Papers by Teresa Ximenez De Embun

Las excavaciones en este yacimiento se iniciaron en 2006. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos d... more Las excavaciones en este yacimiento se iniciaron en 2006. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante los trabajos de campo llevados a cabo en el yacimiento. Se han registrado dos momentos de ocupación claramente diferenciados: uno perteneciente a la Edad del Bronce, relacionado con la cultura de El Argar; y otro de época medieval, de los siglos VIII- IX d.C. Los trabajos realizados han permitido documentar la organización urbanística del asentamiento en cada una de estas dos etapas y establecer su cronología a través del radiocarbono.
The field work at this site began in 2006. We present the latest results obtained during archaeological excavations carried out at the site. There have been two periods of occupation clearly differentiated: one of the Bronze Age –Argar culture– and other of medieval times –VIII-IX centuries AD. The work has allowed us to document the urban plan of the site in each of these two stages and to state their chronology by radiocarbon dates.
Con esta breve exposición buscamos presentar de modo preliminar los resultados, a nivel de regist... more Con esta breve exposición buscamos presentar de modo preliminar los resultados, a nivel de registro cerámico, de seis campañas de excavaciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento emiral (siglos VIII-IX) del Cabezo Pardo, asentamiento de carácter rural ubicado en la Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante) en el SE Peninsular.
With this short exposition, we try to present preliminary results, especially ceramic, after six years of archaeological excavations in the Cabezo Pardo emirate deposit (VIII-IX centuries), agricultural settlement located in the Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante) in Peninsular SE.

Resumen El yacimiento de Fontcalent, localizado al pie de una sierra de mismo nombre a escasos ki... more Resumen El yacimiento de Fontcalent, localizado al pie de una sierra de mismo nombre a escasos kilómetros de la ciudad de Alicante, se revela como uno de los pocos conjuntos identificados como asentamientos rural de carácter visigodo en el sureste peninsular. Su particular cultura material fue objeto de estudio durante décadas, pero una revisión actual de los fondos procedentes del yacimiento depositados en el MARQ, podrían aportar una visión algo más perfilada sobre sus orígenes y cronología. Palabras clave visigodo, asentamiento rural, ss.VII-VIII Abstract The Fontcalent site, located at the foot of a mountain of the same name a few miles from the city of Alicante, is revealed as one of the few sets identified as rural in character Visigothic settlements in Southeast. Its unique material culture was studied for decades, but a contemporary review of the funds deposited in the reservoir from the MARQ, could provide a somewhat more profiled on its origins and chronology
The field work at this site began in 2006. We present the latest results obtained during archaeol... more The field work at this site began in 2006. We present the latest results obtained during archaeological excavations carried
out at the site. There have been two periods of occupation clearly differentiated: one of the Bronze Age –Argar culture–
and other of medieval times –VIII-IX centuries AD. The work has allowed us to document the urban plan of the site in each
of these two stages and to state their chronology by radiocarbon dates.
Papers by Teresa Ximenez De Embun
The field work at this site began in 2006. We present the latest results obtained during archaeological excavations carried out at the site. There have been two periods of occupation clearly differentiated: one of the Bronze Age –Argar culture– and other of medieval times –VIII-IX centuries AD. The work has allowed us to document the urban plan of the site in each of these two stages and to state their chronology by radiocarbon dates.
With this short exposition, we try to present preliminary results, especially ceramic, after six years of archaeological excavations in the Cabezo Pardo emirate deposit (VIII-IX centuries), agricultural settlement located in the Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante) in Peninsular SE.
out at the site. There have been two periods of occupation clearly differentiated: one of the Bronze Age –Argar culture–
and other of medieval times –VIII-IX centuries AD. The work has allowed us to document the urban plan of the site in each
of these two stages and to state their chronology by radiocarbon dates.
The field work at this site began in 2006. We present the latest results obtained during archaeological excavations carried out at the site. There have been two periods of occupation clearly differentiated: one of the Bronze Age –Argar culture– and other of medieval times –VIII-IX centuries AD. The work has allowed us to document the urban plan of the site in each of these two stages and to state their chronology by radiocarbon dates.
With this short exposition, we try to present preliminary results, especially ceramic, after six years of archaeological excavations in the Cabezo Pardo emirate deposit (VIII-IX centuries), agricultural settlement located in the Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante) in Peninsular SE.
out at the site. There have been two periods of occupation clearly differentiated: one of the Bronze Age –Argar culture–
and other of medieval times –VIII-IX centuries AD. The work has allowed us to document the urban plan of the site in each
of these two stages and to state their chronology by radiocarbon dates.