Papers by Taimur Sharif MCIPD, FCMI

International Journal of Business and Management, 9(5), pp.60-73, Apr 18, 2014
This paper aims to identify key motivational factors and examine the role of gender that influenc... more This paper aims to identify key motivational factors and examine the role of gender that influence positively decision to become a teacher in the UAE. Furthermore, due to recent heavy enrolment in teacher education at publicly-funded institutions, this study also finds it essential to understand B.Ed. students’ intentions to teach
after graduation. A total of 116 pre-service teachers studying in Teachers’ Academy in UAE was surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire survey. The data was analysed using multivariate statistical techniques using SPSS. A Likert-type scale with 14 motivational items under four broad categories of motivations, namely, altruistic, intrinsic, extrinsic and pragmatic, was used to accomplish the stated aims of this research. The study
confirmed that the intrinsic motivation and altruistic motivation are significant determinant for their intention to become teacher. Extrinsic motivational factors have a very marginal role to play in their decision to teach in the school. The result did not find any significant impact of Pragmatic motivational factors on the intention to teach. Moreover, the results did not find any significant difference between male and female students. These outcomes of the research would be of help for the UAE educators and policymakers. Also, since teachers’ education for the Emiraties (UAE nationals) are mostly funded by the government, the findings of this study would be useful in recruiting potential students who have higher possibility to contribute in educational sector of the UAE. To improve the teacher education as well as the recruitment policies and their implications in practice, facilitation
of a strong base of ‘educational research’ in the UAE is recommended. It is important to note that the findings of this study cannot be generalized to the entire UAE teacher education policies and practices due to the small size of the sample available for analysis. Overall, the study provides insights into the motivation factors that prompt greater number of pre-service students to consider teaching as a profession. This would therefore be a useful tool for the UAE educational stakeholders against the backdrop of continuous fall in students’ participation.

Journal of Education and Practice (JEP), 4(22), pp.141-8., Oct 31, 2013
This study attempts to investigate the effectiveness of grade-level teams within Emirates Interna... more This study attempts to investigate the effectiveness of grade-level teams within Emirates International Academy – EIA (pseudonym), a fast-accelerating private educational organization in the UAE, using a questionnaire survey. In order to determine the characteristics and elements of an effective team and, thus, formulate specific research questions, Mickan and Roger (2000) is adopted for further study and compared with other literature prior to conducting the empirical study. This research is quantitative in nature and arrives at conclusions in an inductive manner, thus generalize the findings on similar organizations operating in the UAE. It is observed that the grade-level teams within EIA achieve goals that link with the purpose of the Academy and most of the teams, in general, are effective but do not have sufficient performance feedback opportunities for development. In order
to increase the overall team effectiveness, senior leadership and team leaders are recommended to provide and encourage opportunities for teams to reflect upon self- and group- performance.

European Journal of Business and Management, 5(7), pp.133-44., Apr 1, 2013
This study empirically verifies the contributions of human resource development (HRD) efforts in ... more This study empirically verifies the contributions of human resource development (HRD) efforts in the growth process of Bangladesh. In order to conduct the empirical analysis, a hypothetical growth model is constructed in light of two prominent endogenous growth models, ie, Lucas (1988) and Romer (1986, 1990), and a couple of econometric tests, ie, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test and Engle-Granger cointegration are done. In this research, the Engle-Granger cointegration tests have suggested a positive correlation between HRD activities and economic growth process of Bangladesh. Among the HRD activities, investments in education have played a stimulating role and R&D expenditures have made a weak but positive contribution in growth. Besides HRD, there is also evidence that ‘exports’ have played an important role in Bangladesh’s growth.

International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 1(6), pp.36-44., Nov 25, 2011
This study attempts to investigate the levels of workers’ job satisfaction with regard to HRM pol... more This study attempts to investigate the levels of workers’ job satisfaction with regard to HRM policies and practices in the multinational corporations adopting TeleCorp (anonymously named), a leading multinational telecommunication company in Bangladesh, as a case study. The study is empirically based on a
questionnaire survey with a response rate of 81%. The research observes that employees are satisfied with certain practices of TeleCorp such as performance appraisals, pay, compensation and dismissal whereas dissatisfied with job autonomy and working time. This study also analyses how job satisfaction varies
among various groups of workers - groups categorised according to employees’ personal and job related characteristics. The levels of employees’ job satisfaction are observed to fluctuate in terms of their age, gender, education, experiences, designation, and marital status. A set of recommendations are formulated in light of the standard HR-policies and practices in literature and prescribed in view of the observations made with regard to employees’ job satisfaction at TeleCorp. The outcomes of this research can be used in an inductive manner to penetrate a general picture of the existing multinational companies in Bangladesh. The outcomes can also be used as a guideline for those companies which are in pursuit of uplifting the standard of their HR practices as a mechanism to develop global competence. As the list of HR issues covered in this study are non-exhaustive in nature, the research ends with proposing for further research on a wider scale comprising of all types and sizes of companies operating in Bangladesh.

Research Journal of Social Science & Management (RJSSM), 1(12), pp.55-59, Singapore., Apr 1, 2012
This paper attempts to scrutinise the challenges that the corporate domains in Bangladesh may fac... more This paper attempts to scrutinise the challenges that the corporate domains in Bangladesh may face and to explore the prospects that these domains can manage to derive while pursuing an effective HR outsourcing strategy in the management level. The major objectives of this study have therefore been set to examine the likely correlations between the HR outsourcing and networking activities, to identify the types of industry(ies) that is/are very likely to seek the HR outsourcing service as well as to check the length of time of obtaining the outsourcing service. This study observes that networking activities do play a big role in HR outsourcing activities for about a couple of years usually. The findings of this research can be treated very useful in the sense that it can enable strategic apex managers to redesign their work methods towards effective HR outsourcing, resulting in positive effects on their work performances, thus creating a possibility of moving upward on the corporate ladder. Since service sectors are growing fast in Bangladesh, the resulting outcomes of effective HR outsourcing would enable these sectors to overcome inherent lacking in their management skills. This study, thus, can be claimed to be a step forward to fill out the research gap in the area of HR outsourcing and managerial work style in Bangladesh corporate world.

AIUB Journal of Business & Economics, 1(2), pp.60-81., Aug 15, 2002
The ‘job mobility’ factor has got remarkable importance in the traditional theory of human capita... more The ‘job mobility’ factor has got remarkable importance in the traditional theory of human capital. This study is being undertaken to develop and validate the conceptual and operational framework of human capital theory which focuses on the ‘mobility’ factor of the human resources in the labor market. This study brings the human resource trainers/developers, commonly known as teachers or instructors, in the private sector university education in Bangladesh under consideration. This study takes keen interest in this tertiary sector of our economy due to the recent years’ performance of the private universities in creating lucrative opportunities in the job market of Bangladesh. Since a huge number of private universities are coming into operation in very recent years, some factors [internal as well as external] may induce the faculty members to quit the present job and switch to others. This study, therefore, attempts to find out the factors which the private university authority may take care of while structuring the job facilities for their academic employees. For choosing the factors this study uses the human mobility theories available in the economic literature. Moreover, the available empirical studies in the developed country context are also utilized for accuracy of the study.

AIUB journal of Business and Economics, 3(2), Aug 2004, Aug 15, 2004
In light of the practical constraints associated with public tertiary educational activities in B... more In light of the practical constraints associated with public tertiary educational activities in Bangladesh, a number of private universities have entered the new industry of private higher education of the country. The number of these private universities has been growing at a remarkable rate over the years creating a wider scope for the customers to choose among many options in consideration of quality. Keeping this observation in mind, this study adopts ‘external [peer group] evaluation procedure’ as a continuation of the previous study based on the ‘internal review procedure [ie, self-assessment] where American International University – Bangladesh was chosen as a case to study for logical reasons. This study conducts an empirical observation on the quality deployment state of private universities of Bangladesh. The research starts with identification of ‘quality function deployment [QFD]’ factors followed by an empirical assessment of the private universities through customer survey. The study ends with a suggestive discussion on the deployment strategy of the private universities. In this process, the study finally suggests for deployment of resources in certain areas such as establishment of permanent campus, credit transfer facilities, financial assistances to students, consulting hours for students, co-curricular activities, placement assistance and career development alumni, etc. Following a deductive approach, the findings of this study may be generally applied to university-specific cases – the universities which would require deployment of resources to overcome the above-said quality attributes. For greater empirical accuracy, the findings in this study, in many cases, are compared with those in Mamun and Jesmin [1999] which is believed to be a pioneering work in the context of Bangladesh.

AIUB Journal of Business & Economics, 1(4), pp.1-33., Aug 15, 2003
The public tertiary institutions in Bangladesh have not been enough to meet the increasing demand... more The public tertiary institutions in Bangladesh have not been enough to meet the increasing demand of higher education. Identifying this as a window of opportunity, a number of private universities has been coming up day by day in Bangladesh. The number of private universities has increased to 52 with some more in the pipeline. Seemingly, the private universities offer a bundle of better facilities and most of them have similar objectives of providing quality higher education at affordable price. Some of these government-approved universities have become renowned and their contribution to the education sector cannot be overlooked. Since the number of private universities is growing at a remarkable rate, the operational position of the existing universities is becoming tight and customers are going to be in a better position to choose among many options. In line with this, this study aims to conduct an empirical observation on the quality deployment state of private universities of Bangladesh taking a suitable case, namely, American International University – Bangladesh, which has a very fast rate of growth in terms of student enrollments and development activities. The study ends with a brief SWOT analysis and a proposed learning model. The inductive nature of the study may aid the entire private university community to learn some lessons from the findings of the study.

AIUB Journal of Business & Economics, 2(1), pp. 1-38., Jan 15, 2003
Information and Communication Technologies [ICTs] are having a profound impact on learning and te... more Information and Communication Technologies [ICTs] are having a profound impact on learning and teaching in almost all countries, and in all models of education. The impact of these technologies is likely to continue unabated and, therefore, educators find it important to keep themselves abreast of the latest thinking. In this line of thinking, the concept of virtual university [VU] came into existence as the result of the modern ICTs. The main target of this paper is to deal with the relevant issues of VU which are emerging all over the world. Six VU Models from different continents have been brought under study to formulate a suitable VU model for a developing country. This paper has provided a brief description of how the VU models are being implemented in real life and how effectively they are fulfilling the work processes. As a result, this paper has come up with a new extended model of a VU through identifying the common factors of all the existing models. The paper has also identified the cost factors for establishing a VU. For the empirical analysis, the study has chosen a leading private university of Bangladesh, namely, American International University – Bangladesh [AIUB], where the process of virtualizing the physical university activities has been already started. Finally, the study finds the proposed VU model suitable for AIUB where physical- as well as virtual-university may coexist.

People’s University Journal, 1(1), December, pp.65-80., Dec 15, 2004
Extensive financing for growth of brand awareness has become an indispensable key to succeed in t... more Extensive financing for growth of brand awareness has become an indispensable key to succeed in today’s competitive business world. Companies, especially multinationals [MNCs], therefore, rely mostly on creative marketing and promoting brand awareness among customers. In recognition of the importance of brand marketing, this study has attempted to make a query on the conceptual understanding of brand awareness and its magnitude in an MNC in Bangladesh, namely, Siemens Bangladesh Ltd. [SBL], a leading MNC in the country. The study observes that SBL holds good name and reliance among customers but suggests, on the basis of the empirical findings in relation to the company manifestos, that the company should finance more for effective marketing to grow awareness of its brands. The findings followed by recommendations of this paper can be generalized as lessons for other MNCs in Bangladesh which operate with similar kind of products like Siemens.

Arthanity Journal (Economics Journal), XI, pp. 15-42., 2003
The integration of global capital markets has increased the ease with which nationals of both dev... more The integration of global capital markets has increased the ease with which nationals of both developed and developing countries can move their assets overseas. In this connection, large capital flows have been observed to move in an “unusual, perverse, abnormal” way from developing countries to its developed counterparts. In majority cases, these outflows absorb huge amount of flight capital which lay profound impact on the growth process of the developing economies. In consideration of this fact, this paper attempted to conduct a thorough study on the issues of capital flight and the nature, causes, implications as well as magnitude of flight capital in the poor countries. This paper has also taken some especial interest on the economy of Bangladesh although data constraint has been a major problem for analysis. Finally, the study found that corruption and tax evasion work as the main causal factors of inducing capital flight in the developing world and the entire process is backed up by the advanced countries of the world. As the policy prescription, this study has suggested, among others, for collaborative efforts of the developed- and developing- country-leaders without which tackling ‘flight capital’ phenomenon would remain a day dream for all.
Conference Presentations by Taimur Sharif MCIPD, FCMI

As part of the ‘Emiratisation’ process in the UAE, the current educational reforms that seek to p... more As part of the ‘Emiratisation’ process in the UAE, the current educational reforms that seek to place more Emiratis in key sectors, e.g., education, have driven the need for Emiratis to be trained as teachers. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the motivations of Emiratis to enroll in teacher education and their intentions to teach after graduation. The empirical study was conducted on the First and Second year B.Ed. students in an Emiratis only Teachers’ Training College in UAE by using a questionnaire survey for data collection and Likert scaling for analysis. The study confirms that the highest rated motivators had an intrinsic and altruistic attitude. Extrinsic and pragmatic reasons were also rated highly. These ratings did not differ significantly for males and females. An increase in salaries of teachers may entice more Emiratis to teaching profession. Among others, initiatives for a significant change in the perception of teaching and the facilitations of a transparent promotion policy are recommended to encourage Emiratis to consider teaching as a career. Overall, as a step forward to the Emiratisation process, a strong research basis in UAE is also recommended to improve not only teacher education but also the recruitment efforts and related policies.

When organizations expand the size of their human resources, grade-level teams are created as one... more When organizations expand the size of their human resources, grade-level teams are created as one of the most suitable ways to handle the complexities of expansions. As many problems are likely to arise from these groupings, leaders need to take the challenge of ensuring the effectiveness of these newly launched teams. These viewpoints are equally applicable to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) -- a fast growing gulf country and an emerging hub to many international companies. As the country allows growing organizations to take the responsibility to develop, monitor and maintain a sense of community and productivity, forming work teams have become a practicing norm among companies in the recent years. In light of this changing scenario, this study attempts to investigate the effectiveness of grade-level teams within Emirates International Academy – EIA (pseudonym), a fast-accelerating private educational organization in the UAE, using a questionnaire survey. In order to determine the characteristics and elements of an effective team and, thus, formulate specific research questions, Mickan and Roger (2000) is adopted for further study and compared with other literature prior to conducting the empirical study. This research is quantitative in nature and arrives at conclusions in an inductive manner, thus generalize the findings on similar organizations operating in the UAE. It is observed that the grade-level teams within EIA achieve goals that link with the purpose of the Academy and most of the teams, in general, are effective but do not have sufficient performance feedback opportunities for development. In order to increase the overall team effectiveness, senior leadership and team leaders are recommended to provide and encourage opportunities for teams to reflect upon self- and group- performance.

This paper tests whether there are any significant differences between the level of eService deve... more This paper tests whether there are any significant differences between the level of eService development in the councils and its impact on the organisation across the organisational, individual, and eService utilisation factors. A questionnaire survey among four city council employees in Melbourne, Australia has been conducted. The final result of MANOVA analyses are interpreted in light of Lewin’s (1951) model. The findings show that higher role clarity, better job impact, and more positive attitude are found in the embryonic group of city councils that experiences comparatively lower developments in eServices. Furthermore, compared to councils where little change is occurring, the developing group of city councils report less available support. The embryonic group of city council experiences continuity and that is why employees feel more comfortable and familiar with their website.

The study has dealt with the aspects associated with the growth and technical orientations of the... more The study has dealt with the aspects associated with the growth and technical orientations of the EPZs in underdeveloped economies [UDEs] in comparison to the erstwhile UDEs of East Asia. The study starts with a highlight on the theoretical debates on the role of government in relation to the principle of free market mechanisms. This discussion is, then, bridged with the issue of the emergence and growth of EPZs which have been considered to be burning examples of the types of roles that ‘states’ played over the years. With an outline of the objectives of the study, this paper has made an in-depth literature review on the comparative picture of EPZ-experiences between the EPZs of East Asia and those of the UDEs. In consideration of the changing economic and trade scenario of the world as well as the outcome of the empirical evaluation, this paper has raised the issue of restructuring the underdeveloped economy-EPZs in light of the experiences of East Asia – the region which extracted the most economic benefits establishing EPZs which is transitional in nature and favorable to facilitating competitive technological progress in economies involved. Finally, since the initial background of economic development of the East Asian countries seems similar to the present day underdeveloped economies [such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Fiji], this study, therefore, aimed to learn from the experiments run in these countries by their governments. At the end, an understanding has been developed in the study that properly planned and careful persuasion for transitional EPZ-strategy of East Asia may enable many UDEs to overcome many of their growth obstacles such as lacking of FDI, inability of improvising foreign technology and diversifying product structure to higher value-addition, inadequate capability of technological leapfrogging and technological catching up with the world leaders, etc. For greater empirical reasonings, a thorough literature review on the Growth theories related to EPZs has been done in this study. Accordingly, an outline has been proposed for a systematic analysis on the comparative study between the EPZs of East Asia and those of the UDEs.

Many educators and advisory groups emphasize ‘high standards’ as an important factor in improving... more Many educators and advisory groups emphasize ‘high standards’ as an important factor in improving the quality of education for all students. Also, in connection with the development point of view of the country and higher job market potentials for graduates, they focus on the significance of facilitating regional-based curriculum in educational establishments. As a result, schools and districts especially in developed economies always look at ways to develop a high-quality curriculum that is based on ‘regional requirements’. Since developing a ‘regionally standardised curriculum’ requires changes in the way teachers teach and schools are run, care must be taken to build capacity for all educators and to provide adequate time for implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the curriculum. The curriculum-development process also should provide opportunities for reflection and revision so that the curriculum is updated and improved on a regular basis. But in many cases, courses taught in developing country-schools are not observed to be the curriculum designed in accordance with the requirements of the economy. Rather schools use curriculum designed in the developed country context resulting in inapplicability of students’ knowledge in practical life and greater frustrations for graduates in job markets. In consideration of this fact, this study has attempted to make an extensive query on the regional-ingredients incorporated in the curricula of the ‘Agribusiness MBA programme’ , the first and unique of its kind in the South Asian region, introduced at AIUB in association with the US-Aid and College of Agricultural and Life Sc., University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA. This study presents the successful approaches in initialising regional-based curricula for the said programme and ends with some suggestive measures to overcome the existing loopholes.

The integration of global capital markets has increased the ease with which nationals of both dev... more The integration of global capital markets has increased the ease with which nationals of both developed and developing countries can move their assets overseas. In this connection, large capital flows have been observed to move in an “unusual, perverse, abnormal” way from developing countries to its developed counterparts. In majority cases, these outflows absorb huge amount of flight capital which lay profound impact on the growth process of the developing economies. In consideration of this fact, this paper attempted to conduct a thorough study on the issues of capital flight and the nature, causes, implications as well as magnitude of flight capital in the poor countries. This paper has also taken some especial interest on the economy of Bangladesh although data constraint has been a major problem for analysis. Finally, the study found that corruption and tax evasion work as the main causal factors of inducing capital flight in the developing world and the entire process is backed up by the advanced countries of the world. As the policy prescription, this study has suggested, among others, for collaborative efforts of the developed- and developing- country-leaders without which tackling ‘flight capital’ phenomenon would remain a day dream for all.
Thesis Chapters by Taimur Sharif MCIPD, FCMI

Doctoral Thesis, Aug 11, 2011
The notion of catching up has its antecedents in historical studies on the industrial transformat... more The notion of catching up has its antecedents in historical studies on the industrial transformation of countries such as the Germany, the US and Japan. More recent studies have focussed on the NICs of Asia and Latin America. In a similar fashion, this study deals with issues of technological mastery by the developing countries (DCs) while ‘catching-up’ towards narrowing the ‘technology gap’ with the leaders. In doing so, the study asks specific questions about the nature and operational features of some purpose-built schemes such as ‘export processing zones’ (EPZs) and similar models aiming to promote technology transfers (TT) for the DCs via foreign investments, and focuses on the differential elements that made East Asian schemes distinct from the DC-models. In the context of the extensive literature survey dealing with similar models operating in the developed economies (DEs) known as ‘Technology Parks’ (TPs), the study observed conceptual and linguistic ambiguities between EPZs and TPs. One of the aims of this study was therefore to develop an unambiguous conceptual framework of ‘special technology infrastructure’ (STI) – a term introduced and used in this study to clarify and locate zones and schemes such as TPs, EPZs, IPs (Industrial Parks), SEZs (Special Economic Zones), etc. in the form of a STI-hierarchy. This research found that, although originated from IPs, TPs are clearly different from the EPZs in terms of their research orientation whereas EPZs show business-orientation at the time of their inceptions. The study found that in order to follow the East Asian pattern, a DC-EPZ needs to ensure its standard of operation similar as ‘business incubator’ while transitioning its orientation from business towards research. The empirical study concluded that a DC like Bangladesh has the potential to uplift the status of their EPZs to function like a TP due to the resemblance of EPZs’ standard of services to the ones provided by ‘business incubator’ – seemingly a gateway to TPs. The chances of narrowing the technology gap was assessed to be higher due to: (a) the observed similarity of operations between firms in the EPZ and those in the domestic tariff area (DTA); and (b) the increasing share of capital intensive industries such as heavy engineering, automotives, etc. Drawing particular attention to the significance of the concept of ‘dated labor’ (workers with the latest know-whys) as postulated by ‘vintage growth models’, the study recommended that, in order to facilitate catching up, the country needs to uplift the national technological capability (TC) up to the level that would match the global standard and would: (a) enable workers to handle the latest technologies and machines; and (b) induce MNCs to not only carry on with their marketing research activities but also outsource innovation and design-related R&D activities in the EPZ-hosting countries. The study proposed further research on: (i) vintage models to revive and incorporate the concept of ‘dated labor’ in empirical studies focused on ‘catching up’ and ‘technology gap’ issues; and (ii) to improve our knowledge of the causal factors of technical progress as well as to overcome difficulties and weaknesses with their estimation procedures.

International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 1(7), pp.21-31., Dec 25, 2011
In view of the fact that East Asian economies extracted vast technological benefits adopting EPZ-... more In view of the fact that East Asian economies extracted vast technological benefits adopting EPZ-strategies, an over-crowding as well as increasing variants of EPZs have mushroomed in the developing countries (DCs) such as Bangladesh over the years and produced a variety of empirical results. Although rewarding experiences with DC-EPZs in terms of inward foreign investment, employment generation and export promotion are often discussed in literature, the performance assessments of these EPZs in terms of reaping technological rewards such as backward linkages, product diversification and transfer of technology (TT), thus catching-up technological leaders, seem to be missing. In view of this shortcoming in the context of DCs, this study attempts to make a query about the overall technological orientations of DC-EPZs as well as their potentials of technological catching up adopting Bangladesh-EPZs (BEPZs) as a case study. In doing so, this study applies a number of assessment measures including the ones used by the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) using secondary industry-specific and country data from various government and non-government as well as local and international sources. The empirical examination of the industry distribution in BEPZs using four major propositions indicates that the degree of learning and catching up can be expected to be higher for fast-evolving EPZs like the ones observable in Bangladesh. The study ends with the recommendation of developing an ample amount of ‘dated workforce’ for the DCs like Bangladesh where EPZ-strategies may be carefully planned and pursued as technological kick-starter of their economies.
Papers by Taimur Sharif MCIPD, FCMI
after graduation. A total of 116 pre-service teachers studying in Teachers’ Academy in UAE was surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire survey. The data was analysed using multivariate statistical techniques using SPSS. A Likert-type scale with 14 motivational items under four broad categories of motivations, namely, altruistic, intrinsic, extrinsic and pragmatic, was used to accomplish the stated aims of this research. The study
confirmed that the intrinsic motivation and altruistic motivation are significant determinant for their intention to become teacher. Extrinsic motivational factors have a very marginal role to play in their decision to teach in the school. The result did not find any significant impact of Pragmatic motivational factors on the intention to teach. Moreover, the results did not find any significant difference between male and female students. These outcomes of the research would be of help for the UAE educators and policymakers. Also, since teachers’ education for the Emiraties (UAE nationals) are mostly funded by the government, the findings of this study would be useful in recruiting potential students who have higher possibility to contribute in educational sector of the UAE. To improve the teacher education as well as the recruitment policies and their implications in practice, facilitation
of a strong base of ‘educational research’ in the UAE is recommended. It is important to note that the findings of this study cannot be generalized to the entire UAE teacher education policies and practices due to the small size of the sample available for analysis. Overall, the study provides insights into the motivation factors that prompt greater number of pre-service students to consider teaching as a profession. This would therefore be a useful tool for the UAE educational stakeholders against the backdrop of continuous fall in students’ participation.
to increase the overall team effectiveness, senior leadership and team leaders are recommended to provide and encourage opportunities for teams to reflect upon self- and group- performance.
questionnaire survey with a response rate of 81%. The research observes that employees are satisfied with certain practices of TeleCorp such as performance appraisals, pay, compensation and dismissal whereas dissatisfied with job autonomy and working time. This study also analyses how job satisfaction varies
among various groups of workers - groups categorised according to employees’ personal and job related characteristics. The levels of employees’ job satisfaction are observed to fluctuate in terms of their age, gender, education, experiences, designation, and marital status. A set of recommendations are formulated in light of the standard HR-policies and practices in literature and prescribed in view of the observations made with regard to employees’ job satisfaction at TeleCorp. The outcomes of this research can be used in an inductive manner to penetrate a general picture of the existing multinational companies in Bangladesh. The outcomes can also be used as a guideline for those companies which are in pursuit of uplifting the standard of their HR practices as a mechanism to develop global competence. As the list of HR issues covered in this study are non-exhaustive in nature, the research ends with proposing for further research on a wider scale comprising of all types and sizes of companies operating in Bangladesh.
Conference Presentations by Taimur Sharif MCIPD, FCMI
Thesis Chapters by Taimur Sharif MCIPD, FCMI
after graduation. A total of 116 pre-service teachers studying in Teachers’ Academy in UAE was surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire survey. The data was analysed using multivariate statistical techniques using SPSS. A Likert-type scale with 14 motivational items under four broad categories of motivations, namely, altruistic, intrinsic, extrinsic and pragmatic, was used to accomplish the stated aims of this research. The study
confirmed that the intrinsic motivation and altruistic motivation are significant determinant for their intention to become teacher. Extrinsic motivational factors have a very marginal role to play in their decision to teach in the school. The result did not find any significant impact of Pragmatic motivational factors on the intention to teach. Moreover, the results did not find any significant difference between male and female students. These outcomes of the research would be of help for the UAE educators and policymakers. Also, since teachers’ education for the Emiraties (UAE nationals) are mostly funded by the government, the findings of this study would be useful in recruiting potential students who have higher possibility to contribute in educational sector of the UAE. To improve the teacher education as well as the recruitment policies and their implications in practice, facilitation
of a strong base of ‘educational research’ in the UAE is recommended. It is important to note that the findings of this study cannot be generalized to the entire UAE teacher education policies and practices due to the small size of the sample available for analysis. Overall, the study provides insights into the motivation factors that prompt greater number of pre-service students to consider teaching as a profession. This would therefore be a useful tool for the UAE educational stakeholders against the backdrop of continuous fall in students’ participation.
to increase the overall team effectiveness, senior leadership and team leaders are recommended to provide and encourage opportunities for teams to reflect upon self- and group- performance.
questionnaire survey with a response rate of 81%. The research observes that employees are satisfied with certain practices of TeleCorp such as performance appraisals, pay, compensation and dismissal whereas dissatisfied with job autonomy and working time. This study also analyses how job satisfaction varies
among various groups of workers - groups categorised according to employees’ personal and job related characteristics. The levels of employees’ job satisfaction are observed to fluctuate in terms of their age, gender, education, experiences, designation, and marital status. A set of recommendations are formulated in light of the standard HR-policies and practices in literature and prescribed in view of the observations made with regard to employees’ job satisfaction at TeleCorp. The outcomes of this research can be used in an inductive manner to penetrate a general picture of the existing multinational companies in Bangladesh. The outcomes can also be used as a guideline for those companies which are in pursuit of uplifting the standard of their HR practices as a mechanism to develop global competence. As the list of HR issues covered in this study are non-exhaustive in nature, the research ends with proposing for further research on a wider scale comprising of all types and sizes of companies operating in Bangladesh.