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This article studies the influence of Imam Ḥusayn b. ͑Alī’s movement against the Ummayad Caliph, Yazīd b. Muʿāwiya, in the year 680/61 on the formulation of the concept of “revolution” in Islamic legal thinking. There are four theories... more
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This article deals with the importance of studying comparative religion especially for students of religious studies. It considers the approach of cross-religious comparisons not only a possibility but also a current necessity for... more
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What follows is a summary of the book Shumūl al-Sharī‘ah (Comprehensiveness of the Shari‘ah – Discussions on Extents of Legal Reference Between Intellect and Revelation) written by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah. The published book is around 820... more
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This post was inspired by a number of lessons on this principle given by Shaykh Hobbollah in between his advanced jurisprudential classes on Citizenship Law and Religious Minorities. --- The Golden Rule is an ethical principle dictating... more
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    • Ethics
Transcribed and translated by Syed Ali Imran (Canada) One of the classes I'm attending this year are lessons on legal theory focusing on Expediency (al-maṣlaḥa) and Purposes of Islamic Law (al-maqāṣid al-sharʿīyyah). These lessons are... more
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    • Islamic Law
What follows are transcriptions of 7 lessons from the khārij of Fiqh classes on Jurisprudence of Citizenship Law and Religious Minorities, given by Haidar Hobballah. These specific lessons were given between December 30th 2018 to January... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic law and jurisprudence
The following is an abridged translation of a seminar given by Shaykh Haydar entitled "The Problem of Frustration and Regression in The Path of Students of Knowledge". In this talk, he outlines some of the challenges and obstacles that... more
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      ReligionEducationStudent Motivation And Engagement
This is the Lesson #105, March 7th, 2020-the Uṣūl lesson was dedicated on the Covid-19 Pandemic. We were meant to begin speaking about the implications of Maqāsid-based ijtihād from today, but I would like to take a moment to speak about... more
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    • Religion
Translation: Shayan Shirazi This is a translation of a response by Shaykh Haidar Hobbollah to a question posed to him, which can be found in volume one of his collection of questions and answers entitled Iḍāʾāt fī al-fikr wa al-dīn wa... more
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      Comparative ReligionTheologyIslamic Contemporary Studies
This is an English transcription of three talks given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah at Jami'at al-Zahra-one of the largest women's seminary in the city of Qom.
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    • Theology
The Prophet Muḥammad b. ʿAbdullāh ﷺ symbolises the greatest personality in Islam, for he possesses the divine message and bears news from God, the Exalted. He is our window to the celestial realm and our path to divine revelation; the one... more
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      HistoryIslamic History
translated by Syed Ali Imran (Canada) The following is an abridged translation of an article written by Shaykh Ḥaider Ḥobollah on 23 rd of April, 2012. The complete Arabic version can be read here.-Many words in any given language change... more
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      PhilosophyQuranic Studies
Translated by Abu Dujana (UK) What follows is a translation of some of the conclusions reached by Sheikh Haider Hobbollah in his Rijāli discussions ‫السندي‬ ‫النقد‬ ‫(منطق‬ 1 : 863 ‫ـ‬ 378) whereby he discusses the obstacles in reaching... more
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      HistoryHadith Studies
The discussion regarding the infallible’s (maʿṣūm) knowledge of the unseen (ghayb) takes place in two stages:

1. Is it necessary or required for the infallible to have this knowledge?
2. Does the infallible actually have this knowledge?
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Many people say that cursing (laʿn) has been mentioned in tens of verses in the Qurʿān and they argue that this is evidence for the religious legality of cursing as well as a striking rebuttal to those who claim that it is forbidden or... more
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During 2018-2019 academic year's lessons on legal theory by Shaykh Haider Hobollah, a brief discussion was opened up over two sessions (lesson 116 on April 6th, 2019 and lesson 117 on April 7th, 2019) in response to an analysis done by... more
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      Islamic LawHadith Studies
We presented with extreme brevity, whilst attempting to understand this chapter, some exegetical principles which are suitable to be used generally in all exegetical studies, We shall present them once again as follows: The first... more
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    • Quran and Tafsir Studies
Transcribed and translated by Syed Ali Imran (Canada) The following is an expanded transcript from advance lessons on Expediency (al-maṣlaḥa) and Purposes of Islamic Law (al-maqāṣid al-sharʿīyyah) being delivered by Shaykh Ḥaider... more
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    • Hadith Studies
What follows is a transcript from lessons 107 & 108 – March 9th and 10th 2020 - of last year’s advanced jurisprudence lessons on Food and Drinks given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah in the city of Qom. The discussion below is regarding the... more
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    • Islamic Law