Amac: Tuketim olgusu caglardan beri insanin yaninda duran, insanla var olan bir kavramdir. Buna r... more Amac: Tuketim olgusu caglardan beri insanin yaninda duran, insanla var olan bir kavramdir. Buna ragmen tuketimin akademik anlamda incelenmesi Sanayi Devrimi sonrasina rastlamaktadir. Mevcut calisma tuketim kavramina sosyolojik acidan kronolojik bir bakis sunma ve akademide nasil ele alindigini aciklama amacindadir. Tasarim/metodoloji/yaklasim: Ilgili konuda yer alan kaynaklardan literatur taramasi yapilmistir. Bulgular: Tuketimin, Sanayi Devrimi, 2. Dunya Savasi, internetin ortaya cikisi gibi toplumu donusturen donemlerden gecip pratiginin nasil degistigi incelenmistir. Tuketim eyleminin barindirdigi semboller ve bu sembollerin sosyologlar tarafindan nasil yorumlandigi tartisilmistir. Birinci kisim, tuketim sosyolojisi alaninda ilk calismalarin yapildigi Marx, Weber, Durkheim ve Veblen’in onculugunu yaptigi doneme denk gelmektedir.Bahsi gecen sosyologlarin calismalari ampirik acidan desteklenmese de tuketim sosyolojisinin dusunsel temelleri bu donemde atilmistir.Ikinci kisimda, 2.Du...
Purpose Beverage serving affects consumers’ taste and price perceptions. Therefore, the correct s... more Purpose Beverage serving affects consumers’ taste and price perceptions. Therefore, the correct selection of the presentation cues is essential when a consumer evaluates a product. This study aims to determine how haptic (weight) and visual (colour) cues of drinking vessels affect the taste and price perception of coffee. Design/methodology/approach The authors created three different experimental designs. Given that coffee is a popular drink among the younger population, the authors invited undergraduate students in the 18–24 age group into this study. The participants tasted the same coffee from cups differ in weight (heavy and normal) and colour (congruent, incongruent and neutral), after which their opinions about the taste and price were recorded. Findings According to the results, increasing the weight of the cup creates a more positive perception of the smell and density of the coffee. Moreover, coffee served in a heavy cup was perceived to be more expensive than in other cup...
Amac: Tuketim olgusu caglardan beri insanin yaninda duran, insanla var olan bir kavramdir. Buna r... more Amac: Tuketim olgusu caglardan beri insanin yaninda duran, insanla var olan bir kavramdir. Buna ragmen tuketimin akademik anlamda incelenmesi Sanayi Devrimi sonrasina rastlamaktadir. Mevcut calisma tuketim kavramina sosyolojik acidan kronolojik bir bakis sunma ve akademide nasil ele alindigini aciklama amacindadir. Tasarim/metodoloji/yaklasim: Ilgili konuda yer alan kaynaklardan literatur taramasi yapilmistir. Bulgular: Tuketimin, Sanayi Devrimi, 2. Dunya Savasi, internetin ortaya cikisi gibi toplumu donusturen donemlerden gecip pratiginin nasil degistigi incelenmistir. Tuketim eyleminin barindirdigi semboller ve bu sembollerin sosyologlar tarafindan nasil yorumlandigi tartisilmistir. Birinci kisim, tuketim sosyolojisi alaninda ilk calismalarin yapildigi Marx, Weber, Durkheim ve Veblen’in onculugunu yaptigi doneme denk gelmektedir.Bahsi gecen sosyologlarin calismalari ampirik acidan desteklenmese de tuketim sosyolojisinin dusunsel temelleri bu donemde atilmistir.Ikinci kisimda, 2.Du...
Purpose Beverage serving affects consumers’ taste and price perceptions. Therefore, the correct s... more Purpose Beverage serving affects consumers’ taste and price perceptions. Therefore, the correct selection of the presentation cues is essential when a consumer evaluates a product. This study aims to determine how haptic (weight) and visual (colour) cues of drinking vessels affect the taste and price perception of coffee. Design/methodology/approach The authors created three different experimental designs. Given that coffee is a popular drink among the younger population, the authors invited undergraduate students in the 18–24 age group into this study. The participants tasted the same coffee from cups differ in weight (heavy and normal) and colour (congruent, incongruent and neutral), after which their opinions about the taste and price were recorded. Findings According to the results, increasing the weight of the cup creates a more positive perception of the smell and density of the coffee. Moreover, coffee served in a heavy cup was perceived to be more expensive than in other cup...