Akdeniz University
English Language Teacher Education
The aim of this study is to compare Turkey and China in terms of admission to primary math teacher education programs, the content of primary math teacher training programs and appointment to teaching post. Within the scope of this aim,... more
The aim of this study is to determine learning approaches of university preparatory school students and to investigate whether their learning approaches change according to their gender, type of university entrance score, type of high... more
The aim of this research is that to analyze the critical objectives determined by the Board of Education in the curriculum of the eighth grade basic courses that is mathematics, Turkish, English, science, Atatürk and Turkish revolution... more
The effect of extracurricular activities on the development of secondary school students in different fields: We are out of the program! Project experience. International Innovative Education Researcher, 2(2), 133-156.
The effect of extracurricular activities on the development of secondary school students in different fields: We are out of the program! Project experience. International Innovative Education Researcher, 2(2), 133-156.
Foreign Language Teaching at early childhood period has been of great importance recently. Foreign language teachers, linguists and preschool teachers have claimed different ideas on this topic. Foreign language teachers have explained... more
Teaching a foreign language to young learners have some differences from teaching adults. Young children have concentration problems and they tend to change their mood every ten minutes and need more creative activities than adults.... more
There is a rapid increasing interest in the need to use technology in language learning at an early age. Young learners need motivation and they can easily lose their concentration during long language learning process. Technology can be... more
Öz Yabancı dil öğretiminde dördüncü temel dil becerisi olarak adlandırılan yazma becerisi öğrencilerin en zorlandığı becerilerden biridir. Öğrencilerin bu beceride başarılı olabilmeleri için öncelikle dinleme, konuşma ve okuma... more
Going abroad and getting university education there as Erasmus students at Turkish Universities are becoming more and more popular nowadays. EFL students usually choose Erasmus exchange programs in order to gain linguistic, cultural and... more
Publication Date: 2010-Sep Pages: 10 Abstractor: As Provided Reference Count: 26 ISBN: N/A ISSN: ISSN-0966-9760 How Bilingual Is Bilingual? Mother-Tongue Proficiency and Learning through a Second Language Yazici, Zeliha; Ilter, Binnur... more
Son zamanlarda uluslararası değişim programları, üniversite hayatının önemli ve değerli bir özelliği olmuştur. Avrupa'dan çok sayıda öğrenci, hareketliliği teşvik etmek, bireysel yeterlikleri genişletmeyi ve anlayışları geliştirmeyi... more
In language classrooms, being in unnatural conversational situations, students need motivation more than other learning milieus. Teachers try to capture the attention of students through various methods and techniques. Many researchers in... more
Özet Erken yaşta çocuklarda yabancı dil öğretimi son yıllarda ülkemizde giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Dil bilimciler ve eğitimciler erken yaşta yabancı dil öğretiminin çocuğun bilişsel gelişimine katkıda bulunacağını belirtmektedirler.... more
- by Binnur İlter
Teaching a foreign language by means of culture has become increasingly widespread nowadays. As an English teacher, we should try to keep students interested in the classroom. Culture is one of the best ways of motivation and it also... more
- by Binnur İlter