Papers by Himadry Shekhar Das
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2021
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020
To deal with the issues caused by the high integration of renewable resources, the parallel opera... more To deal with the issues caused by the high integration of renewable resources, the parallel operation of the converters is generally required to improve the system stability and reliability. To support the parallel operation of buck-boost DC/DC converters, they are generally regulated by a cascaded control strategy, which includes droop control loop, and nested proportional-integral (PI) based voltage and current control loops. However, it can provide barely inertia support and needs precise system model to reach the desired performance. In order to overcome these drawbacks, this paper proposes a novel cascaded control strategy for parallel operation of buckboost DC/DC converters. The proposed cascaded control strategy involves a voltage synchronization loop, a virtual inertia control (VIC) loop, and two nested NTSMC based voltage and current control loops. The voltage synchronization controller can enable the plug and play requirements by synchronizing the output voltage of the converter with the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) before connecting a DC/DC converter to the DC microgrid. The VIC can improve the inertia of the converter-interfaced DGs. The nested-loop NTSMC based voltage and current controller can improve the robustness of converter system. Hardware experiments demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed control strategy.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017
Fuel cell (FC) application in vehicular technology has gained much popularity since the past few ... more Fuel cell (FC) application in vehicular technology has gained much popularity since the past few years. Typically, fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle (FCHEV) consists of fuel cell, battery and/or ultracapacitor (UC) as the power sources. The power converter is integrated to the power sources to form the hybrid FC system. This helps to compensate the drawback of individual power sources. Apart from the technical efficiency of power sources itself, the performance of an FCHEV is governed by the efficiency of power electronics and associated controller. In this paper, a state-of-the-art of vehicle classification is reviewed, in which the focus is placed on the deployment of fuel cell, battery, ultracapacitor and flywheel. The configurations used in FCHEV, followed by the updated power converter topologies, are also discussed. The topologies are categorized and discussed according to the power stages and control techniques used in the configurations. Then, multiple stages conversion and single stage topologies are described chronologically. The advantages and disadvantages of each topology, safety standards, current situation and environmental impact of FCHEV are also discussed. In addition, the current development of FCHEV, challenges and future prospects are also elaborated. The rapid growth of FC based research and technology has paved great prospects for FCHEVs in the near future, with the prediction of the competitive cost of hydrogen as compared to gasoline.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017
Costly and eco-destructive diesel based systems are usually used for electrifying rural areas in ... more Costly and eco-destructive diesel based systems are usually used for electrifying rural areas in Malaysia. Fuel transportation is another obstacle in this regard. Moreover, unpredictable fluctuation of fuel price makes the system cost unstable. The diesel based systems can be replaced with renewable energy (RE) based systems. Thus, a feasibility analysis is necessary to assess the potentiality of RE resources. This paper analyzes the potentiality of renewable energy in Sarawak, East Malaysia. The wind speed is insufficient, but solar energy is abundant at the location. Hence, the feasibility of photovoltaic (PV), Battery and Fuel Cell (FC) based systems are investigated for the load of a village longhouse comprising 50 families located in Kapit, Sarawak. Both systems, including FC (PV/Battery/FC) and excluding FC (PV/Battery) are analyzed and compared with conventional diesel based system. The analysis focuses on net present cost (NPC) and cost of energy (COE). Other cost parameters such as installation cost, operation and maintenance cost (O & M), operating cost are also analyzed. HOMER software provided by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NERL) is used as an analyzing tool. This paper also focuses on the operational strategy and sensitivity analysis of the hybrid system for optimal performance. The HOMER optimization results and sensitivity analysis show that the PV/Battery system is economical and environmentally friendly with total net present cost of $ 335,297 and cost of energy of 0.323 $/kWh with no emission. Thus it can be a suitable replacement of diesel based system. The FC based system has higher costs; thus despite of its benefits, it is not suggested as the best system for the situation.

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2017
Alternative energy technologies are being popular for power generation applications nowadays. Amo... more Alternative energy technologies are being popular for power generation applications nowadays. Among others, Fuel cell (FC) technology is quite popular. However, the FC unit is costly and vulnerable to any disturbances in input parameters. Thus, to perform research and experimentation, Fuel cell emulators (FCE) can be useful. FCEs can replicate actual FC behavior in different operating conditions. Thus, by using it the application area can be determined. In this study, a FCE system is modelled using MATLAB/Simulink®. The FCE system consists of a buck DC-DC converter and a proportional integral (PI) based controller incorporating an electrochemical model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The PEMFC model is used to generate reference voltage of the controller which takes the load current as a requirement. The characteristics are compared with Ballard Mark V 5kW PEMFC stack specifications obtained from the datasheet. The results show that the FCE system is a suitable replac...

2016 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT), 2016
Fuel cell (FC) is one of the most suitable candidates for distributed generation system either in... more Fuel cell (FC) is one of the most suitable candidates for distributed generation system either in standalone or grid connected mode. Due to the cleanness, modularity and higher potentiality, FC systems can be used in both single and hybrid systems for power generation. In this study a 26 kW standalone proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based energy system is developed using MATLAB/Simulink®. The PEMFC stack is modeled based on the mathematical equations and implemented using the Simulink blocks. Similarly the power converters are also modeled using the Simulink block sets. The PEMFC output DC voltage is stepped up using a boost DC-DC converter then fed to a PWM based inverter. The controller for DC-DC boost converter is a PI based single loop voltage controller. The inverter controller uses RMS feedback controller and LC filter. The AC output power is tested with resistive (R) and inductive (RL) loads. The dynamic performance of FC stack is also verified by applying step changes in both resistive and inductive loads. Simulation results shows that the PEMFC stack is capable of delivering the maximum output power with voltage and current ripple within tolerable range. Moreover, the AC output voltage, frequency are within the acceptable range.

Energy, 2016
Due to the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, it is feared that the world will run out of its ene... more Due to the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, it is feared that the world will run out of its energy resources soon. Besides, unpredictable fluctuation of diesel prices in electricity generation is affecting the economy of a country. Thus, for developing country that's economically leans on the use of energy, renewable energy resources should be utilized to meet the increasing energy demand. In this regards, the cogeneration system using renewable energy sources is appropriate, because it has the advantage of producing both electrical power and heat energy from a single fuel. It is suitable for commercial clients like hospital buildings which requires to supply both electric and heat load. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the viability to develop a cogeneration system for a hospital building load in Malaysia. The proposed cogeneration system consists of grid connected photovoltaic (PV), fuel cell, and battery. Hybrid optimization model for electric renewable (HOMER) simulation software is used to perform the technoeconomic analysis of the proposed system. The proposed system is then compared with other possible configurations. The economical comparison is based on the total net present cost (TNPC), levelized cost of energy (LCOE), renewable fraction, excess energy production and the pollutant gas emission of the system. The simulation result shows that, the proposed cogeneration system has the lowest TNPC, LCOE and operating cost which are $ 106,551, 0.091 $/kWh and 7245 $/yr respectively. Besides, the proposed cogeneration system is proven environmentally friendly as it only produces total 25,873 kg/yr of pollutant gas. The sensitivity analysis where fuel prices and annual interest rate are considered as sensitive parameters, shows impact on the TNPC and LCOE. Finally, the benefit from the Feed in Tariff (FiT) program provided by the government also has been presented.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016
Bangladesh being a developing country is struggling for the self-sufficiency of electric power fo... more Bangladesh being a developing country is struggling for the self-sufficiency of electric power for a very long time. In this run renewable energy can play an important role for electricity generation. Bangladesh abuts by Bay of Bengal, as a result the southern areas face around 2∼5 mof tidal head/height rise and fall and as it is in the tropical region it gets an average daylight of 7∼8 hper day. Thus the hydro (tidal) energy and solar energy can be the key points to meet the scarcity of power. This paper discusses a model of possible small hybrid power generation system consisting of a PV generation unit with storage and a micro-hydro generation unit and a diesel generator which can mitigate the rising energy demand at the southern areas of Bangladesh. In this paper the economic viability is discussed along with the technical aspects to set up such system via HOMER analysis. Moreover the system cost was analyzed together with a comparison of other system costs of similar capacity.

Abstract- The sustainable economic development of a country stands on the sufficiency of electric... more Abstract- The sustainable economic development of a country stands on the sufficiency of electrical energy. So, to compete with the rest of the world, Bangladesh should have sufficient electricity facilities to carry on its economic development. To make a country a developed one, the facilities of electricity should be reached from door to door. As Bangladesh is an agricultural country, several kinds of agricultural wastes are available here. So, this huge amount of agricultural waste can be a source of electricity generation in Bangladesh. Rice husk is one of the potential agro wastes which can be used as raw material to generate electricity, only if it can be processed properly and systematically. The purpose of this paper is to make available an idea of electricity generation from rice husk in the rural areas of Bangladesh. The rice husk based small & medium power plants are very much useful to generate & supply electricity in the rural areas. In this paper the availability of ri...

Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 2021
This paper presents an improved state space average model of a boost DC–DC converter considering ... more This paper presents an improved state space average model of a boost DC–DC converter considering all the parasitic elements present in the circuit. The small signal transfer function derived from the modified averaged model is used to design an improved voltage and current mode cascaded control (CMC) using linear quadratic regulator. Major improvements in the proposed CMC technique include improved performance (overshoot, undershoot and settling time for both voltage and current) compared to the conventional controllers and the protection system for limiting overcurrent flow through the circuit. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated by experimental results. The proposed controller performance is compared with voltage mode as well as CMC-based PI controllers. The experimental results show that the proposed controller improves the ability to track the instantaneous change in reference voltage, maintain stable output voltage during load change and show robustness agai...

Alternative energy systems (AES) are becoming popular for small scale power generation. Designing... more Alternative energy systems (AES) are becoming popular for small scale power generation. Designing the converters which transform the DC power into AC is the main development area of AES. Conventional single-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) uses buck topology which gives lower average output voltage than the input DC voltage. However, where the output voltage requirement is larger than the input DC voltage, such as uninterruptible power supply, fuel cell (FC) and photovoltaic systems, boost inverters are used. The boost inverter applied in this study consists of two boost DC-DC converters, which provides sinusoidal AC voltage output. The key drawback of the inverter lies in its control structure. In this paper, a dual loop control method is applied to ensure pure sinusoidal output voltage with fast dynamic response and low input current ripple. The input voltage of the inverter is assumed to be stable at 48 V considering commercially available FC voltage and the output voltage is ...

International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2016
Bangladesh is one of the largest populated countries of the world, where more than one third of t... more Bangladesh is one of the largest populated countries of the world, where more than one third of the population is living without electricity. Being a developing country, the demand of electricity is increasing tremendously. Meanwhile, fossil fuel based electricity generation plants are lagging behind to supply the rising demand and the fossil fuel sources are very limited. As an alternative, renewable energy based systems are becoming popular in Bangladesh, particularly solar, wind and hydro based systems, which are being set up in different sizes and configurations. This paper presents feasibility analysis of renewable energy based hybrid system for the village of Kuakata, in the southern area of Bangladesh. The system is designed based on the resources available at the location. The sources considered in the analysis are solar PV, wind, diesel generator and battery backup system. HOMER simulation model has been developed for simulating the system with real weather data and nomina...

Traditionally, a P-Q Capability Chart is usually used to specify the safe operation boundary for ... more Traditionally, a P-Q Capability Chart is usually used to specify the safe operation boundary for a synchronous generator. With the increased development of inverter-based resources (IBRs) and interconnection of IBRs to the grid, IBR P-Q Capability Charts are also developed and proposed by the power industry to assure IBR operation efficiency and reliability. This paper presents a comprehensive IBR P-Q capability analysis. The proposed study considers the impact of IBR grid-connected filters, IBR vector control implementation in the dq reference frame, and different pulse-width modulation methods applied to IBR inverters. The models and algorithms developed for the P-Q capability analysis have considered distinct IBR constraints that are different from those for a traditional synchronous generator. Both theoretical study for a special case and complete simulation evaluation are conducted to obtain IBR P-Q capability characteristics that are important for IBR control, operation and ma...

2020 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon)
Grid modernization, transportation electrification and alternative energy technology applications... more Grid modernization, transportation electrification and alternative energy technology applications are interconnected with electric vehicle grid integration (EVGI) to form the energy internet. The EVGI management strategies incorporating both charging and discharging is one of the most common research problem in this area. It becomes more complicated when renewable energy is added as a source and implemented in commercial scale. In this article, a community based commercial electric vehicle (EV) fast charging station with vehicle to grid (V2G) power supply capability is proposed. The charging station load is supplied by photovoltaic (PV), energy storage system (ESS), EV discharge power and the grid. Dynamic pricing, user behavior based EV load model and grid loading conditions are considered in the model. For optimum sizing of the components, HOMER software provided by National Renewable Energy Laboratory is used. A non cooperative Stackelberg game theory is proposed for energy management. The results are compared with a conventional sequence based control algorithm.The proposed algorithm shows lower cost of energy (COE) for EV charging, and have surplus income from system to grid (X2G) energy sales. Thus, from the charging station perspective it can generate profit, also it can be beneficial for EV owners if they can manage their charging and discharging time according to the announced charging/discharging prices.

Automobiles connectivity to each other and with other infrastructure (e.g. power grid, base stati... more Automobiles connectivity to each other and with other infrastructure (e.g. power grid, base stations etc.) are becoming more popular. The advancement in autonomous vehicle and Internet of Things (IoTs) gives the challenge to incorporate high efficiency antennas into the vehicle for wireless communication. However, the transmitters and receivers need to be low-profile, high bandwidth, high gain, and cost effective to enable vehicle telematics. In this paper, a dual band low profile shark fin integrated multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna is proposed for 5G and Wi-Max communications. Initially, a corporate fed patch antenna array and a quasi- Yagi antenna is designed for 5G and Wi-Max frequency bands respectively. These two optimized antennas are vertically incorporated, and further optimized to work for dual band applications at 26 GHz and 5.5 GHz. The effects of the gap and parasitic elements between the antennas on the resonance and realized gain pattern are parametrically studied. The simulation results show that the dual band antenna operates from 5.16 GHz to 6.05 GHz and 25.625 GHz to 26.36 GHz with 10 dB return loss bandwidth with a realized gain of 4.43 dB at 5.5 GHz and 4.79 dB at 26 GHz. The scattering parameters, realized gain, and 3D radiation pattern are presented in the results section.
Papers by Himadry Shekhar Das