Papers by Ismael Jiménez-Ruiz

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is considered by a number of International Organizations as an af... more Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is considered by a number of International Organizations as an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, being the result of an intense discrimination between genders, it hierarchizes and perpetuates inequality and denies women the right to physical and psychosexual integrity. Aims. To endeavour towards the eradication of FGM via the testimony of men from countries where this practice is performed. Methodology. A qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing focus was utilized via semi-structured individual and group interviews in 25 men having some form of involvement with FGM. Results. Declarations have been identified in these interviews which display a continuous, albeit gradual rise in the awareness of the male population regarding the problems inherent in this practice and the sexist connotations harboured therein. These manifestations provide evidence of the advances supposedly achieved by anti-FGM policies, although it is noteworthy that legislative persecution alone may cause the practice to become a hidden, clandestine event, as well as provoking a defensive reaction in those in favour of this tradition, such as having the procedure performed at ever younger ages. Conclusions. The performing of FGM at increasingly younger ages belies the socio-cultural precepts used to justify its existence. This fact, together with the aforementioned process of concealment, suggests the beginning of the end of FGM.

Introduction: Gender violence is a serious public health problem and human rights, both in the Br... more Introduction: Gender violence is a serious public health problem and human rights, both in the Brazilian and Spanish society, so that public policies of these countries have the responsibility to eradicate this problem. Objective: To compare policies on gender violence between Spain and Brazil as well as their influence on nursing care to the abused women. Results: public policies that both countries have made since the 70s until today, under the influence of the International Conferences of the United Nations, notably from Beijing are exposed. Among the policies developed in these countries currently stands in Spain Organic Law 1/2004 and Brazil Maria da Penha Law. Public policies are translated in both countries in specific programs on women's health, who have also evolved since the 70s, from contemplating women exclusively in their gravid-puerperal cycle glimpsing in their overall health throughout the life cycle. These programs provide care to women in situations of gender violence through action protocols that emphasize the importance of identifying the problem in primary care, multidisciplinary actions among health professionals and coordination of the various institutions of protection of women to violence. Conclusions: As a consequence of global conferences and conventions on women and human rights, there have been policies in Spain and Brazil focused on gender equality and prevention of violence against women that have resulted in significant advances for the whole society, but they have not yet reached their goals. Women Health Programs start considering women as a subject of citizenship and rights. This evolution occurs in Spain after the influence of international conventions and conferences. However, Brazil is pioneering programs to include comprehensive women's health and reproductive health concepts, even before gouging importance internationally. These programs include violence against women as a field of action from the performance of health professionals in general and nursing in particular, establishing different protocols.

FGM is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women... more FGM is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, it hierarchizes and perpetuates inequality and denies women and girls the right to physical and psychosexual integrity. The aim of this study is to detect the weak points and false premises underlying male justification of FGM and to present demythologization as a health education tool. We used a qualitative methodology with an ethonursing focus via semi-structured individual and group interviews in 25 men associated with FGM. Our results found nine myths and their possible demythologization are presented through the masculine voices of those associated with this tradition. These myths are used as justification by men and women in order to uphold the practice of FGM. Demythologization as a nursing intervention based on reorienting or restructuring models of cultural care allows us to work against the false premises making up the myths which act to protect this tradition.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Desarrollar un diagnóstico enfermero para la detección y prevención de la MGF. ... more RESUMEN Objetivo: Desarrollar un diagnóstico enfermero para la detección y prevención de la MGF. Metodología: La creación del presente diagnóstico se basa en un exhaustivo estudio bibliográfico en bases de datos como LILACS, CUIDEN, TESEO y Web of Sciencie; y otras fuentes documentales de organismos internacionales. Resultados principales: Síndrome post Mutilación Genital Femenina se define como: el deterioro de una serie de dominios de la salud como consecuencia de una mutilación genital femenina. Este diagnóstico se sitúa en el dominio 11, seguridad/protección y se posiciona en la clase 3: violencia. Se establecen para él las siguientes características definitorias: fase aguda, respuestas físicas crónicas, respuestas relacionadas con la sexualidad, alteraciones obstétricas crónicas y respuestas psicológicas. Conclusión principal: La creación del presente diagnóstico de síndrome facilita a los y la profesionales de enfermería el abordaje de las consecuencias sobre la salud de la Mutilación Genital Femenina y sitúa a Enfermería como una pieza clave para su abordaje y erradicación. Palabras clave: Mutilación Genital Femenina; circuncisión femenina; diagnóstico de enfermería.
Female Genital Mutilation is a widespread practice mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and is considered... more Female Genital Mutilation is a widespread practice mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and is considered an affront on the dignity and health of women and young girls. The factors used to justify this act are diverse and convert the tradition into a form of cultural care. From this viewpoint, nurses might evaluate the supposed justifications via the Rising Sun Model in order to redirect such a practice through nursing interventions such as: research into propagating factors, sensitizing through hindering factors or health education, highlighting the contradictions existent in the justification of Female Genital Mutilation.

Objetivo: Explorar el conocimiento de los hombres procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutil... more Objetivo: Explorar el conocimiento de los hombres procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación
genital femenina sobre las consecuencias negativas en la salud de las mujeres afectadas.
Métodos: Metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnometodológico, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas
individuales y grupales a 25 hombres, en relación con la mutilación genital femenina, seleccionados
mediante triple muestreo. Se entregó una carta de presentación del estudio a los participantes y la declaración
del consentimiento informado, y se les solicitó permiso para grabar la entrevista en audio. El
análisis de los datos se realizó con el software informático Atlas. Ti7.
Resultados: Los participantes contrarios al corte son conscientes de la diversidad de complicaciones físicas,
obstétricas, psicológicas, sobre la sexualidad y sociales en las mujeres sometidas a mutilación. Sin
embargo, los hombres que tienen un posicionamiento favorable muestran en general un desconocimiento
de los problemas secundarios a esta práctica.
Conclusiones: Los participantes procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina,
contrarios a mantener esta práctica, muestran un mayor conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas
que los que se manifiestan a favor. El dise˜no de herramientas y programas de sensibilización destinados
a la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina debe visibilizar las complicaciones sobre la salud de las
mujeres y las ni˜nas, e incluir intervenciones familiares que impliquen a los hombres en el proceso de
erradicación de esta práctica.

female Genital Mutilation is internationally considered an affront on human rights ... more INTRODUCTION:
female Genital Mutilation is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, it hierarchises and perpetuates inequality and denies the right to bodily and psychosocial integrity of women and young girls.
to detect the key points for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation as well as the necessary resources for its eradication.
a qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing perspective, via semi-structured interviews, held both individually and in groups, in 21 men familiar with Female Genital Mutilation.
through the voices of men familiar with this tradition, five key points are presented for its gradual eradication: sensitisation and awareness building, team action, abolition-promoting media, focusing action on rural areas and applying educational means before punitive ones.
awareness-raising via the combined efforts of families, communities and governments, together with the promotion of health education programmes in demonstrating the complications derived from this practice, play a vital part in eradicating Female Genital Mutilation.

Create and implement a protocol for identifying and preventing female genital mutilati... more OBJECTIVE:
Create and implement a protocol for identifying and preventing female genital mutilation in a municipality of the Region of Murcia.
A bibliographical review and significant databases were consulted for the creation of the algorithm performance. These include Cuiden, Dialnet, Medes, Medline, and other documentary sources of interest. The instrument for data collection was completed by interviewing parents of girls at risk.
The multi-disciplinary team was formed; the female genital mutilation risk cases were collected, and were summoned to the nursing consulting room. Two girls had been mutilated, the rest were at risk of female genital mutilation, and in one case the risk was imminent.
The algorithm designed guides practitioners in their performance, achieving an effective detection and prevention of genital mutilation of girls. This is a first approach to the development of a regional protocol.
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Ablation techniques; Circuncisión femenina; Female circumcision; Prevención y protocolos; Prevention and protocols; Técnicas de ablación

Objective To relate the Female Genital Mutilation as a negative factor for the achievement of the... more Objective To relate the Female Genital Mutilation as a negative factor for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Method Data collection was through review literature review between in the years 2014 and 2015 in the databases Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, LILACS, SCIELO, Tesis Doctorales TESEO and in the webs of WOK, UNICEF, UNAF and WHO using the descriptors: female circumcision, millennium development goals, rights of women. Articles published between years 2010 y 2015, were included and finally 24 articles were selected. Results The Female Genital Mutilation is based on gender discrimination, and reinforces and encourages the circle of poverty. This practice causes physical complications that may affect the infant mortality and morbidity, complications in pregnancy and childbirth and there is a relationship between the practice and the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Conclusion The fight against Female Genital Mutilation contributes to the achievement of five of the eight Millennium Goals.

To explore the perceptions of a group of women who underwent female genital mutilation on the imp... more To explore the perceptions of a group of women who underwent female genital mutilation on the impact of this practice on their sexual and reproductive health.
We performed a phenomenological qualitative study in a sample of 9 sub-Saharan Africa women, whose mean age was 30 years old and who had lived in Spain for 1 to 14 years. These women underwent genital mutilation in their countries of origin. Data was collected using a socio-demographic survey and an in-depth, structured personal interview. Subsequently, we performed a thematic discourse analysis.
The discourses were grouped into four categories related to participants' perceptions of female genital mutilation. These categories were intimate relationships, pregnancy, childbirth, and social impact.
The practice of female genital mutilation is maintained due to social and family pressure, transmitted from generation to generation and silenced by women themselves. This practice affects their sexual and reproductive health, as demonstrated by anorgasmia and dyspareunia. The women were satisfied with the healthcare received during pregnancy and childbirth. Nevertheless, most of them were not satisfied with family planning.
Copyright © 2013 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.
Circumcision; Circuncisión femenina; Derechos humanos; Female; Gender identity; Human rights abuses; Identidad de género; Investigación cualitativa; Qualitative research; Reproductive health; Salud reproductiva

Index de Enfermería, 2015
Objetivo principal: Identificar las estrategias que pueden utilizarse en la prevención de la muti... more Objetivo principal: Identificar las estrategias que pueden utilizarse en la prevención de la mutilación genital femenina en inmigrantes originarias de países donde se realiza esta práctica. Metodología: revisión de la videografía. La búsqueda se realizó de octubre de 2013 a febrero de 2014, utilizando las palabras clave "mutilación genital femenina", "ablación del clítoris" y "female genital mutilation". Se seleccionaron 9 vídeos. Resultados: la estrategia para prevenir la práctica es la información. Los testimonios en contra también son eficaces. En España se utilizan mediadores interculturales y la carta de no mutilación. Conclusión principal: las enfermeras pueden trabajar la prevención de la mutilación genital proporcionando información sobre sus consecuencias, reforzando la información con mediadores interculturales o testimonios disponibles en vídeos. También disponen de recursos ante riesgo inminente de mutilación. Palabras clave: Mutilación genital femenina. Ablación. Enfermería. Prevención. Circuncisión femenina. Audiovisuales.
A descriptive study with ethnographic methodology. The data have been gathered by means of semi-s... more A descriptive study with ethnographic methodology. The data have been gathered by means of semi-structured interviews; the population is made by men who live in Spain and come from countries in favour of the A/FGM. 9 subjects compound the sample. The results show that the A/FGM is conceived as a system of traditional cares subtended by several sexual, hygienic and religious factors. It is concluded that dealing with the A/FGM from the male perspective is essential for its eradication, because it is a conceived practice in androcentric and patriarchal societies. The falsifiability of the cultural and gender reasoning that goes on with this tradition is evidenced.
Enfermería Global, 2012
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Papers by Ismael Jiménez-Ruiz
genital femenina sobre las consecuencias negativas en la salud de las mujeres afectadas.
Métodos: Metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnometodológico, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas
individuales y grupales a 25 hombres, en relación con la mutilación genital femenina, seleccionados
mediante triple muestreo. Se entregó una carta de presentación del estudio a los participantes y la declaración
del consentimiento informado, y se les solicitó permiso para grabar la entrevista en audio. El
análisis de los datos se realizó con el software informático Atlas. Ti7.
Resultados: Los participantes contrarios al corte son conscientes de la diversidad de complicaciones físicas,
obstétricas, psicológicas, sobre la sexualidad y sociales en las mujeres sometidas a mutilación. Sin
embargo, los hombres que tienen un posicionamiento favorable muestran en general un desconocimiento
de los problemas secundarios a esta práctica.
Conclusiones: Los participantes procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina,
contrarios a mantener esta práctica, muestran un mayor conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas
que los que se manifiestan a favor. El dise˜no de herramientas y programas de sensibilización destinados
a la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina debe visibilizar las complicaciones sobre la salud de las
mujeres y las ni˜nas, e incluir intervenciones familiares que impliquen a los hombres en el proceso de
erradicación de esta práctica.
female Genital Mutilation is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, it hierarchises and perpetuates inequality and denies the right to bodily and psychosocial integrity of women and young girls.
to detect the key points for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation as well as the necessary resources for its eradication.
a qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing perspective, via semi-structured interviews, held both individually and in groups, in 21 men familiar with Female Genital Mutilation.
through the voices of men familiar with this tradition, five key points are presented for its gradual eradication: sensitisation and awareness building, team action, abolition-promoting media, focusing action on rural areas and applying educational means before punitive ones.
awareness-raising via the combined efforts of families, communities and governments, together with the promotion of health education programmes in demonstrating the complications derived from this practice, play a vital part in eradicating Female Genital Mutilation.
Create and implement a protocol for identifying and preventing female genital mutilation in a municipality of the Region of Murcia.
A bibliographical review and significant databases were consulted for the creation of the algorithm performance. These include Cuiden, Dialnet, Medes, Medline, and other documentary sources of interest. The instrument for data collection was completed by interviewing parents of girls at risk.
The multi-disciplinary team was formed; the female genital mutilation risk cases were collected, and were summoned to the nursing consulting room. Two girls had been mutilated, the rest were at risk of female genital mutilation, and in one case the risk was imminent.
The algorithm designed guides practitioners in their performance, achieving an effective detection and prevention of genital mutilation of girls. This is a first approach to the development of a regional protocol.
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Ablation techniques; Circuncisión femenina; Female circumcision; Prevención y protocolos; Prevention and protocols; Técnicas de ablación
We performed a phenomenological qualitative study in a sample of 9 sub-Saharan Africa women, whose mean age was 30 years old and who had lived in Spain for 1 to 14 years. These women underwent genital mutilation in their countries of origin. Data was collected using a socio-demographic survey and an in-depth, structured personal interview. Subsequently, we performed a thematic discourse analysis.
The discourses were grouped into four categories related to participants' perceptions of female genital mutilation. These categories were intimate relationships, pregnancy, childbirth, and social impact.
The practice of female genital mutilation is maintained due to social and family pressure, transmitted from generation to generation and silenced by women themselves. This practice affects their sexual and reproductive health, as demonstrated by anorgasmia and dyspareunia. The women were satisfied with the healthcare received during pregnancy and childbirth. Nevertheless, most of them were not satisfied with family planning.
Copyright © 2013 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.
Circumcision; Circuncisión femenina; Derechos humanos; Female; Gender identity; Human rights abuses; Identidad de género; Investigación cualitativa; Qualitative research; Reproductive health; Salud reproductiva
genital femenina sobre las consecuencias negativas en la salud de las mujeres afectadas.
Métodos: Metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnometodológico, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas
individuales y grupales a 25 hombres, en relación con la mutilación genital femenina, seleccionados
mediante triple muestreo. Se entregó una carta de presentación del estudio a los participantes y la declaración
del consentimiento informado, y se les solicitó permiso para grabar la entrevista en audio. El
análisis de los datos se realizó con el software informático Atlas. Ti7.
Resultados: Los participantes contrarios al corte son conscientes de la diversidad de complicaciones físicas,
obstétricas, psicológicas, sobre la sexualidad y sociales en las mujeres sometidas a mutilación. Sin
embargo, los hombres que tienen un posicionamiento favorable muestran en general un desconocimiento
de los problemas secundarios a esta práctica.
Conclusiones: Los participantes procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina,
contrarios a mantener esta práctica, muestran un mayor conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas
que los que se manifiestan a favor. El dise˜no de herramientas y programas de sensibilización destinados
a la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina debe visibilizar las complicaciones sobre la salud de las
mujeres y las ni˜nas, e incluir intervenciones familiares que impliquen a los hombres en el proceso de
erradicación de esta práctica.
female Genital Mutilation is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, it hierarchises and perpetuates inequality and denies the right to bodily and psychosocial integrity of women and young girls.
to detect the key points for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation as well as the necessary resources for its eradication.
a qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing perspective, via semi-structured interviews, held both individually and in groups, in 21 men familiar with Female Genital Mutilation.
through the voices of men familiar with this tradition, five key points are presented for its gradual eradication: sensitisation and awareness building, team action, abolition-promoting media, focusing action on rural areas and applying educational means before punitive ones.
awareness-raising via the combined efforts of families, communities and governments, together with the promotion of health education programmes in demonstrating the complications derived from this practice, play a vital part in eradicating Female Genital Mutilation.
Create and implement a protocol for identifying and preventing female genital mutilation in a municipality of the Region of Murcia.
A bibliographical review and significant databases were consulted for the creation of the algorithm performance. These include Cuiden, Dialnet, Medes, Medline, and other documentary sources of interest. The instrument for data collection was completed by interviewing parents of girls at risk.
The multi-disciplinary team was formed; the female genital mutilation risk cases were collected, and were summoned to the nursing consulting room. Two girls had been mutilated, the rest were at risk of female genital mutilation, and in one case the risk was imminent.
The algorithm designed guides practitioners in their performance, achieving an effective detection and prevention of genital mutilation of girls. This is a first approach to the development of a regional protocol.
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Ablation techniques; Circuncisión femenina; Female circumcision; Prevención y protocolos; Prevention and protocols; Técnicas de ablación
We performed a phenomenological qualitative study in a sample of 9 sub-Saharan Africa women, whose mean age was 30 years old and who had lived in Spain for 1 to 14 years. These women underwent genital mutilation in their countries of origin. Data was collected using a socio-demographic survey and an in-depth, structured personal interview. Subsequently, we performed a thematic discourse analysis.
The discourses were grouped into four categories related to participants' perceptions of female genital mutilation. These categories were intimate relationships, pregnancy, childbirth, and social impact.
The practice of female genital mutilation is maintained due to social and family pressure, transmitted from generation to generation and silenced by women themselves. This practice affects their sexual and reproductive health, as demonstrated by anorgasmia and dyspareunia. The women were satisfied with the healthcare received during pregnancy and childbirth. Nevertheless, most of them were not satisfied with family planning.
Copyright © 2013 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.
Circumcision; Circuncisión femenina; Derechos humanos; Female; Gender identity; Human rights abuses; Identidad de género; Investigación cualitativa; Qualitative research; Reproductive health; Salud reproductiva