International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Aims: To analyze the temporal and geographical distribution of different indicators for the evolu... more Aims: To analyze the temporal and geographical distribution of different indicators for the evolution of intimate partner violence against women (IPV) before, during and after the COVID-19 induced lockdown between March and June 2020 in Spain. Methods: Descriptive ecological study based on numbers of 016-calls, policy reports, women killed, and protection orders (PO) issued due to IPV across Spain as a whole and by province (2015–2020). We calculated quarterly rates for each indicator. A cluster analysis was performed using 016-call rates and protection orders by province in the second quarters of 2019 and 2020. ANOVAs were calculated for clustering by province, unemployment rates by province, and the current IPV prevalence. Results: During the second quarter of 2020, the highest 016-call rate was recorded (12.19 per 10,000 women aged 15 or over). Policy report rates (16.62), POs (2.81), and fatalities (0.19 per 1,000,000 women aged 15 or over) decreased in the second quarter of 202...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Aim: To present a protocol study directed at tackling gender discrimination against Roma girls by... more Aim: To present a protocol study directed at tackling gender discrimination against Roma girls by empowering their mattering so they can envision their own futures and choose motherhood only if—and when—they are ready. Background: Motherhood among Roma girls (RGM) in Europe impoverishes their lives, puts them at risk of poor physical and mental health and precipitates school dropouts. Overwhelming evidence affirms that the conditions of poverty and the social exclusionary processes they suffer have a very important explanatory weight in their sexual and reproductive decisions. Methods: Through a Community-based Participatory Action Research design, 20–25 Roma girls will be recruited in each one of the four impoverished communities in Bulgaria, Romania and Spain. Data collection and analysis: Desk review about scientific evidences and policies will be carried out to frame the problem. Narratives of Roma women as well as baseline and end line interviews of girl participants will be co...

As part of the EU’s social policy, the National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) have been in f... more As part of the EU’s social policy, the National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) have been in force until 2020. It was a pending task to systematically observe how these strategies define the Roma population and what element of the definition is prioritised. This is useful in understanding the limits of a unitary policy within the European Union concerning the Roma and also to analyse the orientation of said policies in each country. In this sense, we have previously defined what the Roma heteroidentification components are and we have selected the terms and lexemes that are associated with them. By using content analysis techniques, we have pinpointed the components in the NRIS and we have conducted a statistical analysis with the obtained data. The majority of EU countries define the Roma in their strategies as an ethnocultural, disadvantaged and discriminated group and, to a lesser extent, as foreigners or nomads. This heteroidentification is established based on the geopolitic...

Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy, Jan 13, 2014
To explore service providers' perceptions in order to identify barriers and facilitators to e... more To explore service providers' perceptions in order to identify barriers and facilitators to effective coverage of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) services for immigrant women in Spain, according to the different categories proposed in Tanahashi's model of effective coverage. A qualitative study based on 29 in-depth personal interviews and four group interviews with a total of 43 professionals working in public services (social and health-care services, women's refuges, the police force, the judiciary) and NGOs in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Alicante (Spain) in 2011. Current IPV services in Spain partially fail in their coverage of abused immigrant women due to barriers of (i) availability, such as the inexistence of culturally appropriate services; (ii) accessibility, as having a residence permit is a prerequisite for women's access to different services and rights; (iii) acceptability, such as women's lack of confidence in the effectiveness of services; and ...
Desigualdad en la distribución de cuidados de salud informales.Relación entre hogar y desigualdad... more Desigualdad en la distribución de cuidados de salud informales.Relación entre hogar y desigualdad en salud.
Gaceta Sanitaria, Oct 1, 2008
CITATIONS 0 READS 17 2 authors:
Pobreza Y Perspectiva De Genero 2001 Isbn 84 7426 513 4 Pags 133 150, 2001
Mujeres Pobres Indicadores De Empobrecimiento En La Espana De Hoy 2002 Isbn 84 8440 278 9 Pags 87 100, 2002

Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social, 2001
RESUMEN os procesos sociales de construcción de la infancia y la senectud pueden ser resultado de... more RESUMEN os procesos sociales de construcción de la infancia y la senectud pueden ser resultado de un mismo grupo de factores sociales (demográficos, económicos, ideológicos). En el artículo se analiza el modo en que se ha definido la participación en la sociedad de los menores y los mayores por parte de instituciones sociales como el Estado, el mercado de trabajo y los hogares. Se exploran las consecuencias en niños y mayores de la "exclusión" del mercado de trabajo, del acceso a los recursos sociales a través de las redes de solidaridad familiar y las implicaciones de las políticas sociales dirigidas a los menores y los mayores. Se observan los efectos de la definición social de la infancia y la senectud en la distribución de la renta, las oportunidades educativas y la atención a la salud dentro de estos grupos de edad. Se extrae la conclusión de que la representación de los menores y los mayores como "excluidos" del mercado laboral y protegidos por las relaciones de parentesco determina el tipo de soluciones que la política social y económica plantea para estos colectivos.
Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social, 2002
The term structural violence is applicable in those situations in which basic human needs are som... more The term structural violence is applicable in those situations in which basic human needs are somehow put in danger or harmed (survival, welfare, identity or freedom) as the result of a process of social stratification, and not necessarily through direct violence. Structural violence stems from the existence of two or more groups in society (normally characterized by gender, ethnicity, social class, origin, age, etc.) in which the distribution, access or ability to use resources systematically favors some groups to the detriment of others, due to the mechanisms of social stratification.
Revista Del Ministerio De Trabajo E Inmigracion, 2002
... hasta el sistema educativo (Bour-dieu, 1994). De manera que el grado de des-igualdad en una d... more ... hasta el sistema educativo (Bour-dieu, 1994). De manera que el grado de des-igualdad en una determinada sociedad de-pende tanto de la existencia de redes de pro-tección, como de que éstas no orienten los recursos de forma preferente hacia los gru-pos sociales más ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Participation and representation of the immigrant population in the Spanish National Health Survey 2011-2012]](
Gaceta sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S
Population health surveys have been the main data source for analysis of immigrants' health s... more Population health surveys have been the main data source for analysis of immigrants' health status in Spain. The aim of this study was to analyze the representation of this population in the Spanish National Health Survey (SNHS) 2011-2012. We analyzed methodological publications and data from the SNHS 2011-2012 and the population registry. Differences in the participation rate between the national and foreign populations and the causes for these differences were analyzed, as well as the representation of 11 countries of birth in the survey with respect to the general population, with and without weighting. Households with any foreign person had a lower participation rate, either due to a higher error in the sampling frame or to a higher non-response rate. In each country of birth, the sample was smaller than would be expected according to the population registry, especially among the Chinese population. When we applied the sample weights to the 11 countries of birth, the estimat...
La progresiva inclusión de la perspectiva de género en el diseño de las encuestas de salud ha der... more La progresiva inclusión de la perspectiva de género en el diseño de las encuestas de salud ha derivado en la incorporación de preguntas para la medición del tiempo de trabajo no remunerado, no mercantil o reproductivo en la última Encuesta Nacional de Salud de 2006 en España (INE, 2007, esto es, el trabajo que se realiza sin recibir a cambio contraprestación de tipo económica, mayoritariamente efectuado por mujeres.
Res Revista Espanola De Sociologia, 2009
El objetivo del artículo es analizar la distribución del tiempo de las personas cuidadoras en las... more El objetivo del artículo es analizar la distribución del tiempo de las personas cuidadoras en las distintas esferas de la vida (la esfera laboral, la privada o personal y la doméstica). El estudio se basa en el análisis de los datos de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo 2002-2003 del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Los resultados de la investigación muestran los impactos negativos del cuidado informal sobre los distintos ámbitos de la vida en términos de reducción de la vida privada o personal, de la participación en el ámbito laboral y de mayor carga del trabajo total. Asimismo, también ponen de manifiesto la heterogeneidad de los efectos del cuidado informal en la vida cotidiana de las personas cuidadoras según el sexo, la edad y el nivel de ingresos.