The angular distance of the solar flares to the projective point of the center of the solar disk ... more The angular distance of the solar flares to the projective point of the center of the solar disk on the solar spherical surface has been studied by the heliographical or helioprojective coordinates, during the periods 1975-2021 for GOES events and 2002-2021 for RHESSI events, hereafter "distance. " It gives a specific distribution curvature. It has also been noted that when using the number of solar flare events in each satellite, GOES or RHESSI, or even using the sum of the flux (class) or importance parameter, it obtains the same result, which is that the shape of the distribution curve remains in its shape without any significant change. In addition, it has been shown that the distribution curve contains a specific number of peaks. These peaks have a specific distance from the center of the solar disk that is very similar to the projection of the solar interior layers on the solar disk. For this reason, the names of these four main peaks have been given as follows: (1) the core circle (0-15°): it is a projection of the solar core onto the solar disk, (2) radiative ring (15-45°), and (3) the convection ring (45-55°). The limb ring is 80-90°. This result makes us wonder why the number of events in the middle of the solar disk is few, and also small at the solar limb, while many in the other parts in the solar disk. This suggests that we need to understand the sun better than before, and it also suggests that solar flares are connected to each other through the solar interior layers, the extent of which may reach the convection zone or perhaps beyond that, or the opacity of the convection zone may be less than the currently estimated value.
We have studied the variation of the time profile of X-ray emission of solar flares that occurred... more We have studied the variation of the time profile of X-ray emission of solar flares that occurred during the second half of solar cycle 23 (SC 23) and for about the full solar cycle 24 (SC 24) (2002–2018). We define a new index, called the “ratio index” (Rf), for all X-ray solar flares. This index is defined as the ratio of the flare’s rising time interval by its total duration period. According to the ratio index, the X-ray solar flares are classified into two types: (1) sudden flares [Rf < 0.5], and (2) gradual flares [Rf > 0.5]. The sudden flare type, with fast-rising and slow recovery, is more common and represents most of the flares that happen most of the time during the solar cycles but are less common during the minimum solar activity years. On the other hand, the gradual flare type (or Rf > 0.5) is less common but predominates during the minimum solar activity epochs. Sudden flares tend to be strong, large, and numerous in the polar regions, while gradual flares are weak, short, and countable in the latitude range between 50 and 70, both for northern and southern latitudes. However, both types appear to happen in the lower latitudes and the solar equatorial regions.
The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic fiel... more The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic field has been studied during the period 1999–2021. We found that there is a strong correlation between atmospheric weather and the geomagnetic field. This correlation is lower at the Earth’s surface, due to the strong influence of the source of the magnetic field coming from the core of the Earth. In contrast, when we move towards the outer magnetosphere, the interaction between weather and the magnetic field strength is stronger. This indicates that the weather and external magnetic field could play an important role in the variations of the atmospheric weather parameters.
The angular distance of the solar flares from their position to the projection point of the cente... more The angular distance of the solar flares from their position to the projection point of the center of the Sun on the solar disk has been studied during the periods 1975−2021 for GOES events and 2002−2021 for RHESSI events. This distribution by the number of events of flare importance gives a specific curvature shape, that remains the same without significant changes, with the different GOES classifications, and with different observational satellites. during each solar cycle. The curvature of the distance distribution has four peaks, which are denoted by the four central rings around the center of the solar disk that look like the solar inner layers in the background. 1) The core circle [0 − 15 • ]: it is a projection of the solar core onto the solar disk. 2) Radiative ring [15 • − 45 • ]. 3) The convection ring [45 • − 55 • ]. The limb ring [80 • − 90 • ]. A large number of solar flares occurred in the radiative and convection rings. While we have a few events in the core and limb rings.
We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975–2017. Sympathetic flares have... more We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975–2017. Sympathetic flares have nearby, or homogeneous, GOES classes. The secondary solar flare is just a mirror image of the primary solar flare of the sympathetic flare. It has two types: 1) Twins: This type represents most of them (∼78.6%). 2) Non-twins: It is an associated heterogeneous pair of solar flares. A negative relationship between the interval between the start times of primary and secondary flares was found with the duration of the primary flare with the solar cycle progress. Also, the stronger the solar cycle, the lower the maximum value of the timing ratio at the quiet Sun’s epoch, while the timing ratio’s value reaches a higher value during the weaker cycles. A positive relationship between the angular distance between pairs of sympathetic flares and SSN has been found. During the epoch of the active sun, the distance is as far as possible, while that distance becomes shorter during the epoch of the q...
We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975-2017. Sympathetic flares have... more We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975-2017. Sympathetic flares have nearby, or homogeneous, GOES classes. The secondary solar flare is just a mirror image of the primary solar flare of the sympathetic flare. It has two types: 1) Twins: This type represents most of them (∼78.6%). 2) Non-twins: It is an associated heterogeneous pair of solar flares. A negative relationship between the interval between the start times of primary and secondary flares was found with the duration of the primary flare with the solar cycle progress. Also, the stronger the solar cycle, the lower the maximum value of the timing ratio at the quiet Sun's epoch, while the timing ratio's value reaches a higher value during the weaker cycles. A positive relationship between the angular distance between pairs of sympathetic flares and SSN has been found. During the epoch of the active sun, the distance is as far as possible, while that distance becomes shorter during the epoch of the quiet sun. Sympathetic flares are equatorial in alignment. The higher inclination (slope of about −20°each cycle) is associated with the X-Class of the primary flare. It is more than this non-association. We found that the time series of inclinations is given a "Wings diagram" diagram.
This paper studies pandemic viruses that spread during the period (1759–2020) according to solar ... more This paper studies pandemic viruses that spread during the period (1759–2020) according to solar activity cycles. Our findings and results include the following: (1) The severity of a pandemic correlates negatively with the strength of solar activity; (2) Pandemic viruses are classified into three types based on their compatibility with solar activity associations. Most of them spread through the quiet Sun, where viruses survive better in cold and rainy weather, and in stable geomagnetic fields without strong disturbances; (3) The emergence of new strains of influenza viruses was manifested in two ways. First, the annual epidemics due to antigenic drift. Second, pandemics recur every 1–12 solar cycles (about 11–120 years) due to viral reassortment of new subtypes, which results in antigenic shifts; (4) Pandemic viruses have two groups according to their recurring period: first, recurring in nine solar cycles; second, recurring in twelve solar cycles. Furthermore, we reassort pandemic viruses from their previous spread in the same periodic classification. Moreover, we derive a periodicity formula for each subtype of the pandemic virus as a spread date.
The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic fiel... more The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic field has been studied during the period 1999–2021. We found that there is a strong correlation between atmospheric weather and the geomagnetic field. This correlation is lower at the Earth’s surface, due to the strong influence of the source of the magnetic field coming from the core of the Earth. In contrast, when we move towards the outer magnetosphere, the interaction between weather and the magnetic field strength is stronger. This indicates that the weather and external magnetic field could play an important role in the variations of the atmospheric weather parameters.
The Sun is a huge gaseous body. However, we cannot observe events in the inner Sun due to the con... more The Sun is a huge gaseous body. However, we cannot observe events in the inner Sun due to the convection zone opacity according to previous models. Therefore, the flares originate from the front surface of the Sun. But the current study relied on the distance distribution of X-Ray solar flares, which concluded that the inner layers have much lower opacity than expected. It is even less than what was expected by the latest models based on helioseismology. This means that the flares may originate from the solar interior or solar core, and perhaps from the backside surface, and even appear to us from the frontside surface. Which the re-estimate and correct the currently listed solar flare’s location is needed. Additionally, the flare’s distance illustrations the solar interior layers and appears their boundaries from the core to the photosphere. This method allows us to monitor the variation of the core’s radius with time. The model of the flare’s distance has been developed in current...
Although the Sun is a huge gaseous body, the solar inner layers are not visible, with the opacity... more Although the Sun is a huge gaseous body, the solar inner layers are not visible, with the opacity of the convection zone. Moreover, the surface events are related to or extended from the solar interior layers according to the previous study such as [12]. Is it possible that the location of the surface events are related to the inner layers? The aim of the study is to study the possibility of a relationship between the solar flares’ locations with the solar interior layers. The current study uses the angular central distance from the center of the solar dist to the solar flare’s location (distance) of X-Ray solar flares from GOES (during 1975-2021) and RHESSI (during 2002-2021). The distance curvature of this distribution demonstrates and reflects the solar interior layers with giving about 4 peaks. The primary and higher peak is about 15°-20° which demonstrates and reflects the edge of the solar core. Other peaks reflect other interior layers including radiative and convection zones...
During the studied period 1996-2007 I noticed that, the rising and oscillations of the sea level,... more During the studied period 1996-2007 I noticed that, the rising and oscillations of the sea level, global temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, ice mass of Antarctica, and melting of Greenland ice are highly correlated with Earth's orbital perturbations. Monthly variations of those parameters have two periodicities. Stronger one called "long-periodic cycle", it is strongly related to solar activity. It appears as a rising trend during my studied period. Observation data of iceberg mass and its melting, global sea level, and concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide is recent and does not cover a millennium or Wolf-Gleissberg solar cycle. So, it does not indicate a global warming. Second cycle is called "short-periodic cycle". it is a weaker force but still stronger than human activities forcing. It appears as oscillations around the rising trend. The short periodic cycle of all mentioned parameters is found correlated to Earth's orbital perturbations which are indicating a global warming and global warming is a natural phenomenon. Global warming is strongly corelated to Sun, Earth's orbit, and our space. I conclude that the productivity of natural greenhouse gases is greater than that produced by human activity. The current proposed global warming is not a result of human activities, rather just temporary epoch and natural phenomena. The Earth's orbital perturbations are in an excellent positive coherence with the Greenland ice mass but in a negative coherence with the Antarctic ice mass. My results are in good agreement with [Yousef (2000) and Akasofu (2010)]. I propose that the natural source of rising in concentration of greenhouse gases can be attributed to two causes: 1) Comets and asteroids, which are still carrying water molecules and some of greenhouse gas' molecules to the Earth's atmosphere; 2) Solar wind, which is composed greenhouse gases in ionization state. It may react and recombined though upper atmosphere before arriving to atmospheric lower levels at poles by unknown process. The global temperature is found to be correlated to Earth's orbital perturbation too. This is because the declination angle is varying through the year. Output solar energy that arrives to the Earth depends on Sun-Earth distance too.
Sea level rising and oscillations indicate global Earth's mass variability. I propose inflow of m... more Sea level rising and oscillations indicate global Earth's mass variability. I propose inflow of mass to the Earth from space through coronal mass ejections, solar wind, small comets, and meteoroids that brings water to Earth's atmosphere. Outflow mass can also escape plasma into space. Sea level rising is highly correlated with Earth's orbital perturbations. Monthly and annual periodicities are found in the two variables. Monthly periodicities are attributed to the oscillations of center of gravity of the Earth-Moon system as the Moon revolves around the Earth. Annual periodicities are found with minimum in February and maximum in November, pointing to mass variability.
The source of Earth's volatiles especially water is the current paper. The orbital perturbati... more The source of Earth's volatiles especially water is the current paper. The orbital perturbation of the Earth correlated with the sea level oscillations and sea level rising, as an additional factor besides gravity of celestial bodies and shape of the Earth. The sea level rising leads to motion of the central mass of the Earth. In addition, this indicates that the Earth loses water vapor to space and gains water vapor from space through its motion around the sun. The reason of the rising in the sea level is not restricted only to global warming and melting of icebergs according to mass balance, but the outer space is an important factor for this rising. The green house helps poles iceberg melt to increase the sea level. Oceans evaporate water vapor into atmosphere. Some of the atmospheric water vapor escapes to space, the mechanism of water vapor passing through atmosphere needs future studies.
We determined the effective parameter that can be used to predict the estimated arrival time for ... more We determined the effective parameter that can be used to predict the estimated arrival time for both Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) and its associated shock (using the list of Richardson/Cane ICMEs in 1996-2007). Neural network model is used to predict ICME/shock and its arrival time. The set of CME-IP shock pairs obtain from Richardson/Cane ICMEs list is used to
The angular distance of the solar flares to the projective point of the center of the solar disk ... more The angular distance of the solar flares to the projective point of the center of the solar disk on the solar spherical surface has been studied by the heliographical or helioprojective coordinates, during the periods 1975-2021 for GOES events and 2002-2021 for RHESSI events, hereafter "distance. " It gives a specific distribution curvature. It has also been noted that when using the number of solar flare events in each satellite, GOES or RHESSI, or even using the sum of the flux (class) or importance parameter, it obtains the same result, which is that the shape of the distribution curve remains in its shape without any significant change. In addition, it has been shown that the distribution curve contains a specific number of peaks. These peaks have a specific distance from the center of the solar disk that is very similar to the projection of the solar interior layers on the solar disk. For this reason, the names of these four main peaks have been given as follows: (1) the core circle (0-15°): it is a projection of the solar core onto the solar disk, (2) radiative ring (15-45°), and (3) the convection ring (45-55°). The limb ring is 80-90°. This result makes us wonder why the number of events in the middle of the solar disk is few, and also small at the solar limb, while many in the other parts in the solar disk. This suggests that we need to understand the sun better than before, and it also suggests that solar flares are connected to each other through the solar interior layers, the extent of which may reach the convection zone or perhaps beyond that, or the opacity of the convection zone may be less than the currently estimated value.
We have studied the variation of the time profile of X-ray emission of solar flares that occurred... more We have studied the variation of the time profile of X-ray emission of solar flares that occurred during the second half of solar cycle 23 (SC 23) and for about the full solar cycle 24 (SC 24) (2002–2018). We define a new index, called the “ratio index” (Rf), for all X-ray solar flares. This index is defined as the ratio of the flare’s rising time interval by its total duration period. According to the ratio index, the X-ray solar flares are classified into two types: (1) sudden flares [Rf < 0.5], and (2) gradual flares [Rf > 0.5]. The sudden flare type, with fast-rising and slow recovery, is more common and represents most of the flares that happen most of the time during the solar cycles but are less common during the minimum solar activity years. On the other hand, the gradual flare type (or Rf > 0.5) is less common but predominates during the minimum solar activity epochs. Sudden flares tend to be strong, large, and numerous in the polar regions, while gradual flares are weak, short, and countable in the latitude range between 50 and 70, both for northern and southern latitudes. However, both types appear to happen in the lower latitudes and the solar equatorial regions.
The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic fiel... more The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic field has been studied during the period 1999–2021. We found that there is a strong correlation between atmospheric weather and the geomagnetic field. This correlation is lower at the Earth’s surface, due to the strong influence of the source of the magnetic field coming from the core of the Earth. In contrast, when we move towards the outer magnetosphere, the interaction between weather and the magnetic field strength is stronger. This indicates that the weather and external magnetic field could play an important role in the variations of the atmospheric weather parameters.
The angular distance of the solar flares from their position to the projection point of the cente... more The angular distance of the solar flares from their position to the projection point of the center of the Sun on the solar disk has been studied during the periods 1975−2021 for GOES events and 2002−2021 for RHESSI events. This distribution by the number of events of flare importance gives a specific curvature shape, that remains the same without significant changes, with the different GOES classifications, and with different observational satellites. during each solar cycle. The curvature of the distance distribution has four peaks, which are denoted by the four central rings around the center of the solar disk that look like the solar inner layers in the background. 1) The core circle [0 − 15 • ]: it is a projection of the solar core onto the solar disk. 2) Radiative ring [15 • − 45 • ]. 3) The convection ring [45 • − 55 • ]. The limb ring [80 • − 90 • ]. A large number of solar flares occurred in the radiative and convection rings. While we have a few events in the core and limb rings.
We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975–2017. Sympathetic flares have... more We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975–2017. Sympathetic flares have nearby, or homogeneous, GOES classes. The secondary solar flare is just a mirror image of the primary solar flare of the sympathetic flare. It has two types: 1) Twins: This type represents most of them (∼78.6%). 2) Non-twins: It is an associated heterogeneous pair of solar flares. A negative relationship between the interval between the start times of primary and secondary flares was found with the duration of the primary flare with the solar cycle progress. Also, the stronger the solar cycle, the lower the maximum value of the timing ratio at the quiet Sun’s epoch, while the timing ratio’s value reaches a higher value during the weaker cycles. A positive relationship between the angular distance between pairs of sympathetic flares and SSN has been found. During the epoch of the active sun, the distance is as far as possible, while that distance becomes shorter during the epoch of the q...
We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975-2017. Sympathetic flares have... more We studied 2204 sympathetic flares detected by the GOES during 1975-2017. Sympathetic flares have nearby, or homogeneous, GOES classes. The secondary solar flare is just a mirror image of the primary solar flare of the sympathetic flare. It has two types: 1) Twins: This type represents most of them (∼78.6%). 2) Non-twins: It is an associated heterogeneous pair of solar flares. A negative relationship between the interval between the start times of primary and secondary flares was found with the duration of the primary flare with the solar cycle progress. Also, the stronger the solar cycle, the lower the maximum value of the timing ratio at the quiet Sun's epoch, while the timing ratio's value reaches a higher value during the weaker cycles. A positive relationship between the angular distance between pairs of sympathetic flares and SSN has been found. During the epoch of the active sun, the distance is as far as possible, while that distance becomes shorter during the epoch of the quiet sun. Sympathetic flares are equatorial in alignment. The higher inclination (slope of about −20°each cycle) is associated with the X-Class of the primary flare. It is more than this non-association. We found that the time series of inclinations is given a "Wings diagram" diagram.
This paper studies pandemic viruses that spread during the period (1759–2020) according to solar ... more This paper studies pandemic viruses that spread during the period (1759–2020) according to solar activity cycles. Our findings and results include the following: (1) The severity of a pandemic correlates negatively with the strength of solar activity; (2) Pandemic viruses are classified into three types based on their compatibility with solar activity associations. Most of them spread through the quiet Sun, where viruses survive better in cold and rainy weather, and in stable geomagnetic fields without strong disturbances; (3) The emergence of new strains of influenza viruses was manifested in two ways. First, the annual epidemics due to antigenic drift. Second, pandemics recur every 1–12 solar cycles (about 11–120 years) due to viral reassortment of new subtypes, which results in antigenic shifts; (4) Pandemic viruses have two groups according to their recurring period: first, recurring in nine solar cycles; second, recurring in twelve solar cycles. Furthermore, we reassort pandemic viruses from their previous spread in the same periodic classification. Moreover, we derive a periodicity formula for each subtype of the pandemic virus as a spread date.
The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic fiel... more The correlation between simultaneous observations of the atmospheric weather and geomagnetic field has been studied during the period 1999–2021. We found that there is a strong correlation between atmospheric weather and the geomagnetic field. This correlation is lower at the Earth’s surface, due to the strong influence of the source of the magnetic field coming from the core of the Earth. In contrast, when we move towards the outer magnetosphere, the interaction between weather and the magnetic field strength is stronger. This indicates that the weather and external magnetic field could play an important role in the variations of the atmospheric weather parameters.
The Sun is a huge gaseous body. However, we cannot observe events in the inner Sun due to the con... more The Sun is a huge gaseous body. However, we cannot observe events in the inner Sun due to the convection zone opacity according to previous models. Therefore, the flares originate from the front surface of the Sun. But the current study relied on the distance distribution of X-Ray solar flares, which concluded that the inner layers have much lower opacity than expected. It is even less than what was expected by the latest models based on helioseismology. This means that the flares may originate from the solar interior or solar core, and perhaps from the backside surface, and even appear to us from the frontside surface. Which the re-estimate and correct the currently listed solar flare’s location is needed. Additionally, the flare’s distance illustrations the solar interior layers and appears their boundaries from the core to the photosphere. This method allows us to monitor the variation of the core’s radius with time. The model of the flare’s distance has been developed in current...
Although the Sun is a huge gaseous body, the solar inner layers are not visible, with the opacity... more Although the Sun is a huge gaseous body, the solar inner layers are not visible, with the opacity of the convection zone. Moreover, the surface events are related to or extended from the solar interior layers according to the previous study such as [12]. Is it possible that the location of the surface events are related to the inner layers? The aim of the study is to study the possibility of a relationship between the solar flares’ locations with the solar interior layers. The current study uses the angular central distance from the center of the solar dist to the solar flare’s location (distance) of X-Ray solar flares from GOES (during 1975-2021) and RHESSI (during 2002-2021). The distance curvature of this distribution demonstrates and reflects the solar interior layers with giving about 4 peaks. The primary and higher peak is about 15°-20° which demonstrates and reflects the edge of the solar core. Other peaks reflect other interior layers including radiative and convection zones...
During the studied period 1996-2007 I noticed that, the rising and oscillations of the sea level,... more During the studied period 1996-2007 I noticed that, the rising and oscillations of the sea level, global temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, ice mass of Antarctica, and melting of Greenland ice are highly correlated with Earth's orbital perturbations. Monthly variations of those parameters have two periodicities. Stronger one called "long-periodic cycle", it is strongly related to solar activity. It appears as a rising trend during my studied period. Observation data of iceberg mass and its melting, global sea level, and concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide is recent and does not cover a millennium or Wolf-Gleissberg solar cycle. So, it does not indicate a global warming. Second cycle is called "short-periodic cycle". it is a weaker force but still stronger than human activities forcing. It appears as oscillations around the rising trend. The short periodic cycle of all mentioned parameters is found correlated to Earth's orbital perturbations which are indicating a global warming and global warming is a natural phenomenon. Global warming is strongly corelated to Sun, Earth's orbit, and our space. I conclude that the productivity of natural greenhouse gases is greater than that produced by human activity. The current proposed global warming is not a result of human activities, rather just temporary epoch and natural phenomena. The Earth's orbital perturbations are in an excellent positive coherence with the Greenland ice mass but in a negative coherence with the Antarctic ice mass. My results are in good agreement with [Yousef (2000) and Akasofu (2010)]. I propose that the natural source of rising in concentration of greenhouse gases can be attributed to two causes: 1) Comets and asteroids, which are still carrying water molecules and some of greenhouse gas' molecules to the Earth's atmosphere; 2) Solar wind, which is composed greenhouse gases in ionization state. It may react and recombined though upper atmosphere before arriving to atmospheric lower levels at poles by unknown process. The global temperature is found to be correlated to Earth's orbital perturbation too. This is because the declination angle is varying through the year. Output solar energy that arrives to the Earth depends on Sun-Earth distance too.
Sea level rising and oscillations indicate global Earth's mass variability. I propose inflow of m... more Sea level rising and oscillations indicate global Earth's mass variability. I propose inflow of mass to the Earth from space through coronal mass ejections, solar wind, small comets, and meteoroids that brings water to Earth's atmosphere. Outflow mass can also escape plasma into space. Sea level rising is highly correlated with Earth's orbital perturbations. Monthly and annual periodicities are found in the two variables. Monthly periodicities are attributed to the oscillations of center of gravity of the Earth-Moon system as the Moon revolves around the Earth. Annual periodicities are found with minimum in February and maximum in November, pointing to mass variability.
The source of Earth's volatiles especially water is the current paper. The orbital perturbati... more The source of Earth's volatiles especially water is the current paper. The orbital perturbation of the Earth correlated with the sea level oscillations and sea level rising, as an additional factor besides gravity of celestial bodies and shape of the Earth. The sea level rising leads to motion of the central mass of the Earth. In addition, this indicates that the Earth loses water vapor to space and gains water vapor from space through its motion around the sun. The reason of the rising in the sea level is not restricted only to global warming and melting of icebergs according to mass balance, but the outer space is an important factor for this rising. The green house helps poles iceberg melt to increase the sea level. Oceans evaporate water vapor into atmosphere. Some of the atmospheric water vapor escapes to space, the mechanism of water vapor passing through atmosphere needs future studies.
We determined the effective parameter that can be used to predict the estimated arrival time for ... more We determined the effective parameter that can be used to predict the estimated arrival time for both Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) and its associated shock (using the list of Richardson/Cane ICMEs in 1996-2007). Neural network model is used to predict ICME/shock and its arrival time. The set of CME-IP shock pairs obtain from Richardson/Cane ICMEs list is used to
Sea level rising and oscillations indicate global Earth's mass variability. Mawad (2017) proposed... more Sea level rising and oscillations indicate global Earth's mass variability. Mawad (2017) proposed mass inflow to the Earth from space through coronal mass ejections, solar wind, small comets, and meteoroids which brings water to Earth's atmosphere. Mass outflow also occurs and plasma escapes into space. Sea level rising is highly correlated to Earth's orbital perturbations and monthly and annual periodicities are found in the two variables. In the same vein, we studied the variation of the global temperature, Carbon Dioxide and ice mass of both Greenland and Antarctica and their correlation to Earth’s orbital perturbation. We found that these parameters which are indicating a global worming are strongly correlated to Earth’s orbital perturbations. This correlation indicates that the variation of the global temperature, carbon dioxide, sea level, ice mass, and iceberg melting are natural phenomena and are varying periodically according to our star (Sun). The current proposed global warming is not a result of human activities, rather just temporary epoch and natural phenomena. The amplitude of the Earth's orbital perturbation is about four times greater away from the sun than towards the sun. The Earth's orbital perturbations are in an excellent positive coherence with the Greenland Ice mass but in a negative coherence with the Antarctic ice mass. For the studied period 1995-2007, we notice the striking coherence between the variability of CO2 concentration and Earth's orbital perturbations.
Prolonged reduced state of solar activity and hence solar irradiance will lead to the earth enter... more Prolonged reduced state of solar activity and hence solar irradiance will lead to the earth entering an epoch of ice age in Europe and America and rainy epoch in the Africa Sahara that will extent to Arabia. What we are seeing now is a transition period which will eventually rapidly develop into such state with recurrence of ice age indicates rapid transitions. Colder freezing epoch in USA and Europe with a dramatic hurricane seasons is forecasted we are also forecasting more flash floods in Northern Africa and Arabian Peninsula and increased frequency of hurricanes over the empty quarter. Increasing solar induced strong earthquakes are also forecasted worldwide. There are several scenarios for the state of the sun in the near future; We are just at the bottom following the decline of the Wolf-Gleissberg cycles, we are coming into a Maunder type vanishing of solar activity which we termed earlier the YUSUF Minimum, We are on the declining phase of a Millennium solar cycle with seven years of flash floods with the possible start of a New Millennium solar cycle in the near future and finally the sun is about to turn into a giant. Following the return of the rainy epoch, then the last scenario is the most likely.
Severe solar events manifested as highly energetic XRay events accompanied by coronal mass ejecti... more Severe solar events manifested as highly energetic XRay events accompanied by coronal mass ejections ( CMEs) and proton flares caused flash floods in Makkah Al-Mukaramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah and Jeddah. In the case of the 20 January 2005 CME that initiated severe flash on the 22 of January. it is shown that the CME lowered the pressure in the polar region and extended the low pressure regime to Saudi Arabia passing by the Mediterranean. Such passage accelerated evaporation and caused Cumulonimbus clouds to form and discharge flash floods over Makkah Al-Mukaramah. On the other hand, solar forcing due coronal holes have a different technique in initiating flash floods. The November 25 2009 and the 13-15 January 2011 Jeddah flash floods are attributed to prompt events due to fast solar streams emanated from two coronal holes that arrived the Earth on 24 November 2009 and 13 January 2011. We present evidences that those streams penetrated the Earth's magnetosphere and hit the troposphere at the western part of the Red Sea, dissipated their energy at 925mb geopotential height and left two hot spots. It follows that the air in the hot spots expanded and developed spots of low pressure air that spread over the Red Sea to its eastern coast. Accelerated evaporation due to reduced pressure caused quick formation of Cumulonimbus clouds that caused flash floods over Makkah Al-Mukaramah and Jeddah.
Papers by Ramy Mawad