Thesis Chapters by Aysem Öktem Avcı

The Effects of Pre-Reading Activities in L1 and L2 on Reading Comprehension, 2020
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of pre-reading activities in L1 and L2 on... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of pre-reading activities in L1 and L2 on B1 EFL students’ reading comprehension and to determine the students’ views. The conducted literature review indicates a lack of research on the use of L1 in L2 pre-reading activities. The significance of this study is that it was the first research to be conducted with the secondary school students at a private school in Burdur, Turkey. The participants were divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The homogeneity of the learners’ overall proficiency was determined by a proficiency test (pre-test) conducted before the study. While pre-reading activities were conducted in L1 for experimental group, these activities were conducted in L2 for control group. The data collected from two groups were statistically analyzed. In addition, this study consisted of sequential embedded teaching design to get feedback from the participants about the process of the study at the end of the experimental study. Students’ feedback was collected for the purpose of building foresight for further similar studies. The findings in this study indicated that there were no significant differences between the learners’ overall reading scores when pre-reading activities were conducted in L1 or L2. It was also revealed that the experimental group participants found the pre-reading activities in L1 positive to become more persuading to participate in the lessons while the control group found the pre-reading activities in L2 useful to improve their pronunciation and their vocabulary knowledge. Additionally, all the findings improvements, raise in willingness and opportunities during the activities were stated at the end of the study.
Key Words: Activating background knowledge, L1 usage in reading, Pre-reading activities, Reading Comprehension, TEFL.
Papers by Aysem Öktem Avcı

TEACHING ESP IN THE DIGITAL AGE: A systematic Review (Dijital Çağ’da Özel Amaçlı İngilizce Öğretimi: Sistematik Bir İnceleme), 2024
The development of technology has parallelism with the development of approaches, methods and mat... more The development of technology has parallelism with the development of approaches, methods and materials used in teaching a language process. While technological tools were used in language teaching only in developed countries or by limited people in past, almost all teachers and students have taken an active role in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the language learning process in recent years. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, research about using ICT in the field of education has become more popular. This study aims to provide a current synthesis of the effects of Blended Learning and Flipped Learning models used in ESP (English for Special Purposes) classes. Although the findings show that very few students are affected negatively due to these education models, a lot of research shows that these education models have positive effects mostly on the language learning process of students. In light of the results, for ESP researchers and teachers this study ends with a sample lesson plan including both educational models that can be used in ESP classes.
Teaching a foreign language and the role of mother tongue in teaching second language have become... more Teaching a foreign language and the role of mother tongue in teaching second language have become very important in educational contexts for many years. This paper aims to investigate teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) to determine the differences among approaches, methods and techniques regarding the use of mother tongue in the classroom. First, the role of mother tongue will be discussed regarding two methodologies, Grammar-Translation Method (GTM) and Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) in teaching English as a foreign language.. Second, both the positive and the negative effects of using mother tongue in TEFL will be discussed. The conclusion section will specify what teachers should do regarding the use of mother tongue in the language classroom.
A Woman Against Patriarchy In The Victorian Age & The Yellow Wallpaper, 2018
Madness can be turned into a concept that is used by system in order to produce the stability of ... more Madness can be turned into a concept that is used by system in order to produce the stability of state. Social madness is related to fitting the social order than a pathological problem. The discursive construction of madness (especially as a female) is a common subject of the literary works of the Victorian Age. This paper tries to explain how a woman suffers because of not adapting to the social order, being defined as mad while she is not, how she becomes actually insane because of all these and old traditional treatments, the effects of gender roles on the imposed madness upon women, and inner conflicts of women by giving some examples from The Yellow Wallpaper of Charlotte Perkins Gilman,1899.
Thesis Chapters by Aysem Öktem Avcı
Key Words: Activating background knowledge, L1 usage in reading, Pre-reading activities, Reading Comprehension, TEFL.
Papers by Aysem Öktem Avcı
Key Words: Activating background knowledge, L1 usage in reading, Pre-reading activities, Reading Comprehension, TEFL.