool teachers attending the undergraduate programs of preschool education at state universities in Turkey, and the sample of the study is composed of 1,049 pre-service teachers studying at the undergraduate programs of preschool education at Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Anadolu University, Ege University, Kastamonu University, and Muş Alparslan University in their first, second, third, or fourth years and were voluntary to participate in the study. The research data were collected via personal information form and The Behaviour Scale for Sustainable Environmental Education, developed by Demirci Güler and Afacan (2012) for administration to instructors, in May and June 2014. This scale is a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of three sub-dimensions and 29 items. Its Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.94. Based on the opinions taken from the domain experts specialized in preschool education for the administration of the scale to the pre-service teachers, no modification was made in any item, and the internal consistency of the scale was recalculated and found to be 0.89 over the data obtained from 493 pre-service teachers. The data obtained from 556 pre-service teachers were analyzed through appropriate statistical analyses. It was found out that the pre-service teachers' behaviors towards sustainable environment vary by gender and the university attended, but do not differ by grade, the status of receiving a course about sustainable development, and status of being a member of a non-governmental organization.

As the importance attached to preschool education has increased in recent years, researchers have... more As the importance attached to preschool education has increased in recent years, researchers have begun to discuss the quality of educational and care services. This study aims to show the views of assistant teachers working at preschool educational institutions concerning quality, investigate their influence on quality, and reveal the effect of quality on education. The study was conducted in Eskişehir, Turkey, in the 2014–2015 academic year. It was conducted with assistant teachers in classrooms in two different schools. Six teachers and six assistant teachers took part in the study. The survey model and the phenomenological design, which is a qualitative research method and design, were employed. The Teacher Interview Form and the Assistant Teacher Interview Form developed by the researchers were used for collecting data. Data were gathered through interviews which lasted almost 40 mins (each interview) on predetermined dates. The research data were analysed via QSR-Nvivo 8. Both teachers and assistant teachers stated that the quality of preschool education can be improved not only by upgrading the physical condition of schools but also by taking into consideration all of children’s developmental areas. Based on the interviews with the teachers concerning the influence of assistant teachers on the quality of education, it was concluded that assistant teachers can contribute to improving the quality. As assistant teachers work both inside and outside of classrooms, teachers have less workload and more chances to deal with students.

The purpose of this research is to review the perceptions of faculty members, preschool teachers,... more The purpose of this research is to review the perceptions of faculty members, preschool teachers, and preschool teacher candidates with regard to the Anti-Bias Education Programs (ABEP) by using a phenomenological pattern. The participants' metaphors on ABEP were established and categorized and the differences in participants' perceptions were analyzed in terms of their demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and service time. The working group of this research consisted of 129 participants: from 17 universities, 22 faculty members from the Education Faculty Preschool Education Departments and 71 preschool teacher candidates, studying in the fourth year of the PreSchool Education Departments; and 36 preschool teachers from 9 different cities. The findings of this study show that faculty members produced 17, teachers produced 28 and teacher candidates produced 30 different metaphors about ABEP. The faculty members' metaphors vary in terms of age and service time, whereas the teachers' vary in terms of service time, type of institution, education level and age. Teacher candidates' metaphors vary in terms of age and gender. Bu araştırmada olgu bilim deseni kullanılarak öğretim üyelerinin, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin ve okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının Ayrımcılık Karşıtı Eğitim Programlarına (AKEP) yönelik metaforlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 17 üniversitenin Eğitim Fakültesi Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalı'nda görev yapan 22 öğretim üyesi, ve bu üniversitelerin Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalları'nın 4. sınıflarında okuyan 71 okul öncesi öğretmen adayı, 9 farklı ilden 36 okul öncesi öğretmeni olmak üzere toplam 129 katılımcı oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan anket formu aracılığı ile toplanmıştır. Katılımcılardan elde edilen veriler, içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizlerde, katılımcıların AKEP' e yönelik ürettikleri metaforlar incelenmiş ve bu metaforlara ilişkin kategoriler oluşturulmuştur. Katılımcıların demografik özelliklerine göre metaforlarındaki farklılıklar incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, AKEP'e yönelik öğretim üyelerinin 17, öğretmenlerin 28 ve öğretmen adaylarının 30 farklı metafor ürettikleri görülmüştür. Öğretim üyelerinin geliştirdikleri metaforların uzmanlık alanı ve cinsiyete, öğretmen adaylarının geliştirdikleri metaforların yaşa ve cinsiyete, öğretmenlerin ise; hizmet süresi, görev yaptığı okul türü, öğrenim durumu ve yaşa göre farklılık göstermiştir.

The object of this study was to determine how often and which social and emotional skills are inc... more The object of this study was to determine how often and which social and emotional skills are included in the plans prepared by preschool teachers in preschool education institutions. A case study among qualitative research designs was used in the direction to the purpose determined in this research. Data for this study was obtained through using the document analysis method regarding the activity plans prepared and applied by 38 preschool teachers working in independent kindergartens in the central district of Ağrı Province. The data includes activity plans for the spring term of the 2014-2015 academic year. The data obtained was analyzed using content analysis and the results are given with frequencies in tables. As a result of this research, it was found that the preschool teachers include achievements such as s/he expresses himself/herself with creative ways, s/he introduces his/her characteristics, s/he obeys the rules in different environments and s/he explains the emotions of others related to an event or situation the most for the children in the activity plans, and s/he realizes the value of artworks, s/he solves his/her problems with others, s/he introduces the characteristics of his/her family the least. It was found that preschool teachers include achievements such as s/he expresses his/her emotions, thoughts and dreams in unique ways, s/he can tell his/her name and/or surname related to social and emotional development the most; and s/he can tell his/her home address, s/he can tell his/her phone number, s/he becomes agreeable when necessary, s/he expresses his/her feelings related to artworks and s/he can tell what to do to defend the rights of others.

In this study, it is aimed to determine teachers„ views of classroom management in theory and pra... more In this study, it is aimed to determine teachers„ views of classroom management in theory and practice to help the development and implementation of new strategies to improve classroom management skills and to increase the quality of preschool education. The study sample consisted of 20 preschool teachers (19 women; 1 men) who have been working in public and private kindergartens within the central district of Muş in Turkey for 1 to 17 years. According to the results, participants‟ self-assessments of using reward and punishment strategies in classroom management show that Teacher Determination is the most important factor in the structuring, determination, and implementation of all other strategies used in classroom management. It is recommended that new approaches be developed in classroom management based on digitalization and Education 4.0. Teachers should be trained on different management strategies such as robot teachers, gamification and inverted classes.
This research, which aims to determine the perceptions of preschool children about their percepti... more This research, which aims to determine the perceptions of preschool children about their perceptions about the concept of "teacher" and their drawings, is a qualitative study in the phenomenology model. The study group of the study is 125 children studying in 5 kindergartens affiliated with the Muş province of 48-69 months. This research, which uses drawings of children about the concept of "teacher" and expressions about their drawings, is divided into conceptual categories with content analysis and examined in detail. As a result of the research, it was concluded that children produced the most flowers and human metaphors about the concept of "teacher". In addition, it has been observed that collecting data by drawing on the drawings gives positive results and the drawings can be used as a tool for children to convey their feelings and thoughts.

In this study, it has been intend to get data about the existing materials used by preschool teac... more In this study, it has been intend to get data about the existing materials used by preschool teachers in music centers in preschool education, to identify the problems encountered by the teachers in planning and practicing the musical activities by taking the opinions about how frequently these music materials are used in the musical activities, and to determine the methods and techniques implemented by them. The research is a qualitative study that is in the pattern of phenomenology. 19 preschool teachers serving within the borders of the central district of Mus Province compose the study group of the research. The selection of the study group is based on the goal-oriented sampling among the non-probability sampling methods and easily accessible case sampling included in this sampling. As data collection instrument in the research, semi-structured interview form has been conducted. Content analysis, in which the inductive approach is based on, has been used in the data analysis of the interviews implemented with the teachers. In the study, it has been concluded that the teachers mostly use the musical activities to improve the sense of rhythm in their class. It can be recommended that the preschool teachers should make a profession association with the universities for the solution of problems related to classroom management they encounter in performing the musical activities and keep themselves up to date with new methods and techniques. It may also be advisable to use the micro teaching method in terms of seeing their deficiencies at this stage and generating their own solutions to proceed.
Papers by Abdulhamit KARADEMIR