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The main goal of this paper is to increase the knowledge of the behavior of strategic groups through time. Given that, the dynamic evolution of a sample of Spanish insurance institutions during the 2000-2005 period has been analyzed. This... more
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    • Academia
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the determinants of diversification mode (acquisition versus greenfield) through foreign direct investment considering various theories, such as those of mergers and acquisitions, transaction costs, the... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentInternational MarketingOwnership StructureMerger and Acquisition
The aim of this paper is to analyse the determinants of diversification mode (acquisition versus greenfield) through foreign direct investment considering various theories, such as those of mergers and acquisitions, transaction costs, the... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentInternational MarketingOwnership StructureMerger and Acquisition
This study analyzes the degree of competition through individual actions and reactions. Empirical support for this analysis has derived mainly from structural econometric models describing the nature of competition. This analysis extends... more
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    • Competition
Prior literature on foreign direct investment examines single-stage decision making processes based on, either the ownership structure (full vs. partial ownership), the diversification mode (Greenfield vs. acquisition), or the... more
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      BusinessForeign Direct InvestmentMultidisciplinaryOwnership Structure
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      CompetitionQuality of ServiceBanking systemProduct differentiation
The objective of this study is to examine the rivalry within and between strategic groups in a given industry. Current literature on the topic suggests that the empirical evidence presented, so far, might well be biased by systematic... more
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      Empirical evidenceDirect Method
Our study examines how, in a given industry, rivalry functions within strategic groups defined according to the size of their member firms and how this rivalry affects performance. We hypothesize that, owing to several forms of... more
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      MarketingStrategic ManagementPerformanceBusiness and Management
This study analyzes the degree of competition through individual actions and reactions. Empirical support for this analysis has derived mainly from structural econometric models describing the nature of competition. This analysis extends... more
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    • Competition
The aim of this study is to examine the determining factors of a firm's performance, as a direct consequence of its diversification strategy in its expansion into foreign markets, considering certain factors like the market, the... more
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      Stock MarketEvent StudyRegression Analysis
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en proponer un modelo de competencia oligopolísticacon diferenciación de producto vía calidad de servicio en el mercado de créditos bancarios, elcual permite detectar el patrón de conducta competitiva... more
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      CompetitionQuality of ServiceBanking systemProduct differentiation
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      Quality of ServiceProduct differentiation
Los documentos de trabajo del IVIE ofrecen un avance de los resultados de las investigaciones económicas en curso, con objeto de generar un proceso de discusión previo a su remisión a las revistas científicas.
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      Empirical evidenceDirect Method
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar, por un lado, los determinantes del modo de diversificación de la inversión directa en el exterior (IDE) considerando diversas aproximaciones teóricas y, por otro lado, los determinantes de la IDE... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentLogit Model
We characterize the situation in the Spanish banking industry through the identification of strategic groups. We use a 13-year dataset for the period 1992-2004 and a sophisticated statistical model to identify these strategic groups. The... more
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      Business and ManagementEnvironmental Modelling and Management
The objective of this study is to examine the rivalry within and between strategic groups in a given industry. Current literature on the topic suggests that the empirical evidence presented, so far, might well be biased by systematic... more
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      SociologyGeographyEmpirical evidenceDirect Method
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This paper investigates the main determinants of academic performance in the degree in Business Administration at the University of Alicante. Characteristics and attitudes of students are compared with their academic performance rates and... more
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