Papers by Mohammad Al-Rawashdeh

International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) , 2020
Bullying is among the most harmful issues that have proliferated in
numerous internatio... more Abstract
Bullying is among the most harmful issues that have proliferated in
numerous international societies, and we currently observe that the majority of Arab
nations, particularly those affected by the devastation caused by civil and ideological conflicts, for
for instance in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, and other places, as well as in all social
and political classes, as well as everywhere else, including our homes, places of employment, and the
Below, we will discuss the problem of bullying in both public and private universities, its
types, causes, and the most crucial treatment techniques.
Colleagues frequently engage in aggressive bullying at work, or what
In schools, high schools, and universities, among other institutions, superiors exercise control over subordinates.
members of the same family. Even in politics, we can see it when nations that are
more powerful or possess greater financial resources than states. Poorer, or less wealthy, by
The threat of military force or extortion.
Bullying is defined as persistent, violent behavior meant to cause harm to another individual.
purposefully, either physically or mentally. Bullying is typified by personal conduct.
in specific ways to obtain control over someone else's account.
The new bullying is predicated on formal relaxation and the concepts of wealth and power.
in the superpower's discipline and the deterioration of moral clarity in international
relationships to their most distant boundaries, which resulted in the formation of tiny nations lacking strategic
weight that are capable of causing tensions and crises, as well as bullying their neighbors,
in addition to the development of new regional powers that can impose their
technique of bullying, and there are many glaring instances of this in the Middle East.
Key words: political bullying, the Middle East, Arab citizens, and the international system.

SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 2024
This study aimed to assess the degree of social pressures and their relationship to spor... more ABSTRACT
This study aimed to assess the degree of social pressures and their relationship to sports achievement
motivation among 51 randomly selected handball players from first-division clubs in Jordan. A
descriptive approach was employed, and data were collected via a questionnaire, with analyses
conducted using SPSS 26. The results showed that social pressure levels were moderate, with
training pressures being the highest (M = 3.17; a relative importance of 63.40%), followed by family
(M = 2.92; a relative importance of 58.40%) and public pressures (M = 2.32; a relative importance of
46.40%). No statistically significant differences were found in social pressures and sports
achievement motivation among handball players based on experience (p > 0.05). While family and
public pressures were not significantly correlated with motivation (p>0.05), training and overall
pressures were positively correlated with motivation (p<0.05). The study found moderate social
pressure among handball players in Jordan, with low public-related pressures and no differences
based on experience. Motivation for sports achievement was high, with training-related pressures
positively linked to motivation.
Handball; Social Pressures; Achievement Motivation; Handball Players

International Journal of Political Science, Law and International Relations (IJPSLIR), 2019
The Middle East is one of the hottest regions in the world; The Middle East is character... more ABSTRACT
The Middle East is one of the hottest regions in the world; The Middle East is characterized by the laxity and
softness of its borders since there are no fixed physical boundaries. Moreover, the geographical location in which
the Middle East is settled is unique that makes it a definition of political geography in the study of the relationship
and impact of geographical location on political decision.
The Middle East, according to the rules of the new regional order, is one of the most politically and
militarily active areas, and it seems to remain so for the foreseeable future. Politically, while keeping the situation
of military conflict influential, pressing and effective to influence any political road map, while the conflicts are
everywhere in the region.
The paper analyzes the multiple alliances and conflicts underlying the political and security challenges in
the region and examines how these structures have provided opportunities for alternative authorities on the ground
as well as internationally.
KEYWORDS: Middle East, Political Conflict & Political Geography

SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (SSRG-IJHSS) – Volume 6 Issue 5 – Sep – Oct 2019, 2019
The connection between the media and security is a
correlation. The media, by means of i... more Abstract
The connection between the media and security is a
correlation. The media, by means of its
different reading, audio, and video formats, plays a
prominent role and effectively influences the
dissemination of security knowledge and helps the
work of security agencies at all levels.
Political media is considered an authority capable
of influencing and changing. Therefore, it plays a
special and effective role in the political awareness
of the society and its various means of newspapers,
radio, television and other new electronic means, the
success of political and social awareness, the
strengthening of political values and political
Political media is highlighted through its
importance during times of war, peace, elections and political campaigns in developed societies. It plays a
key role in the transfer and flow of information from
the political elite to the public, as well as transferring
the problems and aspirations of the masses and their
perceptions to the political elite.
However, security is a language that means not
fear, and a term means creating the right conditions
to ensure a stable life, and through political and
aspects of the economy that seek to offer reasonable
living and meet basic needs. Social security means
providing security to citizens to the extent that it
increases the sense of citizenship, belonging and
social justice.
Keywords: Political Media, Security Media, Social

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization , 2017
Abstract: Arab collective security must therefore have its own assessments emanating from the reg... more Abstract: Arab collective security must therefore have its own assessments emanating from the regional reality on which Arab collective national security priorities are prioritized. The emergence of transnational terrorist groups poses a great threat to Arab security, and the emergence of a failed or soft state is a very dangerous phenomenon for Arab national security, as well as illegal immigration due to the prevailing conditions in the Arab region and the neighboring countries of Africa. The illicit drug trafficking and the dangers of using social networks and their use as a means of influencing the Arab youth sector through influence or the birth of the formation of Arab identity come as an emerging Arab heritage and culture and authentic Arab identity and affiliation account. The use of the term "security" refers to the end of the Second World War. A stream of literature began to look at how to achieve security and avoid war. The result was the emergence of theories of deterrence and balance. Then the National Security Council was established. There have been several publications in this field, and concepts have been common in this context under the names of many of them - "American national security" and "European security" and "national security of the Soviet Union" before disintegration, China's security and national security, Indian national security, and Arab national security. Every country or nation is trying to formulate its concept and strategy of security according to what it considers its field as vital security in the surrounding circle, which has the capacity to influence them, or can be a serious threat to their interests and sometimes to exist, and intersect or intertwine some countries and nations in their vital fields Security of its geographic contiguity or its ability to deploy the force crossing its borders economically, culturally or within the range of its missiles, aircraft or warships. Since national security: is the state's ability to protect its territory, resources and interests from external military threats and internal threats,. In the face of globalization, there have been shifts in the concept of security, most notably power, which is no longer linked to the military factor but rather to politics, technology, education, economic growth and the adoption of information. Key words: Arab National Security, international Terrorism

International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 2018
It's hard to deny that not just the United States, but also America’s worldwide allies, ... more Abstract
It's hard to deny that not just the United States, but also America’s worldwide allies, and,
most important, the Arab states themselves, have grown weary of wars in this region. Indicative
of this reality is a palpable malaise among a core of U.S. strategic analysts. Among these are
individuals who now view Washington's interactions with Arab and Islamic nations as a
always draining business. This group includes individuals who think that the natural world and
Over the past thirty years, the relationship's scope has been consistently challenging to manage and
The existence and future of the Arab nations have been threatened by numerous obstacles and dangers.
in addition to their cultural identity. That would be the common foreign policy of different governments.
seem unclear or incongruous, which is because they often are. While Barack Obama was
such inconsistency has appeared to define certain facets of the United States' relationship with
The Arab World. At the same time, signals from Washington and the mainstream media in the United States
Meetings between Obama and his Arab counterparts have not always been successful.
been as unambiguous as the signalers believed it should be.
Positively, a large number of strategic analysts and decision-makers in the area have been
and continue to be satisfied with the high caliber of military, security, and intelligence
collaboration between the Arab world and the United States.
Key words: foreign policy, Arab world, U.S policy.

The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention
Although the cause of the decline in violence over the past century since the first an... more ABSTRACT:
Although the cause of the decline in violence over the past century since the first and second World Wars is still up for debate, the phenomenon cannot be attributed to the use of force, and the fear of war has been by far the most potent factor in determining the direction of international relations during that time.
In general, it should be pointed out that the conflict is remote and can be distinguished between a negative dimension and a
positive one. While it is easy to recognize the negative side of a conflict through its general and stable association with the
"attempts to destroy, exploit, or impose a solution on one side or others", the positive dimension of the conflict generally refers to
that aspect of " Push towards work or establish contacts, solve problems, and positive exchange between the parties concerned.
It is, therefore, the history of the impact of the use and threat of force, to put it briefly. Sometimes, strategy is
a contentious idea, and the phrase is frequently used incorrectly, particularly in the context of international relations.
A competitive phenomenon, conflict arises when two or more opposing objectives are involved. Additionally, the primary component in the
Conflict is defined as involving two or more parties who have conflicting goals, meaning that each party wants to
obtain or hold onto what the other party desires, and thus if one party's demands are fulfilled.
Key words: international conflict, international relations, and strategy.

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
One needs to be clear about national interests and policy in order to create a grand s... more Abstract:
One needs to be clear about national interests and policy in order to create a grand strategy.
goals, as well as strategies for reaching them. We can consider American national interests in the Middle East.
East as ideological, security, or strategic — strategic national interests in prosperity, security, and
stability, or national interests in advancing democracy and popular government. The United States
After the Cold War, states possessed a level of absolute and relative power never before seen. It was really the first of its kind.
unequals. It should come as no surprise. The American government is unsure of how to handle these advantages.
and U.S. foreign policy was carried out for over ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
lacking much of a comprehensive plan. The US decided to become fully involved in the larger
When it had little reason to get involved in the Middle East, and now that it has good reasons to limit its involvement
There, it has proven to be challenging. However, challenging does not equate to impossible. Not much can be obtained by
At the moment, Washington is doing more in the area, particularly if more is defined in terms of extensive, long-term
military actions intended to change societies that are not ready for democracy. Where the stakeholder interests
are not essential, and the probable expenses and hazards of representing them exceed the probable advantages, the United
States should be able to accept less-than-ideal results. For instance, in Afghanistan, it would be
Although it would be unfortunate if the Taliban staged a comeback, it would not be intolerable, particularly if all
Afghan territory was off-limits to Qaeda and its affiliates. In other parts of the area, it would be
regrettable if the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters took control of a number of additional nations, but that would
not typically warrant armed intervention (as opposed to other types of intervention). Isolationism is not what this is, but
Key words: US strategy, national interests. Middle East. Security of the Nation

International Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science, 2016
One of the most important concerns of the twenty-first century will be water everywhere.... more Abstract
One of the most important concerns of the twenty-first century will be water everywhere. We used to drink water.
taken for granted. But more often than not, water is unavailable when and where we need it, and
Scarce water supplies are impeding development and posing a threat in an increasing number of areas.
food security.
From Turkey to the Arabian Gulf through the heart of the troubled Middle East, Water is a vital
factor in shaping the politics of the region and the lives of its people, scarcity of water resources in
dried arid land and semidried arid land, which constitutes 80% of the territory of the Middle East,
which forces the leaders of the countries of this region to enter into strange alliances, and
adventures that may seem meaningless.
Abundance of water in some countries in the region could become a key for sovereignty and
influence, and at the same time may be of concern to the citizens of the ambitions of their neighbors
where they may carry arms to defend it, as it may become stronger supports the peace and makes
old enemies to cooperate for the common concern and common interest .But history and current
events confirm that it is more likely that the water will be a source of desperate and a unify
component, and an assistant factor for conflict between the countries of the world, especially among
the countries of the Middle East, which is one of the most volatile regions of the world.
Modern states taking shape in the twentieth century have reformed political and territorial
boundaries, partitioning Euphrates and Tigris river water between Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Recent
Turkey's development plans pose a threat to the water that downstream riparians have historically used.
Iraq and Syria. Middle Eastern water scarcity, the rise of developing nations in recent years, and
Historical political rivalries pose a conflict threat to riparian areas. Consequently, the three states have looked for
to protect their water rights in the Tigris and Euphrates.
Key words: scarcity of water, water security, and national security.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 2015
Abstract: All life is preparedness for a great event that might never occur.
The fundamental idea... more Abstract: All life is preparedness for a great event that might never occur.
The fundamental idea for the security of the state in question is military doctrine, which also aims to develop
goals and tasks of the military policy of the state, and the identification of priority interests, and to express its
position on issues of war and areas of use of military force and the drafting of combat missions assigned to the
forces of the state in time of war or peace, and the diagnosis of the nature of the actual and potential military
threats against the state and the nature of future war that can be plugged in the state, as well as for
characterization methods by which to repel any aggression by military means and to develop new concepts of
military strategies, and guidance on preparation of the State for the purpose of defending the territory of the
State and the safety of its soil. The differences between religious belief and military doctrine. Some people who
were not familiar with the term "military doctrine" that this term is given by a specific researcher or some
academics or that the use of metaphor for the phrase "doctrine", or something else similar ; but many interested
readers know that the military doctrine or army dogma as it is known, in some countries in the world is the
basis corner for the definition of an army and military force. The military side includes the military doctrine,
combat doctrine or creed combat and focus of the combat doctrine to direct destruction of the armed forces of
the enemy, that means the combat doctrine in this sense, means the adoption of principles, methods and tactics
of certain aims to destroy the armed force of the enemy side. There are a lot of military doctrines in this aspect.
such as the doctrine of realistic intimidation: adopted by the United States and studied in the Soviet military
schools previously chosen here to highlight the concept of military doctrine in this paper. The Doctrine of
hybrid war dominates the world's conflicts and makes it more complex, strategic analysts consider that the
'hybrid wars' blend the deadly conflict of the State with fanatical zeal and prolong irregular warfare.
Key words: Military Doctrine, Military Strategies, Big Powers, Role of The Army

International Review of Social Sciences , 2014
According to the current Arab situation, the Arab spring emerged in response to the poli... more Abstract
According to the current Arab situation, the Arab spring emerged in response to the political downturn.
social and economic structures in the Arab world. The Arab Spring's future is undoubtedly difficult.
Because of tyranny, people will encounter challenges along the way, but they will overcome them to create their future.
is the root cause of corruption and social and economic injustice. During this historical period, which is being
by the area, and the forces of change are spreading to the nations and areas they believe
Far from the embers of public ire, they are safe from the change. However, it was vital to hear several
specialists to learn about their thoughts and expectations regarding the events occurring in the area of the interactions
and significant political shifts. The Syrian government attempted to reaffirm that a political solution to the
crisis, not just with regard to the "Geneva Agreement," but also by attending the Conference to
be held for peace negotiations in Geneva. In his comments to the Chinese channel, Assad emphasized: "Damascus has
backed the Geneva initiative right away and raised expectations for the upcoming conference because of its the
conviction that the only effective way to address the main issues is through political action," adding that "the success of the
Various elements and circumstances are necessary for the Geneva Conference or any political action to
success", noting that "preventing terrorist acts is the primary element for the Geneva Conference's success."
and preventing terrorists from entering Syria from outside, as well as preventing the provision of weapons to terrorists
as well as cash. "If we have not done so, any political action will be an illusion. The West probably became
upset to deal with different political ideologies in the Arab world .they want to deal with a single power
limited and controlled by political and economic relations. Here we note that the sudden change in political
attitudes in the United States towards Iran is uncertain, as the regime in Syria to comply with Iran's choice
and consent within a short time to change the entire equation by agreeing to destroy its military strategic
deterrent force for promoting not only a Syrian national security but to Arab national security.
Key Word: Arab spring, Geneva Conference, Syrian national security

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2012
This study aims to draw attention to the president's accountability for international c... more Abstract:
This study aims to draw attention to the president's accountability for international crimes under the
Criminal law, the President of the International's legal standing, and the degree to which the international
Criminal laws define the idea of criminal responsibility and are in opposition to the idea of states' national sovereignty.
highlights the president of Sudan's disagreement with the International Criminal Law, as well as
Court of Criminals. This study attempts to demonstrate how the idea of the president's criminal responsibility has changed over time.
international criminal law, starting with the establishment of makeshift military tribunals in Leipzig, Tokyo, and Nuremberg, and subsequently in
Ronda, Sierra Leone, and the former Yugoslavia, culminating in the establishment of the International Criminal Court.
While upholding the idea that presidents are criminally liable for transnational crimes under international
other tenets of customary international law, such as criminal law, began to diminish and diminish as the idea of national
state sovereignty as well as the privileges and immunity enjoyed by presidents.
This development means that the constitutional and international immunities can no longer be invoked for the
exemption from punishment and prosecution, as stated in Court Criminal System item 27, which validates official capacity as a
trial and punishment for contraception, and thus handles the president's treatment of any other individual before the International
criminal court in the event that international crimes are proven to have been committed.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to expose the disparity between the president's legal status and the global public's perception of
and international criminal laws, as well as the degree to which they impede the application of international criminal
law to states' sovereignty, as well as to elucidate the confidentiality of the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction and
superiority over a state's national jurisdiction.
The study includes a risky precedent: the arrest warrant issued against the president of Sudan by the
The first instance of the President remaining in office following the trial of the International Criminal Court's prosecutor
Charles Taylor, the president's trial, and former Yugoslav "Milosevic" at the former Yugoslavia's Criminal Court,
and efforts to bring former Chilean President "Pinochet" to justice. This study illustrates the most significant legal
and political aspects to charge the president of Sudan, as well as ascertain the constitutional and international immunity at
the Criminal Court, the legal foundation for his criminal liability, and the focus on the issue of the
whether the Sudan case falls under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and whether the Security Council can end the
conflict between the International Criminal Court and Sudan.
Key words: criminal court, criminal law, international crime, criminal immunity, and international law.

Journal of Politics and Law;, 2012
The research aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two p... more Abstract
The research aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phenomena of political
behavior and organizational conflict of the members of the parliament of Jordan (of Notables and Parliament),
also it aims to reveal the relation among the basic dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict,
and its organizational and psychological impacts within the causality concept as long as related to both political
behavior and organizational conflict.
The 78 members of the parliament who made up the study sample were selected at random and it
formed a rate of 30% of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool to gather the necessary data
for the study and led to a number of results:
1. There is a difference in the patterns of political behavior and patterns of organizational conflict among the
members of the parliament (Notables and representatives).
2. There is a difference in the political behavior strategies and organizational conflict strategies among the
members of the parliament.
3. There is a statistically significant correlation between the political behavior dimensions and all of the variables
(sex, marital status, functional expertise, and presence times to the parliament and the party to which it belongs),
with a rate of 70%.
4. There is a statistically significant correlation between the organizational conflict dimensions and all of the
variables (times spent in parliament and marital status), with a 29% rate.
5. The findings demonstrated that the dimensions of political behavior taken together (agreement on goals, agreement on
public policies and private contracts), and the corresponding rates have been reported to be 52.2%, 46.3%, and 48.8%.
of the overall variance in the dimensions of organizational conflict.
Keywords: patterns of political behavior, organizational conflict, and political behavior
patterns, conflict resolution techniques within organizations, and tactics for political behavior

Journal of Politics and Law; Vol. 5, No. 3; 2012, 2012
The study aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phen... more Abstract
The study aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phenomena of political
behavior and organizational conflict of the members of the parliament of Jordan (of Notables and Parliament),
also, it aims to reveal the relationship among the basic dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict.
and its organizational and psychological impacts within the causality concept as long as relates to both political
behavior and organizational conflict.
The study sample consisted of 78 members in the parliament, who have been chosen in a random sample and it
formed a rate of 30% of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool to gather the necessary data
for the study and led to a number of results:
1. There is a difference in the patterns of political behavior and patterns of organizational conflict among the
members of the parliament (Notables and representatives).
2. There is a difference in the political behavior strategies and organizational conflict strategies among the
members of the parliament.
3. There is a statistically significant correlation between the political behavior dimensions and all of the variables
(sex, marital status, functional expertise, and presence times to the parliament and the party to which it belongs),
with a rate of 70%.
4. There is a statistically significant correlation between the organizational conflict dimensions and all of the
variables (marital status, and presence times to the parliament), with a rate of 29%.
5. The results showed that the political behavior dimensions combined (agreement on objectives, agreement on
public policies, and personal agreements) and it has been shown a rate of 52.2%, 46.3%, and 48.8%, respectively
of the total variation in the organizational conflict dimensions.
Keywords: political behavior, organizational conflict, political behavior**Abstract**
This study undertakes a crucial exploration of the foundational theories and intellectual underpinnings of political behavior and organizational conflict among the members of the Jordanian Parliament, specifically focusing on both Notables and representatives. Our objective is to uncover the intricate relationships between the essential dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict, as well as to assess their significant organizational and psychological repercussions, all within the context of causality relevant to these phenomena.
We selected a sample of 78 members of Parliament, chosen randomly to represent 30% of the total population. To gather the necessary data, a thoughtfully crafted questionnaire was employed, leading to several compelling conclusions:
1. Distinct disparities exist in the patterns of political behavior and organizational conflict among members of Parliament, encompassing both Notables and representatives.
2. There are significant differences in the strategies used for political behavior and organizational conflict among these members.
3. A statistically significant correlation has been identified between the dimensions of political behavior and several demographic variables—such as sex, marital status, professional expertise, attendance at Parliament sessions, and party affiliation—with a robust correlation rate of 70%.
4. In addition, there is a statistically significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational conflict and select demographic variables, notably marital status and attendance at Parliament, with a correlation rate of 29%.
5. Our findings reveal that the combined dimensions of political behavior, including agreement on objectives (52.2%), agreement on public policies (46.3%), and personal agreement (48.8%), account for a substantial portion of the total variation in organizational conflict dimensions.
Keywords: organizational conflict, patterns of political behavior, patterns of organizational conflict, patterns of organizational conflict, patterns of organizational conflict, and patterns of political behavior
patterns, conflict resolution techniques within organizations, and tactics for political behavior

Journal of Politics and Law, 2010
One of the most important characteristic features of today’s digital age is the current ... more Abstract
One of the most important characteristic features of today’s digital age is the current and spread globalization, which
has multi- political, cultural, social and economic aspects. The concept of globalization is a dialectic phenomenon
that is seen by many writers as a necessary evil. In the present paper researchers explain the idea that globalization
plays a real role in reducing the gap between the North and South, particularly issues related to economic gaps in
order to achieve justice and the interests of the people of these States.
The current paper attempts to clarify the current international factors stimulating this dialog and the suitability of the
global climate participating in enhancing the efforts behind the dialogue. The paper focuses on issues related to
dialogue in the context of globalization, the extent of the role of globalization in reducing the gap between the North
and South, and the dominant role of the United States in this process.
The current paper concludes that the globalization with all of its instruments reflects the U.S. hegemony over the
whole process of dialogue between the states of North and South.
Keywords: Politics, International relations, International and political economy

British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 121 October 2011, Vol. 2 (1), 2011
Perhaps the pervading sense of awe which is engulfing Arab societies everywhere is due t... more Abstract
Perhaps the pervading sense of awe which is engulfing Arab societies everywhere is due to
misunderstanding of Arab character and the seemingly predictable pattern of their behaviour. Racist
depictions of Arabs in the mass media have lead to distortion of the Arab image in the world. Arab
nationalism has been indirectly targeted and humiliated. Sadly, Arab countries have acted seriously to
restore the tarnished image of the Arab National character.
This study highlights the role of Arab Nationalism in achieving Arab unity and winning freedom, equality
and democracy. It aims at embarking on genuine reform of the Arab National Character and changing the
Western negative attitude towards Arabs. Challenges facing Arab National Character have been
introduced and the controversy regarding considering religion as an essential constituent part of
nationalism has been thoroughly discussed.
The study focuses on the interests of the West in the Arab World and the roles of orientalism and Zionism
in distorting the image of the Arab National Character and delaying reforms in the Arab countries.
In order to recover the fragile Arab National Character and promote it so as it can appeal to the nation
aspirations, the study suggests some strategies to deal with the challenges and some remedial actions to
revive the bright Arab National Character and maintain Arab dignity.
Keywords: politics, international relations, international and political economy. Mediterranean politics.

Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties (AARF Publications), 2019
The region of the Middle East witnesses a state of nervousness dominated by sectarian
co... more Abstract
The region of the Middle East witnesses a state of nervousness dominated by sectarian
conflicts and the spread of the dangers of extremism and terrorism in most Arab countries, as
well as the escalation of political and military competition among the major regional powers
in changing the strategic balance equations through direct clashes or acting wars. Iran,
Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel are the key forces in the region, each seeking to be
the only superpower in the region.
The Middle East may witness other, more surprising, strategic shifts that are contrary to all
expectations and possible scenarios. Perhaps this was the first lesson we learned from the
Arab Spring, which may have surprised the entire world in its unpredictability, as well as its
consequences and its tracks.
Therefore, the political landscape in the region and the transformations of the scene carries
many opportunities and challenges for the various parties, and no one enjoys sovereignty
and control in general, and therefore the strategic horizon and strategic dimensions of the
International Research Journal of Human Resource and Social Sciences
ISSN(O): (2349-4085) ISSN(P): (2394-4218)
Impact Factor 5.414 Volume 6, Issue 8, August2019
Website-, Email : [email protected]
© Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties (AARF)
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
Page | 22
scene is still trying to form levers, both according to position and in accordance to the
region‟s strategy.
Key words: National Strategy, National security, Middle East, Arab Spring.**Abstract**
The Middle East is experiencing a state of anxiety characterized by sectarian conflicts and the rise of extremism and terrorism across many Arab countries. This situation is compounded by heightened political and military competition among the major regional powers, as they seek to alter the strategic balance through direct confrontations or proxy wars. Key players in the region—including Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Israel—are each striving to emerge as the sole superpower.
The region may also encounter unexpected strategic shifts that defy prevailing expectations and scenarios. The Arab Spring served as an early lesson in this unpredictability, surprising the entire world with its outcomes and consequences.
As a result, the political landscape in the Middle East, along with its evolving dynamics, presents numerous opportunities and challenges for various stakeholders. No single entity enjoys full sovereignty or control, indicating that the strategic horizon remains in flux. The region is continuing to seek mechanisms to navigate its complexities, influenced by both geopolitical positions and overarching strategies.
Key words: National Strategy, National Security, Middle East, Arab Spring.

International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS) , 2016
The question now of the strategic balance and stability in the Middle East, and especial... more Abstract
The question now of the strategic balance and stability in the Middle East, and especially the era of
the second Gulf War, 1990s, is to assess the impact of non-conventional weapons on the region.
Non-conventional weapons, or weapons of mass destruction, refer primarily to nuclear, biological
and chemical arms, and ballistic missile systems.)
The current strategic balance in the Middle East is in transition as the region seeks a new
equilibrium, an equilibrium that has been in constant flux over the past three decades. The Arab-Israeli conventional arms race began in earnest in the mid-1950s. It was not long before Israel
launched its nuclear and missile development programs, making Arenas’ observation seem a bit
tardy. Egypt plunged into chemical and missile programs a few years later. The strategic dimension
that resulted has become part and parcel of disequilibrium ever since.
In the Middle East, two tiers of states are emerging: one with advanced, non-conventional
capability, and one without. Israel sits squarely in the former category and is likely to be joined in
the wider regional context, by Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Iran. Some Arab states possess limited
chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs, but these remain modest in size and potential.
suggesting that the Arab states are set to occupy the tier of states without non-conventional weapons
capability. With the Missile Technology Control Regime in force and the Chemical Weapons
Convention close to being signed, this conclusion is practically inescapable.
Key Words: Balance of Power, Middle East, Asymmetric Interests, Strategic Balance.
In examining the strategic balance and stability of the Middle East, particularly during the era of the second Gulf War in the 1990s, it is crucial to evaluate the significant impact of non-conventional weapons on the region. Non-conventional weapons, commonly referred to as weapons of mass destruction, include nuclear, biological, and chemical arms, as well as ballistic missile systems.
The strategic landscape in the Middle East is undergoing a profound transformation as countries strive for a new equilibrium—a balance that has been in constant flux for over three decades. The Arab-Israeli conventional arms race gained momentum in the mid-1950s. Almost immediately, Israel began developing its nuclear and missile capabilities, setting a precedent that has reshaped regional security dynamics. Egypt soon followed with its own initiatives in chemical and missile programs, which have contributed to an enduring state of instability.
Today, the Middle East is witnessing the emergence of two distinct tiers of states: those with advanced non-conventional capabilities and those without. Israel firmly occupies the former category, while Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran are likely to join this elite group. Meanwhile, several Arab states have limited chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs, yet these remain relatively modest, affirming their position in the tier without significant non-conventional capabilities. With the Missile Technology Control Regime in effect and the Chemical Weapons Convention nearing ratification, it is increasingly evident that this bifurcation in capabilities will persist.
Balance of Power, Middle East, Asymmetric Interests, Strategic Balance.

Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences , 2016
Abstract: Two of the dominant themes of discussion in international relations scholarship over th... more Abstract: Two of the dominant themes of discussion in international relations scholarship over the last decade have been
rising powers and global governance. Both conversations are based on important moral considerations regarding how the world
should be arranged, who is in charge of dealing with global issues, how to handle change, and how global
People in both developed and developing nations can benefit from effective governance. the Middle East in particular. However,
Many times, commentators overlook these or only allude to them as moral dilemmas. I have never encountered so many crises.
consuming the Middle East at the same time. From the civil wars in Libya, Syria, and Iraq to the emergence of Islamic State in Iraq,
Yemen is in an unprecedented state of change as a result of Egypt's worsening security situation. Meanwhile,
Many Arab states have a strong belief that the US has withdrawn, if not completely lost, interest in
from the region. For the Gulf States in particular, there is a fear that Washington has struck a Faustian bargain with Tehran,
ceding its regional primacy in return for a nuclear agreement. There is a great deal of conflict in the Middle East. The one that
This structural feature can be seen as both a cause and an effect of the absence of a single, clear regional power. In the
At the same time, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, and Iran are among the Middle Eastern states with the largest power disparities.
considered to be one of the most potent players and, as such, a possible regional power. Because of the particular empirical
An analytical design that emphasizes relational and procedural dynamics is necessary in the Middle East. Within
In an effort to create such a design, this study draws on three reputable schools of international
relationships between (neo) realism, constructivism, and institutionalism. Additionally, these three schools of thought are used for
developing hypotheses about Arab regional policy and how it affects the Middle East. Using these as an example
of hypotheses about four periods in the contemporary history of Arabs in the Middle East, theoretical lessons to be
learned for the analysis of regional powers in other world areas are presented.
Keywords: Middle East, potential regional power, leadership, competition.

International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS), 2016
Nearly 5 years after the eruption of the Syrian crisis, the tremors from this cataclysmi... more Abstract
Nearly 5 years after the eruption of the Syrian crisis, the tremors from this cataclysmic event are
still reverberating in the region and around the world. A new generation of jihadist extremists and
ISIS are gaining experience on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria. All the Arab states in Middle East
view developments in the region with varying levels of disquiet. Many commentators believe that the
strategic security measure has become the most important regional event framing peace, political
and military affairs since the 1967 Six-Day War. All these challenges are converging to frame a new
strategic challenge to the Middle East region and the international community, which has vital
economic and political interests in ensuring regional stability and security.
Moreover, it is difficult for big powers to work on a comprehensive strategy in the region, along the
lines of different strategies after World War II, and during the Cold War and beyond, because they
are not able yet to find a strategy to bring stability to the region, because of its being between hard
power strategy and soft, in the modernization of traditional political systems, and absolute support
for Israel, but it is trying to find a compromise formula between the regional powers to enable them
to access to a comprehensive strategy for the region far from the sectarian tensions, extremist
thinking. Here I would add, For a region as complex, with so many conflicting interests and so
many different players—some of which are states, and some of which are non-state actors inside or
It is challenging to provide in a manageably brief manner all of the prerequisites for a
a practical security framework.
Key words: national security, Middle East, regional powers, and strategic security.
Papers by Mohammad Al-Rawashdeh
Bullying is among the most harmful issues that have proliferated in
numerous international societies, and we currently observe that the majority of Arab
nations, particularly those affected by the devastation caused by civil and ideological conflicts, for
for instance in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, and other places, as well as in all social
and political classes, as well as everywhere else, including our homes, places of employment, and the
Below, we will discuss the problem of bullying in both public and private universities, its
types, causes, and the most crucial treatment techniques.
Colleagues frequently engage in aggressive bullying at work, or what
In schools, high schools, and universities, among other institutions, superiors exercise control over subordinates.
members of the same family. Even in politics, we can see it when nations that are
more powerful or possess greater financial resources than states. Poorer, or less wealthy, by
The threat of military force or extortion.
Bullying is defined as persistent, violent behavior meant to cause harm to another individual.
purposefully, either physically or mentally. Bullying is typified by personal conduct.
in specific ways to obtain control over someone else's account.
The new bullying is predicated on formal relaxation and the concepts of wealth and power.
in the superpower's discipline and the deterioration of moral clarity in international
relationships to their most distant boundaries, which resulted in the formation of tiny nations lacking strategic
weight that are capable of causing tensions and crises, as well as bullying their neighbors,
in addition to the development of new regional powers that can impose their
technique of bullying, and there are many glaring instances of this in the Middle East.
Key words: political bullying, the Middle East, Arab citizens, and the international system.
This study aimed to assess the degree of social pressures and their relationship to sports achievement
motivation among 51 randomly selected handball players from first-division clubs in Jordan. A
descriptive approach was employed, and data were collected via a questionnaire, with analyses
conducted using SPSS 26. The results showed that social pressure levels were moderate, with
training pressures being the highest (M = 3.17; a relative importance of 63.40%), followed by family
(M = 2.92; a relative importance of 58.40%) and public pressures (M = 2.32; a relative importance of
46.40%). No statistically significant differences were found in social pressures and sports
achievement motivation among handball players based on experience (p > 0.05). While family and
public pressures were not significantly correlated with motivation (p>0.05), training and overall
pressures were positively correlated with motivation (p<0.05). The study found moderate social
pressure among handball players in Jordan, with low public-related pressures and no differences
based on experience. Motivation for sports achievement was high, with training-related pressures
positively linked to motivation.
Handball; Social Pressures; Achievement Motivation; Handball Players
The Middle East is one of the hottest regions in the world; The Middle East is characterized by the laxity and
softness of its borders since there are no fixed physical boundaries. Moreover, the geographical location in which
the Middle East is settled is unique that makes it a definition of political geography in the study of the relationship
and impact of geographical location on political decision.
The Middle East, according to the rules of the new regional order, is one of the most politically and
militarily active areas, and it seems to remain so for the foreseeable future. Politically, while keeping the situation
of military conflict influential, pressing and effective to influence any political road map, while the conflicts are
everywhere in the region.
The paper analyzes the multiple alliances and conflicts underlying the political and security challenges in
the region and examines how these structures have provided opportunities for alternative authorities on the ground
as well as internationally.
KEYWORDS: Middle East, Political Conflict & Political Geography
The connection between the media and security is a
correlation. The media, by means of its
different reading, audio, and video formats, plays a
prominent role and effectively influences the
dissemination of security knowledge and helps the
work of security agencies at all levels.
Political media is considered an authority capable
of influencing and changing. Therefore, it plays a
special and effective role in the political awareness
of the society and its various means of newspapers,
radio, television and other new electronic means, the
success of political and social awareness, the
strengthening of political values and political
Political media is highlighted through its
importance during times of war, peace, elections and political campaigns in developed societies. It plays a
key role in the transfer and flow of information from
the political elite to the public, as well as transferring
the problems and aspirations of the masses and their
perceptions to the political elite.
However, security is a language that means not
fear, and a term means creating the right conditions
to ensure a stable life, and through political and
aspects of the economy that seek to offer reasonable
living and meet basic needs. Social security means
providing security to citizens to the extent that it
increases the sense of citizenship, belonging and
social justice.
Keywords: Political Media, Security Media, Social
It's hard to deny that not just the United States, but also America’s worldwide allies, and,
most important, the Arab states themselves, have grown weary of wars in this region. Indicative
of this reality is a palpable malaise among a core of U.S. strategic analysts. Among these are
individuals who now view Washington's interactions with Arab and Islamic nations as a
always draining business. This group includes individuals who think that the natural world and
Over the past thirty years, the relationship's scope has been consistently challenging to manage and
The existence and future of the Arab nations have been threatened by numerous obstacles and dangers.
in addition to their cultural identity. That would be the common foreign policy of different governments.
seem unclear or incongruous, which is because they often are. While Barack Obama was
such inconsistency has appeared to define certain facets of the United States' relationship with
The Arab World. At the same time, signals from Washington and the mainstream media in the United States
Meetings between Obama and his Arab counterparts have not always been successful.
been as unambiguous as the signalers believed it should be.
Positively, a large number of strategic analysts and decision-makers in the area have been
and continue to be satisfied with the high caliber of military, security, and intelligence
collaboration between the Arab world and the United States.
Key words: foreign policy, Arab world, U.S policy.
Although the cause of the decline in violence over the past century since the first and second World Wars is still up for debate, the phenomenon cannot be attributed to the use of force, and the fear of war has been by far the most potent factor in determining the direction of international relations during that time.
In general, it should be pointed out that the conflict is remote and can be distinguished between a negative dimension and a
positive one. While it is easy to recognize the negative side of a conflict through its general and stable association with the
"attempts to destroy, exploit, or impose a solution on one side or others", the positive dimension of the conflict generally refers to
that aspect of " Push towards work or establish contacts, solve problems, and positive exchange between the parties concerned.
It is, therefore, the history of the impact of the use and threat of force, to put it briefly. Sometimes, strategy is
a contentious idea, and the phrase is frequently used incorrectly, particularly in the context of international relations.
A competitive phenomenon, conflict arises when two or more opposing objectives are involved. Additionally, the primary component in the
Conflict is defined as involving two or more parties who have conflicting goals, meaning that each party wants to
obtain or hold onto what the other party desires, and thus if one party's demands are fulfilled.
Key words: international conflict, international relations, and strategy.
One needs to be clear about national interests and policy in order to create a grand strategy.
goals, as well as strategies for reaching them. We can consider American national interests in the Middle East.
East as ideological, security, or strategic — strategic national interests in prosperity, security, and
stability, or national interests in advancing democracy and popular government. The United States
After the Cold War, states possessed a level of absolute and relative power never before seen. It was really the first of its kind.
unequals. It should come as no surprise. The American government is unsure of how to handle these advantages.
and U.S. foreign policy was carried out for over ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
lacking much of a comprehensive plan. The US decided to become fully involved in the larger
When it had little reason to get involved in the Middle East, and now that it has good reasons to limit its involvement
There, it has proven to be challenging. However, challenging does not equate to impossible. Not much can be obtained by
At the moment, Washington is doing more in the area, particularly if more is defined in terms of extensive, long-term
military actions intended to change societies that are not ready for democracy. Where the stakeholder interests
are not essential, and the probable expenses and hazards of representing them exceed the probable advantages, the United
States should be able to accept less-than-ideal results. For instance, in Afghanistan, it would be
Although it would be unfortunate if the Taliban staged a comeback, it would not be intolerable, particularly if all
Afghan territory was off-limits to Qaeda and its affiliates. In other parts of the area, it would be
regrettable if the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters took control of a number of additional nations, but that would
not typically warrant armed intervention (as opposed to other types of intervention). Isolationism is not what this is, but
Key words: US strategy, national interests. Middle East. Security of the Nation
One of the most important concerns of the twenty-first century will be water everywhere. We used to drink water.
taken for granted. But more often than not, water is unavailable when and where we need it, and
Scarce water supplies are impeding development and posing a threat in an increasing number of areas.
food security.
From Turkey to the Arabian Gulf through the heart of the troubled Middle East, Water is a vital
factor in shaping the politics of the region and the lives of its people, scarcity of water resources in
dried arid land and semidried arid land, which constitutes 80% of the territory of the Middle East,
which forces the leaders of the countries of this region to enter into strange alliances, and
adventures that may seem meaningless.
Abundance of water in some countries in the region could become a key for sovereignty and
influence, and at the same time may be of concern to the citizens of the ambitions of their neighbors
where they may carry arms to defend it, as it may become stronger supports the peace and makes
old enemies to cooperate for the common concern and common interest .But history and current
events confirm that it is more likely that the water will be a source of desperate and a unify
component, and an assistant factor for conflict between the countries of the world, especially among
the countries of the Middle East, which is one of the most volatile regions of the world.
Modern states taking shape in the twentieth century have reformed political and territorial
boundaries, partitioning Euphrates and Tigris river water between Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Recent
Turkey's development plans pose a threat to the water that downstream riparians have historically used.
Iraq and Syria. Middle Eastern water scarcity, the rise of developing nations in recent years, and
Historical political rivalries pose a conflict threat to riparian areas. Consequently, the three states have looked for
to protect their water rights in the Tigris and Euphrates.
Key words: scarcity of water, water security, and national security.
The fundamental idea for the security of the state in question is military doctrine, which also aims to develop
goals and tasks of the military policy of the state, and the identification of priority interests, and to express its
position on issues of war and areas of use of military force and the drafting of combat missions assigned to the
forces of the state in time of war or peace, and the diagnosis of the nature of the actual and potential military
threats against the state and the nature of future war that can be plugged in the state, as well as for
characterization methods by which to repel any aggression by military means and to develop new concepts of
military strategies, and guidance on preparation of the State for the purpose of defending the territory of the
State and the safety of its soil. The differences between religious belief and military doctrine. Some people who
were not familiar with the term "military doctrine" that this term is given by a specific researcher or some
academics or that the use of metaphor for the phrase "doctrine", or something else similar ; but many interested
readers know that the military doctrine or army dogma as it is known, in some countries in the world is the
basis corner for the definition of an army and military force. The military side includes the military doctrine,
combat doctrine or creed combat and focus of the combat doctrine to direct destruction of the armed forces of
the enemy, that means the combat doctrine in this sense, means the adoption of principles, methods and tactics
of certain aims to destroy the armed force of the enemy side. There are a lot of military doctrines in this aspect.
such as the doctrine of realistic intimidation: adopted by the United States and studied in the Soviet military
schools previously chosen here to highlight the concept of military doctrine in this paper. The Doctrine of
hybrid war dominates the world's conflicts and makes it more complex, strategic analysts consider that the
'hybrid wars' blend the deadly conflict of the State with fanatical zeal and prolong irregular warfare.
Key words: Military Doctrine, Military Strategies, Big Powers, Role of The Army
According to the current Arab situation, the Arab spring emerged in response to the political downturn.
social and economic structures in the Arab world. The Arab Spring's future is undoubtedly difficult.
Because of tyranny, people will encounter challenges along the way, but they will overcome them to create their future.
is the root cause of corruption and social and economic injustice. During this historical period, which is being
by the area, and the forces of change are spreading to the nations and areas they believe
Far from the embers of public ire, they are safe from the change. However, it was vital to hear several
specialists to learn about their thoughts and expectations regarding the events occurring in the area of the interactions
and significant political shifts. The Syrian government attempted to reaffirm that a political solution to the
crisis, not just with regard to the "Geneva Agreement," but also by attending the Conference to
be held for peace negotiations in Geneva. In his comments to the Chinese channel, Assad emphasized: "Damascus has
backed the Geneva initiative right away and raised expectations for the upcoming conference because of its the
conviction that the only effective way to address the main issues is through political action," adding that "the success of the
Various elements and circumstances are necessary for the Geneva Conference or any political action to
success", noting that "preventing terrorist acts is the primary element for the Geneva Conference's success."
and preventing terrorists from entering Syria from outside, as well as preventing the provision of weapons to terrorists
as well as cash. "If we have not done so, any political action will be an illusion. The West probably became
upset to deal with different political ideologies in the Arab world .they want to deal with a single power
limited and controlled by political and economic relations. Here we note that the sudden change in political
attitudes in the United States towards Iran is uncertain, as the regime in Syria to comply with Iran's choice
and consent within a short time to change the entire equation by agreeing to destroy its military strategic
deterrent force for promoting not only a Syrian national security but to Arab national security.
Key Word: Arab spring, Geneva Conference, Syrian national security
This study aims to draw attention to the president's accountability for international crimes under the
Criminal law, the President of the International's legal standing, and the degree to which the international
Criminal laws define the idea of criminal responsibility and are in opposition to the idea of states' national sovereignty.
highlights the president of Sudan's disagreement with the International Criminal Law, as well as
Court of Criminals. This study attempts to demonstrate how the idea of the president's criminal responsibility has changed over time.
international criminal law, starting with the establishment of makeshift military tribunals in Leipzig, Tokyo, and Nuremberg, and subsequently in
Ronda, Sierra Leone, and the former Yugoslavia, culminating in the establishment of the International Criminal Court.
While upholding the idea that presidents are criminally liable for transnational crimes under international
other tenets of customary international law, such as criminal law, began to diminish and diminish as the idea of national
state sovereignty as well as the privileges and immunity enjoyed by presidents.
This development means that the constitutional and international immunities can no longer be invoked for the
exemption from punishment and prosecution, as stated in Court Criminal System item 27, which validates official capacity as a
trial and punishment for contraception, and thus handles the president's treatment of any other individual before the International
criminal court in the event that international crimes are proven to have been committed.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to expose the disparity between the president's legal status and the global public's perception of
and international criminal laws, as well as the degree to which they impede the application of international criminal
law to states' sovereignty, as well as to elucidate the confidentiality of the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction and
superiority over a state's national jurisdiction.
The study includes a risky precedent: the arrest warrant issued against the president of Sudan by the
The first instance of the President remaining in office following the trial of the International Criminal Court's prosecutor
Charles Taylor, the president's trial, and former Yugoslav "Milosevic" at the former Yugoslavia's Criminal Court,
and efforts to bring former Chilean President "Pinochet" to justice. This study illustrates the most significant legal
and political aspects to charge the president of Sudan, as well as ascertain the constitutional and international immunity at
the Criminal Court, the legal foundation for his criminal liability, and the focus on the issue of the
whether the Sudan case falls under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and whether the Security Council can end the
conflict between the International Criminal Court and Sudan.
Key words: criminal court, criminal law, international crime, criminal immunity, and international law.
The research aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phenomena of political
behavior and organizational conflict of the members of the parliament of Jordan (of Notables and Parliament),
also it aims to reveal the relation among the basic dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict,
and its organizational and psychological impacts within the causality concept as long as related to both political
behavior and organizational conflict.
The 78 members of the parliament who made up the study sample were selected at random and it
formed a rate of 30% of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool to gather the necessary data
for the study and led to a number of results:
1. There is a difference in the patterns of political behavior and patterns of organizational conflict among the
members of the parliament (Notables and representatives).
2. There is a difference in the political behavior strategies and organizational conflict strategies among the
members of the parliament.
3. There is a statistically significant correlation between the political behavior dimensions and all of the variables
(sex, marital status, functional expertise, and presence times to the parliament and the party to which it belongs),
with a rate of 70%.
4. There is a statistically significant correlation between the organizational conflict dimensions and all of the
variables (times spent in parliament and marital status), with a 29% rate.
5. The findings demonstrated that the dimensions of political behavior taken together (agreement on goals, agreement on
public policies and private contracts), and the corresponding rates have been reported to be 52.2%, 46.3%, and 48.8%.
of the overall variance in the dimensions of organizational conflict.
Keywords: patterns of political behavior, organizational conflict, and political behavior
patterns, conflict resolution techniques within organizations, and tactics for political behavior
The study aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phenomena of political
behavior and organizational conflict of the members of the parliament of Jordan (of Notables and Parliament),
also, it aims to reveal the relationship among the basic dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict.
and its organizational and psychological impacts within the causality concept as long as relates to both political
behavior and organizational conflict.
The study sample consisted of 78 members in the parliament, who have been chosen in a random sample and it
formed a rate of 30% of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool to gather the necessary data
for the study and led to a number of results:
1. There is a difference in the patterns of political behavior and patterns of organizational conflict among the
members of the parliament (Notables and representatives).
2. There is a difference in the political behavior strategies and organizational conflict strategies among the
members of the parliament.
3. There is a statistically significant correlation between the political behavior dimensions and all of the variables
(sex, marital status, functional expertise, and presence times to the parliament and the party to which it belongs),
with a rate of 70%.
4. There is a statistically significant correlation between the organizational conflict dimensions and all of the
variables (marital status, and presence times to the parliament), with a rate of 29%.
5. The results showed that the political behavior dimensions combined (agreement on objectives, agreement on
public policies, and personal agreements) and it has been shown a rate of 52.2%, 46.3%, and 48.8%, respectively
of the total variation in the organizational conflict dimensions.
Keywords: political behavior, organizational conflict, political behavior**Abstract**
This study undertakes a crucial exploration of the foundational theories and intellectual underpinnings of political behavior and organizational conflict among the members of the Jordanian Parliament, specifically focusing on both Notables and representatives. Our objective is to uncover the intricate relationships between the essential dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict, as well as to assess their significant organizational and psychological repercussions, all within the context of causality relevant to these phenomena.
We selected a sample of 78 members of Parliament, chosen randomly to represent 30% of the total population. To gather the necessary data, a thoughtfully crafted questionnaire was employed, leading to several compelling conclusions:
1. Distinct disparities exist in the patterns of political behavior and organizational conflict among members of Parliament, encompassing both Notables and representatives.
2. There are significant differences in the strategies used for political behavior and organizational conflict among these members.
3. A statistically significant correlation has been identified between the dimensions of political behavior and several demographic variables—such as sex, marital status, professional expertise, attendance at Parliament sessions, and party affiliation—with a robust correlation rate of 70%.
4. In addition, there is a statistically significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational conflict and select demographic variables, notably marital status and attendance at Parliament, with a correlation rate of 29%.
5. Our findings reveal that the combined dimensions of political behavior, including agreement on objectives (52.2%), agreement on public policies (46.3%), and personal agreement (48.8%), account for a substantial portion of the total variation in organizational conflict dimensions.
Keywords: organizational conflict, patterns of political behavior, patterns of organizational conflict, patterns of organizational conflict, patterns of organizational conflict, and patterns of political behavior
patterns, conflict resolution techniques within organizations, and tactics for political behavior
One of the most important characteristic features of today’s digital age is the current and spread globalization, which
has multi- political, cultural, social and economic aspects. The concept of globalization is a dialectic phenomenon
that is seen by many writers as a necessary evil. In the present paper researchers explain the idea that globalization
plays a real role in reducing the gap between the North and South, particularly issues related to economic gaps in
order to achieve justice and the interests of the people of these States.
The current paper attempts to clarify the current international factors stimulating this dialog and the suitability of the
global climate participating in enhancing the efforts behind the dialogue. The paper focuses on issues related to
dialogue in the context of globalization, the extent of the role of globalization in reducing the gap between the North
and South, and the dominant role of the United States in this process.
The current paper concludes that the globalization with all of its instruments reflects the U.S. hegemony over the
whole process of dialogue between the states of North and South.
Keywords: Politics, International relations, International and political economy
Perhaps the pervading sense of awe which is engulfing Arab societies everywhere is due to
misunderstanding of Arab character and the seemingly predictable pattern of their behaviour. Racist
depictions of Arabs in the mass media have lead to distortion of the Arab image in the world. Arab
nationalism has been indirectly targeted and humiliated. Sadly, Arab countries have acted seriously to
restore the tarnished image of the Arab National character.
This study highlights the role of Arab Nationalism in achieving Arab unity and winning freedom, equality
and democracy. It aims at embarking on genuine reform of the Arab National Character and changing the
Western negative attitude towards Arabs. Challenges facing Arab National Character have been
introduced and the controversy regarding considering religion as an essential constituent part of
nationalism has been thoroughly discussed.
The study focuses on the interests of the West in the Arab World and the roles of orientalism and Zionism
in distorting the image of the Arab National Character and delaying reforms in the Arab countries.
In order to recover the fragile Arab National Character and promote it so as it can appeal to the nation
aspirations, the study suggests some strategies to deal with the challenges and some remedial actions to
revive the bright Arab National Character and maintain Arab dignity.
Keywords: politics, international relations, international and political economy. Mediterranean politics.
The region of the Middle East witnesses a state of nervousness dominated by sectarian
conflicts and the spread of the dangers of extremism and terrorism in most Arab countries, as
well as the escalation of political and military competition among the major regional powers
in changing the strategic balance equations through direct clashes or acting wars. Iran,
Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel are the key forces in the region, each seeking to be
the only superpower in the region.
The Middle East may witness other, more surprising, strategic shifts that are contrary to all
expectations and possible scenarios. Perhaps this was the first lesson we learned from the
Arab Spring, which may have surprised the entire world in its unpredictability, as well as its
consequences and its tracks.
Therefore, the political landscape in the region and the transformations of the scene carries
many opportunities and challenges for the various parties, and no one enjoys sovereignty
and control in general, and therefore the strategic horizon and strategic dimensions of the
International Research Journal of Human Resource and Social Sciences
ISSN(O): (2349-4085) ISSN(P): (2394-4218)
Impact Factor 5.414 Volume 6, Issue 8, August2019
Website-, Email : [email protected]
© Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties (AARF)
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
Page | 22
scene is still trying to form levers, both according to position and in accordance to the
region‟s strategy.
Key words: National Strategy, National security, Middle East, Arab Spring.**Abstract**
The Middle East is experiencing a state of anxiety characterized by sectarian conflicts and the rise of extremism and terrorism across many Arab countries. This situation is compounded by heightened political and military competition among the major regional powers, as they seek to alter the strategic balance through direct confrontations or proxy wars. Key players in the region—including Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Israel—are each striving to emerge as the sole superpower.
The region may also encounter unexpected strategic shifts that defy prevailing expectations and scenarios. The Arab Spring served as an early lesson in this unpredictability, surprising the entire world with its outcomes and consequences.
As a result, the political landscape in the Middle East, along with its evolving dynamics, presents numerous opportunities and challenges for various stakeholders. No single entity enjoys full sovereignty or control, indicating that the strategic horizon remains in flux. The region is continuing to seek mechanisms to navigate its complexities, influenced by both geopolitical positions and overarching strategies.
Key words: National Strategy, National Security, Middle East, Arab Spring.
The question now of the strategic balance and stability in the Middle East, and especially the era of
the second Gulf War, 1990s, is to assess the impact of non-conventional weapons on the region.
Non-conventional weapons, or weapons of mass destruction, refer primarily to nuclear, biological
and chemical arms, and ballistic missile systems.)
The current strategic balance in the Middle East is in transition as the region seeks a new
equilibrium, an equilibrium that has been in constant flux over the past three decades. The Arab-Israeli conventional arms race began in earnest in the mid-1950s. It was not long before Israel
launched its nuclear and missile development programs, making Arenas’ observation seem a bit
tardy. Egypt plunged into chemical and missile programs a few years later. The strategic dimension
that resulted has become part and parcel of disequilibrium ever since.
In the Middle East, two tiers of states are emerging: one with advanced, non-conventional
capability, and one without. Israel sits squarely in the former category and is likely to be joined in
the wider regional context, by Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Iran. Some Arab states possess limited
chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs, but these remain modest in size and potential.
suggesting that the Arab states are set to occupy the tier of states without non-conventional weapons
capability. With the Missile Technology Control Regime in force and the Chemical Weapons
Convention close to being signed, this conclusion is practically inescapable.
Key Words: Balance of Power, Middle East, Asymmetric Interests, Strategic Balance.
In examining the strategic balance and stability of the Middle East, particularly during the era of the second Gulf War in the 1990s, it is crucial to evaluate the significant impact of non-conventional weapons on the region. Non-conventional weapons, commonly referred to as weapons of mass destruction, include nuclear, biological, and chemical arms, as well as ballistic missile systems.
The strategic landscape in the Middle East is undergoing a profound transformation as countries strive for a new equilibrium—a balance that has been in constant flux for over three decades. The Arab-Israeli conventional arms race gained momentum in the mid-1950s. Almost immediately, Israel began developing its nuclear and missile capabilities, setting a precedent that has reshaped regional security dynamics. Egypt soon followed with its own initiatives in chemical and missile programs, which have contributed to an enduring state of instability.
Today, the Middle East is witnessing the emergence of two distinct tiers of states: those with advanced non-conventional capabilities and those without. Israel firmly occupies the former category, while Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran are likely to join this elite group. Meanwhile, several Arab states have limited chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs, yet these remain relatively modest, affirming their position in the tier without significant non-conventional capabilities. With the Missile Technology Control Regime in effect and the Chemical Weapons Convention nearing ratification, it is increasingly evident that this bifurcation in capabilities will persist.
Balance of Power, Middle East, Asymmetric Interests, Strategic Balance.
rising powers and global governance. Both conversations are based on important moral considerations regarding how the world
should be arranged, who is in charge of dealing with global issues, how to handle change, and how global
People in both developed and developing nations can benefit from effective governance. the Middle East in particular. However,
Many times, commentators overlook these or only allude to them as moral dilemmas. I have never encountered so many crises.
consuming the Middle East at the same time. From the civil wars in Libya, Syria, and Iraq to the emergence of Islamic State in Iraq,
Yemen is in an unprecedented state of change as a result of Egypt's worsening security situation. Meanwhile,
Many Arab states have a strong belief that the US has withdrawn, if not completely lost, interest in
from the region. For the Gulf States in particular, there is a fear that Washington has struck a Faustian bargain with Tehran,
ceding its regional primacy in return for a nuclear agreement. There is a great deal of conflict in the Middle East. The one that
This structural feature can be seen as both a cause and an effect of the absence of a single, clear regional power. In the
At the same time, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, and Iran are among the Middle Eastern states with the largest power disparities.
considered to be one of the most potent players and, as such, a possible regional power. Because of the particular empirical
An analytical design that emphasizes relational and procedural dynamics is necessary in the Middle East. Within
In an effort to create such a design, this study draws on three reputable schools of international
relationships between (neo) realism, constructivism, and institutionalism. Additionally, these three schools of thought are used for
developing hypotheses about Arab regional policy and how it affects the Middle East. Using these as an example
of hypotheses about four periods in the contemporary history of Arabs in the Middle East, theoretical lessons to be
learned for the analysis of regional powers in other world areas are presented.
Keywords: Middle East, potential regional power, leadership, competition.
Nearly 5 years after the eruption of the Syrian crisis, the tremors from this cataclysmic event are
still reverberating in the region and around the world. A new generation of jihadist extremists and
ISIS are gaining experience on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria. All the Arab states in Middle East
view developments in the region with varying levels of disquiet. Many commentators believe that the
strategic security measure has become the most important regional event framing peace, political
and military affairs since the 1967 Six-Day War. All these challenges are converging to frame a new
strategic challenge to the Middle East region and the international community, which has vital
economic and political interests in ensuring regional stability and security.
Moreover, it is difficult for big powers to work on a comprehensive strategy in the region, along the
lines of different strategies after World War II, and during the Cold War and beyond, because they
are not able yet to find a strategy to bring stability to the region, because of its being between hard
power strategy and soft, in the modernization of traditional political systems, and absolute support
for Israel, but it is trying to find a compromise formula between the regional powers to enable them
to access to a comprehensive strategy for the region far from the sectarian tensions, extremist
thinking. Here I would add, For a region as complex, with so many conflicting interests and so
many different players—some of which are states, and some of which are non-state actors inside or
It is challenging to provide in a manageably brief manner all of the prerequisites for a
a practical security framework.
Key words: national security, Middle East, regional powers, and strategic security.
Bullying is among the most harmful issues that have proliferated in
numerous international societies, and we currently observe that the majority of Arab
nations, particularly those affected by the devastation caused by civil and ideological conflicts, for
for instance in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, and other places, as well as in all social
and political classes, as well as everywhere else, including our homes, places of employment, and the
Below, we will discuss the problem of bullying in both public and private universities, its
types, causes, and the most crucial treatment techniques.
Colleagues frequently engage in aggressive bullying at work, or what
In schools, high schools, and universities, among other institutions, superiors exercise control over subordinates.
members of the same family. Even in politics, we can see it when nations that are
more powerful or possess greater financial resources than states. Poorer, or less wealthy, by
The threat of military force or extortion.
Bullying is defined as persistent, violent behavior meant to cause harm to another individual.
purposefully, either physically or mentally. Bullying is typified by personal conduct.
in specific ways to obtain control over someone else's account.
The new bullying is predicated on formal relaxation and the concepts of wealth and power.
in the superpower's discipline and the deterioration of moral clarity in international
relationships to their most distant boundaries, which resulted in the formation of tiny nations lacking strategic
weight that are capable of causing tensions and crises, as well as bullying their neighbors,
in addition to the development of new regional powers that can impose their
technique of bullying, and there are many glaring instances of this in the Middle East.
Key words: political bullying, the Middle East, Arab citizens, and the international system.
This study aimed to assess the degree of social pressures and their relationship to sports achievement
motivation among 51 randomly selected handball players from first-division clubs in Jordan. A
descriptive approach was employed, and data were collected via a questionnaire, with analyses
conducted using SPSS 26. The results showed that social pressure levels were moderate, with
training pressures being the highest (M = 3.17; a relative importance of 63.40%), followed by family
(M = 2.92; a relative importance of 58.40%) and public pressures (M = 2.32; a relative importance of
46.40%). No statistically significant differences were found in social pressures and sports
achievement motivation among handball players based on experience (p > 0.05). While family and
public pressures were not significantly correlated with motivation (p>0.05), training and overall
pressures were positively correlated with motivation (p<0.05). The study found moderate social
pressure among handball players in Jordan, with low public-related pressures and no differences
based on experience. Motivation for sports achievement was high, with training-related pressures
positively linked to motivation.
Handball; Social Pressures; Achievement Motivation; Handball Players
The Middle East is one of the hottest regions in the world; The Middle East is characterized by the laxity and
softness of its borders since there are no fixed physical boundaries. Moreover, the geographical location in which
the Middle East is settled is unique that makes it a definition of political geography in the study of the relationship
and impact of geographical location on political decision.
The Middle East, according to the rules of the new regional order, is one of the most politically and
militarily active areas, and it seems to remain so for the foreseeable future. Politically, while keeping the situation
of military conflict influential, pressing and effective to influence any political road map, while the conflicts are
everywhere in the region.
The paper analyzes the multiple alliances and conflicts underlying the political and security challenges in
the region and examines how these structures have provided opportunities for alternative authorities on the ground
as well as internationally.
KEYWORDS: Middle East, Political Conflict & Political Geography
The connection between the media and security is a
correlation. The media, by means of its
different reading, audio, and video formats, plays a
prominent role and effectively influences the
dissemination of security knowledge and helps the
work of security agencies at all levels.
Political media is considered an authority capable
of influencing and changing. Therefore, it plays a
special and effective role in the political awareness
of the society and its various means of newspapers,
radio, television and other new electronic means, the
success of political and social awareness, the
strengthening of political values and political
Political media is highlighted through its
importance during times of war, peace, elections and political campaigns in developed societies. It plays a
key role in the transfer and flow of information from
the political elite to the public, as well as transferring
the problems and aspirations of the masses and their
perceptions to the political elite.
However, security is a language that means not
fear, and a term means creating the right conditions
to ensure a stable life, and through political and
aspects of the economy that seek to offer reasonable
living and meet basic needs. Social security means
providing security to citizens to the extent that it
increases the sense of citizenship, belonging and
social justice.
Keywords: Political Media, Security Media, Social
It's hard to deny that not just the United States, but also America’s worldwide allies, and,
most important, the Arab states themselves, have grown weary of wars in this region. Indicative
of this reality is a palpable malaise among a core of U.S. strategic analysts. Among these are
individuals who now view Washington's interactions with Arab and Islamic nations as a
always draining business. This group includes individuals who think that the natural world and
Over the past thirty years, the relationship's scope has been consistently challenging to manage and
The existence and future of the Arab nations have been threatened by numerous obstacles and dangers.
in addition to their cultural identity. That would be the common foreign policy of different governments.
seem unclear or incongruous, which is because they often are. While Barack Obama was
such inconsistency has appeared to define certain facets of the United States' relationship with
The Arab World. At the same time, signals from Washington and the mainstream media in the United States
Meetings between Obama and his Arab counterparts have not always been successful.
been as unambiguous as the signalers believed it should be.
Positively, a large number of strategic analysts and decision-makers in the area have been
and continue to be satisfied with the high caliber of military, security, and intelligence
collaboration between the Arab world and the United States.
Key words: foreign policy, Arab world, U.S policy.
Although the cause of the decline in violence over the past century since the first and second World Wars is still up for debate, the phenomenon cannot be attributed to the use of force, and the fear of war has been by far the most potent factor in determining the direction of international relations during that time.
In general, it should be pointed out that the conflict is remote and can be distinguished between a negative dimension and a
positive one. While it is easy to recognize the negative side of a conflict through its general and stable association with the
"attempts to destroy, exploit, or impose a solution on one side or others", the positive dimension of the conflict generally refers to
that aspect of " Push towards work or establish contacts, solve problems, and positive exchange between the parties concerned.
It is, therefore, the history of the impact of the use and threat of force, to put it briefly. Sometimes, strategy is
a contentious idea, and the phrase is frequently used incorrectly, particularly in the context of international relations.
A competitive phenomenon, conflict arises when two or more opposing objectives are involved. Additionally, the primary component in the
Conflict is defined as involving two or more parties who have conflicting goals, meaning that each party wants to
obtain or hold onto what the other party desires, and thus if one party's demands are fulfilled.
Key words: international conflict, international relations, and strategy.
One needs to be clear about national interests and policy in order to create a grand strategy.
goals, as well as strategies for reaching them. We can consider American national interests in the Middle East.
East as ideological, security, or strategic — strategic national interests in prosperity, security, and
stability, or national interests in advancing democracy and popular government. The United States
After the Cold War, states possessed a level of absolute and relative power never before seen. It was really the first of its kind.
unequals. It should come as no surprise. The American government is unsure of how to handle these advantages.
and U.S. foreign policy was carried out for over ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
lacking much of a comprehensive plan. The US decided to become fully involved in the larger
When it had little reason to get involved in the Middle East, and now that it has good reasons to limit its involvement
There, it has proven to be challenging. However, challenging does not equate to impossible. Not much can be obtained by
At the moment, Washington is doing more in the area, particularly if more is defined in terms of extensive, long-term
military actions intended to change societies that are not ready for democracy. Where the stakeholder interests
are not essential, and the probable expenses and hazards of representing them exceed the probable advantages, the United
States should be able to accept less-than-ideal results. For instance, in Afghanistan, it would be
Although it would be unfortunate if the Taliban staged a comeback, it would not be intolerable, particularly if all
Afghan territory was off-limits to Qaeda and its affiliates. In other parts of the area, it would be
regrettable if the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters took control of a number of additional nations, but that would
not typically warrant armed intervention (as opposed to other types of intervention). Isolationism is not what this is, but
Key words: US strategy, national interests. Middle East. Security of the Nation
One of the most important concerns of the twenty-first century will be water everywhere. We used to drink water.
taken for granted. But more often than not, water is unavailable when and where we need it, and
Scarce water supplies are impeding development and posing a threat in an increasing number of areas.
food security.
From Turkey to the Arabian Gulf through the heart of the troubled Middle East, Water is a vital
factor in shaping the politics of the region and the lives of its people, scarcity of water resources in
dried arid land and semidried arid land, which constitutes 80% of the territory of the Middle East,
which forces the leaders of the countries of this region to enter into strange alliances, and
adventures that may seem meaningless.
Abundance of water in some countries in the region could become a key for sovereignty and
influence, and at the same time may be of concern to the citizens of the ambitions of their neighbors
where they may carry arms to defend it, as it may become stronger supports the peace and makes
old enemies to cooperate for the common concern and common interest .But history and current
events confirm that it is more likely that the water will be a source of desperate and a unify
component, and an assistant factor for conflict between the countries of the world, especially among
the countries of the Middle East, which is one of the most volatile regions of the world.
Modern states taking shape in the twentieth century have reformed political and territorial
boundaries, partitioning Euphrates and Tigris river water between Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Recent
Turkey's development plans pose a threat to the water that downstream riparians have historically used.
Iraq and Syria. Middle Eastern water scarcity, the rise of developing nations in recent years, and
Historical political rivalries pose a conflict threat to riparian areas. Consequently, the three states have looked for
to protect their water rights in the Tigris and Euphrates.
Key words: scarcity of water, water security, and national security.
The fundamental idea for the security of the state in question is military doctrine, which also aims to develop
goals and tasks of the military policy of the state, and the identification of priority interests, and to express its
position on issues of war and areas of use of military force and the drafting of combat missions assigned to the
forces of the state in time of war or peace, and the diagnosis of the nature of the actual and potential military
threats against the state and the nature of future war that can be plugged in the state, as well as for
characterization methods by which to repel any aggression by military means and to develop new concepts of
military strategies, and guidance on preparation of the State for the purpose of defending the territory of the
State and the safety of its soil. The differences between religious belief and military doctrine. Some people who
were not familiar with the term "military doctrine" that this term is given by a specific researcher or some
academics or that the use of metaphor for the phrase "doctrine", or something else similar ; but many interested
readers know that the military doctrine or army dogma as it is known, in some countries in the world is the
basis corner for the definition of an army and military force. The military side includes the military doctrine,
combat doctrine or creed combat and focus of the combat doctrine to direct destruction of the armed forces of
the enemy, that means the combat doctrine in this sense, means the adoption of principles, methods and tactics
of certain aims to destroy the armed force of the enemy side. There are a lot of military doctrines in this aspect.
such as the doctrine of realistic intimidation: adopted by the United States and studied in the Soviet military
schools previously chosen here to highlight the concept of military doctrine in this paper. The Doctrine of
hybrid war dominates the world's conflicts and makes it more complex, strategic analysts consider that the
'hybrid wars' blend the deadly conflict of the State with fanatical zeal and prolong irregular warfare.
Key words: Military Doctrine, Military Strategies, Big Powers, Role of The Army
According to the current Arab situation, the Arab spring emerged in response to the political downturn.
social and economic structures in the Arab world. The Arab Spring's future is undoubtedly difficult.
Because of tyranny, people will encounter challenges along the way, but they will overcome them to create their future.
is the root cause of corruption and social and economic injustice. During this historical period, which is being
by the area, and the forces of change are spreading to the nations and areas they believe
Far from the embers of public ire, they are safe from the change. However, it was vital to hear several
specialists to learn about their thoughts and expectations regarding the events occurring in the area of the interactions
and significant political shifts. The Syrian government attempted to reaffirm that a political solution to the
crisis, not just with regard to the "Geneva Agreement," but also by attending the Conference to
be held for peace negotiations in Geneva. In his comments to the Chinese channel, Assad emphasized: "Damascus has
backed the Geneva initiative right away and raised expectations for the upcoming conference because of its the
conviction that the only effective way to address the main issues is through political action," adding that "the success of the
Various elements and circumstances are necessary for the Geneva Conference or any political action to
success", noting that "preventing terrorist acts is the primary element for the Geneva Conference's success."
and preventing terrorists from entering Syria from outside, as well as preventing the provision of weapons to terrorists
as well as cash. "If we have not done so, any political action will be an illusion. The West probably became
upset to deal with different political ideologies in the Arab world .they want to deal with a single power
limited and controlled by political and economic relations. Here we note that the sudden change in political
attitudes in the United States towards Iran is uncertain, as the regime in Syria to comply with Iran's choice
and consent within a short time to change the entire equation by agreeing to destroy its military strategic
deterrent force for promoting not only a Syrian national security but to Arab national security.
Key Word: Arab spring, Geneva Conference, Syrian national security
This study aims to draw attention to the president's accountability for international crimes under the
Criminal law, the President of the International's legal standing, and the degree to which the international
Criminal laws define the idea of criminal responsibility and are in opposition to the idea of states' national sovereignty.
highlights the president of Sudan's disagreement with the International Criminal Law, as well as
Court of Criminals. This study attempts to demonstrate how the idea of the president's criminal responsibility has changed over time.
international criminal law, starting with the establishment of makeshift military tribunals in Leipzig, Tokyo, and Nuremberg, and subsequently in
Ronda, Sierra Leone, and the former Yugoslavia, culminating in the establishment of the International Criminal Court.
While upholding the idea that presidents are criminally liable for transnational crimes under international
other tenets of customary international law, such as criminal law, began to diminish and diminish as the idea of national
state sovereignty as well as the privileges and immunity enjoyed by presidents.
This development means that the constitutional and international immunities can no longer be invoked for the
exemption from punishment and prosecution, as stated in Court Criminal System item 27, which validates official capacity as a
trial and punishment for contraception, and thus handles the president's treatment of any other individual before the International
criminal court in the event that international crimes are proven to have been committed.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to expose the disparity between the president's legal status and the global public's perception of
and international criminal laws, as well as the degree to which they impede the application of international criminal
law to states' sovereignty, as well as to elucidate the confidentiality of the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction and
superiority over a state's national jurisdiction.
The study includes a risky precedent: the arrest warrant issued against the president of Sudan by the
The first instance of the President remaining in office following the trial of the International Criminal Court's prosecutor
Charles Taylor, the president's trial, and former Yugoslav "Milosevic" at the former Yugoslavia's Criminal Court,
and efforts to bring former Chilean President "Pinochet" to justice. This study illustrates the most significant legal
and political aspects to charge the president of Sudan, as well as ascertain the constitutional and international immunity at
the Criminal Court, the legal foundation for his criminal liability, and the focus on the issue of the
whether the Sudan case falls under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and whether the Security Council can end the
conflict between the International Criminal Court and Sudan.
Key words: criminal court, criminal law, international crime, criminal immunity, and international law.
The research aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phenomena of political
behavior and organizational conflict of the members of the parliament of Jordan (of Notables and Parliament),
also it aims to reveal the relation among the basic dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict,
and its organizational and psychological impacts within the causality concept as long as related to both political
behavior and organizational conflict.
The 78 members of the parliament who made up the study sample were selected at random and it
formed a rate of 30% of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool to gather the necessary data
for the study and led to a number of results:
1. There is a difference in the patterns of political behavior and patterns of organizational conflict among the
members of the parliament (Notables and representatives).
2. There is a difference in the political behavior strategies and organizational conflict strategies among the
members of the parliament.
3. There is a statistically significant correlation between the political behavior dimensions and all of the variables
(sex, marital status, functional expertise, and presence times to the parliament and the party to which it belongs),
with a rate of 70%.
4. There is a statistically significant correlation between the organizational conflict dimensions and all of the
variables (times spent in parliament and marital status), with a 29% rate.
5. The findings demonstrated that the dimensions of political behavior taken together (agreement on goals, agreement on
public policies and private contracts), and the corresponding rates have been reported to be 52.2%, 46.3%, and 48.8%.
of the overall variance in the dimensions of organizational conflict.
Keywords: patterns of political behavior, organizational conflict, and political behavior
patterns, conflict resolution techniques within organizations, and tactics for political behavior
The study aims to diagnose the theoretical and intellectual fundamentals of the two phenomena of political
behavior and organizational conflict of the members of the parliament of Jordan (of Notables and Parliament),
also, it aims to reveal the relationship among the basic dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict.
and its organizational and psychological impacts within the causality concept as long as relates to both political
behavior and organizational conflict.
The study sample consisted of 78 members in the parliament, who have been chosen in a random sample and it
formed a rate of 30% of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool to gather the necessary data
for the study and led to a number of results:
1. There is a difference in the patterns of political behavior and patterns of organizational conflict among the
members of the parliament (Notables and representatives).
2. There is a difference in the political behavior strategies and organizational conflict strategies among the
members of the parliament.
3. There is a statistically significant correlation between the political behavior dimensions and all of the variables
(sex, marital status, functional expertise, and presence times to the parliament and the party to which it belongs),
with a rate of 70%.
4. There is a statistically significant correlation between the organizational conflict dimensions and all of the
variables (marital status, and presence times to the parliament), with a rate of 29%.
5. The results showed that the political behavior dimensions combined (agreement on objectives, agreement on
public policies, and personal agreements) and it has been shown a rate of 52.2%, 46.3%, and 48.8%, respectively
of the total variation in the organizational conflict dimensions.
Keywords: political behavior, organizational conflict, political behavior**Abstract**
This study undertakes a crucial exploration of the foundational theories and intellectual underpinnings of political behavior and organizational conflict among the members of the Jordanian Parliament, specifically focusing on both Notables and representatives. Our objective is to uncover the intricate relationships between the essential dimensions of political behavior and organizational conflict, as well as to assess their significant organizational and psychological repercussions, all within the context of causality relevant to these phenomena.
We selected a sample of 78 members of Parliament, chosen randomly to represent 30% of the total population. To gather the necessary data, a thoughtfully crafted questionnaire was employed, leading to several compelling conclusions:
1. Distinct disparities exist in the patterns of political behavior and organizational conflict among members of Parliament, encompassing both Notables and representatives.
2. There are significant differences in the strategies used for political behavior and organizational conflict among these members.
3. A statistically significant correlation has been identified between the dimensions of political behavior and several demographic variables—such as sex, marital status, professional expertise, attendance at Parliament sessions, and party affiliation—with a robust correlation rate of 70%.
4. In addition, there is a statistically significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational conflict and select demographic variables, notably marital status and attendance at Parliament, with a correlation rate of 29%.
5. Our findings reveal that the combined dimensions of political behavior, including agreement on objectives (52.2%), agreement on public policies (46.3%), and personal agreement (48.8%), account for a substantial portion of the total variation in organizational conflict dimensions.
Keywords: organizational conflict, patterns of political behavior, patterns of organizational conflict, patterns of organizational conflict, patterns of organizational conflict, and patterns of political behavior
patterns, conflict resolution techniques within organizations, and tactics for political behavior
One of the most important characteristic features of today’s digital age is the current and spread globalization, which
has multi- political, cultural, social and economic aspects. The concept of globalization is a dialectic phenomenon
that is seen by many writers as a necessary evil. In the present paper researchers explain the idea that globalization
plays a real role in reducing the gap between the North and South, particularly issues related to economic gaps in
order to achieve justice and the interests of the people of these States.
The current paper attempts to clarify the current international factors stimulating this dialog and the suitability of the
global climate participating in enhancing the efforts behind the dialogue. The paper focuses on issues related to
dialogue in the context of globalization, the extent of the role of globalization in reducing the gap between the North
and South, and the dominant role of the United States in this process.
The current paper concludes that the globalization with all of its instruments reflects the U.S. hegemony over the
whole process of dialogue between the states of North and South.
Keywords: Politics, International relations, International and political economy
Perhaps the pervading sense of awe which is engulfing Arab societies everywhere is due to
misunderstanding of Arab character and the seemingly predictable pattern of their behaviour. Racist
depictions of Arabs in the mass media have lead to distortion of the Arab image in the world. Arab
nationalism has been indirectly targeted and humiliated. Sadly, Arab countries have acted seriously to
restore the tarnished image of the Arab National character.
This study highlights the role of Arab Nationalism in achieving Arab unity and winning freedom, equality
and democracy. It aims at embarking on genuine reform of the Arab National Character and changing the
Western negative attitude towards Arabs. Challenges facing Arab National Character have been
introduced and the controversy regarding considering religion as an essential constituent part of
nationalism has been thoroughly discussed.
The study focuses on the interests of the West in the Arab World and the roles of orientalism and Zionism
in distorting the image of the Arab National Character and delaying reforms in the Arab countries.
In order to recover the fragile Arab National Character and promote it so as it can appeal to the nation
aspirations, the study suggests some strategies to deal with the challenges and some remedial actions to
revive the bright Arab National Character and maintain Arab dignity.
Keywords: politics, international relations, international and political economy. Mediterranean politics.
The region of the Middle East witnesses a state of nervousness dominated by sectarian
conflicts and the spread of the dangers of extremism and terrorism in most Arab countries, as
well as the escalation of political and military competition among the major regional powers
in changing the strategic balance equations through direct clashes or acting wars. Iran,
Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel are the key forces in the region, each seeking to be
the only superpower in the region.
The Middle East may witness other, more surprising, strategic shifts that are contrary to all
expectations and possible scenarios. Perhaps this was the first lesson we learned from the
Arab Spring, which may have surprised the entire world in its unpredictability, as well as its
consequences and its tracks.
Therefore, the political landscape in the region and the transformations of the scene carries
many opportunities and challenges for the various parties, and no one enjoys sovereignty
and control in general, and therefore the strategic horizon and strategic dimensions of the
International Research Journal of Human Resource and Social Sciences
ISSN(O): (2349-4085) ISSN(P): (2394-4218)
Impact Factor 5.414 Volume 6, Issue 8, August2019
Website-, Email : [email protected]
© Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties (AARF)
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
Page | 22
scene is still trying to form levers, both according to position and in accordance to the
region‟s strategy.
Key words: National Strategy, National security, Middle East, Arab Spring.**Abstract**
The Middle East is experiencing a state of anxiety characterized by sectarian conflicts and the rise of extremism and terrorism across many Arab countries. This situation is compounded by heightened political and military competition among the major regional powers, as they seek to alter the strategic balance through direct confrontations or proxy wars. Key players in the region—including Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Israel—are each striving to emerge as the sole superpower.
The region may also encounter unexpected strategic shifts that defy prevailing expectations and scenarios. The Arab Spring served as an early lesson in this unpredictability, surprising the entire world with its outcomes and consequences.
As a result, the political landscape in the Middle East, along with its evolving dynamics, presents numerous opportunities and challenges for various stakeholders. No single entity enjoys full sovereignty or control, indicating that the strategic horizon remains in flux. The region is continuing to seek mechanisms to navigate its complexities, influenced by both geopolitical positions and overarching strategies.
Key words: National Strategy, National Security, Middle East, Arab Spring.
The question now of the strategic balance and stability in the Middle East, and especially the era of
the second Gulf War, 1990s, is to assess the impact of non-conventional weapons on the region.
Non-conventional weapons, or weapons of mass destruction, refer primarily to nuclear, biological
and chemical arms, and ballistic missile systems.)
The current strategic balance in the Middle East is in transition as the region seeks a new
equilibrium, an equilibrium that has been in constant flux over the past three decades. The Arab-Israeli conventional arms race began in earnest in the mid-1950s. It was not long before Israel
launched its nuclear and missile development programs, making Arenas’ observation seem a bit
tardy. Egypt plunged into chemical and missile programs a few years later. The strategic dimension
that resulted has become part and parcel of disequilibrium ever since.
In the Middle East, two tiers of states are emerging: one with advanced, non-conventional
capability, and one without. Israel sits squarely in the former category and is likely to be joined in
the wider regional context, by Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Iran. Some Arab states possess limited
chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs, but these remain modest in size and potential.
suggesting that the Arab states are set to occupy the tier of states without non-conventional weapons
capability. With the Missile Technology Control Regime in force and the Chemical Weapons
Convention close to being signed, this conclusion is practically inescapable.
Key Words: Balance of Power, Middle East, Asymmetric Interests, Strategic Balance.
In examining the strategic balance and stability of the Middle East, particularly during the era of the second Gulf War in the 1990s, it is crucial to evaluate the significant impact of non-conventional weapons on the region. Non-conventional weapons, commonly referred to as weapons of mass destruction, include nuclear, biological, and chemical arms, as well as ballistic missile systems.
The strategic landscape in the Middle East is undergoing a profound transformation as countries strive for a new equilibrium—a balance that has been in constant flux for over three decades. The Arab-Israeli conventional arms race gained momentum in the mid-1950s. Almost immediately, Israel began developing its nuclear and missile capabilities, setting a precedent that has reshaped regional security dynamics. Egypt soon followed with its own initiatives in chemical and missile programs, which have contributed to an enduring state of instability.
Today, the Middle East is witnessing the emergence of two distinct tiers of states: those with advanced non-conventional capabilities and those without. Israel firmly occupies the former category, while Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran are likely to join this elite group. Meanwhile, several Arab states have limited chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs, yet these remain relatively modest, affirming their position in the tier without significant non-conventional capabilities. With the Missile Technology Control Regime in effect and the Chemical Weapons Convention nearing ratification, it is increasingly evident that this bifurcation in capabilities will persist.
Balance of Power, Middle East, Asymmetric Interests, Strategic Balance.
rising powers and global governance. Both conversations are based on important moral considerations regarding how the world
should be arranged, who is in charge of dealing with global issues, how to handle change, and how global
People in both developed and developing nations can benefit from effective governance. the Middle East in particular. However,
Many times, commentators overlook these or only allude to them as moral dilemmas. I have never encountered so many crises.
consuming the Middle East at the same time. From the civil wars in Libya, Syria, and Iraq to the emergence of Islamic State in Iraq,
Yemen is in an unprecedented state of change as a result of Egypt's worsening security situation. Meanwhile,
Many Arab states have a strong belief that the US has withdrawn, if not completely lost, interest in
from the region. For the Gulf States in particular, there is a fear that Washington has struck a Faustian bargain with Tehran,
ceding its regional primacy in return for a nuclear agreement. There is a great deal of conflict in the Middle East. The one that
This structural feature can be seen as both a cause and an effect of the absence of a single, clear regional power. In the
At the same time, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, and Iran are among the Middle Eastern states with the largest power disparities.
considered to be one of the most potent players and, as such, a possible regional power. Because of the particular empirical
An analytical design that emphasizes relational and procedural dynamics is necessary in the Middle East. Within
In an effort to create such a design, this study draws on three reputable schools of international
relationships between (neo) realism, constructivism, and institutionalism. Additionally, these three schools of thought are used for
developing hypotheses about Arab regional policy and how it affects the Middle East. Using these as an example
of hypotheses about four periods in the contemporary history of Arabs in the Middle East, theoretical lessons to be
learned for the analysis of regional powers in other world areas are presented.
Keywords: Middle East, potential regional power, leadership, competition.
Nearly 5 years after the eruption of the Syrian crisis, the tremors from this cataclysmic event are
still reverberating in the region and around the world. A new generation of jihadist extremists and
ISIS are gaining experience on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria. All the Arab states in Middle East
view developments in the region with varying levels of disquiet. Many commentators believe that the
strategic security measure has become the most important regional event framing peace, political
and military affairs since the 1967 Six-Day War. All these challenges are converging to frame a new
strategic challenge to the Middle East region and the international community, which has vital
economic and political interests in ensuring regional stability and security.
Moreover, it is difficult for big powers to work on a comprehensive strategy in the region, along the
lines of different strategies after World War II, and during the Cold War and beyond, because they
are not able yet to find a strategy to bring stability to the region, because of its being between hard
power strategy and soft, in the modernization of traditional political systems, and absolute support
for Israel, but it is trying to find a compromise formula between the regional powers to enable them
to access to a comprehensive strategy for the region far from the sectarian tensions, extremist
thinking. Here I would add, For a region as complex, with so many conflicting interests and so
many different players—some of which are states, and some of which are non-state actors inside or
It is challenging to provide in a manageably brief manner all of the prerequisites for a
a practical security framework.
Key words: national security, Middle East, regional powers, and strategic security.