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Молодое поколение - обратите внимание на Арканум [14 Jan 2011|04:33pm]
Игра Арканум Arcanum
Друзья, если ваша карта легла так, что вам придется знакомить девчонку или младшего братишку с миром игры Арканум, то мой опыт вам пригодится. Не исключаю так же и то, что великая игра могла пройти мимо вас, как однажды ее не увидел и я. Мое оправдание звучало четко и ясно, как звук Гауссовой винтовки: лучше Fallout’a ничего нет. Но когда-то я открыл для себя еще один мир, который, не конкурируя, стоит на одном уровне с миром радиоактивной пустоши.

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Игры про Санта Клауса [30 Dec 2010|04:11pm]
Вы с детства мечтаете о Ларе Крофт в образе Снегурочки? 

Санта Клаус в играх

А Санта Клаус, если у него есть пулемет, вызывает у вас дикий ужас:

Санта Клаус в играх

Или, наоборот, вам не хватает уюта и домашнего тепла в компании Кузи и смешного бородача?

Санта Клаус в играх

Тогда вы попали по адресу. Я попробую создать вам новогоднее настроение, в чем мне поможет звезда всех жаждущих подарков мальчишек – Марио Клаус.

Санта Клаус в играх
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Осторожно! Pixel'ные и ужасные кобры (из видеоигр)! [15 Dec 2010|04:26pm]
Заклинатель змей и видеоигры

Помню, в детстве мне нравился мультфильм про Рикки-Тикки-Тави. Сцены сражения с коброй яркой картиной запечатлелись в моем сознании.

Но это не главная причина, по которой я решил создать данную заметку.
Основной мотив – поделиться очередным примером того, как часто разработчики игр нагло тырят заимствуют образы и идеи у своих конкурентов.

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Ретро-обзор - самый лучший номер "Великого Дракона" [07 Dec 2010|03:13pm]
Журнал Великий Дракон
После недавней заметки про тенденцию и будущее печатных изданий, я решил полистать журналы прошлых лет. «Страна игр», «Видео-Асс Dendy» (который потом стал «Великим Драконом»), а также несколько номеров аргентинской версии «Nintendo Power» - вот все, что есть в моей коллекции журналов 90-х. Тогда я бредил только играми, поэтому Playboy-ев нет:)

Пока я копался в пыльных стопках, в памяти пульсировало воспоминание про один номер «Великого Дракона». Мне ужасно хотелось его найти, ведь в свое время он произвел на меня большое впечатление.
Журнал Великий Дракон
И я его нашел! Все мои воспоминания подтвердились: номер просто жемчужина для любого поклонника приставочных игр прошлого.

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Приколы и глюки в играх [25 Nov 2010|12:44pm]

Сегодня я поделюсь с вами своей коллекцией приколов из игр, которую насобирал за многие годы протирания штанов перед экраном монитора.

Среди фаворитов моей коллекции приколов выступают такие титаны как: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (глюк на глюке, зато какая атмосфера), Darkest of Days (путь к Везувию усеян глюками), Crysis (кризис среднего возраста не минует никого), Fallout 3 (прикол в том, что на меня напал рейдер-инопланетянин. Не верите? Смотрите ниже).

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Разобрался в Fallout Online [15 Nov 2010|01:42pm]
Игра Fallout Online

Еще в прошлом году у меня было желание окунуться в продолжение моей любимой игры – Fallout 2.
Но тогда на сервере Fallout Online были какие-то сбои, да и установка казалась сложной, поэтому я оставил ее до лучших времен.

Осень навеяла приятные воспоминания о прошлом, в том числе о частичке моей жизни, которую я провел на просторах пустоши. Пришло время попробовать Fallout Online.

Мир Fallout Online
Разбор полетов

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My lands онлайн игра - секреты [25 Oct 2010|11:34am]

My lands онлайн игра - секреты

онлайн игра my lands

      Сегодняшняя заметка будет посвящена двум важным темам в игре My lands (обзор игры My lands читайте в другой заметке):

      1) Сохранить свои войска – залог успеха в игре. Вы узнаете, как свести потери в своих войсках к минимуму.
      2) Поиск и нападение на руины. Я научу вас добывать черный жемчуг (напомню, что это эквивалент реальным деньгам, которые вы можете выводить из игры) без больших потерь.


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[16 Oct 2010|09:47pm]

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My lands авторский обзор онлайн игры [17 Oct 2010|12:59am]

My lands авторский обзор онлайн игры

«My lands» - Браузерная реинкарнация Героев меча и Магии?

My lands, обзор, online game, онлайн игра

     Настоящей статьей я открываю цикл авторских обзоров браузерных многопользовательских on-line игр (MMOG).

     Анализом впечатлений от наиболее интересных проектов с читателем делится независимый проект Virtual Playground Observer.
Составить полноценное представление об игре «My Lands: black gem hunting» (браузерная военно-экономическая стратегия в реальном времени с выводом денег), а также о том, как можно заработать деньги в процессе игры Вам помогает опыт нашего обозревателя, подтвержденный «нотариально заверенными скриншотами».

 В конце поста – раздача плюшек.

 В следующей части обзора: интервью с игроком, зарабатывающим деньги на игре.

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Ускользающий мир - персонаж Капель [14 Oct 2010|05:45pm]

Ускользающий мир - персонаж Капель

квест Ускользающий мир Whispered World

В сегодняшней заметке речь пойдет про ручную гусеницу и лучшего друга Седвика – Капеля (хотя в оригинале гусеница зовется Спот (Spot).

Лично меня этот персонаж просто очаровал. Неудержимо радостный, вечно путающийся под ногами, он приносит нам массу пользы. Капель умеет принимать различные формы и имеет в запасе пару навыков, которые пригодятся нам для спасения мира.

игра Ускользающий мир Whispered World

Как же можно использовать нашего питомца в "Ускользающем мире"?

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«Ускользающий мир»: обзор и интересные факты [12 Oct 2010|03:36pm]

«Ускользающий мир»: обзор и интересные факты

Ускользающий мир, Whispered World, игра в жанре квест

Всем красочный привет из "Ускользающего мира". Именно там я провел свои выходные.
Да и со спутниками подфортило – болтливый клоун Седвик, молчаливый, но преданный Капель, редкостный зануда Бэн, Дед-пердед и очаровательное существо по имени Бруно*.

Слабо с такими спасти уничтожить мир?

Последний раз я так зависал над игрой «Машинариум», в которой рассказ ведется посредством картинок, а не текста. Отличная вещь, с юмором и атмосферной озвучкой, которая напомнила мне звучание одной вечерней программы на станции 106,8 FM.

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Another type of Star Wars Role-playing [15 Jun 2009|10:29am]
I apologize if this is seen as spam.  I did look at other journal entries here to see whether or not anyone else has recruited, and I did see that someone did make a post in which they said they needed characters for a I am doing the same thing.  If I'm not supposed to, then I'm sorry.  Let me know, and I won't do it again.

At was writing a Star Wars AU fanfiction several years ago on other sites.  In this fanfiction, I had various Star Wars characters write to other characters -- explaining to other characters what is going on in the story.  The result of this is that a fanfiction is written from the perspectives of the characters, while they interact with each other.   The story begins before The Phantom Menace and will go all the way up through Return of the Jedi.  Right now, the story is almost at the end of The Phantom Menace.  That is where I had to stop because of time contraints from school and other things.  However, I decided to start it up again.   I need characters.  These Notes will be posted in their own community, and also on a proboards forum.  

For those who participate, you get to pretend to be a character and have influence on other characters, as well as the overall story.  There are boundaries, though.

The reason that this fan fiction will be classified as AU is because, while generally following the story line of the movies, there are certain points that will be different.  Also, there are additional characters and events.  There are also questions that are answered in this fanfiction that are not covered in the movie.   (Like how and why did Dooku become a Sith, what was Palpatine doing behind the scenes that caused everything to happen the way that it did, what would happen if Anakin was really able to free his mother, just how deep was the love between Anakin and Padme and how did it develop, etc.) 

This fan fiction will take you through the events of the movies, and you will get to see these events through various different characters' eyes.  

I will not post the fanficiton to this group unless the group owner specifically wants me to. 

If interested in participating, please either reply to this or send me a private message.  (A private message would probably be better.  That way I see it for sure). 
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Reminiscence - UnRaveling [27 Nov 2008|02:29am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Reminiscence - UnRaveling

Sora is missing...

Sora's memories are reverting. Namine put them together, but they're slowly unraveling again... Sora is not forgetting others this time, he's forgetting himself. It began through Sora's dreams -- like his previous dreams in the past have warned him of his future. This realm is a collection of his memories and, each time he has one and forgetting his past experiences, piece by piece.

The goal is to "reset" Sora. He's had opportuinities in the past to choose the darkness and he's refused, but that's because he had something to protect and this is the Dark's fetch at the Keyblade wielder. This is now a quest for his own heart.

This Board Welcomes Characters from Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts Characters and Made Ups.

Available and Taken Characters

Board Info/Rules

The Board Itself:

Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide
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E For All Expo is 1 week away! [26 Sep 2008|02:07pm]
Anyone going to E For All in Los Angeles? It's taking place on Oct. 3-5, at the LA Convention Center. It allows gamers to test drive the latest video games, gadgets and gear. Plus there’s a game career seminar, art exhibition, and much more.

Check out for more info.

Maybe I'll see some of you there!
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FREE Ultima Online Retro Shard :) [02 Sep 2008|12:46am]

If you like Ultima Online, check my my brothers Retro Shard -HERE-. It's really fun and 100% FREE ^_^ There's also a forum for it -HERE-.
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Somnio RPG - Multifandom [30 Aug 2008|12:18pm]

thought [thawt]
1. the product of mental activity; that which one thinks: a body of thought.
2. the capacity or faculty of thinking, reasoning, imagining, etc.: All her thought went into her work.
3. perhaps the simplest and yet the most complicated aspect of humanity: control the world’s thoughts, and you control the world.

Humans cannot be trusted enough to think and act on their own. Emotion and instinct block out rational thought far too often, and people become dangerous – to themselves, to others and to the very world itself.

And that is why research facilities – such as this one – are located across the nation; to monitor, research, and learn to control human thought.

The best lead discovered so far is, in fact, one’s dreams – the rawest, deepest and most natural form of thought. This facility in particular has become quite dedicated to researching the dreams of its ‘guests’ – despite what they may know or think they know.

Controlling their thoughts, after all, is what we strive to do.

Opening Soon!

Further Reading
More InformationFacility Information
Rules and How to PlayTaken Characters and ReservationsApplying
Player ContactMod ContactAdvertising Code
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For those gamers out there... [19 Aug 2008|12:46pm]

A friend had me list some games of his so if you like wargames, boardgames, or gaming systems and vid games please go clicky on the link please?

Some of the things included in this are...
Sega Dreamcast system with games
Wii games lot
Playstation 1 with games and accesories
Sega Dreamcast game lot
Sega Dreamcast Maracas game with Maracas (kind of precursor to guitar hero?)
Sega Dreamcast Seaman with mic and VMU
Sega Genesis with games
Tons of board games
Tons of war games

Please pass this along to anywhere you think folks might see it.
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I Encourage You To Play This Online Game Called Starships! [22 Feb 2008|12:22am]

Hi, everyone.


My name is Mike, and yes, I enjoy good science-fiction (eg. Asimov, Clarke, Dickson, Heinlein, et al), and I’m looking forward to reading, and reading about, other authors/works to broaden my horizons. I must admit, though, that I LOVE Star Trek!


I also enjoy playing Star Trek, or Star Trek-like games either online or on my PC; I don’t get to play the board or cards varieties in my neighbourhood.


However, today, I’m writing this e-mail, in all the groups I belong to. I appologize as a lot of you will receive it multiple times. My intent is NOT to spam you, truly. I do have an ulterior motive, though. The owners of the site of this online game I’m writing about are giving long-time players like me incentive to recruit.


The game is called “Starships!” I’m writing this, in part, because I’m confident that, if you give this game a try, you’ll really enjoy it if you try it.


So, go to this link and do just that; try it:


It’s an easy game to play. Here is the description, given by the owners themselves, that you’ll find once you access the site:


“Starships is a FREE web-based Massive Multiplayer Role-Playing Game. (MMORPG) where thousands and thousands of people share an online community. You can join for free right now! As you progress, your starship will gain abilities and increase in power. Your weapons, shields, engines and other features of your starship will gradually improve, and your opponents will become increasingly more powerful.


“Starships is written by a professional game creator of 25 years experience, so it is well balanced, planned out, and extremely fun to play, unlike other games which are poorly planned and are just after your money. Be a starship Captain! Travel to different systems exploring, battling, negotiating, partying and plundering.”


There used to be a article on this game, but I couldn’t find it yesterday, even after an extended search. There have been a few reviews about this game, though. The first review I found in a site called “MMORPG Review”. You can follow the link: , or read what I pasted from their site:


“This game, released in 2004, is the LARGEST game we have encountered. It may even qualify as the largest game ever. The only comparable game (in sheer size) that we have ever encountered would posibly be the original Daggerfall:Elder Scrolls. Ship after ship, base after base, system after system. Basically, forget about exploring it all, it would take years of real time.
It's THAT freaking BIG.

“You become a starship captain and then start blowing up asteriods and other targets to acquire credits to use to buy better weapons, armor, sensors and crew. You move around human space - this is where all new captains start - and slowly but surely build up your bank account and your starship.

“As your starship becomes more powerful and useful, you can attack more powerful targets and eventually learn and earn the way into the next star system.

“At NO TIME does one need to spend real money on this game (something we always like). Everything in this game is purchasable with in-game finacials and hard work. There are a few maps floating around and dozens of roleplay and help groups to help the new captains power up their ships faster.

“With real money one can purchase fuel boosts - ap boosters for more play-time- but they are not required or neccessary to play the game (Though it's helpful because the game is addictive!). You also don't have to be a paid member to go to the other star systems as some other games require.

“This game also has an in-game communications system where players may transmit messages into subspace for all to read. This feature does cost some real money but it isnt NEEDED to enjoy this game fully. We are proud to give Starships! 5 stars.”


Another site, called “Online Game Review”, had a few reviews. You can access that site at:


So try  this game. This is NOT spam. I really think you’ll like it!


- Mike Myles, Captain of the starship Toronto
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[07 Feb 2008|02:29pm]

[ mood | geeky ]

Hello All! I'm here to promote a new Private Low Rate (5x/5x/3x) Server:


Formerly ROCuldesac, our owner and a panel of GM's made the decison to close our server in 2007 and rebuild it. This new server is better than the old one by far. With Custom quests, Items, and the latest updates, this server is full of helpful and friendly GMs and players. We're always eager to see new faces, so come check us out! You can either visit our homepage via the link above or you can check us out on RateMyServer.Net

Hope to see you there!


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Animaelia; A Multi-Fandom RPG [21 Jan 2008|01:37pm]

I'm not certain if this kind of advertisement is techncically allowed or encouraged. Basically, I'm here to advertise for the LiveJournal-based multi-fandom RPG animaelia. We're a little less than a month old still and growing, but we have a lot of available characters from all over. We're still in early stages and haven't quite begun a major plot yet, so now would be an excellent chance for people to jump right in. More information can be found below the LJ cut, which I'm using to spare peoples' flists from unecessary length. Thank you for your time and patience, and I personally apologize for any flist flooding that people might experience from cross-posting.

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