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A world of choral chatting
21st-Oct-2010 10:54 pm - More details about the ROCS concert
cute food fun
Hi everyone

Just letting you know the names of all the composers whose works are being performed tomorrow (friday) night, as well as the soloists.

Composers are:

Alexandra Uitdenbogerd
Michael Winikoff
Philip Legge
David Greagg
Lynette Reville
Joseph Hasper
Mark Tosolini
Mark Chapman
Theresa Wallner
Leanne Daharja Veitch

Soloists are:

Philip Legge
Alexandra Uitdenbogerd
Kit Kavanagh-Ryan

The winner of the composition competition will be announced at the concert.

The concert is conducted by Mark Tosolini and accompanied by Katrina Wilson.

There are some amazing new works being performed in the concert, and it is a privilege to be able to help bring them to life for the first time in front of an audience. I hope you can join me at Kaleide Theatre at 8pm.
16th-Oct-2010 03:45 pm - ROCS Concert this Friday!
cute food fun
Come to this important ROCS concert, where we perform entries submitted to the ROCS Occasional Choral Composition Competition.

Friday 22nd October, 8pm @ Kaleide Theatre. $12/8 ($5 for RMIT Music members).
(Sorry for crossposting)
Moi at MIV2005
Or, Not-So-Young Melbourne Composers III (6 years on)

The previous installments of this concert undertaking were covered here, at length (2007) and in brief here (2004, before and after).

Before too long, ROCS will rack up its fiftieth world première of a new choral composition; it’s getting hard to keep track of every piece they’ve performed. A fortnight tonight, ROCS will be adding another ten or so new pieces to the list in a concert entitled, “All things counter, original”.

This represents a substantial commitment to providing a voice to local choral composers, who may be found lurking in the ranks of many choirs near you, and whose own original works would otherwise go unheard in the general scheme of Serious Choirs™ performing Old, Frequently-Heard Works in Concert™ by Dead White European Males™ – despite the obvious generalisation, this is often true of many choral concerts. As such, these occasional ROCS concerts devoted to new pieces deserve enthusiastic support from the AICSA community in recognition of the creative endeavour found among its own members.

Which is why it pains me to say, I am perturbed and worried that this particular 2010 version will not do justice to the works that have been diligently worked on and submitted by eight composers. In this respect the current concert seems little different to the conditions ROCS suffered under in 2007, where the choir numbers gradually petered out owing to various factors such as a lack of confidence – the bane of small choirs at the level of sub-critical mass of numbers. (What is it about members of choirs who attend every rehearsal, but drop out just before a concert?) I think it’s safe to predict some of the pieces will almost certainly not be performed to anything like the composer’s desired intentions – as happened in 2007 during my watch as conductor.

What is to be done?

If I might make an impertinent suggestion (seeing as I have no other organisational rôle in the concert, except for turning up and singing whatever I’m asked to):
ROCS is in desperate need of very good sight-readers who can offer their services for the next two Thursdays, and Friday 22.
Given the difficulties of the undertaking, I would guess that Mark Tosolini and Sandra Uitdenbogerd would only be too glad to hear from you, if you can offer any assistance at this late stage.

Read more…Collapse )
ERATO is back in business!

The deadline for submissions to the post-CIV issue (Erato 99) is Sunday 28 February 2010.

What do we want in Erato?
- Reports from each society
- "Reports" from the AICSA exec:
- Reports from the CIV convenor/committee
- Any goss from CIV
- Photos!
- Concert reviews!
- Articles and stories from your own society's newsletter!
- Poetry!
- Tales by Shiny New Freshers (or even from Boring Old F...olk)!
- (Very, very short) compositions!
- Crosswords or puzzles (presumably with a choral theme)!
- Anything else AICSA/choir related!
- In other words - Pretty much anything, provided it's not discriminatory or defamatory!
(See also the list below from [info]phi1ip which I cannibalised ;)

To submit your eraticles just email us at [email protected]

Also we are planning at least 3 issues this year, so if you have anything for Erato just send it to us. We try publishing your contributions as soon as possible, space permitting.

We also like to foreshadow that the mid-year issue will be Erato100!! If you have anything relating to the glorious history of this infamous magazine (collections of old issues, historical anecdotes, anything), please get in contact with us now or email your contributions to us!

Please forward this information to the members of your individual societies.

And Send Us Stuff!!! :D

Horst, Philip & Andy
30th-Jan-2010 10:48 pm - MIV2012 - Dates and Information.
Hello one and all!

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Alex, MonUCS president and a member of the MIV2012 steering committee. The steering committee is myself, David V (MonUCS), Sandra U(ROCS), Andrew W(ACU), Charles S (MUCS) and Renata B (MUCS).

MIV2012 is not really all that far away. We are determined that it will be a huge success! The steering committee has been doing lots of groundwork - if  you'd like any information, please feel free to contact any of us.

Here are a few dates for your diaries:

Sunday 7th March - MUCS/MonUCS/ROCS/ACU social barbeque on the banks of the Yarra. This will be a great afternoon to chill out, have some yummy food, catch up with old friends and maybe make some new ones! Watch this space for more information, but keep this date free in your diaries!

Sunday 21st March - MIV2012 committee elections. Again, watch this space for more information, but keep the date free! Members of any of the Melbourne societies are welcome to attend and eligible to vote.

See you all there!

19th-Dec-2009 12:54 pm - CIV car pool
Purple stars
Hi all,

I've just received an email from David, the T&B officer for CIV, confirming car use and occupancy for the festival. So I thought it was probably time to work out who was driving from Melbourne and in which cars and when.

Bron and I are driving up to Canberra on Friday 15 Jan, leaving from Mount Waverley, leaving early (time TBC). We have one space available in the car.

If you are interested in car-pooling or convoying (ie, need a lift, can offer one, or have a full car to join in the trip), please leave a similar comment and I'm happy to coordinate things here on LJ (if no-one else is already doing so).


(Apologies for the x-post)
2nd-Nov-2009 07:04 pm - MIV 2012
Hello all,

MIV2012 is fast approaching and the time is upon us when we need to get cracking on organising the thing. MIV 2005 had 18 months lead in, with the committee being officially elected in April 2003. Now, with a little over two years before the probable date of MIV2012, there needs to be a steering committee established and the ball needs to get rolling. Ideally Melbourne should be able to report to the AIVCC at CIV2010 that some form of planning has commenced for MIV2012.

After conferring with representatives from the choirs, I would like to propose that a meeting be called on Sunday, 13th of December. December 13 gives people time to mark it in their diaries and is also one of the few dates around that time that is free of commitments on the part of the choirs. I envisage that meeting would take place in the afternoon, commencing about 2pm, although this can also be subject to change. As yet, I have not sourced a venue, however I am hoping that a similar venue to last time can be found.

This meeting will be most useful if as many interested parties as possible are present. I am particularly aware that much of the 'old guard' of the Melbourne choral movement are currently not directly involved in AICSA affiliated choirs, but would nevertheless have an interest in helping organise IV.

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in getting involved in the operations of MIV 2012 either comment here with an email address and I will add you to the list, or send me an email directly at r.wilksch{AT}gmail{DOT}com

Thank you
26th-Aug-2009 04:56 pm - MonUCS September Concert
Me :)

Come along! It will be brilliant!

(x-posted all over the place)
22nd-Aug-2009 05:41 pm - Singing in choir a growing trend...
sweet music

An interesting look at the growth of choral singing in the US. According to Chorus America, there are 10 million more choral singers in the US now than there were in 2003, and the trend is increasing.

Yes - we're part of a growing trend :-)
Moi at MIV2005
After a hiatus of four years, Erato will be published in the next couple of months and in your hot little hands by October.

Tim Dunstone and I (tim.dunstone / philip.m.legge AT gmail) have sent around a few report templates to the baker's dozen of AICSA societies to help gather people's thoughts, and we are currently sitting on about six or seven society reports; 60IV and CIV have given us some stuff on their recent doings. There will probably be a competition (which ROCS might have something to do with) and the latest installment of the venerable J.C.'s Acts of the Choristers. So we're not talking vapourware, folks; the thing will go to print by hook or by crook!

What else can go in Erato, I hear you ask? (Or I would have heard you, if this were not merely some cheap rhetorical device.)

* Photos!
* Concert reviews!
* Articles and stories from your own society's newsletter!
* Poetry!
* Tales by Shiny New Freshers (or even from Boring Old F...olk)!
* (Very, very short) compositions!
* Crosswords or puzzles (presumably with a choral theme)!
* Pretty much anything, provided it's not discriminatory or defamatory!

If you have any doubts on whether something you have is suitable for publication in Erato, please submit it anyway, and let the editors work with you on how to best include it.

Email: [email protected]
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