Ahmed Farag
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Papers by Ahmed Farag
valor were exposed to different levels of nitrogen
fertilizer (60, 100, 140, 180 kg N/feddan (4200 m2
)) and in-row plant spacing (12.5, 25 and 50 cm) for
maximizing the yield production to match food security
needs under climate change impacts on Delta
region, Egypt. The experiment was carried out
during two growing seasons (2010/2011 and
2011/2012) in split plot design at EI-Bossily Farm,
Agricultural Research Center, EI-Behira Governorate,
Egypt. The vegetative growth characteristics
and yield parameters were measured. The result of
this study verified that increasing nitrogen level up
to 180 kg N/feddan significantly increased the vegetative
growth, total and marketable yields than
the other N treatments. The in-row plant spacing
50 cm was significantly increased vegetative
growth and yield (kg/plant), but the total yield
(kg/m2 ) had different trend. The highest total yield
/m2 was obtained by 12.5 cm treatment. The interaction
effect of 180 kg/feddan of Nand 12.5cm inrow
plant spacing were increased the total tuber
yield (kg/m2 ) si~nificantly. In contrary, the best
marketable yield (tubers > 35 mm) 1m2 was obtained
by 25 and 50 cm in-row plants. This study
was concluded that the best agronomic practices
for potato production obtained by application 180
kg N/feddan of with in-row plant spacing 25 cm
treatment. The economical consideration of the
different treatments showed that the best total net
income was obtained by 180 kglfeddan N with 50
cm in-row plant spacing.
number of fruits per plant during the two successive seasons.
Increasing wafer level up to 0.80 (ET) enhanced yield with different plastic mulch treatments. while plant growth and yield decreased with increasing water level to 1.20 ET). However. Using 0.80 (ET) with different plastic much increased water use efficiency compared to using 1.00 (ET) or 1.20 (ET) without plastic mulch.
HIS STUDY was carried out during two successive seasons (2012 and 2013) on 4 - years old pomegranate trees, (Punica granatum L.) wonderful cv., grown on a sandy soil under drip irrigation to assess four different mulching treatments, rice straw, palm fronds, transparent polyethylene sheets and gravel on tree growth and their productivity. The design of the experiment is randomized complete block five treatments with three replicates each.
Gravel mulch gave the highest number of leaves, shoot length, number of internodes, as well as length, diameter, volume, aril weight per fruit, fruit weight and yield. Rice straw gave the highest total soluble solids, Vitamin (C), total rind and juice anthocyanin. Gravel and rice straw mulch were more effective in reducing cracked fruits and decrease sunburn disorder. Mulching treatments reduced grass growth and increased moisture and soil temperature conservation, in particular of gravel mulch which was superior in this concern. It can be recommended that gravel mulching was the most effective treatment to improve soil moisture, growth, quality and productivity of pomegranate fruits.
Keyword: Pomegranate (Wonderful cv.), Rice straw mulch, Palm fronds mulch, Transparent polyethylene mulch, Gravel mulch. Soil temperature, Soil moisture
governorate, Egypt in winter season of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to study the effects of different planting
dates, cultivars and growing degree days (GDD) on vegetative growth, yield and its components of garlic. The
experiment was a split plot design with three replications. The planting date at four different times (Sep.25, Oct.
10, Oct. 25 and Nov. 10) made the main plot and three cultivars (Balady, Sids-40 and White super) constituted
the sub-plot. The Maximum and minimum Temperature was recorded during growing season to calculate
accumulative growing degree days (GDD). The obtained results showed that planting date on 25th Sep. combined
with all cvs. recorded the highest germination percentage in both seasons whereas, the late planting date
(November 10) gave the lowest germination percentage. The Balady cultivar was minimum GDD accumulation
when it was emerged after 18.67 day from planting. The 25th Sep. planting date significantly produced higher
means on plant height, number of leaves per plant and leaves weight per plant in the first and second seasons.
The super white cultivar combine with planting date Sep. 25 has the height GDD about 1929 and 1345 unit for
the two seasons. The yield and its components was increased under early planting date furthermore, under late
planting date conditions the yield and its components were significantly decreased. The plating date on Sep. 25
was the highest yield and GDD accumulated compared to other planting date on the 2010-11 and 2011-12
seasons. The lowest yield and GDD was observed by planting on 10th Nov. in first and second seasons. The
White super cultivar produced the highest yield due to increase GDD accumulated followed by Sids-40.
Whereas, cv. Balady produce the lower most bulb yield and less GDD in the first and second seasons. The N, P
and K contents in the garlic bulbs were increased when garlic seed cloves planted on 25th Sep. However, the
NPK contents in garlic bulbs were decreased with planting date was late.
valor were exposed to different levels of nitrogen
fertilizer (60, 100, 140, 180 kg N/feddan (4200 m2
)) and in-row plant spacing (12.5, 25 and 50 cm) for
maximizing the yield production to match food security
needs under climate change impacts on Delta
region, Egypt. The experiment was carried out
during two growing seasons (2010/2011 and
2011/2012) in split plot design at EI-Bossily Farm,
Agricultural Research Center, EI-Behira Governorate,
Egypt. The vegetative growth characteristics
and yield parameters were measured. The result of
this study verified that increasing nitrogen level up
to 180 kg N/feddan significantly increased the vegetative
growth, total and marketable yields than
the other N treatments. The in-row plant spacing
50 cm was significantly increased vegetative
growth and yield (kg/plant), but the total yield
(kg/m2 ) had different trend. The highest total yield
/m2 was obtained by 12.5 cm treatment. The interaction
effect of 180 kg/feddan of Nand 12.5cm inrow
plant spacing were increased the total tuber
yield (kg/m2 ) si~nificantly. In contrary, the best
marketable yield (tubers > 35 mm) 1m2 was obtained
by 25 and 50 cm in-row plants. This study
was concluded that the best agronomic practices
for potato production obtained by application 180
kg N/feddan of with in-row plant spacing 25 cm
treatment. The economical consideration of the
different treatments showed that the best total net
income was obtained by 180 kglfeddan N with 50
cm in-row plant spacing.
number of fruits per plant during the two successive seasons.
Increasing wafer level up to 0.80 (ET) enhanced yield with different plastic mulch treatments. while plant growth and yield decreased with increasing water level to 1.20 ET). However. Using 0.80 (ET) with different plastic much increased water use efficiency compared to using 1.00 (ET) or 1.20 (ET) without plastic mulch.
HIS STUDY was carried out during two successive seasons (2012 and 2013) on 4 - years old pomegranate trees, (Punica granatum L.) wonderful cv., grown on a sandy soil under drip irrigation to assess four different mulching treatments, rice straw, palm fronds, transparent polyethylene sheets and gravel on tree growth and their productivity. The design of the experiment is randomized complete block five treatments with three replicates each.
Gravel mulch gave the highest number of leaves, shoot length, number of internodes, as well as length, diameter, volume, aril weight per fruit, fruit weight and yield. Rice straw gave the highest total soluble solids, Vitamin (C), total rind and juice anthocyanin. Gravel and rice straw mulch were more effective in reducing cracked fruits and decrease sunburn disorder. Mulching treatments reduced grass growth and increased moisture and soil temperature conservation, in particular of gravel mulch which was superior in this concern. It can be recommended that gravel mulching was the most effective treatment to improve soil moisture, growth, quality and productivity of pomegranate fruits.
Keyword: Pomegranate (Wonderful cv.), Rice straw mulch, Palm fronds mulch, Transparent polyethylene mulch, Gravel mulch. Soil temperature, Soil moisture
governorate, Egypt in winter season of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to study the effects of different planting
dates, cultivars and growing degree days (GDD) on vegetative growth, yield and its components of garlic. The
experiment was a split plot design with three replications. The planting date at four different times (Sep.25, Oct.
10, Oct. 25 and Nov. 10) made the main plot and three cultivars (Balady, Sids-40 and White super) constituted
the sub-plot. The Maximum and minimum Temperature was recorded during growing season to calculate
accumulative growing degree days (GDD). The obtained results showed that planting date on 25th Sep. combined
with all cvs. recorded the highest germination percentage in both seasons whereas, the late planting date
(November 10) gave the lowest germination percentage. The Balady cultivar was minimum GDD accumulation
when it was emerged after 18.67 day from planting. The 25th Sep. planting date significantly produced higher
means on plant height, number of leaves per plant and leaves weight per plant in the first and second seasons.
The super white cultivar combine with planting date Sep. 25 has the height GDD about 1929 and 1345 unit for
the two seasons. The yield and its components was increased under early planting date furthermore, under late
planting date conditions the yield and its components were significantly decreased. The plating date on Sep. 25
was the highest yield and GDD accumulated compared to other planting date on the 2010-11 and 2011-12
seasons. The lowest yield and GDD was observed by planting on 10th Nov. in first and second seasons. The
White super cultivar produced the highest yield due to increase GDD accumulated followed by Sids-40.
Whereas, cv. Balady produce the lower most bulb yield and less GDD in the first and second seasons. The N, P
and K contents in the garlic bulbs were increased when garlic seed cloves planted on 25th Sep. However, the
NPK contents in garlic bulbs were decreased with planting date was late.