Papers by Akif L Al-khasawneh

Enhancing business entrepreneurship through open government data, 2020
Small and medium enterprises play a very important role in today's economy and contribute heavily... more Small and medium enterprises play a very important role in today's economy and contribute heavily on a national economy specially in developing countries like Jordan, but they are still facing many challenges, and need support from government specially in data availability. This study aimed to know the impact of open government data (OGD) on business entrepreneurship from Jordanian Irbid State entrepreneurs' point view. To achieve this, (600) questionnaires were distributed to the sample of Jordanian entrepreneurs in Irbid state and (536) valid questionnaires were recovered. The study indicates that OGD and entrepreneurship had a moderate level. There is a significant statistical effect of OGD on business entrepreneurship (α ≤ 0.05) in Jordanian SMEs Irbid state. At the end researchers recommend government and entrepreneurs to adopt OGD as a strategy to maximize benefits gained from open government data strategy, improve the quality of published data, and recommended entrepreneurs to increase the level of relying on OGD to get information about materials , markets, competitors, legislations and so on to get benefits for their companies.

Small and medium enterprises play a very important role in today's economy and contribute heavily... more Small and medium enterprises play a very important role in today's economy and contribute heavily on a national economy specially in developing countries like Jordan, but they are still facing many challenges, and need support from government specially in data availability. This study aimed to know the impact of open government data (OGD) on business entrepreneurship from Jordanian Irbid State entrepreneurs' point view. To achieve this, (600) questionnaires were distributed to the sample of Jordanian entrepreneurs in Irbid state and (536) valid questionnaires were recovered. The study indicates that OGD and entrepreneurship had a moderate level. There is a significant statistical effect of OGD on business entrepreneurship (α ≤ 0.05) in Jordanian SMEs Irbid state. At the end researchers recommend government and entrepreneurs to adopt OGD as a strategy to maximize benefits gained from open government data strategy, improve the quality of published data, and recommended entrepreneurs to increase the level of relying on OGD to get information about materials, markets, competitors, legislations and so on to get benefits for their companies.
The study relied on the analytical and inductive method of analysis to get to the relational-orie... more The study relied on the analytical and inductive method of analysis to get to the relational-oriented systematic and scientific research development. The study reached to the following: 1. Educational institutions play a key role in the development of scientific research among students and researchers. 2. There is a systemic relationship interrelated parts between the methods and the development of scientific research and the absence or weakness of any element of the methods (goals, content, teaching methods, assessment methods) adversely affect the development of scientific research. 3. The activity of scientific research is very important in the lives of people and communities because it addresses problems and reveals different phenomena, and is the key to distinguish people and their development.

مجلة الدراسات المالیة والمحاسبیة والإداریة, 2017
The fact of professional recruitment for academic leaders at Jordanian Universities ﺣﻤﺎدات ﺣﺴﻦ... more The fact of professional recruitment for academic leaders at Jordanian Universities ﺣﻤﺎدات ﺣﺴﻦ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ .د ، اﻟﺒﻠﻘﺎء ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﺘﻄﺒﯿﻘﯿﺔ اﻟﮭﺎﺷﻤﯿﺔ اﻷردﻧﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ ،. .د ،اﻟﺨﺼﺎوﻧﺔ ﻟﻄﻔﻲ ﻋﺎﻛﻒ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ،اﻟﺘﻄﺒﯿﻘﯿﺔ اﻟﺒﻠﻘﺎء .اﻟﮭﺎﺷﻤﯿﺔ اﻷردﻧﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ .د ،اﻟﺠﻤﺎل رﺷﯿﺪ ﺣﻤﺪان ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ،اﻟﺘﻄﺒﯿﻘﯿﺔ اﻟﺒﻠﻘﺎء .اﻟﮭﺎﺷﻤﯿﺔ اﻷردﻧﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ):اﻟﺗﺳﻠﯾم ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ 09 / 10 / 2017):اﻟﺗﻘﯾﯾم ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ ،(18 / 11 / 2017):اﻟﻘﺑول ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ ،(20 / 11 / 2017 (ا درﺟﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺗﻌرف اﻟﻰ اﺳﺔ اﻟدر ﻫذﻩ ﻫدﻓت ﻻﺳﺗﻘطﺎ ب ﺗﻛوﻧت .اﻷردﻧﯾﺔ اﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌﺎت ﻓﻲ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻣﯾﯾن اﻟﻘﺎدة ﻟدى اﻟوظﯾﻔﻲ) ﻣن اﻟﺑﺳﯾطﺔ اﺋﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺷو اﺳﺔ اﻟدر ﻋﯾﻧﺔ 80 ﻣوزﻋﯾن ،ﺎ ً أﻛﺎدﯾﻣﯾ ا ً ﻗﺎﺋد (وﻟﺗﺣﻘﯾق ،اﻟﻣﻣﻠﻛﺔ ﻓﻲ (اﻟﺧﺎﺻﺔ و )اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ اﻷردﻧﯾﺔ اﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌﺎت ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺑﯾﺎﻧﺎت ﻟﺟﻣﻊ ﻛﺄداة اﻻﺳﺗﺑﺎﻧﺔ اﻟﺑﺎﺣﺛون طور اﺳﺔ اﻟدر أﻫداف ﻣن ﺗﻛوﻧت) 20 :اﻷول اﻟﻣﺟﺎل :ﻣﺟﺎﻟﯾن ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣوزﻋﺔ ،ﺑﻧدا (ﻟﺷﻐل اﻟﻣﺗﻘدﻣﯾن وﻣﺗطﻠﺑﺎت )ﺧﺻﺎﺋص اﺗﻬم وﻗدر اد اﻷﻓر ﺣﺎﺟﺎت )ﺧﺻﺎﺋص اﻟﻣؤﺳﺳﯾﺔ اﻟوظﺎﺋف ﺣﺎﺟﺎت :اﻟﺛﺎﻧﻲ اﻟﻣﺟﺎل و (اﻟوظﯾﻔﺔ أظﻬرت .وﺛﺑﺎﺗﻬﺎ ﺻدﻗﻬﺎ ﻣن اﻟﺗﺣﻘق ﺗم ،(اﻟوظﯾﻔﺔ وﻣﺗطﻠﺑﺎت :اﻟﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ اﻟﻘ ﻟدى اﻟوظﯾﻔﻲ اﻻﺳﺗﻘطﺎب ﻣﻣﺎرﺳﺔ درﺟﺔ أن ﺎدة ،اﻷردﻧﯾﺔ اﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌﺎت ﻓﻲ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻣﯾﯾن ،أﻧﻔﺳﻬم اﻟﻘﺎدة ﻧظر وﺟﻬﺔ ﻣن ﻓروق وﺟود ﻋدم :اﻟﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ أظﻬرت و .ﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ ﺗﻘدﯾر ﺑدرﺟﺔ ﺟﺎءت اﻟدﻻﻟﺔ ﻣﺳﺗوى ﻋﻧد إﺣﺻﺎﺋﯾﺎ داﻟﺔ) α≥0.05 ﻟﻣﺗﻐﯾري ﺗﻌزى (:اﻟﺑﺎﺣﺛون وﯾوﺻﻲ .(اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻣﯾﺔ ﺗﺑﺔ اﻟر و ،ة اﻟﺧﺑر ات ﺳﻧو )ﻋدد ة ﺑﺿرور اﻻﺳﺗﻘطﺎب ودﻋم ﺗﺷﺟﯾﻊ اﻟﺧﺎرﺟﻲ و )اﻟداﺧﻠﻲ اﻟوظﯾﻔﻲ (.اﻟﻣؤﺳﺳﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ وﻣﺳﺗﻘﺑﻠﯾﺔ آﻧﯾﺔ اﺋد ﻓو ﻣن ﻟذﻟك ﻟﻣﺎ اﻟﻣﻔﺗﺎﺣﯾﺔ اﻟﻛﻠﻣﺎت : ،اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻣﯾون اﻟﻘﺎدة ،اﻟوظﯾﻔﻲ اﻻﺳﺗﻘطﺎب .اﻷردﻧﯾﺔ اﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌﺎت The study aimed at recognizing the degree of professional recruitment for academic leaders at Jordanian universities. The sample of the study used by the simple random method, which included (80) leaders distributed on public and private Jordanian universities. To achieve the purposes of the study, the researchers developed a questionnaire consists of (20) items distributed on two fields: the first one is about the needs and abilities of individuals, the second one is about is the institutional professional needs, then they tested the validity and reliability of the instrument. The study revealed that the degree of practicing profession recruitment for the academic leader at Jordanian universities from their point of views is moderate. Also, there are no statistical significant differences at (α=0.05) related to the variables of years experience and academic rank. The researchers recommended encouraging and support (the internal and external) professional recruitment to get benefits in the future.
جمعية كليات ادارة الاعمال والعلوم الاقتصادية والسياسية في الجامعات العربية , 2015

LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”/ "Banks and Bank Systems", 2018
The purpose of this study was to identify sources of recruiting as practiced by the
foreign comme... more The purpose of this study was to identify sources of recruiting as practiced by the
foreign commercial banks operating in Jordan and their impact on job performance
proficiency. Six foreign banks were chosen randomly, 160 questionnaires were distributed to employees from the human resource departments at these banks, 121 valid
questionnaires were recovered – 76% – and statistically analyzed. Results revealed the
highest level of using internal recruitment sources related to accelerating promotion.
External recruitment sources related to online ads and attracting distinctive graduates. There is an impact of overall internal recruitment sources on job performance
proficiency. There is no impact of the overall external recruitment sources on job performance proficiency, except external recruitment sources related to recommended
employees, educational institutions, and training centers, which have impact on job
performance proficiency.
The study recommended to maintain the application of promotion strategies by acceleration as a source of internal employment, because they positively influence the
increase in the level of performance among the employees. Maintain the follow-up of
graduates at universities to attract the first of them as a source of employment, maintain contact with the training centers and select the distinguished trainees as the sources of employment, and diversify advertising methods to attract talent.

International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2012
This study sough to identify variability of satisfaction levels considering the demographic chara... more This study sough to identify variability of satisfaction levels considering the demographic characteristics of faculty members at the Financial and Administrative Sciences' Departmens in the Jordanian Universities. Participants included (280) faculty members. The questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data and conclude results. Major results included that: 1. The highest satisfaction levels regarding continued improvement practices acquired by participants for all (human, financial, physical, technological, and knowledge) resources by age characteristics were for those in the age group (25-29 yrs). 2. As for gender, males were satisfied regarding continued improvement practices on the composite resources (human, financial, physical, technological, and knowledge) more than females. The highest satisfaction level was on the knowledge resources and the lowest was on the financial resources, by females, too. 3. The highest satisfaction level regarding continued improvement practices on the composite resources (human, financial, physical, technological, and knowledge) was among employees who have been in service (1-4 yrs) and higher those who had one year or less in service who were the least satisfied in the knowledge resources domain, but lower than satisfaction level those who have been in service less than a year in the technological resources domain. 4. There were differences in participant responses by such variables as gender and university proprietorship regarding low satisfaction levels on all resources. This variation is also perceived among participants as revealed by their standard deviations of demographic characteristics, age and university proprietorship.

الجامعة الاردنية/ دراسات، العلوم التربوية, 2017
تهدف الدراسة التعرف على واقع إدارة الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في إقليم الشمال حول بناء المعرفة لدى ... more تهدف الدراسة التعرف على واقع إدارة الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في إقليم الشمال حول بناء المعرفة لدى الطلبة في أساسيات
البحث العلمي والمعيقات، تكون مجتمع الدراسة من طلبة تخصصي إدارة الأعمال والمحاسبة والبالغ عددهم ) (1816طالب
للعام الدراسي الثاني ،2013وتم اختيار عينة عشوائية منهم بلغت ) (545طالباً، أي ما نسبته ) (%30من المجموع الكلي
لمجتمع الدراسة، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تصميم استبانة مكونة من ) (51فقرة، واستخدم الباحثون حزمة الإحصاء
) (SPSSالمحوسبة لإجراء عمليات التحليل الإحصائي وتم استخدام الوسط الحسابي والإنحراف المعياري، والتكرارات، والنسب
المئوية، وتحليل التباين الثلاثي. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن واقع مستوى إدارة الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في إقليم الشمال حول
بناء المعرفة لدى الطلبة في أساسيات البحث العلمي بدرجة متوسطة، وقد جاءت في المرتبة الأولى من حيث المعيقات المجال
المرتبط بإدارة الجامعة، ثم جاء مجال المعيقات المتعلقة بشخصية الطالب في المرتبة الثانية، بينما جاء مجال المعيقات
المتعلقة بأعضاء هيئة التدريس في المرتبة الاخيرة، وأن مستوى مهارات الطلبة الأساسية بالبحث العلمي متوسطة، وعدم وجود
فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر الجنس ووجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات
البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر السنة الدراسية وقد كانت الفروقات لصالح الطلبة في السنة الرابعة، ووجود فروق ذات
دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر التخصص وكانت الفروقات لصالح طلبة تخصص المحاسبة.
وخلصت الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات أهمها: ضرورة تركيز إدارة الجامعة على تبني ودعم البحث العلمي ضمن سياساتها
ستراتيجياتها التعليمية، وأن يتم تركيز أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية على الجانب العملي والتطبيقي إلى جانب الأساليب النظرية.

FRDN Incorporated/ European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 2019
The study aimed to Identify the degree to which communication process elements
(sender, message, ... more The study aimed to Identify the degree to which communication process elements
(sender, message, channel, and feedback) are ideally used by members of the teaching staff
in the Jordanian private universities, the study aims also to measure the effect of the four
communication process elements on student's satisfaction, and finally it aims to determine
the differences of student's satisfaction regarding the communication process elements that
is attributed to their gender and academic level. The study employed the analytical
descriptive approach for data collection and analysis, and the Study’s Population included
the four private universities operating at the Northern region in Jordan; whereas the
sampling unit included undergraduate Business Administration students at the four
universities. A representative sample of all academic levels (n=550) was randomly
selected. The results revealed that the means of the four communication process elements
(sender, message, channel, and feedback) were higher than 3.70 which inferred high degree
of acceptance among surveyed students towards communicating process effectiveness,
whereas the instructor has the highest mean. The results found also that the communication
process elements represent the corner stone in achieving students’ satisfaction. The results
revealed also that there are no statistically significance differences of students’ satisfaction
regarding the communication process elements attributed to their gender or academic level.
Based on the results the researchers recommended giving more attention to all
communication process elements, particularly students’ feedback, to get benefit of their
suggestions and ideas and complaints for future improvements. In addition to that it is
better for Universities to develop clear criteria for attracting and selecting qualified
instructors and they must be provided after hiring with continuous training courses in
modern teaching methods.

The study aimed to Identify the degree to which communication process elements (sender, message, ... more The study aimed to Identify the degree to which communication process elements (sender, message, channel, and feedback) are ideally used by members of the teaching staff in the Jordanian private universities, the study aims also to measure the effect of the four communication process elements on student's satisfaction, and finally it aims to determine the differences of student's satisfaction regarding the communication process elements that is attributed to their gender and academic level. The study employed the analytical descriptive approach for data collection and analysis, and the Study's Population included the four private universities operating at the Northern region in Jordan; whereas the sampling unit included undergraduate Business Administration students at the four universities. A representative sample of all academic levels (n=550) was randomly selected. The results revealed that the means of the four communication process elements (sender, message, channel, and feedback) were higher than 3.70 which inferred high degree of acceptance among surveyed students towards communicating process effectiveness, whereas the instructor has the highest mean. The results found also that the communication process elements represent the corner stone in achieving students' satisfaction. The results revealed also that there are no statistically significance differences of students' satisfaction regarding the communication process elements attributed to their gender or academic level. Based on the results the researchers recommended giving more attention to all communication process elements, particularly students' feedback, to get benefit of their suggestions and ideas and complaints for future improvements. In addition to that it is better for Universities to develop clear criteria for attracting and selecting qualified instructors and they must be provided after hiring with continuous training courses in modern teaching methods.

International Review of Management and Business Research, 2017
The study aimed to identify the level of satisfaction of employees in Islamic banks in Jordan on ... more The study aimed to identify the level of satisfaction of employees in Islamic banks in Jordan on the methods
of preventive and corrective control and their impact on the performance of employees. The study
population consisted of 280 employees in financial and accounting units distributed over 3 banks. The
questionnaires of the study were distributed on a random sample consisting of (75) employees, by 27% of
the total sample size. The researchers used many tests in the study including T-TEST, The one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) and the simple regression test. The most important results of the study showed that
there is a high level of satisfaction of the employees in Jordanian Islamic banks regarding the internal
control methods, whether preventive or corrective, and that there is a positive effect of preventive and
corrective methods on the performance of employees in Jordanian Islamic banks.

EuroJournals Publishing, Inc/ Research Journal of International Studies, 2012
The study aimed to reach a view theoretical framework of an integrated innovation and
creative th... more The study aimed to reach a view theoretical framework of an integrated innovation and
creative thinking in terms of the concept and the relationship and sources of creative
effects, to build a model demonstration helps to enhance the creative process at the
individual and collective, institutional, and helps to activate and the development of
thought, creativity and maintaining the continuity of their life cycle.
The study was based on the method of qualitative research. The study found:
1. The concept of innovation does not mean a complex process associated with
supernatural things that are difficult to achieve, it is a simple process of being able
to come up with new, unfamiliar things in any area or activity to maintain the
continuity of change and continuous improvement.
2. There is a mutually interdependent relationship between systemic thinking and
innovation in terms of innovation that cannot be achieved without thinking, as well
as think-tank process is too difficult to continue and achieve maturity without the
idea that there is a creative talent and to strengthen the creative process different
3. The innovative ideas linked to a regular life cycle and the fate of its survival and
continuity of sustainability is linked to the extent of adoption of these innovative
ideas by the top management.
4. The innovation is an activity inherent in human self and the key activation is linked
to the institutional arrangements that are considered essential in the incubator
generated and invested for the benefit of the organization.

American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2013
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to identify student's ability to evaluate performa... more Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to identify student's ability to evaluate performance of
faculty members and their attitudes in evaluating faculty performance at the private and public universities
in Jordan. Results revealed that:
Student's ability to evaluate faculty performance was moderate (3.37).
Personality traits of faculty were ranked top (M=4.13) by student attitudes in evaluation, whereas
student-teacher interrelations was placed in the last rank (M=2.78) by student attitudes in
There were statistically significant differences (α=.05) attributed to effect of gender for all study
variables and the overall rating of attitudes, where differences were in favor of males. However,
there were no statistically significant differences regarding Laissez-faire style, personality
characteristics, and social relations.
There were statistically significant differences (α=.05) attributed to effect of gender on all study
variables and the overall rating of attitudes, excluding openness/popularity, and tolerance/Laissezfaire where differences were in favor of public universities regarding personality qualities, and in
favor of private universities on the other variables.

EuroJournals, Inc/ European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 2012
This study sought to identify satisfaction level of faculties at both public and private
universi... more This study sought to identify satisfaction level of faculties at both public and private
universities in Jordan regarding application of continuous improvement of resources
(human, financial, technological, and knowledge/information) in their higher education
institutions (HEI). Further, the study also sought to identify the effect of continuous
improvement of resources on realization of Total Quality (TQ). Participants (N=280) were
academic workers at Financial and Administrative Science faculties with different job titles
at universities. The questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. Analysis
revealed reliability alpha at (.76), and percentages, median, and simple regression were
used to test for hypotheses.
Major findings included that:
1. There was a strong association between application of the continuous improvement of
resources and resultant effect on the satisfaction degree among academic workers at
Jordanian universities.
2. The satisfaction level among participants regarding continuous improvement of
resources was primarily centered with declining order on physical resources (3.71%),
human resources (3.62%), financial resources (3.41%), knowledge resources (2.94), and
finally the least affected with continuous improvement the technological resources was
placed in the lowest place.

EuroJournals Publishing, Inc./ International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2012
This study presents conceptualization of the importance of performance evaluation
for public univ... more This study presents conceptualization of the importance of performance evaluation
for public universities that are the major producer of knowledge and scientific research.
The study stressed that the most risky decision HEI's administrators would make is that
related to human resources, which heavily depend on the outcome of performance
evaluation generated by the Division of Performance Assessment at Human Resources in
the institution for decision makers that help them make decisions related to employee
promotion, transfer, remuneration, rewarding and incentives. This study is focused on most
effective performance evaluation methods that achieve employee satisfaction, motivation,
increase productivity, and enhance employee retention. The questionnaire was designed
after Likert five-point Scale and administered to 100 administrators recruited from
registration and service departments at the Aal Al Bayt University, and branch campuses of
Al Balqa'a Applied University within the north part of Jordan; namely, Al Husn University
College, and Irbid Girls College. Results concluded by this study included the following:
1. Mean estimates of participants on the performance evaluation were moderately
average. This result would indicate very considerable semi agreement among
participants that performance evaluation is considered as a major assessment
method most often used by universities.
2. Mean estimates of participants on the motivation scale items were high,
indicating acceptably semi agreement among participants of awareness to the
importance of performance evaluation in propelling motivation to work.
3. Results from the statistical descriptive analysis demonstrated that the high
means estimates of participants on the productivity scale indicate very great
semi agreement among participants regarding importance of performance
evaluation in the increased productivity of employees.

Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2013
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstra... more __________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract This study attempts to suggest a theoretical framework for quality from the contemporary management and the Islamic thought perspectives by revealing similarities between both perspectives and demonstrating the inclusiveness and applicability of the Islamic principles in different times and places. The study has emerged the importance of being put subject relating to the status of religion Islamic underpinnings rich and principles, values and models and positions upon which the other sciences to be considered the core and basis of other sciences. Depending on the qualitative approach and using the analysis and inference methods, this study concluded the following: The concept of quality implies excellence and surpassing others and beneficiaries reaching satisfaction level; Quality takes a significant part in producing positive benefits for both organization and consumer; The contemporary management thought on quality is a scientific approach that emerged in response to competing forces; whereas the Islamic thought more established and deep-rooted that seeks to strengthen the most spiritual and humanistic ties and lay the basis for rights of everyone, establish justice, and support the humanistic values and ethics of honesty, truthfulness, and trustworthy on a permanent basis; The contemporary management thought produced theorization, theories and principles that would change over time or from place to place, whereas the Islamic thought presents firm principles that are valid irrespective of time or place. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: management from the Islamic perspective, total quality management, quality from the Islamic thought.

British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 2016
The study aimed at identifying the differences among the levels of emigrants Jordanian tourists&a... more The study aimed at identifying the differences among the levels of emigrants Jordanian tourists' satisfaction in Arabian gulf countries about reality of applying strategies of tourism marketing including (strategy of tourism productions, strategy of Prices of tourism products, strategy of promotion of tourism products, strategy of distribution of tourism products, strategy of tourism products employees, strategy of physical environment of service, and operations strategy to provide tourist services) on the different tourist Jordanian locations. In addition to identify the impact of applying these strategies on Jordanian tourism expat's satisfaction. Analytical descriptive approach has been used for population of the study that consisted of Jordanian tourist expats. (845) of questionnaires were distributed depending on snow ball method. (779) of questionnaires were considered retrieval. The study revealed that there are statistical significant about the level of satisfaction for demographic features of tourists on strategies of tourism marketing expect gender which didn’t shown any difference. There are no statistical significant about the level of satisfaction on strategic product promotion due to job sector of tourists.

تتسارع في الألفية الثالثة ثورة معرفية وتكنولوجية لا ترأف بالمتخلفين عنها أو الغافلي... more مقدمة
تتسارع في الألفية الثالثة ثورة معرفية وتكنولوجية لا ترأف بالمتخلفين عنها أو الغافلين عن أهميتها حاضراً أو مستقبلاً، وملامح نظام عالمي جديد بدأت تتشكل أبعاده في ظل عالم تلاشت الحدود بين دوله؛ بفعل التغيرات المتسارعة في عناصر البيئة الداخلية والخارجية، والنمو الكبير في تقنيات وأدوات وأساليب الاتصال، وانتشار المعرفة؛ الأمر الذي جعل المنظمات على اختلافها أمام تحديات كبيرة في البقاء والنمو وتحقيق الميزة التنافسية من خلال المزج الصحيح بين مواردها المختلفة والتي يعتبر الإنسان أهمها، حيث تعتمد كفاءة الانجاز لعناصر الإنتاج مجتمعة على كفاءة العنصر البشري المستخدم باعتباره خياراً استراتيجياً لإنجاح المنظمة والعمل.
هذه التغيرات التي عظمت من الدور الفاعل الذي يلعبه الانسان على مستوى المنظمة؛ ضاعفت الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري كمورد هام من موارد المنظمة سواءً من خلال الاختيار أو التأهيل والتنمية والتطوير ليتواءم مع المتغيرات المتسارعة في البيئتين الداخلية والخارجية التي تنعكس على الأعمال والوظائف القائمة في المنظمة.
وعليه، فقد دأب رواد الفكر الاداري المعاصر على الاهتمام بالموارد البشرية من خلال البحث والدراسة والتنقيب عن كل ما من شأنه أن يعظم الدور الإنساني ويزيد من كفاءة وفاعلية العنصر البشري سواءً كان ذلك على المستوى الأكاديمي (التعليمي) من ناحية أو على مستوى إدارة المنظمات (التطبيقي) من ناحية أخرى، وقد استطاعت المنظمات التي تبنت عملية الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري وتفعيله من تحقيق نجاحات كبيرة على مختلف مستويات المنظمة والدولة؛ الأمر الذي عزز من مبدأ الاستثمار بالإنسان على المستوى المجتمعي وبالعاملين على المستوى التنظيمي، وذلك من خلال تبني أساليب إدارية توفر للأفراد فرص النمو والتنمية وتعزز قدراته وتوجهاته نحو العمل وتضمن له الحقوق الوظيفية المختلفة التي توفر له حياة كريمة تحسن وتعظم من إنجازه كماً ونوعاً؛ نظراً لما تحققه هذه النظم من تجذير لعوامل الرضا تجاه العمل وربطها مع مؤشرات القدرة، حيث تدور رحى المنظمات حول الموارد البشرية بتحقيق هدفين رئيسين تنبثق عنهما مجموعة من الأهداف الفرعية، نأتي إلى تفصيلهما من خلال عرض محتويات هذا الكتاب، وهذان العنصران هما القدرة والرغبة، ولقد جاء هذا الكتاب ليسلط الضوء على أهمية العنصر البشري ودوره كعنصر مهم من عناصر العملية الإنتاجية وينسجم مع التوجهات العالمية في التركيز على الإنسان لتحسين مستوى معيشته أولاً ومستوى أدائه ومخرجاته ثانياً، حيث يقع هذا الكتاب في أحد عشرفصلاً تراوحت بين التخطيط للموارد البشرية وعمليات الاستقطاب والتعيين والتدريب والتقييم والحماية، آملين أن يشكل هذا النتاج الفكري إضافة نوعية إلى المكتبىة العربية، يتيح للزملاء، والمدرسين، والطلبة، والمهتمين بموضوع الموارد البشرية المادة المناسبة التي نأمل أن تثري دراساتهم وأبحاثهم وبرامجهم التعليمية والتدريبية، ونترك المجال مفتوحاً لمزيد من الإضافات والتعديلات على محتواه انطلاقاً من إيماننا الراسخ بمبدأ التجديد والتحديث النابع من مجريات التغير المستمر في الظروف البيئية المحيطة والتغيير الهادف نحو التطور.
والحمد لله رب العالمين على فضله العظيم ونعمه التي لا تعد ولا تحصى، إنه نعم المولى ونعم النصير
د. عاكف لطفي الخصاونه
د. بسام محمد أبو خضير
د. محمد نايف العياصرة
العنوان الالكتروني:
[email protected]

The aim of the present study was to identify customer satisfaction regarding quality management s... more The aim of the present study was to identify customer satisfaction regarding quality management supporting activities (personnel adequacy, conformity to specifications, location attractiveness, image and reputation, service communicated to customer, product variety, and price) at Jordanian tourism restaurants operating in vicinity of the Yarmouk University area in Irbid City. Further, the study sought to identify the impact of application of quality management supporting activities on customer satisfaction, and to identify whether there were statistically significant differences regarding satisfaction levels by demographics of gender, and family income level. Population (n=8) consisted of all Jordanian restaurants located in vicinity of the Yarmouk University in Irbid City classified and registered by Jordanian Ministry of Tourism. A random sample of (50) customers were surveyed at each restaurant separately. A total of (400) customers were administered the questionnaires at the restaurants surveyed. Out of 400 questionnaires administered, 328 were retrieved and (8) questionnaires were found unusable for statistical analysis, remaining 320 questionnaires representing 80% of population useable for the statistical analysis. Major conclusions were that: 1. There was satisfaction among customers of Jordanian restaurants located in vicinity of the Yarmouk University, Irbid City regarding the quality supporting activities as represented by personnel adequacy, conformity to specifications, service communicated to customer, and price. 2. There was no satisfaction among customers regarding conformity to specifications, location attractiveness, and image and reputation. 3. There was an effect for quality supporting activities (personnel adequacy, conformity to specifications, location attractiveness, image and reputation, service communicated to customer, product variety, and price on customer satisfaction. There was no statistically significant difference among customer satisfaction levels regarding quality supporting activities at the Jordanian tourism restaurants adjacent the Yarmouk University in Irbid City attributed to gender and family income level.

International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016
The study aimed at identifying the successive role of the Hashemite leadership in Jordan in terms... more The study aimed at identifying the successive role of the Hashemite leadership in Jordan in terms of developing human resource, also identifying the development areas of human resource development, which has been a focus by the successive Hashemite leadership in Jordan. The study used the qualitative approach by using an analytical historical methodology as well as inductive and deductive approach. The study population consists of the Hashemite leaders (kings), who succeeded to the throne of Jordan. The study highlighted the following findings: (1) Emphasis on the need to empower all working Jordanians in various business sectors in the Kingdom of Jordan which will reflect their performance, (2) the Hashemite leadership keeps urging governments and local institutions to achieve various equal opportunities for all members of the Jordanian society and get away from the two plagues cronyism and nepotism in order to tackle the problem of unemployment and provide job opportunities for Jordanian youth, (3) focusing on applying the principle of justice and equality among all segments of the society regardless of religions and races as well as guarantee their rights and needs in terms of jobs, health and education services and much more, (4) ongoing support for education, health and social security, (5) activating the role of professional and labor unions to contribute to provide the best services for workers and protect their rights.
Papers by Akif L Al-khasawneh
foreign commercial banks operating in Jordan and their impact on job performance
proficiency. Six foreign banks were chosen randomly, 160 questionnaires were distributed to employees from the human resource departments at these banks, 121 valid
questionnaires were recovered – 76% – and statistically analyzed. Results revealed the
highest level of using internal recruitment sources related to accelerating promotion.
External recruitment sources related to online ads and attracting distinctive graduates. There is an impact of overall internal recruitment sources on job performance
proficiency. There is no impact of the overall external recruitment sources on job performance proficiency, except external recruitment sources related to recommended
employees, educational institutions, and training centers, which have impact on job
performance proficiency.
The study recommended to maintain the application of promotion strategies by acceleration as a source of internal employment, because they positively influence the
increase in the level of performance among the employees. Maintain the follow-up of
graduates at universities to attract the first of them as a source of employment, maintain contact with the training centers and select the distinguished trainees as the sources of employment, and diversify advertising methods to attract talent.
البحث العلمي والمعيقات، تكون مجتمع الدراسة من طلبة تخصصي إدارة الأعمال والمحاسبة والبالغ عددهم ) (1816طالب
للعام الدراسي الثاني ،2013وتم اختيار عينة عشوائية منهم بلغت ) (545طالباً، أي ما نسبته ) (%30من المجموع الكلي
لمجتمع الدراسة، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تصميم استبانة مكونة من ) (51فقرة، واستخدم الباحثون حزمة الإحصاء
) (SPSSالمحوسبة لإجراء عمليات التحليل الإحصائي وتم استخدام الوسط الحسابي والإنحراف المعياري، والتكرارات، والنسب
المئوية، وتحليل التباين الثلاثي. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن واقع مستوى إدارة الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في إقليم الشمال حول
بناء المعرفة لدى الطلبة في أساسيات البحث العلمي بدرجة متوسطة، وقد جاءت في المرتبة الأولى من حيث المعيقات المجال
المرتبط بإدارة الجامعة، ثم جاء مجال المعيقات المتعلقة بشخصية الطالب في المرتبة الثانية، بينما جاء مجال المعيقات
المتعلقة بأعضاء هيئة التدريس في المرتبة الاخيرة، وأن مستوى مهارات الطلبة الأساسية بالبحث العلمي متوسطة، وعدم وجود
فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر الجنس ووجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات
البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر السنة الدراسية وقد كانت الفروقات لصالح الطلبة في السنة الرابعة، ووجود فروق ذات
دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر التخصص وكانت الفروقات لصالح طلبة تخصص المحاسبة.
وخلصت الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات أهمها: ضرورة تركيز إدارة الجامعة على تبني ودعم البحث العلمي ضمن سياساتها
ستراتيجياتها التعليمية، وأن يتم تركيز أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية على الجانب العملي والتطبيقي إلى جانب الأساليب النظرية.
(sender, message, channel, and feedback) are ideally used by members of the teaching staff
in the Jordanian private universities, the study aims also to measure the effect of the four
communication process elements on student's satisfaction, and finally it aims to determine
the differences of student's satisfaction regarding the communication process elements that
is attributed to their gender and academic level. The study employed the analytical
descriptive approach for data collection and analysis, and the Study’s Population included
the four private universities operating at the Northern region in Jordan; whereas the
sampling unit included undergraduate Business Administration students at the four
universities. A representative sample of all academic levels (n=550) was randomly
selected. The results revealed that the means of the four communication process elements
(sender, message, channel, and feedback) were higher than 3.70 which inferred high degree
of acceptance among surveyed students towards communicating process effectiveness,
whereas the instructor has the highest mean. The results found also that the communication
process elements represent the corner stone in achieving students’ satisfaction. The results
revealed also that there are no statistically significance differences of students’ satisfaction
regarding the communication process elements attributed to their gender or academic level.
Based on the results the researchers recommended giving more attention to all
communication process elements, particularly students’ feedback, to get benefit of their
suggestions and ideas and complaints for future improvements. In addition to that it is
better for Universities to develop clear criteria for attracting and selecting qualified
instructors and they must be provided after hiring with continuous training courses in
modern teaching methods.
of preventive and corrective control and their impact on the performance of employees. The study
population consisted of 280 employees in financial and accounting units distributed over 3 banks. The
questionnaires of the study were distributed on a random sample consisting of (75) employees, by 27% of
the total sample size. The researchers used many tests in the study including T-TEST, The one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) and the simple regression test. The most important results of the study showed that
there is a high level of satisfaction of the employees in Jordanian Islamic banks regarding the internal
control methods, whether preventive or corrective, and that there is a positive effect of preventive and
corrective methods on the performance of employees in Jordanian Islamic banks.
creative thinking in terms of the concept and the relationship and sources of creative
effects, to build a model demonstration helps to enhance the creative process at the
individual and collective, institutional, and helps to activate and the development of
thought, creativity and maintaining the continuity of their life cycle.
The study was based on the method of qualitative research. The study found:
1. The concept of innovation does not mean a complex process associated with
supernatural things that are difficult to achieve, it is a simple process of being able
to come up with new, unfamiliar things in any area or activity to maintain the
continuity of change and continuous improvement.
2. There is a mutually interdependent relationship between systemic thinking and
innovation in terms of innovation that cannot be achieved without thinking, as well
as think-tank process is too difficult to continue and achieve maturity without the
idea that there is a creative talent and to strengthen the creative process different
3. The innovative ideas linked to a regular life cycle and the fate of its survival and
continuity of sustainability is linked to the extent of adoption of these innovative
ideas by the top management.
4. The innovation is an activity inherent in human self and the key activation is linked
to the institutional arrangements that are considered essential in the incubator
generated and invested for the benefit of the organization.
faculty members and their attitudes in evaluating faculty performance at the private and public universities
in Jordan. Results revealed that:
Student's ability to evaluate faculty performance was moderate (3.37).
Personality traits of faculty were ranked top (M=4.13) by student attitudes in evaluation, whereas
student-teacher interrelations was placed in the last rank (M=2.78) by student attitudes in
There were statistically significant differences (α=.05) attributed to effect of gender for all study
variables and the overall rating of attitudes, where differences were in favor of males. However,
there were no statistically significant differences regarding Laissez-faire style, personality
characteristics, and social relations.
There were statistically significant differences (α=.05) attributed to effect of gender on all study
variables and the overall rating of attitudes, excluding openness/popularity, and tolerance/Laissezfaire where differences were in favor of public universities regarding personality qualities, and in
favor of private universities on the other variables.
universities in Jordan regarding application of continuous improvement of resources
(human, financial, technological, and knowledge/information) in their higher education
institutions (HEI). Further, the study also sought to identify the effect of continuous
improvement of resources on realization of Total Quality (TQ). Participants (N=280) were
academic workers at Financial and Administrative Science faculties with different job titles
at universities. The questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. Analysis
revealed reliability alpha at (.76), and percentages, median, and simple regression were
used to test for hypotheses.
Major findings included that:
1. There was a strong association between application of the continuous improvement of
resources and resultant effect on the satisfaction degree among academic workers at
Jordanian universities.
2. The satisfaction level among participants regarding continuous improvement of
resources was primarily centered with declining order on physical resources (3.71%),
human resources (3.62%), financial resources (3.41%), knowledge resources (2.94), and
finally the least affected with continuous improvement the technological resources was
placed in the lowest place.
for public universities that are the major producer of knowledge and scientific research.
The study stressed that the most risky decision HEI's administrators would make is that
related to human resources, which heavily depend on the outcome of performance
evaluation generated by the Division of Performance Assessment at Human Resources in
the institution for decision makers that help them make decisions related to employee
promotion, transfer, remuneration, rewarding and incentives. This study is focused on most
effective performance evaluation methods that achieve employee satisfaction, motivation,
increase productivity, and enhance employee retention. The questionnaire was designed
after Likert five-point Scale and administered to 100 administrators recruited from
registration and service departments at the Aal Al Bayt University, and branch campuses of
Al Balqa'a Applied University within the north part of Jordan; namely, Al Husn University
College, and Irbid Girls College. Results concluded by this study included the following:
1. Mean estimates of participants on the performance evaluation were moderately
average. This result would indicate very considerable semi agreement among
participants that performance evaluation is considered as a major assessment
method most often used by universities.
2. Mean estimates of participants on the motivation scale items were high,
indicating acceptably semi agreement among participants of awareness to the
importance of performance evaluation in propelling motivation to work.
3. Results from the statistical descriptive analysis demonstrated that the high
means estimates of participants on the productivity scale indicate very great
semi agreement among participants regarding importance of performance
evaluation in the increased productivity of employees.
تتسارع في الألفية الثالثة ثورة معرفية وتكنولوجية لا ترأف بالمتخلفين عنها أو الغافلين عن أهميتها حاضراً أو مستقبلاً، وملامح نظام عالمي جديد بدأت تتشكل أبعاده في ظل عالم تلاشت الحدود بين دوله؛ بفعل التغيرات المتسارعة في عناصر البيئة الداخلية والخارجية، والنمو الكبير في تقنيات وأدوات وأساليب الاتصال، وانتشار المعرفة؛ الأمر الذي جعل المنظمات على اختلافها أمام تحديات كبيرة في البقاء والنمو وتحقيق الميزة التنافسية من خلال المزج الصحيح بين مواردها المختلفة والتي يعتبر الإنسان أهمها، حيث تعتمد كفاءة الانجاز لعناصر الإنتاج مجتمعة على كفاءة العنصر البشري المستخدم باعتباره خياراً استراتيجياً لإنجاح المنظمة والعمل.
هذه التغيرات التي عظمت من الدور الفاعل الذي يلعبه الانسان على مستوى المنظمة؛ ضاعفت الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري كمورد هام من موارد المنظمة سواءً من خلال الاختيار أو التأهيل والتنمية والتطوير ليتواءم مع المتغيرات المتسارعة في البيئتين الداخلية والخارجية التي تنعكس على الأعمال والوظائف القائمة في المنظمة.
وعليه، فقد دأب رواد الفكر الاداري المعاصر على الاهتمام بالموارد البشرية من خلال البحث والدراسة والتنقيب عن كل ما من شأنه أن يعظم الدور الإنساني ويزيد من كفاءة وفاعلية العنصر البشري سواءً كان ذلك على المستوى الأكاديمي (التعليمي) من ناحية أو على مستوى إدارة المنظمات (التطبيقي) من ناحية أخرى، وقد استطاعت المنظمات التي تبنت عملية الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري وتفعيله من تحقيق نجاحات كبيرة على مختلف مستويات المنظمة والدولة؛ الأمر الذي عزز من مبدأ الاستثمار بالإنسان على المستوى المجتمعي وبالعاملين على المستوى التنظيمي، وذلك من خلال تبني أساليب إدارية توفر للأفراد فرص النمو والتنمية وتعزز قدراته وتوجهاته نحو العمل وتضمن له الحقوق الوظيفية المختلفة التي توفر له حياة كريمة تحسن وتعظم من إنجازه كماً ونوعاً؛ نظراً لما تحققه هذه النظم من تجذير لعوامل الرضا تجاه العمل وربطها مع مؤشرات القدرة، حيث تدور رحى المنظمات حول الموارد البشرية بتحقيق هدفين رئيسين تنبثق عنهما مجموعة من الأهداف الفرعية، نأتي إلى تفصيلهما من خلال عرض محتويات هذا الكتاب، وهذان العنصران هما القدرة والرغبة، ولقد جاء هذا الكتاب ليسلط الضوء على أهمية العنصر البشري ودوره كعنصر مهم من عناصر العملية الإنتاجية وينسجم مع التوجهات العالمية في التركيز على الإنسان لتحسين مستوى معيشته أولاً ومستوى أدائه ومخرجاته ثانياً، حيث يقع هذا الكتاب في أحد عشرفصلاً تراوحت بين التخطيط للموارد البشرية وعمليات الاستقطاب والتعيين والتدريب والتقييم والحماية، آملين أن يشكل هذا النتاج الفكري إضافة نوعية إلى المكتبىة العربية، يتيح للزملاء، والمدرسين، والطلبة، والمهتمين بموضوع الموارد البشرية المادة المناسبة التي نأمل أن تثري دراساتهم وأبحاثهم وبرامجهم التعليمية والتدريبية، ونترك المجال مفتوحاً لمزيد من الإضافات والتعديلات على محتواه انطلاقاً من إيماننا الراسخ بمبدأ التجديد والتحديث النابع من مجريات التغير المستمر في الظروف البيئية المحيطة والتغيير الهادف نحو التطور.
والحمد لله رب العالمين على فضله العظيم ونعمه التي لا تعد ولا تحصى، إنه نعم المولى ونعم النصير
د. عاكف لطفي الخصاونه
د. بسام محمد أبو خضير
د. محمد نايف العياصرة
العنوان الالكتروني:
[email protected]
foreign commercial banks operating in Jordan and their impact on job performance
proficiency. Six foreign banks were chosen randomly, 160 questionnaires were distributed to employees from the human resource departments at these banks, 121 valid
questionnaires were recovered – 76% – and statistically analyzed. Results revealed the
highest level of using internal recruitment sources related to accelerating promotion.
External recruitment sources related to online ads and attracting distinctive graduates. There is an impact of overall internal recruitment sources on job performance
proficiency. There is no impact of the overall external recruitment sources on job performance proficiency, except external recruitment sources related to recommended
employees, educational institutions, and training centers, which have impact on job
performance proficiency.
The study recommended to maintain the application of promotion strategies by acceleration as a source of internal employment, because they positively influence the
increase in the level of performance among the employees. Maintain the follow-up of
graduates at universities to attract the first of them as a source of employment, maintain contact with the training centers and select the distinguished trainees as the sources of employment, and diversify advertising methods to attract talent.
البحث العلمي والمعيقات، تكون مجتمع الدراسة من طلبة تخصصي إدارة الأعمال والمحاسبة والبالغ عددهم ) (1816طالب
للعام الدراسي الثاني ،2013وتم اختيار عينة عشوائية منهم بلغت ) (545طالباً، أي ما نسبته ) (%30من المجموع الكلي
لمجتمع الدراسة، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تصميم استبانة مكونة من ) (51فقرة، واستخدم الباحثون حزمة الإحصاء
) (SPSSالمحوسبة لإجراء عمليات التحليل الإحصائي وتم استخدام الوسط الحسابي والإنحراف المعياري، والتكرارات، والنسب
المئوية، وتحليل التباين الثلاثي. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن واقع مستوى إدارة الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في إقليم الشمال حول
بناء المعرفة لدى الطلبة في أساسيات البحث العلمي بدرجة متوسطة، وقد جاءت في المرتبة الأولى من حيث المعيقات المجال
المرتبط بإدارة الجامعة، ثم جاء مجال المعيقات المتعلقة بشخصية الطالب في المرتبة الثانية، بينما جاء مجال المعيقات
المتعلقة بأعضاء هيئة التدريس في المرتبة الاخيرة، وأن مستوى مهارات الطلبة الأساسية بالبحث العلمي متوسطة، وعدم وجود
فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر الجنس ووجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات
البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر السنة الدراسية وقد كانت الفروقات لصالح الطلبة في السنة الرابعة، ووجود فروق ذات
دلالة إحصائية لمعوقات البحث العلمي بين الطلبة تعزى لأثر التخصص وكانت الفروقات لصالح طلبة تخصص المحاسبة.
وخلصت الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات أهمها: ضرورة تركيز إدارة الجامعة على تبني ودعم البحث العلمي ضمن سياساتها
ستراتيجياتها التعليمية، وأن يتم تركيز أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية على الجانب العملي والتطبيقي إلى جانب الأساليب النظرية.
(sender, message, channel, and feedback) are ideally used by members of the teaching staff
in the Jordanian private universities, the study aims also to measure the effect of the four
communication process elements on student's satisfaction, and finally it aims to determine
the differences of student's satisfaction regarding the communication process elements that
is attributed to their gender and academic level. The study employed the analytical
descriptive approach for data collection and analysis, and the Study’s Population included
the four private universities operating at the Northern region in Jordan; whereas the
sampling unit included undergraduate Business Administration students at the four
universities. A representative sample of all academic levels (n=550) was randomly
selected. The results revealed that the means of the four communication process elements
(sender, message, channel, and feedback) were higher than 3.70 which inferred high degree
of acceptance among surveyed students towards communicating process effectiveness,
whereas the instructor has the highest mean. The results found also that the communication
process elements represent the corner stone in achieving students’ satisfaction. The results
revealed also that there are no statistically significance differences of students’ satisfaction
regarding the communication process elements attributed to their gender or academic level.
Based on the results the researchers recommended giving more attention to all
communication process elements, particularly students’ feedback, to get benefit of their
suggestions and ideas and complaints for future improvements. In addition to that it is
better for Universities to develop clear criteria for attracting and selecting qualified
instructors and they must be provided after hiring with continuous training courses in
modern teaching methods.
of preventive and corrective control and their impact on the performance of employees. The study
population consisted of 280 employees in financial and accounting units distributed over 3 banks. The
questionnaires of the study were distributed on a random sample consisting of (75) employees, by 27% of
the total sample size. The researchers used many tests in the study including T-TEST, The one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) and the simple regression test. The most important results of the study showed that
there is a high level of satisfaction of the employees in Jordanian Islamic banks regarding the internal
control methods, whether preventive or corrective, and that there is a positive effect of preventive and
corrective methods on the performance of employees in Jordanian Islamic banks.
creative thinking in terms of the concept and the relationship and sources of creative
effects, to build a model demonstration helps to enhance the creative process at the
individual and collective, institutional, and helps to activate and the development of
thought, creativity and maintaining the continuity of their life cycle.
The study was based on the method of qualitative research. The study found:
1. The concept of innovation does not mean a complex process associated with
supernatural things that are difficult to achieve, it is a simple process of being able
to come up with new, unfamiliar things in any area or activity to maintain the
continuity of change and continuous improvement.
2. There is a mutually interdependent relationship between systemic thinking and
innovation in terms of innovation that cannot be achieved without thinking, as well
as think-tank process is too difficult to continue and achieve maturity without the
idea that there is a creative talent and to strengthen the creative process different
3. The innovative ideas linked to a regular life cycle and the fate of its survival and
continuity of sustainability is linked to the extent of adoption of these innovative
ideas by the top management.
4. The innovation is an activity inherent in human self and the key activation is linked
to the institutional arrangements that are considered essential in the incubator
generated and invested for the benefit of the organization.
faculty members and their attitudes in evaluating faculty performance at the private and public universities
in Jordan. Results revealed that:
Student's ability to evaluate faculty performance was moderate (3.37).
Personality traits of faculty were ranked top (M=4.13) by student attitudes in evaluation, whereas
student-teacher interrelations was placed in the last rank (M=2.78) by student attitudes in
There were statistically significant differences (α=.05) attributed to effect of gender for all study
variables and the overall rating of attitudes, where differences were in favor of males. However,
there were no statistically significant differences regarding Laissez-faire style, personality
characteristics, and social relations.
There were statistically significant differences (α=.05) attributed to effect of gender on all study
variables and the overall rating of attitudes, excluding openness/popularity, and tolerance/Laissezfaire where differences were in favor of public universities regarding personality qualities, and in
favor of private universities on the other variables.
universities in Jordan regarding application of continuous improvement of resources
(human, financial, technological, and knowledge/information) in their higher education
institutions (HEI). Further, the study also sought to identify the effect of continuous
improvement of resources on realization of Total Quality (TQ). Participants (N=280) were
academic workers at Financial and Administrative Science faculties with different job titles
at universities. The questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. Analysis
revealed reliability alpha at (.76), and percentages, median, and simple regression were
used to test for hypotheses.
Major findings included that:
1. There was a strong association between application of the continuous improvement of
resources and resultant effect on the satisfaction degree among academic workers at
Jordanian universities.
2. The satisfaction level among participants regarding continuous improvement of
resources was primarily centered with declining order on physical resources (3.71%),
human resources (3.62%), financial resources (3.41%), knowledge resources (2.94), and
finally the least affected with continuous improvement the technological resources was
placed in the lowest place.
for public universities that are the major producer of knowledge and scientific research.
The study stressed that the most risky decision HEI's administrators would make is that
related to human resources, which heavily depend on the outcome of performance
evaluation generated by the Division of Performance Assessment at Human Resources in
the institution for decision makers that help them make decisions related to employee
promotion, transfer, remuneration, rewarding and incentives. This study is focused on most
effective performance evaluation methods that achieve employee satisfaction, motivation,
increase productivity, and enhance employee retention. The questionnaire was designed
after Likert five-point Scale and administered to 100 administrators recruited from
registration and service departments at the Aal Al Bayt University, and branch campuses of
Al Balqa'a Applied University within the north part of Jordan; namely, Al Husn University
College, and Irbid Girls College. Results concluded by this study included the following:
1. Mean estimates of participants on the performance evaluation were moderately
average. This result would indicate very considerable semi agreement among
participants that performance evaluation is considered as a major assessment
method most often used by universities.
2. Mean estimates of participants on the motivation scale items were high,
indicating acceptably semi agreement among participants of awareness to the
importance of performance evaluation in propelling motivation to work.
3. Results from the statistical descriptive analysis demonstrated that the high
means estimates of participants on the productivity scale indicate very great
semi agreement among participants regarding importance of performance
evaluation in the increased productivity of employees.
تتسارع في الألفية الثالثة ثورة معرفية وتكنولوجية لا ترأف بالمتخلفين عنها أو الغافلين عن أهميتها حاضراً أو مستقبلاً، وملامح نظام عالمي جديد بدأت تتشكل أبعاده في ظل عالم تلاشت الحدود بين دوله؛ بفعل التغيرات المتسارعة في عناصر البيئة الداخلية والخارجية، والنمو الكبير في تقنيات وأدوات وأساليب الاتصال، وانتشار المعرفة؛ الأمر الذي جعل المنظمات على اختلافها أمام تحديات كبيرة في البقاء والنمو وتحقيق الميزة التنافسية من خلال المزج الصحيح بين مواردها المختلفة والتي يعتبر الإنسان أهمها، حيث تعتمد كفاءة الانجاز لعناصر الإنتاج مجتمعة على كفاءة العنصر البشري المستخدم باعتباره خياراً استراتيجياً لإنجاح المنظمة والعمل.
هذه التغيرات التي عظمت من الدور الفاعل الذي يلعبه الانسان على مستوى المنظمة؛ ضاعفت الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري كمورد هام من موارد المنظمة سواءً من خلال الاختيار أو التأهيل والتنمية والتطوير ليتواءم مع المتغيرات المتسارعة في البيئتين الداخلية والخارجية التي تنعكس على الأعمال والوظائف القائمة في المنظمة.
وعليه، فقد دأب رواد الفكر الاداري المعاصر على الاهتمام بالموارد البشرية من خلال البحث والدراسة والتنقيب عن كل ما من شأنه أن يعظم الدور الإنساني ويزيد من كفاءة وفاعلية العنصر البشري سواءً كان ذلك على المستوى الأكاديمي (التعليمي) من ناحية أو على مستوى إدارة المنظمات (التطبيقي) من ناحية أخرى، وقد استطاعت المنظمات التي تبنت عملية الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري وتفعيله من تحقيق نجاحات كبيرة على مختلف مستويات المنظمة والدولة؛ الأمر الذي عزز من مبدأ الاستثمار بالإنسان على المستوى المجتمعي وبالعاملين على المستوى التنظيمي، وذلك من خلال تبني أساليب إدارية توفر للأفراد فرص النمو والتنمية وتعزز قدراته وتوجهاته نحو العمل وتضمن له الحقوق الوظيفية المختلفة التي توفر له حياة كريمة تحسن وتعظم من إنجازه كماً ونوعاً؛ نظراً لما تحققه هذه النظم من تجذير لعوامل الرضا تجاه العمل وربطها مع مؤشرات القدرة، حيث تدور رحى المنظمات حول الموارد البشرية بتحقيق هدفين رئيسين تنبثق عنهما مجموعة من الأهداف الفرعية، نأتي إلى تفصيلهما من خلال عرض محتويات هذا الكتاب، وهذان العنصران هما القدرة والرغبة، ولقد جاء هذا الكتاب ليسلط الضوء على أهمية العنصر البشري ودوره كعنصر مهم من عناصر العملية الإنتاجية وينسجم مع التوجهات العالمية في التركيز على الإنسان لتحسين مستوى معيشته أولاً ومستوى أدائه ومخرجاته ثانياً، حيث يقع هذا الكتاب في أحد عشرفصلاً تراوحت بين التخطيط للموارد البشرية وعمليات الاستقطاب والتعيين والتدريب والتقييم والحماية، آملين أن يشكل هذا النتاج الفكري إضافة نوعية إلى المكتبىة العربية، يتيح للزملاء، والمدرسين، والطلبة، والمهتمين بموضوع الموارد البشرية المادة المناسبة التي نأمل أن تثري دراساتهم وأبحاثهم وبرامجهم التعليمية والتدريبية، ونترك المجال مفتوحاً لمزيد من الإضافات والتعديلات على محتواه انطلاقاً من إيماننا الراسخ بمبدأ التجديد والتحديث النابع من مجريات التغير المستمر في الظروف البيئية المحيطة والتغيير الهادف نحو التطور.
والحمد لله رب العالمين على فضله العظيم ونعمه التي لا تعد ولا تحصى، إنه نعم المولى ونعم النصير
د. عاكف لطفي الخصاونه
د. بسام محمد أبو خضير
د. محمد نايف العياصرة
العنوان الالكتروني:
[email protected]
للاردن عوائد اقتصادية قيمة وخاصة اذا تم استثمارها بالشكل الصحيح ووفق استراتيحيات ادارية وتسويقية وسياحية محكمة
ومدروسة، وكما هدفت الى كشف ابرز المعيقات التي تواجه وزارة السياحة في عملية ادارة التسويق السياحي للموارد السياحية
المختلفة. وتكون مجتمع الدراسة من مدراء مديريات وزارة السياحة في كافة محافظات المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية وبعض
المديريات ذات العلاقة. أما عينة الدراسة فقد اعتمدت على العينه القصدية التي اشتملت على كافة أصحاب القرار المسؤولين
بشكل مباشر عن ادارة وتطوير المواقع السياحية في مناطق المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية المختلفة والبالغ عددهم ( )13ثلاثة عشر
مديرا ومساعد الأمين العام لشؤون المحافظات، وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج النوعي للوصول الى النتائج. وابرز ما توصلت
اليه الدراسة هو ما يلي:
.1أن معيقات تطوير المواقع السياحية المختلفة في المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية مرتبط بحجم التكاليف التي
تحتاجها المواقع السياحية كالبنية التحتية وتهيئة المواقع السياحية وتوفيلر الخدمات المختلفة فيها وخاصة ان
المواقع السياحية كثيرة ومتباعدة عن بعضها البعض في مناطق المملكة المختلفة.
.2أن الترويج للمواقع السياحية في الاردن ليس من اختصاص وزارة السياحة فحسب، وانما مرتبط ايضا
بمؤسسة حكومية اخرى وهي هيئة تنشيط السياحة، الأمر الذي يؤدي الى ازدواجية في الأداء وتشتت
.3عدم وجود عدالة في توجيه المنح الخارجية والمشاريع التنموية السياحية في المواقع السياحية أو الاقاليم
السياحية الأمر الذي خلق فجوة كبيرة في عملية توزيع المكاسب من الخدمات السياحية والتنموية
لل توك الماسوى في وسصى دمان للأوساق المالمى حمث ساز دلس ال تاملمن فتي اوا تس ااتولوومتا الم لومتا
وال املمن في م ى المحا ى والااقمق ، وقام من خلال ا اخااك ا ا اتى اتك اوزم اتا دلتس دمتتى الاسا تى حمتث
اشامل الا ا اتى دلس فقسا ااتا ب مع ماغمسا وفسضما الاسا ى.
واان من وذااف الاسا ى إمواا الأثس الم اشس لا اخااك ااتولووما الم لوما دلس ال م ى الااخلمى الممثلتى الثقافتى
والامال الاتظممي والمواسا وم سفى اثس لك دلس احقق وذااف الشساى . واان م امتل اسوت تاأ ول تا ذتو %76
واك ا اخااك الاتحااس ال مط لإث ا وو ت ي فسضما الاسا تى دلتس دمتتى ماوتتى متن 139موظتف فتي ال تتوك
الاواسمى الأساتمى .
واان من وذك تاا ج الاسا ى : واوا ااتولووما الم لوما م ادا دلس اخ مف الاأثمسا ال تل مى للس تممى، مثتل
ااالمف ال حث ، اما ا ادا واوا ااتولووما الم تاخامى دلتس الاووتل إلتس الإ تاال و الاتالي إلتس ووتوا الأفاتاس
ال تاءة للموظ من ومشاساااك في صتع القتساس، وا تاطمع واوا ااتولوومتا الم لومتا زمتااة الاح متز فتي الثقافتى
الخاصى القمك والاي اقوا إلس الا اءة والإ اال من الموظ من في مخالف القطادا والأق اك .
ومن وذك تاا ج الاسا ى : ون ا مح واوا ااتولووما الم لوما للمتوظ من نتوتاز ودمتال واثتس متن ختلال اتوفمس
واوامتا الم لومتا لتاماك متن ختلال اتوفمس المواقتع الالااسوتمتى ، وضتسوسة اغممتس وا تامل الم لومتا شتال
م امس مع الوق م تي ون الموظ من مواون ما ذو واما و احقمق الا اخااك الأمثل للااتولوومتا الحامثتى واحقمتق
متافع واثس من خلال ا اخااك الااتولووما اا س من ااالم اا ، و ون ا ادا ااتولووما الم لومتا الم تاخامى دلتس
ا ومل وا اسااا الم لوما الما لقى أحااث وتشاطا الشساى واح من تودمى السقا ى
الفصل الأول: واقع إدارة الموارد البشرية في الإسلام
الفصل الثاني: مراحل تطور إدارة الموارد البشرية والمدخل المفاهيمي
الفصل الثالث: التخطيط لإدارة الموارد البشرية
الفصل الرابع: تصميم وتحليل الوظائف ووصفها
الفصل الخامس: إختيار وتوظيف العاملين
الفصل السادس: التدريب الوظيفي
الفصل السابع: تقييم الأداء
الفصل الثامن: إدارة العلاقات الصناعية والنقابات
الفصل التاسع: حماية العاملين من المخاطر الوظيفية
الفصل العاشر: الأجور والرواتب للعاملين
الفصل الحادي عشر: المنظمات الحكومية الاردنية الداعمة لتنمية وتطوير الموارد البشرية
الفصل الثاني عشر: دور القيادات الهاشمية في تنمية الموارد البشرية في الاردن
وقد تناولت الفصول مواضيع في غاية الأهمية كونها ترتبط مباشرة بأسس وأصول الموارد البشرية العاملة في المنظمات على اختلاف مستوياتهم الوظيفية، لتعزز قيمة هذا العنصر البشري من حيث ما يجب أن يتوفر له داخل المنظمة من حقوق وظيفية لتنعكس ايجابياً على كفاءة اداءه بشكل طوعي.
الفصل الأول: مراحل تطور علم الادارة والمنظمات المكتبية والمعلوماتية
الفصل الثاني: أساسيات في الادارة
الفصل الثالث: مصادر المعلومات
الفصل الرابع: أنواع المنظمات المكتبية والمعلوماتي
الفصل الخامس: وظائف المنظمات المكتبية والمراكز المعلوماتية
الفصل السادس: المعرفة وعلاقتها بالمنظمات المكتبية والمراكز المعلوماتية
الفصل السابع: البحث العلمي وعلاقته بالمنظمات المكتبية والمعلوماتية
الفصل الثامن: ادارة سلسلة التزويد في المنظمات المكتبية والمعلوماتية
الفصل التاسع: جوهر الممارسات الادارية المحفزة لأداء المنظمات المكتبية والمراكز المعلوماتية
الفصل العاشر: المنظمات والمراكز المعلوماتية في الاردن
وقد جاء الكتاب بلغة مبسطة ومعلومات واضحة يصاحبها بعض الأمثلة من أجل أن يكون في متناول الطالب والباحث والمواطن الساعي الى التعلم والاطلاع, آملاً ان يحقق المنفعة المرجوة, ويسد نقصاً في مكتباتنا العربية.
يقومُ الإبداعُ بدورٍ فاعلٍ في حياة المجتمعات عامة وبيئات الأعمال خاصة؛ وعلى مختلف المستويات سواء الفردية أو الجماعية أو المؤسسية، ويلعب دوراً بارزاً مساعداً الإدارة في إجراء تغييراتٍ جوهريةٍ تتمثل بإيجاد مكانةٍ مرموقةٍ للجهة المبدعة، وتحسين الجودة للمنتج أو الخدمة لينسجم مع المتطلبات المتجددة للمنتفعين والمستهلكين.
وتبرز أهميةُ الإبداع في الواقع المعاصر لمختلف أنواع المنظمات، حيث لم يعد مقتصراً على مؤسسات كبيرة أو صغيرة أو هادفة للربح فحسب؛ بل تجاوزه ليشتمل جميع أنواع المؤسسات الأخرى كالحكومية وغير الربحية والتطوعية وغيرها.
وتُعتبر التغيراتُ السريعةُ التي طرأت في العالم المتمثلة في العولمة، والانفتاح على الآخر وإزالة الحدود، والتغيير التنظيمي، والمنافسة الشديدة بين الشركات للاستحواذ على الأسواق والزبائن بمثابة التحدي الحقيقي لمنظمات الأعمال وقادتها، وفرضت عليها واقعاً جديداً ينبغي التعامل والتكيف معه؛ لتتمكن من تحقيق إدارة كفؤه وفاعله قادرة على تجنب المخاطر والفشل، ولتحافظ على البقاء والنمو وتحقيق الأهداف ( Daft, 2001, P.24)؛ .(Daniel & Radebaug, 1998, P.12) وتأكيدا على ذلك يرى بعض المهتمين بأن الإبداع لم يعد حالةً اختياريةً في هذا الوقت أمام قيادة منظمات الأعمال بل أصبح حالةً حتميةً كي تتمكن تلك المنظَّماتُ من التكيُّفِ مع ذلك الواقع وتحقيق النجاح (جواد، 2000، ص. 178).
وقد بات من المُحتَّمِ على المنظَّمات التي تسعى للإبداع أن يكون لها إداراتٌ قادرةٌ على إيجاد نوعٍ من التناغم بين ما تمتلكه المنظمة من معارف وجدارات، وبين التخطيط الإستراتيجي وامتلاك الرؤية الثاقبة لأهداف المنظمة المبدعة وصولاً بها إلى مكانةٍ تنافسيةٍ تُضاهي المنظماتِ المتميزةِ. ولتحقيق تلك المكانة، فإنَّ هناك العديد من الأنشطة أو الممارسات الإدارية سوف نعرضها لاحقاً في هذا الكتاب تعتبر مهمة وداعمة لتحقيق الإبداع والتي يجب على إدارات المنظمات المُبدِعة أن تتبنَّاها وتستخدمها في سياساتها الإدارية، لتجسيدها في الكيان التنظيمي والعملي للمنظَّمة,
وخيرَ ما يمكن الاستشهاد به على بعض النجاحات التي تحقَّقت نتيجةَ تبنِّي أنشطةٍ داعمةٍ للإبداع وإدارتها بحكمةٍ وذكاءٍ، هم اليابانيون والكوريون الذين نجحوا في إخراج بلادهم من أزماتٍ شديدة، وظروفٍ اقتصاديةٍ وسياسيةٍ وإداريةٍ صعبةٍ، مرُّوا بها إلى واقعٍ أفضلَ يحتذي،على الرغم من نُدرة الموارد؛ سوى موردِ الإبداع البشري المُرتَكِزِ إلى الإنتاج العقلي والفكري.
ولتعظيم القدرة على التفاعلِ والاستجابةِ لمتطلَّبات واحتياجات البيئات التنافسية أصبحت المنظماتُ تسعى جاهدةً لإيجاد أرضيةٍ وقاعدةٍ ملائمةٍ لبناء الأنظمة الهادفة إلى توظيف الإبداع التنظيمي وتبنِّي أنشطته على اعتبار أنَّها من المُحرِكاتِ الأساسية نحو تحقيق الأداء الأفضل.