Papers by Emine Şükran OKUDAN

Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine, Jan 29, 2024
The reconstruction of bony defects in the alveolar crest poses challenges in dental practice. Gui... more The reconstruction of bony defects in the alveolar crest poses challenges in dental practice. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedures utilize barriers to promote bone regeneration and prevent epithelial growth. This study focuses on evaluating the antibacterial properties of marine algae-polylactic acid (PLA) composite membranes compared to commercially available collagen membranes. Marine algae (Corallina elongata, Galaxaura oblongata, Cystoseira compressa, Saragassum vulgare, and Stypopodium schimperi) were processed into powders and blended with PLA to fabricate composite membranes. Cytocompatibility assays using human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (n = 3) were performed to evaluate biocompatibility. Antibacterial effects were assessed through colony-forming units (CFU) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of bacterial colonization on the membranes. The cytocompatibility assays demonstrated suitable biocompatibility of all marine algae-PLA composite membranes with human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Antibacterial assessment revealed that Sargassum vulgare-PLA membranes exhibited the highest resistance to bacterial colonization, followed by Galaxaura oblongata-PLA and Cystoseira compressa-PLA membranes. SEM analysis confirmed these findings and revealed smooth surface textures for the marine algae-PLA membranes compared to the fibrous and porous structures of collagen membranes. Marine algae-PLA composite membranes show promising antibacterial properties and cytocompatibility for guided bone and tissue regeneration applications. Sargassum vulgare-PLA membranes demonstrated the highest resistance against bacterial colonization. These findings suggest that marine algae-PLA composite membranes could serve as effective biomaterials for infection control and tissue regeneration. Further in vivo validation and investigation of biodegradation properties are necessary to explore their clinical potential.
Process Biochemistry, Dec 31, 2023
RSC Advances
Isolated compounds 1 and 2 from Caulerpa cyclindracea inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Model... more Isolated compounds 1 and 2 from Caulerpa cyclindracea inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Modelling studies suggest that the compounds may interfere with the spike-ACE2 interaction directly and also via an interaction with a spike allosteric site.

Mediterranean Marine Science
This Collective article reports 17 introduced species and 22 new locations for these species in t... more This Collective article reports 17 introduced species and 22 new locations for these species in the Mediterranean Sea. The reports are from three different Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) subregions (Aegean-Levantine Sea, Adriatic Sea and Western Mediterranean Sea) and the Sea of Marmara and cover ten different countries. The goal of consistent and detailed reporting of introduced species is to complement the existing species inventories and serve as a basis for establishing monitoring strategies and other conservation measures. Some of the reports from this article are the first species records for the Mediterranean Sea, namely the green alga Udotea flabellum from the Aegean Sea (Turkey) and the deepbody boarfish Antigonia capros from the Balearic Sea (Spain). In addition, new records of introduced species are included for different seas, namely the moon crab Matuta victor for the Aegean Sea (Greece), the whale shark Rhincodon typus and the lionfish Pterois miles for the...

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C
In this study, the fatty acid, carbohydrate, and mineral profiles and proximate composition of Ha... more In this study, the fatty acid, carbohydrate, and mineral profiles and proximate composition of Halopteris scoparia, Padina pavonica, Zanardinia typus, Cladostephus spongiosum, Sargassum vulgare, and Sargassum acinarium brown macroalgae collected from Türkiye seas were determined. According to the results, the ash and total carbohydrate contents of all macroalgae ranged from 20.79 to 53.49% in dry weight (dw) and from 15.32 to 55.13% dw, respectively. Their protein, lipid and crude fiber contents changed between 4.22 and 9.89% dw, 0.25 and 0.90% dw, and 12.28 and 16.01% dw, respectively. Palmitic acid (29.36–48.55% dw) and oleic acid (8.92–20.92% dw) were at the highest levels in all brown macroalgae. In addition, they included prominent levels of saturated fatty acids (51.87–69.56% dw of total fatty acid content). Magnesium (6.97–18.78 mg/kg dw), potassium (1.34–3.78 mg/kg dw), iron (1.27–8.24 mg/kg dw), and manganese (63.10–252.23 μg/kg dw) were found to be the major minerals. The ...
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Jan 3, 2023
Ecological life sciences, Apr 1, 2010
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Anadolu orman araştırmaları dergisi, Dec 30, 2020
Heavy metal pollution is one of the important pollution causes for water resources in the world. ... more Heavy metal pollution is one of the important pollution causes for water resources in the world. Algae can be used as an indicator species for the accumulation of heavy metals. Therefore, macro (Na, K, Mg, P, Ca, B) and trace element (Co, Cd, Cr,Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn) values were analyzed by ICP-OES in the species in our study. In this study, we aimed to determine the element concentrations of Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot 1889 macroalgae collected from Dardanelles (Çanakkale-Turkey) coastal area (40°14'27.03"N 26°32'29.74"E during summer season in 2018. Elemental concentrations of C. fragile were determined as following order: Na>Ca>Mg>K>Fe>P>Mn>Pb>B>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cr>Co=Mo=Cd respectively in our study. We also found the Cd, Co and Mo elements below the limit values. In C.fragile, macro elements values were higher than the trace elements values. Fe is the most common trace element after macro elements in all algae samples. Fe trace element is followed by Mn and Pb elements. We think that high metal concentrations in the Dardanelles affect the water quality negatively and may pose a threat to the living creatures living there, and we believe that serious measures should be taken to reduce continuous input in the Dardanelles, which has high shipping and tourism potential.
Seasonal changes in the epiphyte flora of an invasive species, Codium fragile subsp. fragile (Sur... more Seasonal changes in the epiphyte flora of an invasive species, Codium fragile subsp. fragile (Suringar) Hariot 1889, along the coast of the Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles) are reported. Samples were collected between December 2011 and November 2012 from depths of 0-1 m. The whole thallus was examined for epiphytes and 48 taxa epiphytes were identified (27 taxa Rhodophyta, 7 taxa Ochrophyta and 14 taxa Chlorophyta). The most common epiphytes were Ceramiales (Rhodophyta), Ectocarpales (Ochrophyta) and Ulvales (Chlorophyta) in this order.
South African Journal of Botany, 2021
Abstract Ethanolic extracts prepared from forty-seven macroalgae species collected from the Medit... more Abstract Ethanolic extracts prepared from forty-seven macroalgae species collected from the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, and Sea of Marmara were tested at 200 μg/mL against acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and tyrosinase (TYR), crucial for insect vivacity. Only one alga extract, e.g. Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata (C.Agardh) Greville 1830, had a notable inhibition of BChE (72.0 ± 0.07%), whereas the rest of the macroalgae possessed no or low inhibition of AChE (2.20 ± 0.39% - 14.20 ± 2.16%), BChE (0.62 ± 0.07% - 41.20 ± 3.07%), and TYR (
In this study macro aquatic biota inhabiting on three different shipwrecks in the Çanakkale Strai... more In this study macro aquatic biota inhabiting on three different shipwrecks in the Çanakkale Strait were investigated during the winter of 2010-2011 and the summer of 2014-2015 (Nov. 2010-Sep 2015). One of the shipwrecks is strongly dominated by gorgonian corals while others had only a variety of algae and fish; 5 anthozoans, 2 echinoderm, 1 tunicate, 33 fish and 31 macroalgae species were determined. Visual census techniques were used for evaluation of fish assemblages around the sites. Based on faunal characteristics, the shipwrecks could be classified as three different groups.

Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2020
This study was carried out to determine the main pigments in some different selected seaweeds and... more This study was carried out to determine the main pigments in some different selected seaweeds and to reveal their antioxidant potential regarding the ever-increasing demand for utilization of marine pigments in human health and nutrition. The individual amounts of algal pigments were found by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and their total antioxidant capacities (TAC) by two spectrophotometric TAC assays, namely: CUPRAC (CUPric ion Reducing Antioxidant Capacity) and ABTS/TEAC (2,2′-azinobis [3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulfonate])/(trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity). These two tests gave the same rank order for TAC. The TAC of HPLC-quantified compounds accounted for a relatively much lower percentage of the observed CUPRAC capacities of seaweed extracts, namely ranging from 11 to 68% for brown, from 4 to 41% for red and from 3 to 100% for green species, i.e., some TAC originated from chromatographically unidentified compounds. Fucoxanthin, chlorophyll...

Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 2017
The present paper aims to describe the marine flora occurring on the continental shelf of Gökçead... more The present paper aims to describe the marine flora occurring on the continental shelf of Gökçeada Island (North Aegean) based on the review of the long-term researches (1973-2016) which provided qualitative information on many taxa including Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta, Rhodophyta and Tracheophyta. Eight species (Polysiphonia brevearticulata, Ceramium codii, Gymnothamnion elegans, Spermothamnion repens, Lophosiphonia cristata, Hydrolithon cruciatum, Leathesia marina, Caulerpa racemosa) and one variety (Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea) recorded during the present study are the new records for Gökçeada Island. The new recorded species belonging to Rhodophyta were found as opportunistic-filamentous and crustose epiphytic forms on Posidonia oceanica leaf blades during the years 2009-2016. The presence of Caulerpa racemosa, the Mediterranean invasive algae and its dispersal around the island proves the ecological threat on the coastal ecosystem of the island due to the touristic boat achorings and bottom trawling. Rhodophyta had the highest number of species dominated the macroalgal composition with 178 species followed by the contributions of Ochrophyta and Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria with 78, 64 and 25 species, respectively. As for the marine phanerogams (Tracheophyta) that contribute as key ecosystems to the biological diversity were recorded as 1% of the systematic groups in the region presenting three genus (Cymodocea, Posidonia, Zostera) but covering vast areas. After all the future goals of this research are to develop a checklist of marine flora along the littoral zones of Gökçeada Island (North Aegean) presenting the last biodiversity situation and a detailed herbarium collection for the museum of
Materials Today Chemistry, 2020
Abstract Resorbable and volume-stable collagen matrices have been preferred as grafting materials... more Abstract Resorbable and volume-stable collagen matrices have been preferred as grafting materials for diverse clinical applications in recent years. On the other hand, there is always an existing risk of transmission of infection with the cells or the tissues of the graft in using such collagen matrices. Moreover, considering the economic aspects, there is also a need for cost-efficient alternative materials. In this sense, marine algae can be considered as alternatives since they represent vast and cheap source of potential biopolymers. This work covers a comprehensive cytocompatibility study of composite biopolymers derived from different types of marine algae.

Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2019
Analysis of plant growth regulators (PGRs) should be approached by considering their extremely lo... more Analysis of plant growth regulators (PGRs) should be approached by considering their extremely low concentrations and serious interfering effects that result from the matrix of various plant tissues. In the current research, the separation and simultaneous determination of different classes of phytohormones in 14 seaweeds collected from Turkey seashores were achieved by using solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by a rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography tandem mass detection method. OASIS HLB (Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance) cartridges were successfully used for SPE process to eliminate the matrix effect and enhance the PGRs including zeatin, benzyl amino purine, indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid and gibberellic acid within partially different polarities. Based on the optimized experimental conditions, the method presented excellent performance related to linearity (r, 0.9996–0.9999) within the ranges of 0.5–500 ng/mL, relative standard deviation values ((1.43–2.01) for intr...
Papers by Emine Şükran OKUDAN