Papers by Aliya Mursalova

Dövlət və Din, 2023
İlk insan yarandığı andan mövcud olmuş günah anlayışı tarix boyu bəşəriyyətin daim maraq sahəsind... more İlk insan yarandığı andan mövcud olmuş günah anlayışı tarix boyu bəşəriyyətin daim maraq sahəsində olmuşdur. Bütün dinlərdə günah anlayışına rast gəlmək mümkündür. Sadəcə bu günahlar hər dində fərqli şəkildə təsnifləndirilmişdir. Bu günahların ən bağışlanılmaz olanları “ölümcül günah” statusunu qazanmışdır. Əxlaqi kontekstdən baxdıqda dinlərin hamısı bir məqsəd güdür – cəmiyyətdə əxlaqi nizamı qorumaq. Əxlaqi normaların əsasını isə pis və çirkin əməllərdən, yəni günahlardan
çəkinmək, əvəzində yaxşı və gözəl əməllər yerinə yetirmək, yəni fəzilətli olmaq təşkil edir. Məqalədə əvvəlcə “yeddi ölümcül günah” fenomenin formalaşma və təkamül tarixi tədqiq olunmuşdur. Sonra həmin günahların insanın həyatına necə təsir etdiyi və hansı əzablara səbəb ola biləcəyi müəyyənləşdirilmişdir. Sonda isə fərqli dinlərin “ölümcül günahları” təsnif edilərək müqayisəli şəkildə təhlil edilmişdir.

The Review of Contemporary Scientific and Academic Studies, 2023
Modern medicine is not just about treatment, it has even begun to interfere with human life: chan... more Modern medicine is not just about treatment, it has even begun to interfere with human life: changing and predicting its quality parameters, giving it "life", and postponing its death. With the development of new medical technologies, a person begins to intervene in God's actions. The article focuses primarily on how innovations in medical technology have been made in modern times, how these achievements have a moral, ethical, religious and ethical impact on society, and ultimately, the human-God and physician-patient relationship, albeit laconically investigated religious and legal aspects from different sources. Some passages from the sacred books of Abrahamic religions were used as examples to demonstrate bioethics in religion life. I provided a brief overview of the concept of bioethics and divided it into groups to make our research easier, examined these groups shortly and tried to describe the thoughts and judgments of the heavenly religions.

Din Araşdırmaları Jurnalı, 2023
One of the topics that is still significant today is the accurate study and teaching of religion.... more One of the topics that is still significant today is the accurate study and teaching of religion. Also, the main terms of these two disciplines are explained in the article, both similarities and differences between them are studied, which subject they belong to or not, and at the same time the mutual relations between these two fields are investigated. One of the topics that is still significant today is the accurate study and teaching of religion. In this article, we attempted to analyze the two disciplines of science that research religion, theology and religious studies, as well as their definitions, key concepts and methodologies, and interrelationships. As previously said, theology and religious studies are subjects that research religion and are linked, but they approach the topics from distinct perspectives. Although theology is a component of religious studies and religious studies is an aspect of theology, the methodologies of the two disciplines differ greatly. Thus, theology is a branch of science that investigates the nature of God and religious beliefs, whereas religious studies investigate religion as a social and cultural phenomenon. The essay investigates the methodologies used by the aforementioned disciplines, as well as the current concerns and problems confronting both professions. It is stressed that both domains of research use scientific approaches to address their challenges by merging diverse viewpoints and expertise. In addition, the names and works of well-known researchers in the disciplines of religious studies and theology are offered as examples.
In addition, the article defines the key terminology of these two disciplines, examines their similarities and differences, determines if they belong to the same topic or not, and investigates the reciprocal relationships between these two domains.
Наследственное право в Аврамических религиях, 2016
In these three Abrahamic religions are more similarities
than differences, though historically d... more In these three Abrahamic religions are more similarities
than differences, though historically differences attached decisive importance. It is extremely complex and confusing was
the law of succession, which also had significant differences in
the different religions. Different representations of the person
suggest the differences in ethical values. We try to objectively
describe the law of succession in these religions.
Bu makalenin amacı İslam miras hukukunda yer alan zevi'l-erham adlı varis grubunu Hanefî ve Cafer... more Bu makalenin amacı İslam miras hukukunda yer alan zevi'l-erham adlı varis grubunu Hanefî ve Caferî mezhepleri bağlamında araştırmak, aralarındaki benzer ve farklı özellikleri ortaya koymaktır. Bilindiği üzere Caferi mezhebinde pay sahiplerinin tasnifi Sünni fıkhındakinden farklıdır. Bu yüzden adları farklı olsa da her iki mezhebin anlayışında aynı mirasçılar mirastan pay almaktalar. Bununla birlikte, mirasçıların aldıkları paylar arasında miktar bakımından küçük de olsa farklar bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede Caferi mezhebinde Hanefi mezhebindeki zevi`l-erham sınıfına denk gelen varislerin aldığı paylar örneklerle anlatılmıştır.
İslam vərəsəlik hüququnda ixtilaflı məsələlər, 2016
We touched on three of the most pressing issues that exist in Islam in this article. There are is... more We touched on three of the most pressing issues that exist in Islam in this article. There are issues of the right`s elasticity in inheritance laws that concern the western arabists, different shares of men and women heirs and mathematical errors in the legacy. In these three issues using different sources objectively and are explained examples clear and widely. We took these problems and their causes in which western arabist are interested and tried to explain how to deal them openly.
Əhli Sünnə və İmamiyyə məzhəbinə görə qızın övladlarının varisliyi, 2015
The purpose of this article is to study agnates and the group (daughter’s
children) in Islamic I... more The purpose of this article is to study agnates and the group (daughter’s
children) in Islamic Inheritance Law, find the main difference between the Sunni Law Schools and Imamy Law School. And also the principal concern of this study is to determine and evaluated the arguments for and against the agnatic inheritance on the historical and political background.
İslam vərəsəlik hüququnda 40 hal, 2014
Ashabu Faraiz is the group in the Islamic inheritance law, are the most
important group. In the ... more Ashabu Faraiz is the group in the Islamic inheritance law, are the most
important group. In the books about inheritance, each of shareholders is considered in how many circumstances and how many shares they will get and these circumstances are only forty. In this article we examine the most common successors. We tried to explain shares they can get clearly by schedules.
İslam hüququ (Hənəfi məzhəbi əsasında) və Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qanunvericiliyinə görə miras almağa mane olan hallar, 2013
In our days Islamic right is in the center of attention of society. That’s why in this article ha... more In our days Islamic right is in the center of attention of society. That’s why in this article have been researched cases of prevent on receiving inheritance. These cases were reported to reader mass one after another. And these cases have been analyzed and compared in the Islamic rights with the legislation of Azerbaijan Republic.
İslam hüququnda əsəbə varisliyi, 2015
This article is devoted to the theme of inheritance in Islamic law. The article studies the order... more This article is devoted to the theme of inheritance in Islamic law. The article studies the order of succession and determines the line of inheritance according to the rules and regulations of Islam.
The author comes to the conclusion that the main purpose of Islamic law in the area of inheritance is to ensure justice and the elimination of various disagreements and difficulties
Vərəsəlik hüququnun tarixi barədə, 2015
The article deals with the inheritance rights in Islam. Studying the current theme, the author re... more The article deals with the inheritance rights in Islam. Studying the current theme, the author reviews sources of inheritance rights in sharia law, as well as gives information about issues of inheritance rights in pre-Islamic Arabian society. It is noted that nuances of inheritance rights are explicitly expressed in the Holy Quran and sunnah of the Prophet

Yəhudi və İslam hüququnda hiyləyi-şəriyyə, 2019
The article reviews the role and place of legal subterfuges in the modern Jewish and Islamic legi... more The article reviews the role and place of legal subterfuges in the modern Jewish and Islamic legislaton. This legal solution and remedy is referred to as “aarama/aaramot” in Jewish law and “hiyal” in Islamic law literature. This topic, which we encounter in many examples in the books of fiqh and halacha, has advanced many supposing and opposing arguments.
Hiyal - (legal trickery) has been experienced throughout the history in all religions and secular legal systems. The purpose is to avoid the goals and consequences set forth in the law, by taking into account legal considerations and considering the gaps in the law. Since hiyal
often spoils intentions of the laws, sharia scholars of both religions are concerned that the true purpose of the laws changes and that its unchanging principles may be distorted. The article also provides a brief overview of the first sources, logical and terminological meanings of tricks, a history of emergence and the concept of tricks, and gives examples of their usage, as well as a brief overview of Islamic legal concepts to determine the legitimacy of using tricks. An analysis of the use of tricks to avoid the ban, as well as supporting and opposings
arguments are also reviewed in the article .

Концепция права в Aвраамических религиях, 2018
the article tries to confirm the uniqueness of zakat in the solution of social
problems concerni... more the article tries to confirm the uniqueness of zakat in the solution of social
problems concerning the poor in the early Islamic history and today. Zakat is the
urgent injunction of Islam, to be paid from the assets of wealthy muslims and having
a clearly defined term of payment not involving postponement or delay. Some
mistakenly believe that the payment of taxes relieves a believer of the obligation to
deduct zakat, and vice versa. Taking the opportunity, we also explained the fallacy of
this statement in this paper. Zakat is a duty to Allah, one of the five pillars of Islam
and is distributed among several specific categories of Muslims. As for taxes, it is a
system established by the people of that society and civilization in which we live
today. The modern tax system of any state is mobile, but zakat is stable and does not
accept any reduction, increase and abolition of certain taxes.
As a result of the study, we found the continuity of the provisions of the Shari’a
regarding the zakat-giving with the current tax legislation in most countries of the
The phenomenon of woman has always been a subject of discussion in all religions. Women throughou... more The phenomenon of woman has always been a subject of discussion in all religions. Women throughout history have often been positioned relative to men. All aspects of her life, such as her creation and function in the world, to which she corresponds in terms of physiology, are constantly compared with men. And religions occupy the most important place in the formation of her personality. Because religions believe that God created everything and He knows its characteristics best of all. But in most cases, it is about changing the principles of religion by people in their favor. This article examines the role and importance of women in the Abrahamic religions, as well as the reasons for the change in this role in more recent times.
Conference Presentations by Aliya Mursalova

Семейные и религиозные традиции как основа безопасности страны. Материалы V Международной XIII Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, «Расулевские чтения: ислам в истории и современной жизни России», 2024
В современных условиях глобализация через стратегии и программы создаваемые экономической, религи... more В современных условиях глобализация через стратегии и программы создаваемые экономической, религиозной и социальной политикой прямо или косвенно влияет на институт семьи. Чтобы определить семейную политику необходимо оценить влияние различных социальных программ и чтобы укрепить национальный потенциал, который уделяет приоритетное внимание семье, необходимо понять связь между глобализацией и проблемами работы и семьи. Укреплению семьи может способствовать скоординированный набор универсальных программ, но в условиях глобализации многие социальные программы, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на семьи и помогающие им, ликвидируются или сокращаются.
Глобализация ассоциируется c транснациональными явлениями и новыми формами преодоления географических и культурных расстояний. Коммуникация же сопровождается способностью людей во всем мире объединятся в виртуальные сообщества по интересам и проблемам. В этот век широкомасштабные экономические, политические, технологические и религиозные преобразования априори неизбежны и мы должны выяснить какие меры политики являются основными и отвечают интересам семейного благополучия. В следствии это позволит нам укрепить физическое и психологическое здоровье людей и смягчить условия, создающие социальные волнения, когда люди уязвимы.

Questions. Hypotheses. Answers: Science XXI century, 2023
Kültürel miras, bir toplumun geçmişinden gelen tarihi, sanatsal, mimari ve arkeolojik varlıkları ... more Kültürel miras, bir toplumun geçmişinden gelen tarihi, sanatsal, mimari ve arkeolojik varlıkları içerir. Bu mirasın korunması ve yaşatılması, bir toplumun kimliğinin ve kültürünün devamlılığı için önemlidir. Aynı zamanda, kültürel miras turizm gibi ekonomik faaliyetlere de katkıda bulunabilir. Ayrıca kültürel miras kültür ve sanat gibi unsurlarla insanların ruhsal sağlığına katkıda bulunabilir. İnsan sağlığı ve kültürel miras arasında bir bağlantı da vardır. Özellikle, kültürel mirasın
korunması ve yaşatılması, sağlıklı bir çevre ve yaşam kalitesi için önemlidir. Kültürel mirasın yok olması veya zarar görmesi, çevresel etkiler ve kentsel bozulmalar nedeniyle insan sağlığına olumsuz etkileri olabilir. Ayrıca, kültürel mirasın korunması, toplumsal dayanışma ve sosyal bağların güçlenmesine de katkıda bulunabilir. Savaş alanları, kültürel mirasın korunması ve sürdürülmesi için büyük tehditler oluşturur.
Savaşlar, çatışmalar ve diğer çatışmalar, tarihi binalar, anıtlar, müzeler, kütüphaneler ve diğer önemli kültürel varlıklar dahil olmak üzere birçok mirasın zarar görmesine neden olabilir. Bu tür zararlar, yalnızca kültürel mirası kaybetmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda bir toplumun tarihi, kimliği ve
kültürel zenginliği ile bağlantısını kaybedebilir. Bu nedenle, kültürel mirasın korunması, savaşın herhangi bir safhasında önemli bir konudur. Koruma faaliyetleri, mirasın fiziksel ve dijital korunması, restorasyonu ve tekrar inşası, eğitim, bilinçlendirme ve kültürel faaliyetleri teşvik etmek
gibi farklı alanlarda yapılabilir. Bu tür çabalara katkıda bulunmak, kültürel mirası korumak ve savaşın yıkıcı etkilerini azaltmak için önemlidir.

Throughout history, society has witnessed the failure of educated women instead of taking
advanta... more Throughout history, society has witnessed the failure of educated women instead of taking
advantage of their power. Therefore, the society tried to get rid of this obstacle and educate women
as men. Islam equates men and women in education and addresses both equally. The role of Muslim
women in the spread, teaching and propagation of Islam, which attaches great importance to
women's education, is great. Unfortunately, over time, the crisis that has shaken the Islamic world,
has damaged to moral and social values, and the actions that religion has banned have been
developed in the name of religion.
Summarizing her views on women and education, it can be said that the solution to the spiritual,
material and political progress of Muslims is first and foremost the ability of women to receive
education. Mother is the most important educator in the family. If the mother by herself is well
educated, she can give the best first knowledge to her children. It should not be forgotten that the
family is the first institution that provides education to the child. The most effective educator of the
family is a woman, a mother. As in many Muslim countries, the establishment of religious
education and religious training institutions in Azerbaijan dates back to the early days of the spread
of Islam here, which is an indication of the importance that Islam attaches to science and
knowledge. The first secular schools began operating in the 1930s in Azerbaijan, and the bulk of the
workload was in Islamic subjects. In addition, astrology, mathematics, literature, logic, philosophy,
history and geography were taught. After Tsarist Russia invaded northern Azerbaijan in the first
half of the 19th century, religious education was difficult because the Tsarist administration was not
interested in educating Azerbaijanians

İslam vərəsəlik hüququnda bioetik məsələlər (dini-əxlaqi kontekstdə), 2020
Bioetika – tibbin və elmin nailiyyətləri sayəsində peyda olan və insanın mənəvi və fiziki rifahın... more Bioetika – tibbin və elmin nailiyyətləri sayəsində peyda olan və insanın mənəvi və fiziki rifahına qarşı yönələn təhlükənin qarşısını almaq məqsədi ilə yaradılan mürəkkəb mədəni fenomendir. İlk dəfə olaraq bu termini 1971-ci ildə amerikalı onkoloq V.R. Potter istifadə edib. Bioetika əsaslarına
bu mövzuları aid etmək olar: insan haqlarının qorunması, ədalətli səhiyyə, abort, kontrasepsiya və reproduksiya texnologiyaları, insan və heyvanlar üzərində ekperimentlər, ölüm diaqnostikasının kriteriyaları, orqan nəqli, müasir genetika, kök hüceyrə manipulyasiyaları, klonlaşdırma, suiqəsd və
evtanaziya. Müasir tibb artıq nəinki müalicə ilə məşğuldur, hətta insanın həyatına qarışır: onun keyfiyyət parametrlərini dəyişdirir və proqnozlaşdırır, “həyat” verir, ölüm vaxtını ertələyir. Bütün bunlar özündən sonra yeni hüquqi aspektlər yaradır ki, bunlar təkcə həkim-xəstə ilə bitmir, həmçinin
cəmiyyətə, alimlərə, teoloqlara, hüquqçulara və siyasətçilərə də toxunur. İslam dininə gəlincə, şəri qanunların mənbələrindən biri sayılan ictihad müsəlmana imkan yaradır ki, düşdüyü şəraitdən asılı olaraq tibbin və texnologiyanın inkişafını nəzərə alaraq yaranan problemi dərk edib onun həllini tapsın. İslamda qadın boşandıqdan 90 və dul qaldıqdan 130 gün sonra yenidən ailə həyatı qura bilməsini nəzərə alsaq insanın bir şəxsiyyət kimi formalaşması 90-130 gün arasında olur. Allahtəalanın dölə ruh verməsi məhz hamiləliyin 100-cü günündə baş verir ki, məhz bu andan etibarən ana bətnində olan körpəyə bütün hüquqi öhdəliklər verilir. Perinatal diaqnostikada hamiləliyin 13-15-ci həftəsində aparılan sitogenetik analiz nəticəsində embrionda hər hansı genetik xəstəliyin olubolmamasını aşkar etmək olur. Bundan əlavə, aparılan trafoblast biopsiyası və molekulyar hibridizasiya proseduru sayəsində həmin nəticəni artıq 5-6-cı həfətdə əldə etmək olur ki, bu da hamiləliyi daha erkən
etapda bitirməyə imkan verir. Cinsiyyətə görə hamiləliyin davamı ya kəsilməsi problemləri də qeyd olunmalıdır. Süni və in vitro mayalanma prosesinə yalnız qanuni həyat yoldaşlarının iştirakı zamanı şəriət icazə verir. Surroqat analığa isə şəriət o halda icazə verir ki, döl nikahda olan həyat yoldaşları tərəfindən yaradılsın və ərin ikinci zövcəsinə surroqat analıq üçün 9 aya verilsin. Digər hallarda buna icazə yoxdur. İslamda orqan nəqli məsələsinə gəlincə, həyatda olan donordan yalnız qara ciyər, sümük
iliyi və böyrək nəqlinə icazə verilir. Ölən insandan orqan nəqli isə yaxın qohumların razılığı və bir sıra maddələr daxilində aparıla bilər. Bunlara serebral ölüm anının konsilium tərəfindən təsdiqi və həmin adamın öz orqanlarının nəqlinə ölümündən sonra icazə verməsi aid edilir. Şəxsiyyətin bitməsi isə serebral ölüm anının təsdiq olunması ilə baş verir ki, bu da beynin öz işini tam dayandırması ilə olur. Əlbəttə ki, bütün bu müdaxilələr nəticədə cəmiyyətin hüquqi, iqtisadi, etik və psixoloji aspektlərinə təsir edir. Hətta, bir ucu istər-istəməz nəinki İslamda, həmçinin bütün dinlərdə qınaq obyekti olan yevgenika fəlsəfəsinə də gətirib çıxarır.
XIV-XX əsrin məşhur azərbaycanlı fiqh alimləri, 2019
The Islamic religion, playing one of the most important roles in the history of mankind, came to ... more The Islamic religion, playing one of the most important roles in the history of mankind, came to Azerbaijan lands in the 7th century. Mosques and madrasas which were the venter of culture, science and progress began to be established. The first madrasa in Azerbaijan was opened in Ardabil. Thus, the first theologian scholars of the country began to grow.
The article examines the most famous Azerbaijani philosophers of the 14th and 19th centuries. It gives brief information about their teachers, students and their work.
Papers by Aliya Mursalova
çəkinmək, əvəzində yaxşı və gözəl əməllər yerinə yetirmək, yəni fəzilətli olmaq təşkil edir. Məqalədə əvvəlcə “yeddi ölümcül günah” fenomenin formalaşma və təkamül tarixi tədqiq olunmuşdur. Sonra həmin günahların insanın həyatına necə təsir etdiyi və hansı əzablara səbəb ola biləcəyi müəyyənləşdirilmişdir. Sonda isə fərqli dinlərin “ölümcül günahları” təsnif edilərək müqayisəli şəkildə təhlil edilmişdir.
In addition, the article defines the key terminology of these two disciplines, examines their similarities and differences, determines if they belong to the same topic or not, and investigates the reciprocal relationships between these two domains.
than differences, though historically differences attached decisive importance. It is extremely complex and confusing was
the law of succession, which also had significant differences in
the different religions. Different representations of the person
suggest the differences in ethical values. We try to objectively
describe the law of succession in these religions.
children) in Islamic Inheritance Law, find the main difference between the Sunni Law Schools and Imamy Law School. And also the principal concern of this study is to determine and evaluated the arguments for and against the agnatic inheritance on the historical and political background.
important group. In the books about inheritance, each of shareholders is considered in how many circumstances and how many shares they will get and these circumstances are only forty. In this article we examine the most common successors. We tried to explain shares they can get clearly by schedules.
The author comes to the conclusion that the main purpose of Islamic law in the area of inheritance is to ensure justice and the elimination of various disagreements and difficulties
Hiyal - (legal trickery) has been experienced throughout the history in all religions and secular legal systems. The purpose is to avoid the goals and consequences set forth in the law, by taking into account legal considerations and considering the gaps in the law. Since hiyal
often spoils intentions of the laws, sharia scholars of both religions are concerned that the true purpose of the laws changes and that its unchanging principles may be distorted. The article also provides a brief overview of the first sources, logical and terminological meanings of tricks, a history of emergence and the concept of tricks, and gives examples of their usage, as well as a brief overview of Islamic legal concepts to determine the legitimacy of using tricks. An analysis of the use of tricks to avoid the ban, as well as supporting and opposings
arguments are also reviewed in the article .
problems concerning the poor in the early Islamic history and today. Zakat is the
urgent injunction of Islam, to be paid from the assets of wealthy muslims and having
a clearly defined term of payment not involving postponement or delay. Some
mistakenly believe that the payment of taxes relieves a believer of the obligation to
deduct zakat, and vice versa. Taking the opportunity, we also explained the fallacy of
this statement in this paper. Zakat is a duty to Allah, one of the five pillars of Islam
and is distributed among several specific categories of Muslims. As for taxes, it is a
system established by the people of that society and civilization in which we live
today. The modern tax system of any state is mobile, but zakat is stable and does not
accept any reduction, increase and abolition of certain taxes.
As a result of the study, we found the continuity of the provisions of the Shari’a
regarding the zakat-giving with the current tax legislation in most countries of the
Conference Presentations by Aliya Mursalova
Глобализация ассоциируется c транснациональными явлениями и новыми формами преодоления географических и культурных расстояний. Коммуникация же сопровождается способностью людей во всем мире объединятся в виртуальные сообщества по интересам и проблемам. В этот век широкомасштабные экономические, политические, технологические и религиозные преобразования априори неизбежны и мы должны выяснить какие меры политики являются основными и отвечают интересам семейного благополучия. В следствии это позволит нам укрепить физическое и психологическое здоровье людей и смягчить условия, создающие социальные волнения, когда люди уязвимы.
korunması ve yaşatılması, sağlıklı bir çevre ve yaşam kalitesi için önemlidir. Kültürel mirasın yok olması veya zarar görmesi, çevresel etkiler ve kentsel bozulmalar nedeniyle insan sağlığına olumsuz etkileri olabilir. Ayrıca, kültürel mirasın korunması, toplumsal dayanışma ve sosyal bağların güçlenmesine de katkıda bulunabilir. Savaş alanları, kültürel mirasın korunması ve sürdürülmesi için büyük tehditler oluşturur.
Savaşlar, çatışmalar ve diğer çatışmalar, tarihi binalar, anıtlar, müzeler, kütüphaneler ve diğer önemli kültürel varlıklar dahil olmak üzere birçok mirasın zarar görmesine neden olabilir. Bu tür zararlar, yalnızca kültürel mirası kaybetmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda bir toplumun tarihi, kimliği ve
kültürel zenginliği ile bağlantısını kaybedebilir. Bu nedenle, kültürel mirasın korunması, savaşın herhangi bir safhasında önemli bir konudur. Koruma faaliyetleri, mirasın fiziksel ve dijital korunması, restorasyonu ve tekrar inşası, eğitim, bilinçlendirme ve kültürel faaliyetleri teşvik etmek
gibi farklı alanlarda yapılabilir. Bu tür çabalara katkıda bulunmak, kültürel mirası korumak ve savaşın yıkıcı etkilerini azaltmak için önemlidir.
advantage of their power. Therefore, the society tried to get rid of this obstacle and educate women
as men. Islam equates men and women in education and addresses both equally. The role of Muslim
women in the spread, teaching and propagation of Islam, which attaches great importance to
women's education, is great. Unfortunately, over time, the crisis that has shaken the Islamic world,
has damaged to moral and social values, and the actions that religion has banned have been
developed in the name of religion.
Summarizing her views on women and education, it can be said that the solution to the spiritual,
material and political progress of Muslims is first and foremost the ability of women to receive
education. Mother is the most important educator in the family. If the mother by herself is well
educated, she can give the best first knowledge to her children. It should not be forgotten that the
family is the first institution that provides education to the child. The most effective educator of the
family is a woman, a mother. As in many Muslim countries, the establishment of religious
education and religious training institutions in Azerbaijan dates back to the early days of the spread
of Islam here, which is an indication of the importance that Islam attaches to science and
knowledge. The first secular schools began operating in the 1930s in Azerbaijan, and the bulk of the
workload was in Islamic subjects. In addition, astrology, mathematics, literature, logic, philosophy,
history and geography were taught. After Tsarist Russia invaded northern Azerbaijan in the first
half of the 19th century, religious education was difficult because the Tsarist administration was not
interested in educating Azerbaijanians
bu mövzuları aid etmək olar: insan haqlarının qorunması, ədalətli səhiyyə, abort, kontrasepsiya və reproduksiya texnologiyaları, insan və heyvanlar üzərində ekperimentlər, ölüm diaqnostikasının kriteriyaları, orqan nəqli, müasir genetika, kök hüceyrə manipulyasiyaları, klonlaşdırma, suiqəsd və
evtanaziya. Müasir tibb artıq nəinki müalicə ilə məşğuldur, hətta insanın həyatına qarışır: onun keyfiyyət parametrlərini dəyişdirir və proqnozlaşdırır, “həyat” verir, ölüm vaxtını ertələyir. Bütün bunlar özündən sonra yeni hüquqi aspektlər yaradır ki, bunlar təkcə həkim-xəstə ilə bitmir, həmçinin
cəmiyyətə, alimlərə, teoloqlara, hüquqçulara və siyasətçilərə də toxunur. İslam dininə gəlincə, şəri qanunların mənbələrindən biri sayılan ictihad müsəlmana imkan yaradır ki, düşdüyü şəraitdən asılı olaraq tibbin və texnologiyanın inkişafını nəzərə alaraq yaranan problemi dərk edib onun həllini tapsın. İslamda qadın boşandıqdan 90 və dul qaldıqdan 130 gün sonra yenidən ailə həyatı qura bilməsini nəzərə alsaq insanın bir şəxsiyyət kimi formalaşması 90-130 gün arasında olur. Allahtəalanın dölə ruh verməsi məhz hamiləliyin 100-cü günündə baş verir ki, məhz bu andan etibarən ana bətnində olan körpəyə bütün hüquqi öhdəliklər verilir. Perinatal diaqnostikada hamiləliyin 13-15-ci həftəsində aparılan sitogenetik analiz nəticəsində embrionda hər hansı genetik xəstəliyin olubolmamasını aşkar etmək olur. Bundan əlavə, aparılan trafoblast biopsiyası və molekulyar hibridizasiya proseduru sayəsində həmin nəticəni artıq 5-6-cı həfətdə əldə etmək olur ki, bu da hamiləliyi daha erkən
etapda bitirməyə imkan verir. Cinsiyyətə görə hamiləliyin davamı ya kəsilməsi problemləri də qeyd olunmalıdır. Süni və in vitro mayalanma prosesinə yalnız qanuni həyat yoldaşlarının iştirakı zamanı şəriət icazə verir. Surroqat analığa isə şəriət o halda icazə verir ki, döl nikahda olan həyat yoldaşları tərəfindən yaradılsın və ərin ikinci zövcəsinə surroqat analıq üçün 9 aya verilsin. Digər hallarda buna icazə yoxdur. İslamda orqan nəqli məsələsinə gəlincə, həyatda olan donordan yalnız qara ciyər, sümük
iliyi və böyrək nəqlinə icazə verilir. Ölən insandan orqan nəqli isə yaxın qohumların razılığı və bir sıra maddələr daxilində aparıla bilər. Bunlara serebral ölüm anının konsilium tərəfindən təsdiqi və həmin adamın öz orqanlarının nəqlinə ölümündən sonra icazə verməsi aid edilir. Şəxsiyyətin bitməsi isə serebral ölüm anının təsdiq olunması ilə baş verir ki, bu da beynin öz işini tam dayandırması ilə olur. Əlbəttə ki, bütün bu müdaxilələr nəticədə cəmiyyətin hüquqi, iqtisadi, etik və psixoloji aspektlərinə təsir edir. Hətta, bir ucu istər-istəməz nəinki İslamda, həmçinin bütün dinlərdə qınaq obyekti olan yevgenika fəlsəfəsinə də gətirib çıxarır.
The article examines the most famous Azerbaijani philosophers of the 14th and 19th centuries. It gives brief information about their teachers, students and their work.
çəkinmək, əvəzində yaxşı və gözəl əməllər yerinə yetirmək, yəni fəzilətli olmaq təşkil edir. Məqalədə əvvəlcə “yeddi ölümcül günah” fenomenin formalaşma və təkamül tarixi tədqiq olunmuşdur. Sonra həmin günahların insanın həyatına necə təsir etdiyi və hansı əzablara səbəb ola biləcəyi müəyyənləşdirilmişdir. Sonda isə fərqli dinlərin “ölümcül günahları” təsnif edilərək müqayisəli şəkildə təhlil edilmişdir.
In addition, the article defines the key terminology of these two disciplines, examines their similarities and differences, determines if they belong to the same topic or not, and investigates the reciprocal relationships between these two domains.
than differences, though historically differences attached decisive importance. It is extremely complex and confusing was
the law of succession, which also had significant differences in
the different religions. Different representations of the person
suggest the differences in ethical values. We try to objectively
describe the law of succession in these religions.
children) in Islamic Inheritance Law, find the main difference between the Sunni Law Schools and Imamy Law School. And also the principal concern of this study is to determine and evaluated the arguments for and against the agnatic inheritance on the historical and political background.
important group. In the books about inheritance, each of shareholders is considered in how many circumstances and how many shares they will get and these circumstances are only forty. In this article we examine the most common successors. We tried to explain shares they can get clearly by schedules.
The author comes to the conclusion that the main purpose of Islamic law in the area of inheritance is to ensure justice and the elimination of various disagreements and difficulties
Hiyal - (legal trickery) has been experienced throughout the history in all religions and secular legal systems. The purpose is to avoid the goals and consequences set forth in the law, by taking into account legal considerations and considering the gaps in the law. Since hiyal
often spoils intentions of the laws, sharia scholars of both religions are concerned that the true purpose of the laws changes and that its unchanging principles may be distorted. The article also provides a brief overview of the first sources, logical and terminological meanings of tricks, a history of emergence and the concept of tricks, and gives examples of their usage, as well as a brief overview of Islamic legal concepts to determine the legitimacy of using tricks. An analysis of the use of tricks to avoid the ban, as well as supporting and opposings
arguments are also reviewed in the article .
problems concerning the poor in the early Islamic history and today. Zakat is the
urgent injunction of Islam, to be paid from the assets of wealthy muslims and having
a clearly defined term of payment not involving postponement or delay. Some
mistakenly believe that the payment of taxes relieves a believer of the obligation to
deduct zakat, and vice versa. Taking the opportunity, we also explained the fallacy of
this statement in this paper. Zakat is a duty to Allah, one of the five pillars of Islam
and is distributed among several specific categories of Muslims. As for taxes, it is a
system established by the people of that society and civilization in which we live
today. The modern tax system of any state is mobile, but zakat is stable and does not
accept any reduction, increase and abolition of certain taxes.
As a result of the study, we found the continuity of the provisions of the Shari’a
regarding the zakat-giving with the current tax legislation in most countries of the
Глобализация ассоциируется c транснациональными явлениями и новыми формами преодоления географических и культурных расстояний. Коммуникация же сопровождается способностью людей во всем мире объединятся в виртуальные сообщества по интересам и проблемам. В этот век широкомасштабные экономические, политические, технологические и религиозные преобразования априори неизбежны и мы должны выяснить какие меры политики являются основными и отвечают интересам семейного благополучия. В следствии это позволит нам укрепить физическое и психологическое здоровье людей и смягчить условия, создающие социальные волнения, когда люди уязвимы.
korunması ve yaşatılması, sağlıklı bir çevre ve yaşam kalitesi için önemlidir. Kültürel mirasın yok olması veya zarar görmesi, çevresel etkiler ve kentsel bozulmalar nedeniyle insan sağlığına olumsuz etkileri olabilir. Ayrıca, kültürel mirasın korunması, toplumsal dayanışma ve sosyal bağların güçlenmesine de katkıda bulunabilir. Savaş alanları, kültürel mirasın korunması ve sürdürülmesi için büyük tehditler oluşturur.
Savaşlar, çatışmalar ve diğer çatışmalar, tarihi binalar, anıtlar, müzeler, kütüphaneler ve diğer önemli kültürel varlıklar dahil olmak üzere birçok mirasın zarar görmesine neden olabilir. Bu tür zararlar, yalnızca kültürel mirası kaybetmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda bir toplumun tarihi, kimliği ve
kültürel zenginliği ile bağlantısını kaybedebilir. Bu nedenle, kültürel mirasın korunması, savaşın herhangi bir safhasında önemli bir konudur. Koruma faaliyetleri, mirasın fiziksel ve dijital korunması, restorasyonu ve tekrar inşası, eğitim, bilinçlendirme ve kültürel faaliyetleri teşvik etmek
gibi farklı alanlarda yapılabilir. Bu tür çabalara katkıda bulunmak, kültürel mirası korumak ve savaşın yıkıcı etkilerini azaltmak için önemlidir.
advantage of their power. Therefore, the society tried to get rid of this obstacle and educate women
as men. Islam equates men and women in education and addresses both equally. The role of Muslim
women in the spread, teaching and propagation of Islam, which attaches great importance to
women's education, is great. Unfortunately, over time, the crisis that has shaken the Islamic world,
has damaged to moral and social values, and the actions that religion has banned have been
developed in the name of religion.
Summarizing her views on women and education, it can be said that the solution to the spiritual,
material and political progress of Muslims is first and foremost the ability of women to receive
education. Mother is the most important educator in the family. If the mother by herself is well
educated, she can give the best first knowledge to her children. It should not be forgotten that the
family is the first institution that provides education to the child. The most effective educator of the
family is a woman, a mother. As in many Muslim countries, the establishment of religious
education and religious training institutions in Azerbaijan dates back to the early days of the spread
of Islam here, which is an indication of the importance that Islam attaches to science and
knowledge. The first secular schools began operating in the 1930s in Azerbaijan, and the bulk of the
workload was in Islamic subjects. In addition, astrology, mathematics, literature, logic, philosophy,
history and geography were taught. After Tsarist Russia invaded northern Azerbaijan in the first
half of the 19th century, religious education was difficult because the Tsarist administration was not
interested in educating Azerbaijanians
bu mövzuları aid etmək olar: insan haqlarının qorunması, ədalətli səhiyyə, abort, kontrasepsiya və reproduksiya texnologiyaları, insan və heyvanlar üzərində ekperimentlər, ölüm diaqnostikasının kriteriyaları, orqan nəqli, müasir genetika, kök hüceyrə manipulyasiyaları, klonlaşdırma, suiqəsd və
evtanaziya. Müasir tibb artıq nəinki müalicə ilə məşğuldur, hətta insanın həyatına qarışır: onun keyfiyyət parametrlərini dəyişdirir və proqnozlaşdırır, “həyat” verir, ölüm vaxtını ertələyir. Bütün bunlar özündən sonra yeni hüquqi aspektlər yaradır ki, bunlar təkcə həkim-xəstə ilə bitmir, həmçinin
cəmiyyətə, alimlərə, teoloqlara, hüquqçulara və siyasətçilərə də toxunur. İslam dininə gəlincə, şəri qanunların mənbələrindən biri sayılan ictihad müsəlmana imkan yaradır ki, düşdüyü şəraitdən asılı olaraq tibbin və texnologiyanın inkişafını nəzərə alaraq yaranan problemi dərk edib onun həllini tapsın. İslamda qadın boşandıqdan 90 və dul qaldıqdan 130 gün sonra yenidən ailə həyatı qura bilməsini nəzərə alsaq insanın bir şəxsiyyət kimi formalaşması 90-130 gün arasında olur. Allahtəalanın dölə ruh verməsi məhz hamiləliyin 100-cü günündə baş verir ki, məhz bu andan etibarən ana bətnində olan körpəyə bütün hüquqi öhdəliklər verilir. Perinatal diaqnostikada hamiləliyin 13-15-ci həftəsində aparılan sitogenetik analiz nəticəsində embrionda hər hansı genetik xəstəliyin olubolmamasını aşkar etmək olur. Bundan əlavə, aparılan trafoblast biopsiyası və molekulyar hibridizasiya proseduru sayəsində həmin nəticəni artıq 5-6-cı həfətdə əldə etmək olur ki, bu da hamiləliyi daha erkən
etapda bitirməyə imkan verir. Cinsiyyətə görə hamiləliyin davamı ya kəsilməsi problemləri də qeyd olunmalıdır. Süni və in vitro mayalanma prosesinə yalnız qanuni həyat yoldaşlarının iştirakı zamanı şəriət icazə verir. Surroqat analığa isə şəriət o halda icazə verir ki, döl nikahda olan həyat yoldaşları tərəfindən yaradılsın və ərin ikinci zövcəsinə surroqat analıq üçün 9 aya verilsin. Digər hallarda buna icazə yoxdur. İslamda orqan nəqli məsələsinə gəlincə, həyatda olan donordan yalnız qara ciyər, sümük
iliyi və böyrək nəqlinə icazə verilir. Ölən insandan orqan nəqli isə yaxın qohumların razılığı və bir sıra maddələr daxilində aparıla bilər. Bunlara serebral ölüm anının konsilium tərəfindən təsdiqi və həmin adamın öz orqanlarının nəqlinə ölümündən sonra icazə verməsi aid edilir. Şəxsiyyətin bitməsi isə serebral ölüm anının təsdiq olunması ilə baş verir ki, bu da beynin öz işini tam dayandırması ilə olur. Əlbəttə ki, bütün bu müdaxilələr nəticədə cəmiyyətin hüquqi, iqtisadi, etik və psixoloji aspektlərinə təsir edir. Hətta, bir ucu istər-istəməz nəinki İslamda, həmçinin bütün dinlərdə qınaq obyekti olan yevgenika fəlsəfəsinə də gətirib çıxarır.
The article examines the most famous Azerbaijani philosophers of the 14th and 19th centuries. It gives brief information about their teachers, students and their work.
in the Arab Caliphate, which was of great importance for its economic, sociopolitical and cultural life. Mosques and madrassas were being built in major cities of Azerbaijan, people were made to forget their previous beliefs. The first madrassa was opened in Ardabil. Since the state language was Arabic, all works were written in that language. In the Middle Ages, sciences were divided into two parts: secular (Al-ulumul-aqliyya) and religious (Al-ulumunnakliyya). At the same time, they were classifi ed as Sharia (ulumush-sharia) and foreign sciences (ulumul-ajam). Legal relations were formed with the development of caliphate. Both shia and Sunni faqihs were operating on Azerbaijani lands. From them the names of such scientists as Abu Abdullah Muqaddasi (10th century), Abu Said Ahmad Husseyn oglu Bardai (...-929), Abu Bakr Mahammad Abdullah oglu Ahbari (902-986), Yagub Musa oglu Ardabilli (...-991) and others can be found in a number of sources. Also in the VIII century mu’tazilism and ash’arism spread in Azerbaijan. Abu Said Bardai and Abulhasan Bardai were scholars representing mu’tazilism. From the 10th century, the Arab Caliphate began to weaken. In the 11th century Azerbaijani lands were already subjected to Seljuk attacks. After the Seljuk rule, the Azerbaijani state of Atabay-Eldeniz was established and independent development began. In the 10th and 11th centuries in Tabriz, Maragha, Nakhchivan and other cities religious and secular sciences were taught in madrassas. Many Azerbaijani scientists grew up in the Nizamiyya 511 madrassa, which was opened in Baghdad in 1067. At this time people began to flow to Azerbaijan from other countries to learn science. An example of
them is Fakhraddin Razini (12th century) who came to Maranda to study the science of fiqh. Among his students, the kadee of Tabriz district Budeyl Ali oglu Barzandi (...-1082), Abu Omar Osman Derbendi (...-1106) who received the honorary title of “Faqih of Bagdad”, Abdulaziz Ali oglu Ushnuhi (...-1111) who wrote a work on the succession law, Abu Hefs Omar oglu Zanjani Khatibi (1098 -...), a prominent faqih researcher and others can be named. There is a “Nematul-fiqh” work on the fiqh of Abu Hefs Suhravandi (1145-1234), one of the faqihs of that period. Prominent scholars from the generation of the Miyanachi were educated in the 11th and 12th centuries. Abulhasan Ali Hasan Oglu Miyanachi (...-1079) was the famous faqih of the time, his son Abu Bakr Muhammad Miyanachi was also a famous faqih, scholar and kadee of the city of Hamadan.
At the beginning of the 13th century Azerbaijani lands were attacked
by Mongol tribes. In the 13th and 14th centuries, the spread of hanafism in Maraga, Shafi ism in Nakhchivan, which were law schools attracts attention. In 1305, a madrassa was built in Irevan by Haji Mehdi Irevani. In 1325, Haji Ali Nagi built the Badkubeyi madrassa in Najaf. Of the prominent faqihs of this period we can name Amineddin Muzaffar Abulkheyir oglu Tabrizi Varani (1163-1224), the author of Sabtul-masail, Abdulmanagib Mahmud Ahmed oglu Zanjani (1177-1258), the author of the book Takhrij al-Furu Ala alUsul, Zaki Beylagani (1186-1277), Tajaddin Urmavi (...-1254), Shamsaddin Khoylu (1187-1240). In the 15th and 16th centuries Kara Koyunlus, then Aq Qoyunlus and Safavids dynasty dominated on the Azerbaijani lands. The scholars of both Hanafi and Jafari law school lived and created during this period. They had
disputes among themselves in the scientifi c sphere and the emerged conflicts were discussed. Of the faqihs of this period we can mention Muhyiddin Mahammad oglu Bardai (...-1521) and Ahmad Mahammad Oglu Ardabili (...-1585). The 17th and 18th centuries were remembered with division our lands and the attacks of the Russian army here as a result of the wars between Shah Abbas and the Ottomans. The official language was first the Ottoman dialect, then the Persian language, the Arabic language was used only in the religious and scientific fields. Sharia courts played an important role in the Azerbaijani khanates, faqihs were considered a ruling layer of population. Shia confession prevailed in Nakhchivan, Absheron, Ganja, Lankaran regions 512
and Sunni in Guba, Shamakhi and Karabakh regions. One of the faqihs of this period was Mirza Mahammad Hasan oglu Shirvani (...-1686).
Starting from the 19th century, the khanates one by one moved under the
patronage of Tsarist Russia, which inevitably influenced cultural life. In 1802, the first Russian school was opened in Transcaucasia, and then district schools in several cities. Georgian and Russian languages, as well as Azerbaijani were taught here. It is possible to name the author of the work “Khazainul-Ahkam” Agha Abid oglu Fazil Darbandi Shirvani who lived in this period (...-1868). The change in socio-political conditions and the expansion of the sphere of influence of European culture have led to the decline of religious sciences. Subsequently, as a result of the arrival of Soviet power and the ban on religious thinking, religious education was completely abolished. In 1927, all vaqfs were closed in the Caucasus, Sharia courts were abolished, repressions began. As a result, our compatriots had to stay there after receiving religious education in Iraq, Iran and Turkey.
philosophy, and jurisprudence. An Islamic science that deals with the elaboration of rules for the use of the Qur'an and hadiths, and the application of the criteria and methods resulting from these foundations, is called Islamic jurisprudence. All Islamic jurisprudence, in particular Shafi'i and Hanafi denominations are represented in Azerbaijan. These scholars first educated in their homeland, either from teachers or parents in the family, and then often from the Islamic centers of science to improve their education - Tabriz, Karbala, Bukhara, Samarkand, Mashhad, Khorasan, Baghdad, Kufa, Basra, Cairo, Basra, Cairo. were buying.
In this article, we have tried to cover information about Azerbaijani scholars who lived and created in the Western Azerbaijan lands, who have exceptional services in Islamic jurisprudence. For example: "Durar al-Kemine" and "Ibn al-Gumr" by Ibn Hajar Asqalani, "Tabagat al-Shi'a"
and "Az-Zari'a ila tasanif al-Shi'a" by Aga Buzurg Tehrani, “Tazkiratul-huffaz”, “Tarihul-Islam” and “Siyar alamun-nubala” by Shamsaddin Zahabi, "Riyazul-ulama" by Abdullah Efendi, "Mafakhire-Azerbaijan" by Agag Bakhshai, "Mujamul of muallifin" by Omar Reza Kahhale, “Stars of the sciences world in Caucasus” by A.Movlai, “Islamic scholars of Azerbaijan” by F.Valioglu and “Azerbaijani scholars lived in the Middle Ages” by E.Nasirov. They left the rich heirs, behind them were Sheikh Abdulqasim Iravani (1774 - ...), Haji Mirza Aghasi (1783-1848), Abdukarim Iravani (1805-1858), Ayatollah Mollah Mohammed bin Mohammad Bagir Iravani (... -1888), Sayyid Abdulmajid Iravani, Ayatollah Mirza Abdulhuseyin
Iravani (1835-1898), Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Iravani (1842-1906), Haji Mirza Ali Iravani (1884-1935), Ayatollah Uzma Mirza Fazlali İravani (1862 - ...), Haji Sheikh Musa Najafi (... – 1882), Ayatollah Haji Sheikh Ali Asker Iravani (... -1891), Mirza Alikhan Aga Uzma Mirza Iravani (1837-1907), Ayatollah Haji Sheikh Mohammed Taghi İravani (1915 - ...), Ayatollah Uzma Mirza Ali İravani Najafi (1884-1935), Ayatollah Haji Sheikh Yusuf Iravani (1903 - ...), Sheikh Mawla Hasan Iravani (19th century), Ayatollah Haji Sheikh Ahmed Iravani Najafi (... - 1964), Huccatul-Islam Sheikh Mohammed Iravani (1906-1990), Ayatollah Haji Sheikh Abdul Jabbar Iravani (1820-1992), Sheikh Mohammed Taghi Iravani (20th century) the famous Islamic scholars.
Prior to the Soviet rule, religious subjects were taught in secondary and higher education institutions throughout Azerbaijan. The curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education of Tsarist Russia included Azerbaijani, Russian, Persian and Arabic languages, sharia and account.
Shari'ah lessons were taught based on a book by Firudin bey Kocharli. In 1881, the Iravan Gymnasium, the Iravan Teachers' Seminary and a new type of Ulukhanli school were established in Iravan district. Shariah teachers were Mammad Gaziyev and Mirza Mammadvali Gamarlinski.
In 1914, he was a Sharia teacher at the Russian-Tatar boy primary school in Iravan, Akhund Abdulla Gaziyev. In addition to theology, Russian language, score, geometry, geography, history and biology, the Tatar (Azerbaijani) classes were also taught at the Iravan Teachers Seminary.
Akhund Mammadmah Bagir Gazizadeh, a prominent official of the Iravan lands, was a Shari'a teacher for a long time, a member of the Religious Council of the Iravan Province and Akhund Mammadali Gazizadeh, a religious council of the three-headed. After the establishment of the
Republic of Armenia (Ararat) in the territory of the Iravan province, as a result of the Armenian calamities, the Iravan Gymnasium and the Iravan Teachers Seminary were closed on August 6, 1918.
The article investigated the social, political, and economic causes of secularization and religion, as well as their interactions. It is true that the demand for religion grows in a globalized society as the Eastern world modernizes. As a consequence of this, the religious component becomes a political instrument and a new political philosophy. As a result, the essay focuses on the relationship of religion and the religious aspect with the state in modern times. It was also attempted to demonstrate the distinctiveness of their influence on public consciousness.
humanities, whose anatomy is proven, non-normative, non-denominational, and uses a comparative
and historical method. In general, after World War II, the development of the methodology of the
history of religions in social fields such as anthropology, sociology, and psychology was positively
reflected in the theories of religious science. The importance of religious discourses or the emergence
of new currents, the rapid growth of interreligious dialogue activities have increased the importance
of the history of religions and opened the way for positive development in its methodology. At the
same time, the external influencing factors have not always been positive, so the forced change or
improvement brought by new ideas, thoughts and challenges in the field of social sciences that
challenge the methodology of the History of Religions, various national, global religious, secularpolitical and corporate factors that can affect the History of Religions
Dinlər tarixinin vəzifəsi filoloji və tarixi üsulları ilə millətlərin, irq¬lərin, dövrlərin, məzhəblərin, yaxud bir tək şəxsiyyətin dinini təd¬qiq etməkdir. Eyni zamanda, fərqli dinlərin geneoloji, yaxud din¬lərin bir-biri ilə tarixi münasibətini araşdır¬maqdır. Dinlər ta¬ri-xi ibtidai, milli və dünya dinləri olmaqla, bö¬yük qruplara ayrılır. “İb¬tidai din” məfhumunun sahəsi çox geniş¬dir. Afrikanın piqmey qöv¬mündən tutmuş, Polineziya qövmlərinədək olan inancları əha¬tə edir. “Milli din” məfhumu isə xüsusilə Antik dövrün müxtəlif din¬lə¬rini ehtiva edir. Bunlara yu¬nan, Kelt, Qədim Çin və Misir, Het və As¬sur ərazilərində yayılmış dinlər aiddir. Yəhudilik və Buddizm ki¬mi milli dinlər bəzən bütün dünyaya da yayıla bilir.
Bütün bu dinləri filoloji vasitələrlə, sosiologiyanın irəli sür¬dü-yü qanunlarla, incə psixoloji metodlarla izah etmək, dinin xarici ha¬disələri müxtəlif elmlərin təqdim etdiyi metodlarla araş¬dı¬rıl¬ma-sı mümkün olsa da, onun xüsusi mahiyyətini bu kimi vəsilələrlə ta¬nıya bilmərik. Dini sahə ən əsrarəngiz istiqamətdir, onu yalnız sü¬kut və heyranlıqla izləyə bilirik. Dini araşdıran alimlərin və¬zi¬fə-si – bir dinin doğruluğunu isbat etmək deyil, ob¬yektiv nəzər nöq-tə¬sindən incələmək, dində gizli olan həqiqəti dərk edib izah et¬mə-yə cəhd göstərmək, bir din ilə digər dini müqayisə edə bilmək, hər di¬nin zəif və güclü tərəflərini qarşılaş¬dırmağı bacarmaqdır. Bu-nun¬la yanlış bir perspektivlə həmin dinlərin ilk baxışdan nə¬zə¬rə-çar¬pan qəribə xüsusiyyətlərini xəta kimi təsvir edərək rədd et¬mə-mə¬lidir. Nə qədər fərqli görünsə də, bütün dinlərin qaynağı eynidir və onların hamısının ortaq nöqtəsi mövcuddur. Bizə yalnız onu gör¬mək qalır...
İlahiyyat fakültələri üçün dərslik olaraq hazırlanan bu əsərin dinlər tarixi elm sahəsinin daha yaxşı mənimsənilməsinə, müxtəlif di¬ni adətlərin və mərasimlərin obyektiv şəkildə anlaşıl¬masına töh-fə verəcəyinə ümid edirik.