Al-Mahdi Institute
This article identifies ways in which philosophical ideas of personhood influence rulings concerning abortion. The terms ‘life’, ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’ are clarified through a comparative study of authoritative Shīʿa texts. There is a... more
This paper seeks to ascertain whether it is justifiable to equate the various types of state taxes in the modern era with legitimate instances of zakāt. This is because, by and large, they serve the same societal function as zakāt,... more
This paper will critically compare the precepts of autonomy (qāʿida salṭana/tasālut) and ‘lack of harm’ (qāʿida lā ḍarar). Part one will present the traditional discussion on the meaning and remit of each precept. Part two will... more
The discussions pertaining to God’s sanctioning of the ‘apparent’ regulations, albeit indirectly, acquire a central position within the post-Anṣārī uṣūlī tradition. This is because a significant proportion of the regulations derived... more
The discussions pertaining to God’s sanctioning of the ‘apparent’ regulations, albeit indirectly, acquire a central position within the post-Anṣārī uṣūlī tradition. This is because a significant proportion of the regulations derived... more
In light of the notions of ‘form’ and ‘essence’ as per the existential framework, this paper demonstrates that the proscription of trading with impure substances, and the strict protocols on maintaining a state of purity and being... more
This paper surmises that the freedoms of thought and expression are integral to human growth and progression. The freedoms humankind accords to itself are the outcome of the existential state of evolutionary growth enjoyed by existence at... more
The universality and immutability that is ascribed by traditional Islamic scholarship to societal gender roles and spousal relations, rights, and responsibilities espoused in the Sharīʿa regulations and stipulations of the revelatory era... more