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The presence of seasonal effects in monthly returns has been reported in several developed and emerging stock markets. The objective of this study is to explore the interplay between the month-of-the-year effect and market crash effects... more
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      Stock Market EfficiencyAsian Finance
Foreign exchange risk is the effect that unanticipated exchange rate changes have on the value of the firm. There are a variety of strategies which are designed to manage foreign exchange risk. Each of them, however, is constructed under... more
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    • Foreign exchange risk
Asset pricing theory is a framework designed to identify and measure risk, as well as to assign rewards for bearing risk. There is a general contention that the simple Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) does not adequately describe stock... more
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Globalization is the gradual disappearance of territorial differences in economic activities and therefore understanding cross-cultural customs and business practices, working on promoting efficiency and optimizing profitability in a... more
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    • Globalization
The MSME sector is a major source of growth in developing and transition economies. Despite their economic significance, MSMEs face a number of bottlenecks that prevent them from achieving their full potential. A major obstacle in MSME... more
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    • Credit Risk Analysis
The human resource outsourcing (HRO) industry in India is at a crucial juncture in its short history. Organizations are increasingly taking up HRO as an opportunity to streamline processes, reduce costs, get access to the latest... more
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Movements in SENSEX are a result of a complex interplay of a host of factors. Hence, it is not easy to make a correct assessment of its movement, and the task becomes all the more difficult when SENSEX witnesses a lot of volatility.... more
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Derivatives have become widely accepted as tools for hedging and risk-management, and also to some extent for speculation. A more recent trend has been gaining some ground, that of arbitrage in derivatives.
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An increasing number of business-to-business companies are becoming aware of the power of word-of-mouth communication, also referred to as viral marketing, or buzz. This has lead to an explosion of interest in word-of-mouth communication... more
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      Buzz MarketingViral Marketing
Commodity markets have been gaining importance in recent years, giving participants an opportunity to go for forward contracting and hedging. In particular, derivative markets have attained more than eighteen times in trading volume when... more
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The presence of seasonal effects in monthly returns has been reported in several developed and emerging stock markets. The objective of this study is to explore the interplay between the month-of-the-year effect and market crash effects... more
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      Stock Market EfficiencyAsian Finance
The post-global financial crisis outlook for the Indian information technology-enabled services (ITeS) sector is fraught with uncertainty. Several major information technology (IT) companies are in the process of corporate restructuring... more
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Many firms in the service industry face the problem of disparate results in terms of efficiency. This problem is a cause of concern for many big organizations such as banks, hotels, courier companies, and so on. In particular, the last... more
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      Data Envelopment AnalysisIOSR Journal of Business and Management
This paper proposes a goal programming model for working capital management. Goal programming is necessary to model the working capital decision, as a balance has to be achieved between the conflicting objectives of liquidity and... more
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Company investment announcements can be expected to affect the long-term performance of its stock prices. If the stock markets are efficient (Fama; 1970), investors expect the market to react quickly to the announcement, adjusting the... more
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e-retailing and database marketing are two emerging industries that require strong support from the CRM system. For a website it is important to keep customers interested and come back frequently to visit. As web data and direct marketing... more
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Volatility is one of the key factors for an investor before investing in the capital market. High volatility is seen as a sign of investor nervousness, while low volatility is sign of confidence. Contrary to popular perception, volatility... more
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Purpose: The process of mergers and acquisitions has gained substantial importance in today's corporate world. During mergers and acquisitions, employees experience several emotional and social challenges. The social identity theory of... more
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    • Social identity theory