[16 Aug 2005|04:57pm] |
i'm sooo sorry i haven't updated in a while, i've been working like crazy. please keep promoting! i promise to update soon!!! ♥
promotion buttons! |
[21 Jul 2005|03:34pm] |

yeah, so they are really rushed and not very good, but we needed something. so, PROMOTE!
(new post tonight or tomorrow!)
EDIT: they didn't work before but now i fixed them!!
[19 Jul 2005|11:18pm] |
hello loves. sorry i haven't updated in a while, i've been working alot and was down the shore for the weekend. i work hours tomorrow and 5 the next day, but after all that craziness i'll get to updating.
so, leave any suggestions here. so far i'm thinking lots of OC icons, cause i miss it.
we now have 132 members!! yay! so when i update i'll make some promotion banners/buttons and everyone needs to start promoting, ok?! thanks.
[04 Jul 2005|11:57pm] |
ok, so i just finished putting everything from this___myshit onto here, so check out the past 10 entries if you'd like. i'll update with a new entry tomorrow, hopefully this community stuff goes ok! i'll make a layout once things get going too.
members only |
[04 Jul 2005|10:20pm] |
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