Papers by Inga Milevica (Milēviča)
Евразийский союз ученых, 2018

Economics and Culture
Research purpose. There is a growing trend of society believing more and more in public broadcast... more Research purpose. There is a growing trend of society believing more and more in public broadcasting and media because they can objectively explain and reflect on what is happening in the world and Latvia. As the pandemic escalates, people are increasingly listening to what professional journalists and experts are saying. The survey organised by the National Media Council (, 2021) also shows that trust in public media in Latvia has been growing. However, one important challenge now is handling misinformation and false news, mostly seen on the Internet and social media. To be able to trace and analyse misinformation and false news that might have a significant impact on the population, first, it is important to identify the traditional and digital media as well as other Internet sources that have been frequently used by the population. The purpose of this study is to identify media platforms, including regional media, that are in daily use by the Vidzeme region’s populat...
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, 2020
Статья посвящена одному из дискуссионных терминов современного переводоведения – cтратегии перево... more Статья посвящена одному из дискуссионных терминов современного переводоведения – cтратегии перевода. Типологии стратегий перевода отличаются принципами их выделения и обоснования. В статье анализируется 325 научных статей электронной библиотеки Cyberleninka, содержащих сочетание стратегия + перевод. Результаты анализа показали, что в научных статьях понятие стратегии перевода часто используется в аннотации/ключевых словах научной статьи, но в то же время никак не определяется в самом тексте статьи. В таком случае возможно предположить, что использование понятие стратегии перевода продиктовано соображениями самопрезентации автора научной статьи.

Economics and Culture, 2020
Research purpose. Social networks have become an integral part of life, making social media one o... more Research purpose. Social networks have become an integral part of life, making social media one of the most significant advertising platforms, which, according to many experts and scientists, is one of the most effective brand communication techniques. According to Google’s data (Think with Google, 2018), before the purchase, shoppers like to address real people, which they think could be trusted. Branding with influencers is a new way of promoting products and services. It has also recently been a much sought research topic both in terms of studying the brand communication and the influencer phenomenon. This comparative study explores the involvement of influencers in brand communication. The aim of the research is to analyse the involvement of Latvian and Cypriot influencers in brand communication, its features in theoretical and practical aspects. Design/Methodology/Approach. The research methods used were content analysis of Latvian and Cypriot influencer accounts, comparative a...

Challenges of Science
Distant education has become a stable form implementing higher education. Advantages and disadvan... more Distant education has become a stable form implementing higher education. Advantages and disadvantages of this distant education form have been discussed since the form was introduced. Interactivity with a strong visual component, effective communication in various combinations – one on one, duet, group – and active learning with informative, moral, institutional support from the very beginning have been declared as one of the greatest benefits distant education. But today we are already talking about interactivity’s deficiencies, how we return to the problem of routine one-way education. There is a reason why there are regular studies in distant education research on contact forms becoming more favorable than distant forms, as they are chosen by students more frequently. The time, we enjoy in digital opportunity studies, already shown a number of stereotypes about e-studies, among which, the college highlights the following: e-studies resembled boring self-learning process with sta...

Economics and Culture
The performed scientific studies show that proper and skilful use of modern technologies can cont... more The performed scientific studies show that proper and skilful use of modern technologies can contribute to significant development of companies. Growth of technologies occurs rapidly, and the electronic environment continuously develops and improves along with it. The electronic environment now already offers companies practically all necessary marketing and communication tools for ensuring company development by creating competitive advantages; nevertheless, not all companies can employ the opportunities rendered by the e- environment, in order to increase company competitiveness and productivity. (Ščeulovs, Gaile-Sarkane 2014). The aim of the paper is to study and compare the enterprises communication in e-environment in two countries – Latvia and Kazakhstan. Study material – 130 enterprises of Latvia, 100 enterprises of Kazakhstan; method – survey. The study was conducted within the Erasmus+ project ‘Mobility between programme and partner countries (KA107)’. Using previous resear...
Papers by Inga Milevica (Milēviča)