Papers by Sudhamathi Premnath
Shanlax international journal of management, 2016

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019
P.nivetha, m.ramapriya, s.prasanth , dr. S.sudhamathi (Abstract: This study expects to explore th... more P.nivetha, m.ramapriya, s.prasanth , dr. S.sudhamathi (Abstract: This study expects to explore the role of emotional intelligence in hrm and women entrepreneurial, the executives and business enterprise in the perspective on proprietor administrators and workers, The exploration strategy utilized subjective technique to affirm the phenomenology enthusiasm with top administration position which womens are in regards to their profession way by utilizing purposive inspecting technique. that HR the board has positive relate with the business enterprise are including the enrollment procedure, preparing specialist, proficient profession improvement and reward framework effect to business person's information and advancement of corporate business in separately to bring a truly solid way. Business enterprise is an endeavor wherein specific individual continues along great open doors by misusing the accessible assets effectively. Business people can't deal with a business without any assistance. An women Entrepreneur needs to select, apportion people to various work, impact the representatives and moderate them for the development and extension of the endeavor. As there are numerous undertakings to be performed from setting up to the development of an endeavor, the procedure of women Entrepreneurship is a facilitator to the necessities of Human Resource Management rehearses. This exploration paper features the emotional intelligence of HRM rehearses with setting to Women Entrepreneurial. In reprisal, investigate is done dependent on the applied perusing of accessible writing survey of human asset the board practices, business enterprise and the connection between the two factors.
Impulse buying has been defined by several researchers through history though there has been a di... more Impulse buying has been defined by several researchers through history though there has been a different focus on the definition throughout time. The earlier researchers focused more on when the purchase decision was made and the purchase itself, instead of the consumer. An impulse purchase or impulse buying is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase. One who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse buyer. This paper mainly focuses on impulse purchase behavior of customer towards brand awareness in gold jewellery retail in Sivagangai district.

Social Impact factor of IOT Boon or Bane, 2018
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leade... more ABSTRACT
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leaders so as to keep pace with the ever-changing business environment. Leaders often lack effective leadership behaviour; therefore, they need effective interventions to develop their emotional and social intelligence competencies. The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI), also often referred to as ‘emotional and social intelligence’, to effective leadership behaviour in organizations is supported by numerous studies Daniel Goleman has identified six different leadership styles, one of which is coaching. Having managers who can coach is recognized by more and more companies as an essential requirements for successful people management. In business in the future a coaching style of leadership could become so universal that it is just the normal way people manage others. However asking someone who is emotionally unintelligent to coach others is a bit like asking someone who has just passed their driving test to take a formula 1 car out on the road. many organizations assume that their managers should coach others because they know more about the technical aspects of the job, and that's why they become mangers in the first place. Applying this false belief to a coaching situation is potentially a big mistake. How well you manage yourself and how effective you are at managing relationships with others. T o be truly effective coach, an individual needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence combined with the right knowledge, skills and experience of coaching others. This combination will produce an emotional intelligence coach, an authentic coach who helps coaches to change and develop their performance.
Keywords: Requirements, Emotional, Coaching, Relationship, Emotional intelligence, Performance.
Entrepreneurship is the process through which entrepreneurship create and grow enterpris... more ABSTRACT
Entrepreneurship is the process through which entrepreneurship create and grow enterprises. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic nation. The term entrepreneurship is closely connected with an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurship is related to the purposeful activity of an individual or group of activities. Entrepreneurship can be defined as an ability to discover, create or invent opportunities and exploit them to the benefit of the society, which in turn bring prosperity to the innovator and his organization.
Keywords: Nation, Entrepreneurship, Opportunities, Organization.
QEBMS, 2018
Children with disabilities and many others who experience difficulties in learning are o... more ABSTRACT
Children with disabilities and many others who experience difficulties in learning are often marginalized within or even excluded from school systems. This paper considers the situation in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, examining particular developments that have occurred in recent years and how these compare with overall trends internationally. This analysis suggests certain barriers to progress, including attitudes within communities towards certain groups of children, traditional practices in the field of special education, and the effects of the depressed economic situation within the region. The paper concludes with a consideration of possible opportunities for improvements in provision and an outline of issues that need to be kept in mind.
Keywords: Children with Disabilities, Special Education, Inclusive Education

ABSTRACT A digital library is a special library with a focused collection of digital objects that... more ABSTRACT A digital library is a special library with a focused collection of digital objects that can include text, visual material, audio material, video material, stored as electronic media formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media), along with means for organizing, storing, and retrieving the files and media The technological advancements have enabled people of India to be heard over Internet. The country has a large treasure of written text which warrants a wide circulation and communication. But there are many inherent problems appear at the time of mechanical text processing and representation of Indic scripts. The paper highlights the inherent problems of Indic text processing and suggests a nationwide movement to address them. Paper presents an investigative account of difficulties towards creating digital libraries in Indian languages.
Keywords: Digital Library, Indian Languages, communication, microform

Global Growth: Gear & Glows, 2017
The purpose of this exploratory study is to better understand the current dynamics of t... more ABSTRACT:
The purpose of this exploratory study is to better understand the current dynamics of the Indian market for Smartphone and the usage behaviors of consumers. This paper presents the result of a survey on the trend of Smartphone from the perspective of end consumers. The explosive growth of smart phones has sparked off an information revolution. Smart phones are revolution analyzing access and usage pattern of computational devices and internet. This revolution continues to evolve day by day. Entrepreneurs and customers are utilizing the smart phones in the form of go online and check the position in queues to pay bills, checking inventory position, receiving orders, purchase goods and services, and stay connected to their friends, and so on. Smart phones have become personal computers with a wide set of input, output and communication features. This has changed the work, consumes, purchase and related. Presently, the smart phone is the largest mode of business communication in the developing countries. Smart phone usage has spread across the world at a surprising space. whereas for Smartphone manufacturers, application developers and other stakeholders, they are able to plan their direction in the Indian Smartphone market.
Keywords: Smartphone, Usage pattern, Multitasking , Entrepreneurs

Social impact of internet of things(IoT) -Boon or Bane
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leade... more ABSTRACT
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leaders so as to keep pace with the ever-changing business environment. Leaders often lack effective leadership behaviour; therefore, they need effective interventions to develop their emotional and social intelligence competencies. The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI), also often referred to as ‘emotional and social intelligence’, to effective leadership behaviour in organizations is supported by numerous studies Daniel Goleman has identified six different leadership styles, one of which is coaching. Having managers who can coach is recognized by more and more companies as an essential requirements for successful people management. In business in the future a coaching style of leadership could become so universal that it is just the normal way people manage others. However asking someone who is emotionally unintelligent to coach others is a bit like asking someone who has just passed their driving test to take a formula 1 car out on the road. many organizations assume that their managers should coach others because they know more about the technical aspects of the job, and that's why they become mangers in the first place. Applying this false belief to a coaching situation is potentially a big mistake. How well you manage yourself and how effective you are at managing relationships with others. T o be truly effective coach, an individual needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence combined with the right knowledge, skills and experience of coaching others. This combination will produce an emotional intelligence coach, an authentic coach who helps coaches to change and develop their performance.
Keywords: Requirements, Emotional, Coaching, Relationship, Emotional intelligence, Performance.

Emperor International journal of finance and management research [EIJFMR]
The ultimate aim or motive of any business or service organization is customer satisfac... more ABSTRACT:
The ultimate aim or motive of any business or service organization is customer satisfaction and in this journey the company comes across concerns and grievances which need immediate attention. The banks are no exception as they deal with heterogeneous customers with different
Monetary requirements. Banking Ombudsman is a quasi judicial authority functioning under India’s Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, and the authority was created pursuant to a decision made by the Government of India to enable resolution of complaints of customers of banks relating to certain services rendered by the banks. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was first introduced in India in 1995, and was revised in 2002. The current scheme became operative from 1 January 2006, and replaced and superseded the banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002. From 2002 until 2006, around 36,000 complaints have been dealt by the Banking Ombudsmen. There are 16 regional offices of Banking Ombudsmen in India. This article mainly focuses on role of banking ombudsman in banking sector .
Banking Ombudsman, Complaints, Customers, Bankers, Judicial Authority.

Product development and tailoring is the best option to opt for buyer acceptance and customer exp... more Product development and tailoring is the best option to opt for buyer acceptance and customer expansion. Export market is the cluster of economic factor, political factor and cultural factor, erroneous understanding will cause business disaster. The study depicts complimentary evidence that, exporter have to develop product that matches market features to exist in international business. Designing production system for developed product in green way were found to produce better sustainability to environment and higher production and profit ratio comparably. It have been noticed considerable amount of investment at initial stage for implementation of green system, but over the time proved to be beneficial and better return on investment. The standard of living, dynamism and geography are unearthed to be important economic factor in export environment. Cultural environment are found to be adapted rather inherited through religion, social esteem, education and family playing a crucial role in customer buying pattern. Though law, rules and government differs from country to country, the findings recommended that, it is mandatory to make analyses on domestic and foreign market to which the goods are planned to be exported for better marketing. The study was made through exploratory research methodology using secondary data to identify the possibility of developing green product for the purpose of export and environmental strategies that could be adapted for better production and environmental sustainability.

Corporate finance, bank finance and investments have changed in recent years. This change has giv... more Corporate finance, bank finance and investments have changed in recent years. This change has given birth to a new discipline that has come to known as 'Financial Engineering'. It involves the design, development and implementation of innovative financial instruments/ processes and the formulation of creative solution to financial problems. By combining elements of forward, future options and swaps, firm can create a financial instrument that meets the needs of the corporate i.e. trying to hedge it's risk exposure or one offers the institutional investors an investment opportunity with a unique payoff structure. Financial Engineering in simple words can be defined as the process of using the principles of financial economics to design and price financial instruments. To design innovative financial instruments, financial engineers requires specific skill too. The purpose of the present paper is to understand the concept of financial engineering, functions carried out by them, factors affecting financial engineering etc.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) must somehow combine two of the three states of mind cognition and af... more Emotional Intelligence (EI) must somehow combine two of the three states of mind cognition and affect, or intelligence and emotion. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while other claim it is an inborn characteristic. A number of testing instruments have been developed to measure emotional intelligence, although the content and approach of each test varies. If a worker has high emotional intelligence, he or she is more likely to be able to express his or her emotions in a healthy way, and understand the emotions of those he or she works with, thus enhancing work relationships and performance. Emotional
Succession planning is possibly one of the most modern topics today as a result of moral issues, ... more Succession planning is possibly one of the most modern topics today as a result of moral issues, reward, expansion and execution. Nowadays Organizations are faced with a huge number of difficult challenges. Succession planning helps make out most excellent fit candidates for key roles. It is a complete plan to deal with both present and prospect management needs while maintaining the obtainable merit principles. One of the real reasons why a succession plan is a vital that it keeps up peace inside a people or assembly of persons in the event that the administrator is never again there to give his end in the issue. Succession planning has the overall goal of providing "the right leadership at the right place at the right time with the right skills." This guide is planned for the use of state agencies as an result of their Strategic Workforce Planning activities.

One of the main changes in the industry is becoming digitalization which is witnessing a profound... more One of the main changes in the industry is becoming digitalization which is witnessing a profound transformation to the banking system. Digitalization offers new opportunities for banks to place the customer at the center of the development process. New technologies seem to be and stay in the market to disrupt the retail financial service value chain, as well as introducing new players into the competitive arena. Incumbents and new comers have innovative levers to adopt. The forces shaping these changes have led the industry to reconsider the role of banking and Finance, more as an "enabler" than a provider of products and services. The article aims at defining digital transformation in the banking industry, outlining what banks are developing in the market, and also pointing out that it is not going to be the technology itself that will be the disruptor of the banking industry, but rather how firm deploys the technology that will cause the disruption.

National conference on pride of Commerce march, 2017
The concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving in our da... more ABSTRACT
The concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving in our daily lives. The Rural development in India is one of the most important factors for growth of the Indian economy. The present strategy of rural development mainly focuses on poverty alleviation, better livelihood, provision of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. Even after so many years after independence India have not been able to move to the stage of “developed nation”, the nation is still developing. Public administration, governed by bureaucratic structures built on rationale principles, that dominated the twentieth century, has failed to respond to the changing requirements of the present times. Application of ICT is a paradigm shift to the traditional approaches that the government has been using past so many decades. With the use of ICT, government renders services and information to the public using electronic means. „ICT in Agriculture‟ is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development in India. It involves innovative applications using Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in the rural domain. The advancements in ICT can be utilized for providing accurate, timely, relevant information and services to the farmers, thereby facilitating an environment for more remunerative agriculture. The foremost issue yet to be addressed is the problem faced by farmers in using ICT application's to collect information on agriculture. This research article focuses on the key findings based on the study and analysis of major ICT initiatives in agriculture in India and need for information by the Indian farmers.
Keywords: Information& Communication Technologies (ICT),E-commerce

The purpose of this study is to nd out the role of emotional intelligence and work life balance ... more The purpose of this study is to nd out the role of emotional intelligence and work life balance of career women in job
stress. Work-life balance is the term used to describe practices in achieving a balance between the demands of employees'
family (life) and work lives. The demands and pressures of work make difcult to stretch time for balancing work-life activities. Women taking up work-life balance challenge have an impact on women's advancement. Organization also may create work place culture and climates that reect
concern for employees' lives outside of work. It is important for organizations to periodically review current work processes and practices to determine which ones lead to work inefciencies and employee stress. In this background the present study was undertaken to determine the Indian Career women work-life balance. The present study focuses on the relationship between role efcacy and emotional intelligence as relatedto work- life balance of Career women. There is a signicant impact of factors affecting role efcacy on Emotional Intelligence.Emotions is involved in everything we do: every action, decision and judgment. Emotionally intelligent people recognize this and use their thinking to manage their emotions rather than being managed by them.
KEYWORDS : Emotional intelligence, Work life balance, emotions, career women

Abstract: Foreign Investment gives the facility of imports of capital goods, raw materials and te... more Abstract: Foreign Investment gives the facility of imports of capital goods, raw materials and technical knowledge for the growth of an economy. Apart from being a critical driver of economic growth, foreign direct investment (FDI) is a major source of non-debt financial resource for the economic development of India. Foreign companies invest in India to take advantage of relatively lower wages, special investment privileges such as tax exemptions, etc. For a country where foreign investments are being made, it also means achieving technical know-how and generating employment. Make in India is a major new national program of the Government of India designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property and build best in class manufacturing infrastructure in the country. The primary objective of this initiative is to attract investments from across the globe and strengthen India’s manufacturing sector. Keywords: Foreign Investment, Foreign Direct Investment, Non-debt financial resource, Intellectual Property, Technical know-how

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan(RUSA),, 2017
Empowerment of women is the real milestone for the removal poverty and enriching of social develo... more Empowerment of women is the real milestone for the removal poverty and enriching of social development. Women, the Sakthi’s of our universe involve in the role of constructing, maintaining and developing every man and family. The status of any family can be reckoned by knowing the status of women. The economic status of every family is managed and monitored by women. The changing family system, life style and living pattern demands woman to engage on occupation along with the status of homemaker. The contribution of woman through financially for the family is inevitable and unavoidable. The status of woman in rural India is still more financial commitment, since the occupational background of men in families. The level of poverty, demands woman to look for self realized occupation and which helps them to provide economic support. Due to the status background of less educated woman and need of economic independence, the Self Help Groups (SHGs) are formed by woman themselves for their own benefit. The concepts of SHGs are spread almost in every status of India. The initial focus of SHGs involved in inclination and promotion of self saving by forming mini groups and the saved amount were used for financial requirements. The growth of SHGS in later stage motivated the woman to involve in business related activities, retailing, service execution, communal development, government scheme promotion and so on. Today the contribution of SHGs toward the social development is remarkable and notable. But at the same time, the growing roles of SHGS in business, communal and social development need them to inculcate managerial skills and capabilities. The present paper aims to analyze the requirement managerial skills for SHGs and its influence on various empowerments of SHGs.
Key words
Self Help Groups (SHGs), Empowerment, Economic Status, Managerial Skill, Retailing, Service, Communal Development.
Proceedings of the national conference on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, 2018
Dr. Ambedkar was a freedom fighter of the truest kind, not merely dreaming of setting ... more ABSTRACT :
Dr. Ambedkar was a freedom fighter of the truest kind, not merely dreaming of setting India force from British rule, but of transforming India into a country where freedom holds meaning for everyone. He dedicated his life for uplifting of the Dalits. Ambedkar wished social reformers to create public opinion to fight the gross inequalities in the society. It is very sad that the media in the past as well as the present has projected Ambedkar mainly as a bitter critic of the Hindu religion and a great social rebel. They have ignored Dr. Ambedkar’s multi-faceted personality. Here is our little effort to focus his role in Modern India.
Keywords: Emancipation, inequalities, humanist, Dalits, Reformer.
Papers by Sudhamathi Premnath
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leaders so as to keep pace with the ever-changing business environment. Leaders often lack effective leadership behaviour; therefore, they need effective interventions to develop their emotional and social intelligence competencies. The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI), also often referred to as ‘emotional and social intelligence’, to effective leadership behaviour in organizations is supported by numerous studies Daniel Goleman has identified six different leadership styles, one of which is coaching. Having managers who can coach is recognized by more and more companies as an essential requirements for successful people management. In business in the future a coaching style of leadership could become so universal that it is just the normal way people manage others. However asking someone who is emotionally unintelligent to coach others is a bit like asking someone who has just passed their driving test to take a formula 1 car out on the road. many organizations assume that their managers should coach others because they know more about the technical aspects of the job, and that's why they become mangers in the first place. Applying this false belief to a coaching situation is potentially a big mistake. How well you manage yourself and how effective you are at managing relationships with others. T o be truly effective coach, an individual needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence combined with the right knowledge, skills and experience of coaching others. This combination will produce an emotional intelligence coach, an authentic coach who helps coaches to change and develop their performance.
Keywords: Requirements, Emotional, Coaching, Relationship, Emotional intelligence, Performance.
Entrepreneurship is the process through which entrepreneurship create and grow enterprises. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic nation. The term entrepreneurship is closely connected with an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurship is related to the purposeful activity of an individual or group of activities. Entrepreneurship can be defined as an ability to discover, create or invent opportunities and exploit them to the benefit of the society, which in turn bring prosperity to the innovator and his organization.
Keywords: Nation, Entrepreneurship, Opportunities, Organization.
Children with disabilities and many others who experience difficulties in learning are often marginalized within or even excluded from school systems. This paper considers the situation in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, examining particular developments that have occurred in recent years and how these compare with overall trends internationally. This analysis suggests certain barriers to progress, including attitudes within communities towards certain groups of children, traditional practices in the field of special education, and the effects of the depressed economic situation within the region. The paper concludes with a consideration of possible opportunities for improvements in provision and an outline of issues that need to be kept in mind.
Keywords: Children with Disabilities, Special Education, Inclusive Education
Keywords: Digital Library, Indian Languages, communication, microform
The purpose of this exploratory study is to better understand the current dynamics of the Indian market for Smartphone and the usage behaviors of consumers. This paper presents the result of a survey on the trend of Smartphone from the perspective of end consumers. The explosive growth of smart phones has sparked off an information revolution. Smart phones are revolution analyzing access and usage pattern of computational devices and internet. This revolution continues to evolve day by day. Entrepreneurs and customers are utilizing the smart phones in the form of go online and check the position in queues to pay bills, checking inventory position, receiving orders, purchase goods and services, and stay connected to their friends, and so on. Smart phones have become personal computers with a wide set of input, output and communication features. This has changed the work, consumes, purchase and related. Presently, the smart phone is the largest mode of business communication in the developing countries. Smart phone usage has spread across the world at a surprising space. whereas for Smartphone manufacturers, application developers and other stakeholders, they are able to plan their direction in the Indian Smartphone market.
Keywords: Smartphone, Usage pattern, Multitasking , Entrepreneurs
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leaders so as to keep pace with the ever-changing business environment. Leaders often lack effective leadership behaviour; therefore, they need effective interventions to develop their emotional and social intelligence competencies. The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI), also often referred to as ‘emotional and social intelligence’, to effective leadership behaviour in organizations is supported by numerous studies Daniel Goleman has identified six different leadership styles, one of which is coaching. Having managers who can coach is recognized by more and more companies as an essential requirements for successful people management. In business in the future a coaching style of leadership could become so universal that it is just the normal way people manage others. However asking someone who is emotionally unintelligent to coach others is a bit like asking someone who has just passed their driving test to take a formula 1 car out on the road. many organizations assume that their managers should coach others because they know more about the technical aspects of the job, and that's why they become mangers in the first place. Applying this false belief to a coaching situation is potentially a big mistake. How well you manage yourself and how effective you are at managing relationships with others. T o be truly effective coach, an individual needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence combined with the right knowledge, skills and experience of coaching others. This combination will produce an emotional intelligence coach, an authentic coach who helps coaches to change and develop their performance.
Keywords: Requirements, Emotional, Coaching, Relationship, Emotional intelligence, Performance.
The ultimate aim or motive of any business or service organization is customer satisfaction and in this journey the company comes across concerns and grievances which need immediate attention. The banks are no exception as they deal with heterogeneous customers with different
Monetary requirements. Banking Ombudsman is a quasi judicial authority functioning under India’s Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, and the authority was created pursuant to a decision made by the Government of India to enable resolution of complaints of customers of banks relating to certain services rendered by the banks. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was first introduced in India in 1995, and was revised in 2002. The current scheme became operative from 1 January 2006, and replaced and superseded the banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002. From 2002 until 2006, around 36,000 complaints have been dealt by the Banking Ombudsmen. There are 16 regional offices of Banking Ombudsmen in India. This article mainly focuses on role of banking ombudsman in banking sector .
Banking Ombudsman, Complaints, Customers, Bankers, Judicial Authority.
The concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving in our daily lives. The Rural development in India is one of the most important factors for growth of the Indian economy. The present strategy of rural development mainly focuses on poverty alleviation, better livelihood, provision of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. Even after so many years after independence India have not been able to move to the stage of “developed nation”, the nation is still developing. Public administration, governed by bureaucratic structures built on rationale principles, that dominated the twentieth century, has failed to respond to the changing requirements of the present times. Application of ICT is a paradigm shift to the traditional approaches that the government has been using past so many decades. With the use of ICT, government renders services and information to the public using electronic means. „ICT in Agriculture‟ is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development in India. It involves innovative applications using Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in the rural domain. The advancements in ICT can be utilized for providing accurate, timely, relevant information and services to the farmers, thereby facilitating an environment for more remunerative agriculture. The foremost issue yet to be addressed is the problem faced by farmers in using ICT application's to collect information on agriculture. This research article focuses on the key findings based on the study and analysis of major ICT initiatives in agriculture in India and need for information by the Indian farmers.
Keywords: Information& Communication Technologies (ICT),E-commerce
stress. Work-life balance is the term used to describe practices in achieving a balance between the demands of employees'
family (life) and work lives. The demands and pressures of work make difcult to stretch time for balancing work-life activities. Women taking up work-life balance challenge have an impact on women's advancement. Organization also may create work place culture and climates that reect
concern for employees' lives outside of work. It is important for organizations to periodically review current work processes and practices to determine which ones lead to work inefciencies and employee stress. In this background the present study was undertaken to determine the Indian Career women work-life balance. The present study focuses on the relationship between role efcacy and emotional intelligence as relatedto work- life balance of Career women. There is a signicant impact of factors affecting role efcacy on Emotional Intelligence.Emotions is involved in everything we do: every action, decision and judgment. Emotionally intelligent people recognize this and use their thinking to manage their emotions rather than being managed by them.
KEYWORDS : Emotional intelligence, Work life balance, emotions, career women
Key words
Self Help Groups (SHGs), Empowerment, Economic Status, Managerial Skill, Retailing, Service, Communal Development.
Dr. Ambedkar was a freedom fighter of the truest kind, not merely dreaming of setting India force from British rule, but of transforming India into a country where freedom holds meaning for everyone. He dedicated his life for uplifting of the Dalits. Ambedkar wished social reformers to create public opinion to fight the gross inequalities in the society. It is very sad that the media in the past as well as the present has projected Ambedkar mainly as a bitter critic of the Hindu religion and a great social rebel. They have ignored Dr. Ambedkar’s multi-faceted personality. Here is our little effort to focus his role in Modern India.
Keywords: Emancipation, inequalities, humanist, Dalits, Reformer.
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leaders so as to keep pace with the ever-changing business environment. Leaders often lack effective leadership behaviour; therefore, they need effective interventions to develop their emotional and social intelligence competencies. The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI), also often referred to as ‘emotional and social intelligence’, to effective leadership behaviour in organizations is supported by numerous studies Daniel Goleman has identified six different leadership styles, one of which is coaching. Having managers who can coach is recognized by more and more companies as an essential requirements for successful people management. In business in the future a coaching style of leadership could become so universal that it is just the normal way people manage others. However asking someone who is emotionally unintelligent to coach others is a bit like asking someone who has just passed their driving test to take a formula 1 car out on the road. many organizations assume that their managers should coach others because they know more about the technical aspects of the job, and that's why they become mangers in the first place. Applying this false belief to a coaching situation is potentially a big mistake. How well you manage yourself and how effective you are at managing relationships with others. T o be truly effective coach, an individual needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence combined with the right knowledge, skills and experience of coaching others. This combination will produce an emotional intelligence coach, an authentic coach who helps coaches to change and develop their performance.
Keywords: Requirements, Emotional, Coaching, Relationship, Emotional intelligence, Performance.
Entrepreneurship is the process through which entrepreneurship create and grow enterprises. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic nation. The term entrepreneurship is closely connected with an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurship is related to the purposeful activity of an individual or group of activities. Entrepreneurship can be defined as an ability to discover, create or invent opportunities and exploit them to the benefit of the society, which in turn bring prosperity to the innovator and his organization.
Keywords: Nation, Entrepreneurship, Opportunities, Organization.
Children with disabilities and many others who experience difficulties in learning are often marginalized within or even excluded from school systems. This paper considers the situation in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, examining particular developments that have occurred in recent years and how these compare with overall trends internationally. This analysis suggests certain barriers to progress, including attitudes within communities towards certain groups of children, traditional practices in the field of special education, and the effects of the depressed economic situation within the region. The paper concludes with a consideration of possible opportunities for improvements in provision and an outline of issues that need to be kept in mind.
Keywords: Children with Disabilities, Special Education, Inclusive Education
Keywords: Digital Library, Indian Languages, communication, microform
The purpose of this exploratory study is to better understand the current dynamics of the Indian market for Smartphone and the usage behaviors of consumers. This paper presents the result of a survey on the trend of Smartphone from the perspective of end consumers. The explosive growth of smart phones has sparked off an information revolution. Smart phones are revolution analyzing access and usage pattern of computational devices and internet. This revolution continues to evolve day by day. Entrepreneurs and customers are utilizing the smart phones in the form of go online and check the position in queues to pay bills, checking inventory position, receiving orders, purchase goods and services, and stay connected to their friends, and so on. Smart phones have become personal computers with a wide set of input, output and communication features. This has changed the work, consumes, purchase and related. Presently, the smart phone is the largest mode of business communication in the developing countries. Smart phone usage has spread across the world at a surprising space. whereas for Smartphone manufacturers, application developers and other stakeholders, they are able to plan their direction in the Indian Smartphone market.
Keywords: Smartphone, Usage pattern, Multitasking , Entrepreneurs
Most organizations constantly search for ways to improve the capabilities of their leaders so as to keep pace with the ever-changing business environment. Leaders often lack effective leadership behaviour; therefore, they need effective interventions to develop their emotional and social intelligence competencies. The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI), also often referred to as ‘emotional and social intelligence’, to effective leadership behaviour in organizations is supported by numerous studies Daniel Goleman has identified six different leadership styles, one of which is coaching. Having managers who can coach is recognized by more and more companies as an essential requirements for successful people management. In business in the future a coaching style of leadership could become so universal that it is just the normal way people manage others. However asking someone who is emotionally unintelligent to coach others is a bit like asking someone who has just passed their driving test to take a formula 1 car out on the road. many organizations assume that their managers should coach others because they know more about the technical aspects of the job, and that's why they become mangers in the first place. Applying this false belief to a coaching situation is potentially a big mistake. How well you manage yourself and how effective you are at managing relationships with others. T o be truly effective coach, an individual needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence combined with the right knowledge, skills and experience of coaching others. This combination will produce an emotional intelligence coach, an authentic coach who helps coaches to change and develop their performance.
Keywords: Requirements, Emotional, Coaching, Relationship, Emotional intelligence, Performance.
The ultimate aim or motive of any business or service organization is customer satisfaction and in this journey the company comes across concerns and grievances which need immediate attention. The banks are no exception as they deal with heterogeneous customers with different
Monetary requirements. Banking Ombudsman is a quasi judicial authority functioning under India’s Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, and the authority was created pursuant to a decision made by the Government of India to enable resolution of complaints of customers of banks relating to certain services rendered by the banks. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was first introduced in India in 1995, and was revised in 2002. The current scheme became operative from 1 January 2006, and replaced and superseded the banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002. From 2002 until 2006, around 36,000 complaints have been dealt by the Banking Ombudsmen. There are 16 regional offices of Banking Ombudsmen in India. This article mainly focuses on role of banking ombudsman in banking sector .
Banking Ombudsman, Complaints, Customers, Bankers, Judicial Authority.
The concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving in our daily lives. The Rural development in India is one of the most important factors for growth of the Indian economy. The present strategy of rural development mainly focuses on poverty alleviation, better livelihood, provision of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. Even after so many years after independence India have not been able to move to the stage of “developed nation”, the nation is still developing. Public administration, governed by bureaucratic structures built on rationale principles, that dominated the twentieth century, has failed to respond to the changing requirements of the present times. Application of ICT is a paradigm shift to the traditional approaches that the government has been using past so many decades. With the use of ICT, government renders services and information to the public using electronic means. „ICT in Agriculture‟ is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development in India. It involves innovative applications using Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in the rural domain. The advancements in ICT can be utilized for providing accurate, timely, relevant information and services to the farmers, thereby facilitating an environment for more remunerative agriculture. The foremost issue yet to be addressed is the problem faced by farmers in using ICT application's to collect information on agriculture. This research article focuses on the key findings based on the study and analysis of major ICT initiatives in agriculture in India and need for information by the Indian farmers.
Keywords: Information& Communication Technologies (ICT),E-commerce
stress. Work-life balance is the term used to describe practices in achieving a balance between the demands of employees'
family (life) and work lives. The demands and pressures of work make difcult to stretch time for balancing work-life activities. Women taking up work-life balance challenge have an impact on women's advancement. Organization also may create work place culture and climates that reect
concern for employees' lives outside of work. It is important for organizations to periodically review current work processes and practices to determine which ones lead to work inefciencies and employee stress. In this background the present study was undertaken to determine the Indian Career women work-life balance. The present study focuses on the relationship between role efcacy and emotional intelligence as relatedto work- life balance of Career women. There is a signicant impact of factors affecting role efcacy on Emotional Intelligence.Emotions is involved in everything we do: every action, decision and judgment. Emotionally intelligent people recognize this and use their thinking to manage their emotions rather than being managed by them.
KEYWORDS : Emotional intelligence, Work life balance, emotions, career women
Key words
Self Help Groups (SHGs), Empowerment, Economic Status, Managerial Skill, Retailing, Service, Communal Development.
Dr. Ambedkar was a freedom fighter of the truest kind, not merely dreaming of setting India force from British rule, but of transforming India into a country where freedom holds meaning for everyone. He dedicated his life for uplifting of the Dalits. Ambedkar wished social reformers to create public opinion to fight the gross inequalities in the society. It is very sad that the media in the past as well as the present has projected Ambedkar mainly as a bitter critic of the Hindu religion and a great social rebel. They have ignored Dr. Ambedkar’s multi-faceted personality. Here is our little effort to focus his role in Modern India.
Keywords: Emancipation, inequalities, humanist, Dalits, Reformer.