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This is like The Incredibles but without the Ayn Randian spin on it. Well done!


Hi there!
I am creating a collection of fully blind accessible games, and your game is listed under the "blind support tag".  The word "blind" means different things to different people, and within that wide spectrum their are various levels of expertise with visual UI's.  but as a fully blind gamer, I am wondering what features this game provides for those who can not see the screen at all.  Do you have "screen reader" or "text to speech" support?  Is your game fully playable with a keyboard or controller, rather than having to point the mouse at buttons on the interface? If the answer to those questions is no, it would still be great to know what options are provided for those with less severe visual impairments, so that I might make them aware of your game's usability for them.  Thank you for any information you can provide, it's very much appreciated! :)


Hello, and thanks for checking in! We are using ren'py as our engine, which has built-in TTS support. It can be enabled and disabled by pressing v on the keyboard. Once enabled, the menus, as well as all the game text, are being read out loud. The menu, as well as the rest of the game, can be navigated exclusively via keyboard, or controller, if that's preferred. Additionally, all of the prologue, as well as all direct speech within the game, are voice acted by the team. Those lines seemlessly are being played while TTS is enabled.

If you have further questions, or improvement suggestions to better help the vision impaired community, please don't hesitate to reach out further.


Thanks for your in depth response  I appreciate it.
I have just a couple more questions if you don't mind... :)
Do important visuals in the game have "alt text" labels and do visual indicators, such as control status' also have text indicators that can be picked up by the self voicing?

(1 edit) (+1)

Certainly, I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.
All the menu and settings items are text-only, there are no important graphical elements in that portion of the game. However, the game makes use of background images to set the scenes or the location the characters are interacting in in that moment. Those do not have any text descriptors as of this moment.

We do have an update planned for a host of other fixes, adding texts for scene descriptions is now on the agenda as well.


Wow, excellent!  It's uplifting to see devs who really care about accessibility.  Thank you so much for being a great example to others!  And trust me, the disabled players definitely appreciate the effort.


Just a heads-up, the update with the added descriptions is now live.

The voices are great to have, not sure if the voice fits the wolf, but the manatee sounds about right!  That's a lot of high lofty titles... heh metajokes... but uhm... IBS and he woke up in trash... ... ...     Voice for dragon doesn't fit (do note that fit or not matters not here, just my thoughts, though could say some bais) The tone used by everyone though is on point!

Talking things out and through is important, always, don't be too complacent, but don't be harsh or forceful.  Doesn't matter what brand of relationship, but once things start to feel cut off, it  does become that much harder to break free...  and falling into certain expectations or stereotypes doesn't help either, but that is part of the communication, to avoid thoughts and feelings trending towards some sort of "this is just who they are", when it should "this is what I don't want them to become".  Need someone who values you, values themselves, and values others.

I live for that sort of compassion and romance, to be close more than just physically, but emotionally too.  To me the romance is the sex, because it gives the sex itself then real meaning.

The sprites are manly/realistic, but once again Jaden adds such cute softness to all those features, extra melting points!

... To the Stars ... from an outside perspective, eh? XD

Zephyr sound like a Big Bad alright!

To such ends, my strengths lie in my intelligence and reasoning, even if I can't always get my thoughts across clearly enough.  To me looks don't matter, but being yourself is what stands to shine through the most.  When it comes to fighting, I only want it to be play fighting.  When silly I do act more ona whim and never sound serious, but when serious it is never ona whim, but based on multiple observations.  The more I see a given observation the more I will come to think of something in a certain way, unless there is something which stands to contradict it.  Being able to sift through things helps with differentiation and understanding, for it help paint more shades to actual complexities.  I'm smart, but I don't know everything and neither do experts even on their on fields of study, for there is always something new even they have not come across.  Sharing of information is key, to being informed, why else is there education and learning?  Its not forcing and indoctrinating stiff ideologies after all.  New things take time, rushing them only stands to cause problems and delays or even messed up messages.  Take it slow, take it positively, take it calmly, ask and be asked questions, and above all else share.

So, like, that was great and all, but when is Before Passion coming out? Wherein the overthrowing of the dictator High Emperor King Rexford will be detailed in every minute detail?

I eagerly await your correspondence. 

~ Rhhhee


I had to laugh thanks to your comment because that is something we were joking about internally. Maybe some day, although probably not. I already got a number of other game ideas I want to see fulfilled before returning to a whole new VN.


Really liked it !
VA and animation work makes the story easy to get into. The writing as well.
I liked the drama and the setup of an established age couple. 


Thanks for checking it out! It was intense getting it done in a month , but we did it!

You are the best


i love it i want more of it play it it really expiring and also really romantic the voice acting was beautiful honestly but i hate to say this but it need to our volume you know talk a little bit louder i can't quite hear their voice but i want you to see more please it's romantic and beautiful i just want to know more i want to know what happens next after this what happened to the main character their human i want to know what happened the expense is killing me i really want to know


Thank you for reading, and happy to hear you liked it!

The voice volume is something we'll have a closer look at for a future bugfixing update.


i understand i can't wait to see what's next and i hope it's going to be awesome


That was great. Thanks so much to everyone who made it. It was super funny, relatable, romantical and dramatical experience <3


Thank you for reading it <3

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Approved for MAY WOLF!

Wait. Hold on. 

Chosen one? Leader of the rebellion? What did I miss x)

Fun times

^///^ thanks for reading!