At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware ... more At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware that without educated and motivated employees their activities will not be professionally developed at the required pace. Senior management has a number of tools to improve performance and one of the main features is to identify a quality staff appraisal system. The article presents the results of research concerning the issue of evaluation of police officers of the Police of the Czech republic, which was carried out at the beginning of 2019. The obtained results were processed by standard statistical methods.
Clanek prezentuje použiti multimedii ve vzdělavacim procesu a představuje multimedia jako důležit... more Clanek prezentuje použiti multimedii ve vzdělavacim procesu a představuje multimedia jako důležitou cast didaktických technologii. MULTIMEDIA AND DIDACTIC TECHNOLOGIES Abstract: The paper presents usany of multimedia in educational process and describes multimedia as a relevant part of didactic technologies. Keywords: educationmultimedia, didactic technologies.
V přispěvku je popsana uloha internetove prezentace ve skolskem prostředi. Přispěvek uvadi zaklad... more V přispěvku je popsana uloha internetove prezentace ve skolskem prostředi. Přispěvek uvadi zakladni cile, funkce a možnou naplň internetových stranek a vycleňuje cilove skupiny ctenařů obsahu, možnosti zapojeni žaků, ucitelů i veřejnosti do připravy a samotne tvorby skolniho webu. INTERNET PRESENTATIONS OF SCHOOLS Abstract: In this contribution the problem of internet presentation in school environment is presented. The contribution describes basic aims, functions and possible content of internet pages and earmarks object groups of readers and how pupils, teachers and public can work on preparing and creation of school web. Keywords: Internet, presentation, school.
2008 42nd Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 2008
The paper presents some properties of digital image watermarking based on discrete orthogonal tra... more The paper presents some properties of digital image watermarking based on discrete orthogonal transforms (DCT-discrete cosine transform and KLT-Karhunen Loeve Transform). This contribution is focused on the logical describing of watermarking method. In this paper basic analysis for the process of watermark implementation is presented. Comparing of two digital watermarking methods, both based on discrete orthogonal transforms, is described. In generally, discrete orthogonal transforms (mainly DCT) is a base for loss image compression. All information, which may be lost during lossy compression, is possible to leave in the image and these information may be modified during watermark embedding. Thus, a question is satisfying of remaining watermark requirements.
At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware ... more At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware that without educated and motivated employees their activities will not be professionally developed at the required pace. Senior management has a number of tools to improve performance and one of the main features is to identify a quality staff appraisal system. The article presents the results of research concerning the issue of evaluation of police officers of the Police of the Czech republic, which was carried out at the beginning of 2019. The obtained results were processed by standard statistical methods.
Clanek prezentuje některe pohledy na didaktiku informatiky a popisuje některe partikularni pohled... more Clanek prezentuje některe pohledy na didaktiku informatiky a popisuje některe partikularni pohledy vzdělavani informatiky jako pocitacove vědy nebo jako softwaroveho inženýrstvi. PARADIGMS OF INFORMATICS' DIDACTIC Abstract: The paper presents some point of views of informatics didactic and describes particular aspects in education of informatics as a couputer science or as a software engineering. Keywords: education, informatics didactic, paradigms.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020
The rapid development of Internet services also led to a significant increase in cyber-attacks. C... more The rapid development of Internet services also led to a significant increase in cyber-attacks. Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and automation, make the protections ineffective. Conventional cybersecurity approaches have a limited effect on fighting new cyber threats. Therefore, we need new approaches, and artificial intelligence can aid to counter cybercrime. In this paper, we present the capability of adopting artificial intelligence techniques in cybersecurity and present some of those intelligent-based approaches already in place in practice. Furthermore, we highlight the limitations of AI-based approaches in cybersecurity as well as suggest some directions for research in the future.
2008 42nd Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 2008
Implementation and transmission of health documentation in electronic form stimulate higher requi... more Implementation and transmission of health documentation in electronic form stimulate higher requirements for their security. New possibilities of using XML technology for obtaining secured electronic health record are presented in this paper. It means integration of security techniques based on using of language XML. These technologies open new possibilities in encryption and sign of documents (XML signature, XML encryption) and also in secured access to sources. The contribution is focused to description of some relevant parts of XML security, their interactions, and examples in medical environment (implementation, transmission, archiving, etc.). XML security is a new trend of security. Its some parts are today developed. The aim of using of XACML and SAML in XML security is to develop security complex mode with possibilities of different approaches to electronic health documentation for different group of users. Description of languages XACML and SAML is presented also. These languages are part of XML security and are not frequently used in practical applications for the present. The languages XACML and SAML make possibilities for transmission of secured information and they set detailed access to different parts of documentation for different groups of users (granularity). Concrete realization of developed theoretical model in medical environment is described, too. For proposed realization was used language XACML.
Some properties of image information in multimedia educational materials This paper describes som... more Some properties of image information in multimedia educational materials This paper describes some theoretical and practice facts of multimedia problematic. The paper is focused to describing of information and principes of images in educational materials. Some facts about image systems, database systems and vizualizing of reality from photography, static pictures and dynamic pictures are presented.
At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware ... more At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware that without educated and motivated employees their activities will not be professionally developed at the required pace. Senior management has a number of tools to improve performance and one of the main features is to identify a quality staff appraisal system. The article presents the results of research concerning the issue of evaluation of police officers of the Police of the Czech republic, which was carried out at the beginning of 2019. The obtained results were processed by standard statistical methods.
Clanek prezentuje použiti multimedii ve vzdělavacim procesu a představuje multimedia jako důležit... more Clanek prezentuje použiti multimedii ve vzdělavacim procesu a představuje multimedia jako důležitou cast didaktických technologii. MULTIMEDIA AND DIDACTIC TECHNOLOGIES Abstract: The paper presents usany of multimedia in educational process and describes multimedia as a relevant part of didactic technologies. Keywords: educationmultimedia, didactic technologies.
V přispěvku je popsana uloha internetove prezentace ve skolskem prostředi. Přispěvek uvadi zaklad... more V přispěvku je popsana uloha internetove prezentace ve skolskem prostředi. Přispěvek uvadi zakladni cile, funkce a možnou naplň internetových stranek a vycleňuje cilove skupiny ctenařů obsahu, možnosti zapojeni žaků, ucitelů i veřejnosti do připravy a samotne tvorby skolniho webu. INTERNET PRESENTATIONS OF SCHOOLS Abstract: In this contribution the problem of internet presentation in school environment is presented. The contribution describes basic aims, functions and possible content of internet pages and earmarks object groups of readers and how pupils, teachers and public can work on preparing and creation of school web. Keywords: Internet, presentation, school.
2008 42nd Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 2008
The paper presents some properties of digital image watermarking based on discrete orthogonal tra... more The paper presents some properties of digital image watermarking based on discrete orthogonal transforms (DCT-discrete cosine transform and KLT-Karhunen Loeve Transform). This contribution is focused on the logical describing of watermarking method. In this paper basic analysis for the process of watermark implementation is presented. Comparing of two digital watermarking methods, both based on discrete orthogonal transforms, is described. In generally, discrete orthogonal transforms (mainly DCT) is a base for loss image compression. All information, which may be lost during lossy compression, is possible to leave in the image and these information may be modified during watermark embedding. Thus, a question is satisfying of remaining watermark requirements.
At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware ... more At present there are increasing demands for security. The Police of the Czech Republic are aware that without educated and motivated employees their activities will not be professionally developed at the required pace. Senior management has a number of tools to improve performance and one of the main features is to identify a quality staff appraisal system. The article presents the results of research concerning the issue of evaluation of police officers of the Police of the Czech republic, which was carried out at the beginning of 2019. The obtained results were processed by standard statistical methods.
Clanek prezentuje některe pohledy na didaktiku informatiky a popisuje některe partikularni pohled... more Clanek prezentuje některe pohledy na didaktiku informatiky a popisuje některe partikularni pohledy vzdělavani informatiky jako pocitacove vědy nebo jako softwaroveho inženýrstvi. PARADIGMS OF INFORMATICS' DIDACTIC Abstract: The paper presents some point of views of informatics didactic and describes particular aspects in education of informatics as a couputer science or as a software engineering. Keywords: education, informatics didactic, paradigms.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020
The rapid development of Internet services also led to a significant increase in cyber-attacks. C... more The rapid development of Internet services also led to a significant increase in cyber-attacks. Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and automation, make the protections ineffective. Conventional cybersecurity approaches have a limited effect on fighting new cyber threats. Therefore, we need new approaches, and artificial intelligence can aid to counter cybercrime. In this paper, we present the capability of adopting artificial intelligence techniques in cybersecurity and present some of those intelligent-based approaches already in place in practice. Furthermore, we highlight the limitations of AI-based approaches in cybersecurity as well as suggest some directions for research in the future.
2008 42nd Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 2008
Implementation and transmission of health documentation in electronic form stimulate higher requi... more Implementation and transmission of health documentation in electronic form stimulate higher requirements for their security. New possibilities of using XML technology for obtaining secured electronic health record are presented in this paper. It means integration of security techniques based on using of language XML. These technologies open new possibilities in encryption and sign of documents (XML signature, XML encryption) and also in secured access to sources. The contribution is focused to description of some relevant parts of XML security, their interactions, and examples in medical environment (implementation, transmission, archiving, etc.). XML security is a new trend of security. Its some parts are today developed. The aim of using of XACML and SAML in XML security is to develop security complex mode with possibilities of different approaches to electronic health documentation for different group of users. Description of languages XACML and SAML is presented also. These languages are part of XML security and are not frequently used in practical applications for the present. The languages XACML and SAML make possibilities for transmission of secured information and they set detailed access to different parts of documentation for different groups of users (granularity). Concrete realization of developed theoretical model in medical environment is described, too. For proposed realization was used language XACML.
Some properties of image information in multimedia educational materials This paper describes som... more Some properties of image information in multimedia educational materials This paper describes some theoretical and practice facts of multimedia problematic. The paper is focused to describing of information and principes of images in educational materials. Some facts about image systems, database systems and vizualizing of reality from photography, static pictures and dynamic pictures are presented.
Papers by Marek candik