EO 36 (2019) by Nathan P . Chase
![Research paper thumbnail of Nathan P. Chase, Apta diei et loco: The Votive Masses in the Holy Land [abstract]](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/59331651/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Ecclesia orans, 2019
Pilgrimage accounts provide an important witness to the intersection of time, space, and ritual w... more Pilgrimage accounts provide an important witness to the intersection of time, space, and ritual within the Christian tradition. This interaction can best be seen in the accounts of pilgrims to the Holy Land. This paper looks at how time and space are ritually constructed in the Holy Land, by tracing the origins and development of the votive Masses used by Western pilgrims at the shrines. Beginning with Egeria’s comment that the rituals at the shrines were «apta diei et loco», this paper then surveys Medieval pilgrimage accounts, and concludes with a description of the votive Masses collected in the Missae votivae in Santuariis Custodiae Terrae sanctae published by the Custodia Terrae Sanctae. It is argued that the rise of the votive Masses in the Holy Land is the result of the prioritization of space over time in the pilgrimage experience. More broadly, this study points to the way that shrines and other material objects that occupy space create a more maximalist ritual experience that enhances the performative nature of the liturgy, diminishing the amount of work required of the ritual.
Papers by Nathan P . Chase

Studia Liturgica
Edward Kilmartin in his work on liturgical anamnesis sought to develop a Trinitarian theology of ... more Edward Kilmartin in his work on liturgical anamnesis sought to develop a Trinitarian theology of liturgical participation that could bridge Christ’s historical deeds with present reality in light of the problem of time. Kilmartin identified two poles in liturgical praying: the anamnetic and the epicletic. Together they unite the faithful with Christ in the Holy Spirit. At the same time, Gabriele Winkler in her study of the classical anaphoras has argued that these prayers are centered around a ritual of ascent, whereby the faithful participate in the heavenly liturgy. A survey of the classical anaphoras across the East and West reveals that participation in the heavenly liturgy is a hallmark of eucharistic praying also complemented by an understanding of the divine’s descent to Earth. This ritual articulation of ascent and descent provides ritual/experiential flesh to Kilmartin’s Trinitarian theology of liturgical participation, and the faithful’s participation in Christ’s saving de...
Written as an MA student.

Religions, 2022
The Hispano-Mozarabic Rite is a helpful case study for liturgists interested in the construction ... more The Hispano-Mozarabic Rite is a helpful case study for liturgists interested in the construction of community identity across time and in light of various types of crises. From the 6th century to today, a number of internal and external crises—political and ecclesial—have shaped the Rite and have threatened its continued existence. From the Arab invasions in 711 CE, the Rite has been key to the preservation of the Mozarab community, the group of Christians who remained in Muslim-ruled Spain and continued to celebrate the Rite. The Rite is key to their self-understanding and preservation. At the same time, the Rite has been coopted throughout its history for burgeoning Spanish nationalist visions. It has also challenged the centralized ecclesiology of the Roman Catholic Church. In order to shed light on the relationship between crisis and communal identity in this tradition, this article will begin with a historical study of the Rite. The second half of this article will look at the ...
This paper is an in-depth study of the Zaire Rite, which was developed after the Second Vatican C... more This paper is an in-depth study of the Zaire Rite, which was developed after the Second Vatican Council in response to the call for greater inculturation. It explores the context in Rome, Africa, and the Congo that allowed such a radical revision of the Roman Rite to be approved. This paper looks at the structural changes that were made and the reasons for those changes while also exploring the differences in celebration between the Zaire Rite and the Roman Rite. The paper concludes with the implications of this rite for the Roman Rite and the Church today.
Baptism played a key role in Visigothic Spain. Jamie Wood has argued that this was the result of ... more Baptism played a key role in Visigothic Spain. Jamie Wood has argued that this was the result of attempts by religious and secular authorities to navigate the transition from Arianism to orthodoxy, and to forge a common Spanish identity. This article places Wood in dialogue with Christian McConnell, whose work has reframed our understanding of initiation in Visigothic Spain. This article argues that the blessing of chrism was the central symbol by which Visigothic bishops asserted their authority in order to stabilize the Church and in turn the Visigothic State.
Hispania Sacra, 2020
El bautismo tuvo un papel clave en la España visigoda. Jamie Wood ha propuesto que este fenómeno ... more El bautismo tuvo un papel clave en la España visigoda. Jamie Wood ha propuesto que este fenómeno fue el resultado de los esfuerzos de las autoridades religiosas y seculares en pilotar la transición desde el arrianismo a la ortodoxia, y en forjar una identidad hispana común. Este articulo pone a Wood en dialogo con Christian McConnell, cuya obra ha cambiado el pensamiento actual sobre la iniciación en el Reino Visigodo en España. El presente artículo argumenta que la bendición del crisma fue el símbolo central que utilizaban los obispos para ejercer su autoridad con el fin de estabilizar la Iglesia y el Estado visigodo.

Studia Liturgica
The daily prayer practices outlined in the Apostolic Tradition, their origins, and even the numbe... more The daily prayer practices outlined in the Apostolic Tradition, their origins, and even the number of prayer hours, have been points of dispute among scholars. However, new sources of the Apostolic Tradition, as well as work on lay ascetical movement in Egypt, call for the reevaluation of this document, its dating, provenance, and interpretation. This article argues that the Apostolic Tradition is a composite document, whose daily prayer cycle in its current form has been shaped by a third- or fourth-century lay ascetical movement in Egypt. The document appears to outline prayer at rising, followed by a communal service of catechesis and prayer, prayer at the third, sixth, and ninth hours, as well as prayer at bed and in the middle of the night. Given the difficulties in interpreting the document it is unlikely that the document, or at least the daily prayer practices outlined in it, were celebrated as written.
EO 39 (2022) by Nathan P . Chase
Ecclesia orans, 2022
Scholars have long debated how the anaphoral epiclesis developed and when a pneumatic epiclesis f... more Scholars have long debated how the anaphoral epiclesis developed and when a pneumatic epiclesis first appeared in Eucharistic celebrations. This has led scholars to discuss some of the earliest Syrian and Egyptian evidence, in particular the epicleses in the Acts of Thomas and the anaphora of Sarapion of Thmuis, and whether epicletic developments in Syria and Egypt paralleled one another. Recent work on δύναµις («Power») epicleses, and new examples of these epicleses in Egypt, strengthens the case that epicletic developments in Syria and Egypt followed a similar trajectory: 1) requests for Christ’s presence; 2) requests for the Son, using titles like Logos, Power, Name; 3) requests for both the Son and Spirit; and finally, 4) requests for the Spirit alone.
EO 36 (2019) by Nathan P . Chase
Papers by Nathan P . Chase
EO 39 (2022) by Nathan P . Chase