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hey guys, I'm bored and it's still too early to sleep so I want to know if someone have any prompts for an aidean fanfiction or whatever ship they like. I would be very happy if I can write something. I will have a lot of time the next few days or weeks. So, if someone have some ideas, please write me ^-^


Good Morning (1/1)

Title: Good Morning

Pairing: Aidan/Dean

Rating: NC-17

Notes: Fill for the Hobbit Kink Meme: Aidan has a major size!kink.

Good Morning

Fic: Will you miss me?

Title: Will you miss me?
Pairing: Aidean (Aidan Turner/Dean O'Gorman)
Chapter: Oneshot, word count ~1,200
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Dean noticed that something was off because Aidan was quiet. Aidan was never quiet. It irked him because something was up and Aidan obviously didn’t want to tell him what it was.
Disclaimer: I neither own Aidan and Dean, nor anything else. This is a fictional story.
Comments: More fluff. Please bear with me xD

( Will you miss me? )


Coming back home

Pairing- Aidean.
Rating- PG (No expletives)
Author- Aexinie
Summary- Dean drives back to the set from his Aunt's because he left something behind. Read more...Collapse )

Softly and sweetly

Rating: G
Author aragrn
Genre: Fluffy romance
Summary: They were friends until they were more

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Fic: Forest Fire

Title: Forest Fire
Pairing: Aidean (Aidan Turner/Dean O'Gorman)
Chapte Oneshot, word count 1,254
Autho adamandi
Genre: Romance/Smut
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In the end, it was the adrenaline that sparked the flame.

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Fic: Bird Bones

Title: Bird Bones
Pairing: Aidean (Aidan Turner/Dean O'Gorman)
Chapter Oneshot, word count 634
Author adamandi
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Aidan becomes melancholy in the evening light.
Comments: Inspired by an Aidean prompt post on tumblr: 9. Dean's small hands.

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Fic: The morning after the premiere.

Title: The morning after the premiere
Pairing: Aidean (Aidan Turner/Dean O'Gorman)
Chapter: Oneshot, word count 988
Author: lilja_june/vollmondnacht
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Dean woke up, he was sure of three things. One, he had a hangover. Two, this wasn’t his own hotel room and three, he wasn’t alone in this bed.
Disclaimer: I neither own Aidan and Dean, nor anything else. This is a fictional story.
Comments: Inspired by James Nesbitt’s answer in the interview a day after the premiere. “What’s the best special effect of the movie?” James: “Dean O’Gorman’s face this morning… he’s dying, literally dying.”

( The morning after the premiere. )

Fic: Fever.

Title: Fever
Pairing: Aidean (Aidan Turner/Dean O'Gorman)
Chapter: Oneshot, word count 1,331
Author: lilja_june/vollmondnacht
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort (I guess)
Rating: PG
Summary: Aidan’s sick and Dean takes care of him. Fluff, fluff and more fluff. Watch out not to get cavities while reading this because it’s so sugary.
Disclaimer: I neither own Aidan and Dean, nor anything else. This is a fictional story.
Comments: Lame title is lame xD I’m sick right now and so is my best friend… we were talking yesterday and when she mentioned something about how most men get whiny when they’re sick, I got the idea to write this. Thanks to stella_fiver for the inspiration and also for betaing ♥

( Fever. )


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