Papers by Literasi Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan

Answering the question of why Muslims fall down suffering in many fields, including economics, is... more Answering the question of why Muslims fall down suffering in many fields, including economics, is the work done by Chapra in this book. By using the model of the dynamics of socioeconomic analysis of Ibn Khaldun, he began to read and trace the history of Muslims. Eventually he gained a few main factors causing the decline of Islam, namely: the movement of sufism which is not running on rails of origin, poor appreciation of the role of women, and declining quality of education. Deterioration occurs because of political authority (G) negligent of its responsibilities, especially in upholding justice and Shariah, guarantee facilities to the people (N), and realize their full potential. According to him, an urgent solutions must be implemented by Muslims are moving revival (resurrection) of Islam with one of its programs to critically analyze what is coming from the West to conform to the Islamic world view and values. The call to develop Islamic economics is just one strand of the Islamic revivalism movement. Terkait dengan kemunduran umat Islam, model dinamika sosio-ekonomi Ibnu Khaldun memungkinkan kita menjawab sebagian persoalan penting yang harus dijawab oleh ilmu ekonomi Islam. Persoalan-persoalan tentang mengapa

be formed if each resident is able to maintain harmony among the families, families with the publ... more be formed if each resident is able to maintain harmony among the families, families with the public, community and government, namely creation of an implementation of the rights and obligations can be met. Furthermore, he expressed the characteristics of an Islamic social order that is social equality, the right to exploit the wealth proportionately and private ownership recognized and protected in Islam, an Islamic mandate to engage in economic activities by setting a good rule to ensure the implementation of these activitiesin an honest and benefit, elimination of the capitalist system in all fields of economic activity, modern planning concept that refers to the utilization of domestic resources to achieve certain goals which are subject to the orders of the holy book of Qur'an and Sunnah, the creation of social justice. Other than that he would affirm the concept of welfare state in Islam, by applying the values in the teachings of Islam as a moral and spiritual values , economic values, and Islamic social and political values. Next will be explained about the Islamic social order is clear, concise, and solid. Keywords: Islamic social order and its characteristics, the concept of welfare states with moral , spiritual, social, political, and economic.

According to M. Abdul Mannan in his book Islamic Economics, Theory and
Practice, espe... more ABSTRACT
According to M. Abdul Mannan in his book Islamic Economics, Theory and
Practice, especially in Chapter VIII describes about how to realize the Islamic prictotally with emphasis on the aspect of needs (needs) to human and human resourceMannan also describes how to create an Islamic market and an ideal industrial which
related between producers and consumers, including the labor which is
then connected to the various factors that influence the price increase.
Mannan price classifies into four forms namely the monopolyprice, actual price increases, price increases imitation, and the price increasecaused by the necessities of life. Mannan provide advice in the form ofestablishment Wilayatul-hisba or supervisory agency prices, while on the otherhand the need for the establishment of consumer associations who have a bargaining
position against the manufacturer, in addition dialogue method in caseof problems between them. The government also felt necessary to make theregulation and supervision of prices that not harm consumers and society.
Key words: ijtihad, price Islami, Islami work patterns, the dialogue.
Islamic ethic is representation of axioms that includes four elements namely, unity, equally, ind... more Islamic ethic is representation of axioms that includes four elements namely, unity, equally, independent and responsibility. Ethics also meets all the principal characteristics of the axiom system: minimal, consistent, and independent. The device of this axiom also reflects the central message of the Islamic social philosophy is refusing of the status quo that is not fair and the demands of social change. Analysis used in this chapter is the use of ethical beliefs in a typical Muslim community as a valid logical basis of economic behavior.

M. Umer Chapra discusses various concepts that related to the Islamic
economic system a... more ABSTRACT
M. Umer Chapra discusses various concepts that related to the Islamic
economic system and compare with the conventional economic system, directions
and challenges facing the Islamic economy in the future as well as, as the central
theme of his book, he picked up the concept of Ibn Khaldun's economic
development. Interestingly, he managed to formulate the concept into a cycle
that is easy to understand.
He not only succeeded in formulating the concept of Ibn Khaldun into the
cycle of increase progress and decrease cycles, but also he was able
to further define the relationship between one component of
development linkages with other components. Ibn Khaldun explains the important
for the development of Sharia (S), the development community (W), law
enforcement and other Development (j & g), as well as the role of
Government (G). Umer Chapra formulate these components in the cycle, the
cycle advances toward him: SNW-j & g-GS and other cycle: j & g-WNSGj
In this article, he discusses about some of the thinking of classical
Islamic scholars who provide the base foundation in the concept of Islamic
economics in particular Ibn Khaldun in his several works such as
the Muqaddimah, which tried to determine factors affecting quality by analyzing
factors such as the role of interconnected moral factors, psychological, political,
economic, social, demographic, and historical phenomena of the rise and fall of
dynasties and civilizations.
Key words: Capra, Systems, Economics, Islam.

Issues that are fundamentally appointed by Mannan in his book entitled: "Islamic Economic Theory ... more Issues that are fundamentally appointed by Mannan in his book entitled: "Islamic Economic Theory and Practice" in the Islamic economic system in the theory or production concept is the principle of wealth. The concept of economic welfare in Islam consists of an increase in revenues that caused by increasing of production of good material through using resources maximally, both human and objects. Thus, the improvement of production system in Islam not only mean increased revenues that can only be measured in terms of money, but also improvements in the fulfillment of our needs maximally with minimal effort, but still consider the commandments of Islam in consumption. When talking about the concept of ownership, Mannan had been taken ownership based on the Quran and As-Sunnah. In this case, Islam was different from capitalism and communism, because none of them was successful in placing individuals in a mosaic of social harmony. Private property is the foundation of capitalism. In other hand reducing of private property is its abolition is a target of socialist doctrine.

Based on research finding, santris‟ perspective toward market as the main role
of economic which ... more Based on research finding, santris‟ perspective toward market as the main role
of economic which should conform syariah principles in order to get halal and toyyib
profit. To create an Islamic market it is necessary to build Islamic markets or
Islamize markets, in other words to fix the existing contract based on the syariah
principles. In Islamic market, traders who do not understand syariah law are not
allowed to enter the market. They can get training on syariah law, so can apply it on
the market. Based on santris‟ perspective, an Islamic market is not made based on
whether or not there is rent and retribution fee. It is how the market does the
transaction with syariah principles.
On santris‟ perspective, exchange medium in Islamic market is not always
dinar and dirham. It does not emphasize exchange medium but traders‟ behavior
whether they do the transaction based on syariah principles or not. Furthermore,
using dinar or dirham does not guaranty no-usury because gold and silver belong to
usury item. The most important thing is a role of hisbah council in watching market
activities. They should watch the market and see how the transaction happened
between traders.
Key words: market, Islam, Santri
Papers by Literasi Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
According to M. Abdul Mannan in his book Islamic Economics, Theory and
Practice, especially in Chapter VIII describes about how to realize the Islamic prictotally with emphasis on the aspect of needs (needs) to human and human resourceMannan also describes how to create an Islamic market and an ideal industrial which
related between producers and consumers, including the labor which is
then connected to the various factors that influence the price increase.
Mannan price classifies into four forms namely the monopolyprice, actual price increases, price increases imitation, and the price increasecaused by the necessities of life. Mannan provide advice in the form ofestablishment Wilayatul-hisba or supervisory agency prices, while on the otherhand the need for the establishment of consumer associations who have a bargaining
position against the manufacturer, in addition dialogue method in caseof problems between them. The government also felt necessary to make theregulation and supervision of prices that not harm consumers and society.
Key words: ijtihad, price Islami, Islami work patterns, the dialogue.
M. Umer Chapra discusses various concepts that related to the Islamic
economic system and compare with the conventional economic system, directions
and challenges facing the Islamic economy in the future as well as, as the central
theme of his book, he picked up the concept of Ibn Khaldun's economic
development. Interestingly, he managed to formulate the concept into a cycle
that is easy to understand.
He not only succeeded in formulating the concept of Ibn Khaldun into the
cycle of increase progress and decrease cycles, but also he was able
to further define the relationship between one component of
development linkages with other components. Ibn Khaldun explains the important
for the development of Sharia (S), the development community (W), law
enforcement and other Development (j & g), as well as the role of
Government (G). Umer Chapra formulate these components in the cycle, the
cycle advances toward him: SNW-j & g-GS and other cycle: j & g-WNSGj
In this article, he discusses about some of the thinking of classical
Islamic scholars who provide the base foundation in the concept of Islamic
economics in particular Ibn Khaldun in his several works such as
the Muqaddimah, which tried to determine factors affecting quality by analyzing
factors such as the role of interconnected moral factors, psychological, political,
economic, social, demographic, and historical phenomena of the rise and fall of
dynasties and civilizations.
Key words: Capra, Systems, Economics, Islam.
of economic which should conform syariah principles in order to get halal and toyyib
profit. To create an Islamic market it is necessary to build Islamic markets or
Islamize markets, in other words to fix the existing contract based on the syariah
principles. In Islamic market, traders who do not understand syariah law are not
allowed to enter the market. They can get training on syariah law, so can apply it on
the market. Based on santris‟ perspective, an Islamic market is not made based on
whether or not there is rent and retribution fee. It is how the market does the
transaction with syariah principles.
On santris‟ perspective, exchange medium in Islamic market is not always
dinar and dirham. It does not emphasize exchange medium but traders‟ behavior
whether they do the transaction based on syariah principles or not. Furthermore,
using dinar or dirham does not guaranty no-usury because gold and silver belong to
usury item. The most important thing is a role of hisbah council in watching market
activities. They should watch the market and see how the transaction happened
between traders.
Key words: market, Islam, Santri
According to M. Abdul Mannan in his book Islamic Economics, Theory and
Practice, especially in Chapter VIII describes about how to realize the Islamic prictotally with emphasis on the aspect of needs (needs) to human and human resourceMannan also describes how to create an Islamic market and an ideal industrial which
related between producers and consumers, including the labor which is
then connected to the various factors that influence the price increase.
Mannan price classifies into four forms namely the monopolyprice, actual price increases, price increases imitation, and the price increasecaused by the necessities of life. Mannan provide advice in the form ofestablishment Wilayatul-hisba or supervisory agency prices, while on the otherhand the need for the establishment of consumer associations who have a bargaining
position against the manufacturer, in addition dialogue method in caseof problems between them. The government also felt necessary to make theregulation and supervision of prices that not harm consumers and society.
Key words: ijtihad, price Islami, Islami work patterns, the dialogue.
M. Umer Chapra discusses various concepts that related to the Islamic
economic system and compare with the conventional economic system, directions
and challenges facing the Islamic economy in the future as well as, as the central
theme of his book, he picked up the concept of Ibn Khaldun's economic
development. Interestingly, he managed to formulate the concept into a cycle
that is easy to understand.
He not only succeeded in formulating the concept of Ibn Khaldun into the
cycle of increase progress and decrease cycles, but also he was able
to further define the relationship between one component of
development linkages with other components. Ibn Khaldun explains the important
for the development of Sharia (S), the development community (W), law
enforcement and other Development (j & g), as well as the role of
Government (G). Umer Chapra formulate these components in the cycle, the
cycle advances toward him: SNW-j & g-GS and other cycle: j & g-WNSGj
In this article, he discusses about some of the thinking of classical
Islamic scholars who provide the base foundation in the concept of Islamic
economics in particular Ibn Khaldun in his several works such as
the Muqaddimah, which tried to determine factors affecting quality by analyzing
factors such as the role of interconnected moral factors, psychological, political,
economic, social, demographic, and historical phenomena of the rise and fall of
dynasties and civilizations.
Key words: Capra, Systems, Economics, Islam.
of economic which should conform syariah principles in order to get halal and toyyib
profit. To create an Islamic market it is necessary to build Islamic markets or
Islamize markets, in other words to fix the existing contract based on the syariah
principles. In Islamic market, traders who do not understand syariah law are not
allowed to enter the market. They can get training on syariah law, so can apply it on
the market. Based on santris‟ perspective, an Islamic market is not made based on
whether or not there is rent and retribution fee. It is how the market does the
transaction with syariah principles.
On santris‟ perspective, exchange medium in Islamic market is not always
dinar and dirham. It does not emphasize exchange medium but traders‟ behavior
whether they do the transaction based on syariah principles or not. Furthermore,
using dinar or dirham does not guaranty no-usury because gold and silver belong to
usury item. The most important thing is a role of hisbah council in watching market
activities. They should watch the market and see how the transaction happened
between traders.
Key words: market, Islam, Santri