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In this study, the effects of types of enzymes and degree of hydrolysis on functionalities, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and molecular weight distribution of the peanut protein hydrolysate (PPH) were investigated. Peanut protein was... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryFood Science
Microencapsulation involves coating or entrapping of a core material with a polymeric material to generate microspheres in the size range of 1-1000 lm. This versatile technology has been used to encapsulate a wide array of products such... more
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    • Microbiology
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    • Chemistry
Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) was used to extract the anthocyanins from pericarp and lipids from the seeds of mangosteen. The optimum time for extraction of anthocyanin by maceration method and shaking water bath was 6 and 4 h,... more
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Medicinal plants are frequently used for the treatment of various infectious diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity and mode of action of Acacia nilotica and the antibiogram patterns of foodborne... more
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      Organic ChemistryBiologyMedicineAnti-Bacterial Agents
Background: The emergence of drug resistant malaria is threatening our ability to treat and control malaria in the Southeast Asian region. There is an urgent need to develop novel and chemically diverse antimalarial drugs. This study... more
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    • Plant Leaves
The prevalence of two groups of antibiotics; namely penicillin and sulfonamides was studied in fresh milk available in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. The milk samples (n = 140) were collected from three different sources; individual farmers,... more
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      Food AnalysisHigh Pressure Liquid ChromatographyAnti-Bacterial AgentsPublic health systems and services research
Ultrasonic assisted alkaline extraction of protein from banana flower was optimized using response surface methodology. The extracted proteins were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and molecular weight distribution... more
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      ChemistryProtein ScienceProtein Isolation
Biodegradable packaging in food materials is a green technology based novel approach to replace the synthetic and conventional packaging systems. This study is aimed to formulate the biodegradable cassava starch based films incorporated... more
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Cassava is a high potential feedstock for bioethanol production in Asian countries, primarily due to high yield of carbohydrate per unit land, and its ability to grow on marginal lands with minimal agrochemical requirements. The objective... more
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View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 4 View citing articles Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis isolated from fermented milk products and its antimicrobial potential
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      ChemistryFood ScienceLactococcus lactis
The freshwater green microalga Scenedesmus obliquus was cultivated to enhance the contents of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids by using Box-Behnken experimental design. S. obliquus was cultured under phototrophic conditions by using... more
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In this study, food grade nanoemulsions (NEs) were prepared with polyphenols (curcumin, gallic acid and quercetin); NEs were incorporated into the film forming solution at various concentrations (5%, 10% and 20% v/w of gelatin plus... more
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    • Chemistry
The influence of dietary vitamin D 3 (VD3) levels on growth, bone performance, and duodenal type IIb sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIb) genes in broiler chicken were studied. One-dayold male Ross308 broilers (n 5 432)... more
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      ChemistryPoultry ScienceMedicine
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    • Materials Science
For the first time, pregnant women will have a happy and curious feeling about the changes in themselves and fetal development in general. However, there is also a feeling of anxiety. The research conducted in Naples, Italy, March, 15... more
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This study focused on the optimization of xylitol production from sugarcane bagasse by using response surface methodology (RSM). Xylitol was produced through a series of processes, firstly, optimization of ultrasound assisted mild... more
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      ChemistryFood Science
Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacterium causing gastric problems such as, peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. H. pylori were isolated from the stomach biopsy specimens (n = 100) of gastric patients by performing polymerase chain... more
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    • Microbiology
The aim of this research was to determine the probiotic potential and safety of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from raw goat milk. Gram positive and catalase negative bacteria were isolated from raw goat milk (n = 61) and identified... more
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      Food ScienceRaw Milk
The aim of this research was to determine the probiotic potential and safety of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from raw goat milk. Gram positive and catalase negative bacteria were isolated from raw goat milk (n = 61) and identified... more
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      Food ScienceRaw Milk