Michael Baers
Michael Baers received his PhD from the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in 2014 from its dedicated artistic research department. He has exhibited his artistic work in many international art institutions, including the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Berlin’s Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. He has also contributed to a variety of publication projects and internationally recognized journals such as A-Prior, the e-flux journal and Vector - critical research in context with comics and texts on contemporary art, artistic research and cultural politics. Since 2010 much of his work has focused on the cultural outcomes of historical trauma and related subjects, particularly in the context of the Middle East and North Africa. This lateral research has involved investigations into area studies, media theory and visual studies. Baers’ research on cultural politics in Israel and Palestine resulted in the 2014 online publication of a lengthy graphic work about the 2011 Picasso in Palestine project, An Oral History of Picasso in Palestine, with Haus der Kulturen der Welt; since 2013 he has conducted research on a unique photographic project that emerged out of the war between the people of Western Sahara and Morocco, Necessità dei Volti. Between 2018 and 2020 he was co-editor of Bauhaus Imaginista online journal, and since 2020 he is an affiliated researcher at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin.
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Papers by Michael Baers
Texts by Michael Baers
Books by Michael Baers
The conflict in Western Sahara has endured for nearly half a century, yet remains little known on the world stage. Drawing on multiple sources, this book presents an expansive history of both the conflict and the region, encompassing the history of the early Moroccan empires, the successive migrations of Arab nomads across the Sahara, the age of European exploration and colonialism, and the postcolonial period, when the conflict erupted out of a complex set of forces that include longstanding regional tensions, North Africa’s colonial legacy, the instability of post-independence Morocco, and diplomatic intrigues on the part of Western powers during the Cold War period. While it does not address the history of the conflict following the UN-mandated ceasefire of 1991, the book provides an overview for readers interested in both the conflict itself and the history of African nationalism in the post-war period.
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@Cambridge Scholars Publishing
edited by Cătălin Gheorghe
Published by Universitatea de Arte "George Enescu" Iasi, 2014
With the financial support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Romania
Supported by Norwegian Artistic Research Programme and LUNO
Cătălin Gheorghe, Ways of criticality and creativity. Argument for research; Critical theories of artistic research: 1. Henk Slager, Doing Aesthetics; 2. Andrea Phillips, Why practice-based PhDs are political; 3. Mick Wilson, Dead Public: An unfinished enquiry into public-ness, political imagination and the agency of mortal beings; 4. Michael Baers, Vagaries and Vacillations: Some reflections on the making of An Oral History of Picasso in Palestine; Creative practices of artistic research: 5. Michael Baers, An Oral History of Picasso in Palestine (excerpt); 6. Michelle Teran, Future Guides: From information to home. Folgen; 7. Flis Holland, Articulating a point of view; 8. Rachel Mader, Narrating Structures: On how to write analytically on walking experiences, digital self-representation and fragmentary archives in contemporary arts; 9. Jesper Alvær, Staging dislocation: Notes on finished and unfinished work
- for a proper view of the artistic projects, select in Adobe: View - Page Display - Two Pages View
The conflict in Western Sahara has endured for nearly half a century, yet remains little known on the world stage. Drawing on multiple sources, this book presents an expansive history of both the conflict and the region, encompassing the history of the early Moroccan empires, the successive migrations of Arab nomads across the Sahara, the age of European exploration and colonialism, and the postcolonial period, when the conflict erupted out of a complex set of forces that include longstanding regional tensions, North Africa’s colonial legacy, the instability of post-independence Morocco, and diplomatic intrigues on the part of Western powers during the Cold War period. While it does not address the history of the conflict following the UN-mandated ceasefire of 1991, the book provides an overview for readers interested in both the conflict itself and the history of African nationalism in the post-war period.
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@Cambridge Scholars Publishing
edited by Cătălin Gheorghe
Published by Universitatea de Arte "George Enescu" Iasi, 2014
With the financial support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Romania
Supported by Norwegian Artistic Research Programme and LUNO
Cătălin Gheorghe, Ways of criticality and creativity. Argument for research; Critical theories of artistic research: 1. Henk Slager, Doing Aesthetics; 2. Andrea Phillips, Why practice-based PhDs are political; 3. Mick Wilson, Dead Public: An unfinished enquiry into public-ness, political imagination and the agency of mortal beings; 4. Michael Baers, Vagaries and Vacillations: Some reflections on the making of An Oral History of Picasso in Palestine; Creative practices of artistic research: 5. Michael Baers, An Oral History of Picasso in Palestine (excerpt); 6. Michelle Teran, Future Guides: From information to home. Folgen; 7. Flis Holland, Articulating a point of view; 8. Rachel Mader, Narrating Structures: On how to write analytically on walking experiences, digital self-representation and fragmentary archives in contemporary arts; 9. Jesper Alvær, Staging dislocation: Notes on finished and unfinished work
- for a proper view of the artistic projects, select in Adobe: View - Page Display - Two Pages View