Alliance University
Alliance Theological Seminary
Preachers who have not received theological training can learn to prepare expository biblical sermons using an inductive dual authorial intent hermeneutic. A method to do so was devised based on inductive Bible study techniques and a dual... more
Lawrie Balfour, Benjamin Hertzberg, Jack Knight and Cara Wong offer comments on my book, The Imperative of Integration, that raise critically important questions about the ways a pragmatist methodology should treat ideals in non-ideal... more
In their book A Theology for Christian Education, the authors state that their book is not only written for those who teach theology but for every Christian with a deep desire to understand the theology of Christian Education. The book is... more
Many people harbor the desire to be leaders. In churches across the globe many individuals seek to be recognized as leaders. This can be attributed to the fact that leadership positions not only command respect but give room for influence... more
In his book Introducing Christian Education: Foundations for the Twenty-First Century, Michael J. Anthony presents us with the question “What is Christian education and how do we introduce it to the twenty-first century that will capture... more
In his book The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God, Robert Wilken paints a deep picture of how Christian thinking was formed in the early years of Christianity. The author shows how Christian intellectual tradition... more
In his book The Pursuit of God, Aiden Wilson Tozer calls on believers to pursue a deeper relationship with God. The author addresses the current situation in most churches, where many Christians are content with having a spiritual life... more
In his book, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, Dr. Wayne Grudem states that his book is not only written for those who teach theology but for every Christian with a deep desire to understand Christian doctrines.... more
Christianity teaches us that humanity is inherently evil, while every act of evil originates as a result of our sinful behaviors. This all stems from an inherited state due to Adam’s actions. God created us in His image and likeness, in... more
In 1947, a Bedouin shepherd looking for his lost sheep stumbled upon some ancient artifacts located in the caves of the Khirbet Qu ram desert region near the Dead Sea. These findings examined by archeologists would later be known as the... more
The Book of Ruth has a relatively small volume and includes only four chapters. However, it occupies a special position in the Old Testament. Its fascinating story, a magnificent literary style, and a rich spiritual content always... more
Throughout history, the doctrine of the Trinity has been one of the most hotly debated facets of the Christian faith. Christianity sprouted from Judaism which is a monotheistic religion. In all probability, the Trinity was an invention of... more