Azerbaijan Institute of Theology
Religious Studies
The phenomenon of woman has always been a subject of discussion in all religions. Women throughout history have often been positioned relative to men. All aspects of her life, such as her creation and function in the world, to which she... more
the article tries to confirm the uniqueness of zakat in the solution of social problems concerning the poor in the early Islamic history and today. Zakat is the urgent injunction of Islam, to be paid from the assets of wealthy muslims... more
Inheritance law as a branch of Civil Law regulates civil-legal relationships relates to succession. The article analyzes specificities, meanings and importance of inheritance law in legislation of Islam and Azerbaijan Republic and... more
The article reviews the role and place of legal subterfuges in the modern Jewish and Islamic legislaton. This legal solution and remedy is referred to as “aarama/aaramot” in Jewish law and “hiyal” in Islamic law literature. This topic,... more
The article deals with the inheritance rights in Islam. Studying the current theme, the author reviews sources of inheritance rights in sharia law, as well as gives information about issues of inheritance rights in pre-Islamic Arabian... more
This article is devoted to the theme of inheritance in Islamic law. The article studies the order of succession and determines the line of inheritance according to the rules and regulations of Islam. The author comes to the conclusion... more
In our days Islamic right is in the center of attention of society. That’s why in this article have been researched cases of prevent on receiving inheritance. These cases were reported to reader mass one after another. And these cases... more
Ashabu Faraiz is the group in the Islamic inheritance law, are the most important group. In the books about inheritance, each of shareholders is considered in how many circumstances and how many shares they will get and these... more
The purpose of this article is to study agnates and the group (daughter’s children) in Islamic Inheritance Law, find the main difference between the Sunni Law Schools and Imamy Law School. And also the principal concern of this study is... more
We touched on three of the most pressing issues that exist in Islam in this article. There are issues of the right`s elasticity in inheritance laws that concern the western arabists, different shares of men and women heirs and... more
Bu makalenin amacı İslam miras hukukunda yer alan zevi'l-erham adlı varis grubunu Hanefî ve Caferî mezhepleri bağlamında araştırmak, aralarındaki benzer ve farklı özellikleri ortaya koymaktır. Bilindiği üzere Caferi mezhebinde pay... more
The importance of science by the Prophet led to the emergence of Islamic sciences in the early Middle Ages. At that time, the existing sciences were divided into two parts: Islamic sciences - a scientific field where religious subjects... more
Already in the 30s of the 8th century Azerbaijan was completely included in the Arab Caliphate, which was of great importance for its economic, sociopolitical and cultural life. Mosques and madrassas were being built in major cities of... more
The Islamic religion, playing one of the most important roles in the history of mankind, came to Azerbaijan lands in the 7th century. Mosques and madrasas which were the venter of culture, science and progress began to be established. The... more
Bioetika – tibbin və elmin nailiyyətləri sayəsində peyda olan və insanın mənəvi və fiziki rifahına qarşı yönələn təhlükənin qarşısını almaq məqsədi ilə yaradılan mürəkkəb mədəni fenomendir. İlk dəfə olaraq bu termini 1971-ci ildə... more
Ilahiyyat fakiiltosinin aspirantr istam Miras hiiququnda qadrnla kiginin paylarrnrn ferqli olmastna bir tahlil Miras srizii Oreb dilinda qahcr olmaq, soyun bezi xtisusiyyatlarini almaq, bir kimsenin
In these three Abrahamic religions are more similarities than differences, though historically differences attached decisive importance. It is extremely complex and confusing was the law of succession, which also had significant... more
The history of religions has existed for about a century and a half as a discipline included in the humanities, whose anatomy is proven, non-normative, non-denominational, and uses a comparative and historical method. In general, after... more
The fact that a country has been placed on trade routes since its inception, has been inhabited by diverse faiths, and has embraced various nationalities over the years qualifies it as a multicultural state. People that believe this place... more