The extreme urbanization and rapid industrial development during the last decade has caused serio... more The extreme urbanization and rapid industrial development during the last decade has caused serious concerns in the environment. In particular, heavy metals are considered as severe pollutants because of their environmental persistence. It can be transferred through food chains and cause heavy damage to the tertiary consumers like human and cow. One of the most severe results of their persistence is the biological amplification of metal in the food chain. Samples of estimate the presence of Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb). Heavy metal levels were assessed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).High metal content observed in water, soil and grass at Thirumangalam it reflects in cow's milk. The metals such as cadmium as well as lead concentrations were increased from season I to season II and then to season III in the cow's food chains. This confirms the increasing trend in metal concentrations in cow's food chain. The present study suggested that heavy metals contamination is increasing in the environments particularly in the urban areas, so considerable attention has to be done to monitor the heavy metals level in cow's milk is essential to keep away the health hazards in animals and human beings in Madurai District.
Pharmaceutical pollution is an emerging concern in the world. Major manufacturing units of pharma... more Pharmaceutical pollution is an emerging concern in the world. Major manufacturing units of pharmaceutical companies are successfully running in the developed countries like the USA,

A hallmark of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is its ability to establish biofilm based infections that ar... more A hallmark of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is its ability to establish biofilm based infections that are difficult to eradicate. Biofilms are less susceptible to host inflammatory and immune response and have higher antibiotic tolerance that frees living planktonic cells. The aim of the study is to investigate biofilm forming capacity and the antibiotic susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical wound specimen. A total number of60 wound specimens will be submitted to the bacteriology laboratory of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital for investigation, and will be screened for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and strains will be identified on the basis of cultural characteristics, Gram staining, biochemical tests such as citrate, urease, indole, fermentation of sugar using triple sugar agar. The biofilm forming capacity of the strains will be tested using the test tube method after the strains are standardized to approximately standard inoculated into a cooked meat broth. The growth rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains after 48 hours incubation will be measured by taking the absorbance using Densi-Check. The strain growth rate will be checked. Biofilm formation at the liquid interface (pllicle) will be observed as a ring and this will be qualitatively scored from the first to the last strain. The cultures will be decanted gently and rinsed twice with sterile distilled water and steained with 0.1% w/v safranin, the stain will be decolorized using 100% alcohol, and the absorbance for strains will be measured at 590nm. The strain with the most and least biofilm formation will be recorded with the absorbance rates. The clinical significance of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm forming capacity and resistance to antibiotics which could result to none healing, delayed healing, foul smell of wound infection will be checked for the experiment.
As a result of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In late February 20... more As a result of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In late February 2020, the Nigerian government took various measures to combat the plague. In Nigeria the lockdown was started in Lagos, Ogun State and Abuja the capital territory (1, 2). Some other states across the country have adopted various restrictive measures. However other states of North West, North Central and North East follow suit to contain the spread of COVID-19 in their state meanwhile this bring about bridge of security in those states. The main purpose of lockdown was to contain the spread of novel COVID-19 (3). However this resulted to an increase in banditry and Boko-haram attack in northern part of Nigeria.
Environment: the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and li... more Environment: the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival'' (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). "Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. The word 'sanitation' also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal''. (WHO). Environmental sanitation includes human excreta control, managing solid waste and wastewater, and pest and vector control. ... Human excreta should be kept away from sources of water and accommodation. Immediate action is taken to localize excreta disposal and prevent contamination of the water supply. (The Sphere Project, 2011).

The study was aimed at ascertaining death recordedduring COVID19 lock down, from March to June 20... more The study was aimed at ascertaining death recordedduring COVID19 lock down, from March to June 2020, lock down which was, imposed with the view to contain the spread of COVID19 in the in northern Nigeria, this resultedto increase in banditry and boko haram attack on civilian Methodology: the research employed both qualitative and quantitative method and the research work on primary and secondary data. Result: the research result reveal the death recorded from banditry boko haram attack as a result of insecurity during the period of lockdown was slightly below death recorded as a result COVID 19 pandemic Conclusion: Nigeria is currently working hard to contain the spread in the country as the case of COVID19 is above 21,000,thousand, however banditry and boko haram attack has increase in the months under review in the northern Nigeria with increase in mortality, morbidity leaving number of children without parent(orphan) and number of women without husband(widow) leading to psychological trauma among the victim as this increase public health burden as well disease burden, it is high time Nigerian government go back to drawing board and address the issues of insecurity in the northern Nigeria. As matter of urgency.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

The present study was carryout to the determine of heavy metals (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Cupper(Cu), ... more The present study was carryout to the determine of heavy metals (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Cupper(Cu), Iron (Fe), Magnesium(Mg), Manganese (Mn), Nickel(Ni), lead (Pb), and Zinc(Zn) concentration in water and plant. As essentially an ephemeral water body, each study area constitutes an important ecological system that supports considerable flora and fauna diversities, including aquatic macrophytes, riparian vegetation, amphibians, macroinvertebrates, and fish fauna. Plant samples along with water samples were collected, processed, and analyzed following by standard methods. Heavy metals in plant tissues/organs and water matrices were analyzed using Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS model VGP 210). Heavy metal cannot be detected by sight, taste, or smell but by chemical analysis using suitable analytical techniques. Preventive measures can be taken and the pharmacists and doctors can offer a lasting solution after knowing the source of the problem. The aim was to determine the concentration of heavy metal such amount of heavy metal consume by living factors specially health risk to human beings. The present studies analysed results showed that the magnesium (Mn) ion has the highest concentration in Ludwigia abyssinica (19.5mg/l), Setaria barbata (20.0mg/l), Cyperus esculentus (18.6mg/l), Eleusine indica (19.73mg/l) in the location of Pantani, yelenguruza, nassarawo, bagadaza, and mallam inna, respectively. Chromium, Nickel, and Zinc were all below the World Health Organization's(WHO) maximum level in plant and water.
Global demand for macroalgal and microalgal foods is growing, and algae are increasingly being co... more Global demand for macroalgal and microalgal foods is growing, and algae are increasingly being consumed for functional benefits beyond the traditional considerations of nutrition and health. The study was undertaken to know the effect of methanolic extract of Chaetomorpha antennina in fish. The results demonstrated that the betterment of growth, immune system, and resistance to disease against Edwardsiella tarda in Indian major carp, rohu, and Labeo rohita. These findings are useful for development of new feed additive in aquaculture sectors.

Mosquito transmits serious human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever elephantiasis, etc., whic... more Mosquito transmits serious human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever elephantiasis, etc., which have been the cause of millions of deaths annually. The use of synthetic insecticides to control vector mosquitoes has developed physiological resistance in the mosquitoes and adverse environmental effect in addition to high operational cost. Insecticides of botanical origin have been reported as useful for the control of such mosquitoes. Azadirachta indica (Neem) and its derived products have shown a variety of insecticidal properties. This paper aims at the analysis of the efficacy on Larvicide activity of Neem bark (Azadirachta indica) extract pesticide on African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (Diptera culicidae) for the control of such mosquitoes. 80 grams of Azadirachta indica powder was weighed and extracted with soxhlet using the standard WHO procedures (WHO, 2005). The result shows that the bark extract has a larvicidal activity against Anopheles. This might be due to the effect of phytochemical constituents in the extract such as flavonoid, alkaloid and tannin. Further investigation might be needed for the use of this extract to elucidate active ingredients responsible for larvicidal activity which could be identified and utilized in preparing a commercial product. Index terms: anopheles, Azadirachta indica bark extract, phytochemical screening, larcidal bioassay.

Background: Oil is an important fat source of all organisms. Yeast is a unicellular fungus, very ... more Background: Oil is an important fat source of all organisms. Yeast is a unicellular fungus, very much useful in various industries, especially used in food industry. Methods: In this work, various vegetable oils such as coconut oil, gingili oil, neem oil, Castrol oil and sunflower oil were used to test their influence on biomass production of yeast. First 10% of various oils are mixed with freshly prepared yeast broth medium, and then yeast were inoculated and incubated at 37 o C.After 48 hours, biomass production was studied in all the treatment. Results: The maximum biomass production was observed in gingili oil, least production was observed in control treatment. Because distilled water was used as control and another least production was observed in Castrol oil, because it may due to its viscosity. Conclusion: If develop low cost culture medium for yeast biomass production. These results will be very much useful to yeast production industry.
Vitamin E is essential for growth and immunity of higher organisms. In this study effect of vitam... more Vitamin E is essential for growth and immunity of higher organisms. In this study effect of vitamin E on immune response against staphylococcus aureus was studied. Graded level of vitamin E provided to albino rats then the pathogen was injected. Finally Maximum immune response was observed in 900mg and 1200mg treatment compared to other treatment. The immune response increased up to 900 mg treatment..So this level is optimum range to induce maximum immunity against Staphylococcus aureus infection.

The work was aimed at identifying the incidence of fetal wastage in ruminants slaughtered at Bauc... more The work was aimed at identifying the incidence of fetal wastage in ruminants slaughtered at Bauchi state Abattoir. Five hundred and sixteen ruminants were slaughtered and one hundred and twenty-nine fetuses were recovered. The study was carried out in eight weeks, with the sexes of the fetuses determined by visual observation, after evisceration. Measuring tape was used to measure the crown rump of the fetuses in inches thereby calculating the ages of the fetuses in months with reference to heary's law. Total economic loss due to fetal wastage was estimated as well. In line with the obtained data on the potential hazards associated with fetal wastage, it is advised that there should be veterinary checks, including pregnancy diagnosis at cattle controlled posts and abattoirs. Slaughtering of animals for meat purposes should also be under check, to avoid fetal wastage, which is highly unethical and contrary to the international Standard Rules of slaughter.

Mosquito vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between human from an... more Mosquito vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between human from animals to humans. It is bloodsucking insect that ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host. This review aims to explain some medicinal plants that exhibit mosquitocidal agents on genus Anopheles mosquito species. Currently, the utilization of artificial chemicals to regulate insects and mosquitoes raises many considerations associated with environment and human health. Another aim is to use natural merchandise that possess sensible effectiveness, simple handiness, fewer adverse environmental impacts, and are environmentally friendly have crystal rectifier to the multiplied interest in plant origin chemical pesticides. It's supported original articles obtained by looking on major databases. Our literature review disclosed that 96 medicinal plants used in the all parts (leaves, root, bark and bud). This article envisaged to review the reports of ovicidal, oviposition deterrent, larvicidal, pupicidal and repellent activities, which might be employed in vector-borne disease management programs.
Vitamin D is mainly involved in calcium metabolism. In this study, supplementary vitamin D was pr... more Vitamin D is mainly involved in calcium metabolism. In this study, supplementary vitamin D was provided to different group of Fish Loach Lepidocephalus thermalis and growth performance was observed. The growth was slowly increased up to 800 IU/Kg Vitamin D treatment,. After that it was slowly decreased..So that, it is concluded that these optimum level is recommended to fish farmers for preparation of farm made fish feed.

Background & objective: Mosquito vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseas... more Background & objective: Mosquito vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between human from animals to humans. It is bloodsucking insect that ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host. The present investigation discovered that the larvicidal activity of ethanol extract of P. granatum showed most mortality among the opposite crude extracts. Methods: The chemical composition of P. granatum ethanolic extract was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. A total of twenty five III instar larvae of An. stephensi and Cx. quinquefasciatus were exposed to various concentrations (50-250 ppm) in the laboratory by using the standard protocol described by WHO (2005). The repellent activity of P. granatum chemical compositions tested against 100 blood starved female mosquitoes of An. stephensi and Cx. quinquefasciatus using the protocol of WHO (1996). Results: In GC-MS analysis, a total of seven compounds were identified in the ethanolic extract composition, the main component was Methyl 4-piperidineacetate. Further, the LC50 and LC90 values were found to be 110.36 and 212.28 mg/L against Cx. quinquefasciatus. The repellent activity to be best and therefore the most activity was ascertained at 3.5 mg/cm 2 concentration provided 100% protection up to 240 min against Cx. quinquefasciatus. Conclusion: The results clearly show confirmed that the presence of active compounds in leaf of P. granatum.
Background: Flowers have various pigments which are responsible for their bright colors. Methods:... more Background: Flowers have various pigments which are responsible for their bright colors. Methods: In the present study, various flowers such as Hibiscus, Como mile, Arabian jasmine, Rose, and Marigold flowers used to prepare aqueous extracts. In the yeast culture medium,10% extracts are individually added and yeast culture also inoculated at 37oC.After 48 hours of incubation, biomass production of yeast was calculated. Results: The minimum growth was observed in Arabian Jasmine and Marigold flower extracts. Conclusion: it is concluded that these extracts are not suitable for prepare new antifungal preservatives.

Objectives: Heat Shock protein or Heat stress protein (Hsp) are produced by all organisms to over... more Objectives: Heat Shock protein or Heat stress protein (Hsp) are produced by all organisms to overcome heat stress.Henceforth, they are critical controllers of cell multiplication, separation and unequivocally embroiled in the sub-atomic coordination of malignant growth improvement and movement the same number of their customers is settled oncoproteins in numerous tumor types. Methods: Curiously, tumor cells are more HSP chaperonage-subordinate than ordinary cells for multiplication and endurance on the grounds that the oncoproteins in malignant growth cells are frequently misfolded and require enlarged chaperonage movement for rectification It also enhances survival rate of organisms. It also acts as immunogen in the host. So it is useful to vaccine development. Results: The production cost of Hsp is low, production method and isolation technique is also easy. Conclusion: If it is combined with DNA vaccine, it will produce long-term immunity.

The effects of Copper oxychloride (Fungicide) on haematological, immunological, serum biochemical... more The effects of Copper oxychloride (Fungicide) on haematological, immunological, serum biochemical parameters were investigated in Oreochromis mossambicus. The 96-h LC 50 value of copper oxychloride was found to be 30.53 mg l-1. Examination of haematological, immunological parameters and biochemical parameters (was performed on O. mossabicus after 96 h of exposure of fungicide (30.53 mg l-1). At end of the experiment, fish were exposure in 2.5 g/l-1 of Chaetomorpha aerea on 96 h of recovery assessment. Fish administered with 2.5 g of C. aerea neutralized the toxic effect of copper oxychloride as well as C. aerea, significantly lowered the hematological, immunological and biochemical response. Significant alterations in all the biochemical parameters were found to be dose dependent. Fish exposure fungicide, showed significantly (p< 0.05) enhanced TEC, TLC, total protein, NBT activity, serum lysozyme activity in fungicide treatment groups in comparison with control group. Similarly, SGOT, SGPT and blood glucose level were found to be significantly (p< 0.05) high but PCV and Hb did not differ significantly (p>0.05) in the treatment groups compared to control groups. The results showed improvement in samples treated with C. aerea. This study suggests that C. aerea can be effectively used to decrease the toxic effect of copper oxychloride on O. mossambicus.

Objective: The emperor dragonfly or blue emperor (Anax imperator) is a large species of hawker dr... more Objective: The emperor dragonfly or blue emperor (Anax imperator) is a large species of hawker dragonfly of the family Aeshnidae, averaging 78 millimeters (3.1 in) in length. This dragonfly has a wide distribution; it is found throughout Africa and through most of Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, and southwestern and central Asia. Since 2000, its range has expanded in Europe, both northwards and to higher altitudes. Methods: They frequently fly high up into the sky in search of prey, which includes butterflies, other Odonata, and tadpoles; small prey is eaten while flying. They breed in a variety of aquatic habitats from large ponds to dikes, but they require a plentiful supply of vegetation in the water. The females lay the eggs into plants such as pondweed/ and always lay alone. The larvae are very aggressive and are likely to influence the native species composition of colonized freshwater ecosystems. The adult male is highly territorial, and difficult to approach. Conclusion: In the summer months, emperor dragonflies are frequent visitors to gardens, being especially prevalent in the southern counties of Great Britain. When they first emerge, both sexes appear pale green with brown markings. The legs are brown with a yellow base. Wings are born black but grow yellow-brown with age. Males have a sky blue abdomen marked with a diagnostic black dorsal stripe and an apple green thorax. The thorax and head of a male are green and their prominent eyes are blue. Females have similar markings but they are mainly green.