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This article refers to the vision, methods, objectives and strategic environmental policies of ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States. ECOWAS directs its policy for urgent restoration of the environment and fights against... more
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      International LawPublic International LawEcologyEcological Laws
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      International LawPolitical EcologyPublic International LawEcology
The article deals with the analyses of the formation and development of international environmental law on the African continent in the 20th- early 21st centuries. In comparative terms a study of international legal instruments in this... more
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      International LawPoliticsPublic International LawEcology
Paris organise la conférence mondiale sur le climat du 30 novembre au 11 décembre 2015. Cette grande messe universelle sur le réchauffement climatique a failli être annulée à cause des attentats terroristes de Paris qui ont fait au moins... more
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      Environmental EducationClimate ChangeInternational LawEnvironmental Studies
The development of Africa is threatened not only by armed crises, terrorism, recurring health problems issues the latest of which is the humanitarian disaster caused by the Ebola virus, but also by the increase of problems related to... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesInternational LawMaritime Law
La Tunisie a été le premier pays à tirer la sonnette d’alarme face à une dictature qui rongeait son système depuis des années. La révolution du jasmin n’était rien d’autre que le ras-le-bol d’une génération fatiguée de la restriction... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational DevelopmentSocial movements and revolution
A l’heure du changement climatique où toutes les nations cherchent refuge dans la préservation de leur habitat à savoir sol, air et eau, nous au contraire, peuple africain, sommes amenés à nous battre pour diviser ces mêmes biens, à nous... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsInternational LawAfrican Diaspora Studies
This PowerPoint presentation gives an extensive assessment on Migration, its historical roots, policies monitoring cross-border movements and some legal definitions.
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      Irregular MigrationInternational MigrationForced MigrationMigration Studies
This PowerPoint presentation deals with the European Environmental Policy. It was presented the first time for the United Nations summer school in the green capital of Europe 2016: Ljubljana. Nearly 50 students from Europe, Africa and... more
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      HumanitiesEnvironmental LawInternational LawHuman Rights
Abstract Europe has experienced an unprecedented migratory crisis in recent years. Its extents have largely made headlines, causing trouble, incomprehension, fear, and hysteria. Since the Second World War, mankind has not experienced a... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesInternational Studies
В статье анализируются положения Лагосского договора 1975 г. и Котон-ского договора 1993 г., являющихся учредительными документами Экономи-ческого сообщества стран Западной Африки (ЭКОВАС), с целью выяснения экологической компетенции как... more
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      International LawEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityRegional Integration
В статье говорится об имплементаций экологических норм в сфере охраны окружающей среды в Эковас, экономическое сообщество стран Западной Африки. ЭКОВАС – один из крупнейших и комплексных из региональных организаций в Западной Африке. В... more
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      Environmental EducationInternational StudiesInternational LawRegional development
This article deals with the lack of clear definitions and policy of some modern threats such as piracy and migration in the international legal arsenal. It explores some causes of the migratory crisis, mainly due to unsuccessful... more
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      International LawInternational MigrationMigration StudiesMaritime Piracy and Transnational Criminal Organizations
This article discusses the topic of population growth in Africa, a recurring theme in the era of climate change and the fight against CO2 emissions. The African continent is full of essential raw materials and encompasses the youngest... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesInternational Studies
This chapter highlights the mechanisms and means used by international law to protect children in armed conflict situations. Children frequently find themselves as participants in both national and international conflicts and face the... more
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    • International law, international relations, human rights law, international humanitarian law, international organisations, law and politics
This article discusses the impact of United Nations (UN) conferences on environmental protection, specifically the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (PCA) and its effects on sustainable technologies. Various regulations to fight against global... more
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      Climate ChangeInternational LawSustainable DevelopmentPolitics and International relations
This article discusses the impact of the coronavirus epidemic which has caused economic stagnation and restrictions on access to justice. The digitisation of justice has been boosted by this fact, giving rise to legal and practical... more
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      Civil LawNew Communication TechnologiesCivil ProcedureDigitalisation
This paper examines some international legal principles and Africa’s unique perspectives on criminal justice institutions, focusing on the 2012 Model Law on Universal Jurisdiction, the principle of complementarity and the proposal to... more
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      Criminal JusticeInternational LawInternational Criminal LawAfricana Studies
This article looks at EU policies in the framework of the promotion of sustainable tourism through the management of natural and cultural heritage. Protecting European traditions and values means ensuring their passing on to future... more
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      Cultural HeritageInternational LawSustainable DevelopmentUnesco