Papers by Angelina Raičković Savić

Journal of archaeological science: Reports/Journal of archaeological science: reports, Sep 1, 2024
The aim of this research is to determine whether palaeoparasitological analysis of mineralized co... more The aim of this research is to determine whether palaeoparasitological analysis of mineralized concretions found within a stone vessel from the Roman city of Viminacium can shed light on its past use. The ruins of Viminacium, the capital of the Roman province of Moesia Superior, are situated 90 km southeast of the Belgrade in Serbia, and about 12 km from the town of Kostolac in the vicinity of villages Stari Kostolac and Drmno. It was established as a military camp in the first century CE with a legion permanently stationed there. The stone vessel was discovered during systematic archaeological excavations of the public bath complex with a public toilet near the amphitheater in Viminacium. The finding is dated by relative chronology in the second half of the third century. The vessel is topologically defined as a mortarium according to shape and size. Mineralized deposits were preserved inside the vessel rim, sides, 2 and base. Microscopic analysis of the mineralized deposit revealed eggs of intestinal nematode roundworms (most likely Ascaris sp., but possibly Pterygodermatites sp.) from the sides and base of the vessel. This is the first time that parasite eggs have been identified from concretions inside a Roman stone vessel, and have strong parallels with a previous finding of parasite eggs in mineralized deposits from a ceramic chamber pot from late antique Sicily. The finding suggests the possible use, or secondary use, and function of the stone vessel as a sanitary item (such as storing wiping implements) for personal hygiene in the public bath of Viminacium. Further paleoparasitological research requires a systematic analysis of calcified deposits from Roman period stone vessels for more clear insights into their function, use and reuse.
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Dec 20, 2023

This volume presents the latest research on Roman roads, not just in terms of their basic infrast... more This volume presents the latest research on Roman roads, not just in terms of their basic infrastructure but also exploring various aspects of life that were connected with it, from the Imperial period to that of decline, acculturation and integration of new identities, within the three Roman provinces of Pannonia, Moesia and Dalmatia. READ MORE Life along Communication Routes from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages is the result of the conference Roads and Rivers 2 held at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb in 2020, enriched with additional invited contributions. The volume presents the latest research on Roman roads, not just in terms of their basic infrastructure but also exploring various aspects of life that were connected with it, from the Imperial period to that of decline, acculturation and integration of new identities, within the three Roman provinces of Pannonia, Moesia and Dalmatia. Within this area, various studies of new finds, alongside new observations and ideas are presented. They add to our knowledge not just of the Roman roads themselves but also about roadside stations and other facilities in various landscape contexts (such as Mediterranean and continental areas). The contributions also investigate the distribution of goods and ideas from the Roman period to the Middle Ages, and deal with different aspects of life as it developed and was transformed along Roman roads.
Arheologija u Srbiji
Pored toga što predstavlja osnovu za detaljniju analizu posuda korišćenih u logoru u
vremenu nj... more Pored toga što predstavlja osnovu za detaljniju analizu posuda korišćenih u logoru u
vremenu njegovog osnivanja, ovde prikazan materijal omogućava da se sagledaju sličnosti
i razlike sa istovremenim posudama nađenim u grobovima na nekropolama Viminacijuma.
Osim keramičkih posuda, u najstarijim celinama logora su evidentirani i drugi predmeti,
među kojima je veliki broj lampi sa volutama (Ivanyi I: cf. Ivanyi 1935), delova vojne opreme,
kriškastih perli, itd. Datovanje ovih celina potvrđeno je i brojnim numizmatičkim nalazima iz
perioda dinastije Flavijevaca,2 uglavnom imperatora Vespazijana i Domicijana, među kojima
su i dva iskovana od zlata. Slični nalazi potiču iz najstarijih horizonata istraženih u okviru
kula i manjih celina koje pripadaju najstarijoj fazi logora, mada je u njima bilo znatno manje
arheološkog materijala.
Arheologija u Srbiji - Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2019. godini, 2021
Arheologija u Srbiji - Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2018. godini, 2021
Arheologija u Srbiji - Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2015. godini, 2017
Arheologija u Srbiji - Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2017. godini, 2019
Arheologija u Srbiji - Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2014. godini, 2017

Arheologija i prirodne nauke, 2014
Marrese et al-Roman pottery from Viminacium ... (9-43) 1 The article results from the project: IR... more Marrese et al-Roman pottery from Viminacium ... (9-43) 1 The article results from the project: IRS-Viminacium, Roman city and military legion camp-research of the material and non material culture of inhabitants by using the modern technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation (no 47018), funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. ration between the Sapienza University of Rome and the Belgrade Institute of Archaeology. The samples analysed in this work were collected from the archaeological site of Viminacium (VIMINACIVM), 100 km South East of Belgrade, Serbia (Fig. 1). Viminacium was founded in the fi rst decade of the 1 st century AD on the banks of the river Mlava, a tributary of The Danube, during the second part of the reign of Augustus or in the fi rst part of that
Arheologija i prirodne nauke, 2012
Owing to the facts that Viminacium has, for centuries, had its buildings destroyed and that small... more Owing to the facts that Viminacium has, for centuries, had its buildings destroyed and that small number of buildings have been investigated so far, there are only a very few visible traces of its architecture. Therefore, the study of construction materials and building techniques represents just a small contribution to the general study of its architecture.Locally produced brick and stone from the nearby quarry, bound with lime mortar, represented basic construction materials of Viminacium. Those, available materials, influenced the development of the applied building techniques.

There are dozens of different terms for a dome-shaped lid used for food preparation on an open he... more There are dozens of different terms for a dome-shaped lid used for food preparation on an open hearth. The origins of such lids date back to prehistory: that is, the Bronze Age – the earliest period in which they have been documented so far. It is maintained that the practice of covering food with a lid during cooking originated from an even older culinary practice of covering meat or fish with a thin layer of clay. The prehistoric dome-shaped lid developed into two basic shapes. The first one resembles the shape of a bowl and has two handles, while the other one is closer to the forms still in use today: a hemisphere with one handle at the top. It was used in both the Roman and Medieval periods, while, with the arrival of the Turks, a metal – i.e. iron – lid (peka or sač) comes into use. Until a century ago, it was extensively used in the area from Prekmurje to southwest Hungary, in Baranja, the entirety of Bosnia, on the Adriatic coast and throughout Serbia. Potters in the Adriati...

Starinar, 2013
Bronze seal boxes that had the function of holding the wax seal on the Viminacium site - Upper Mo... more Bronze seal boxes that had the function of holding the wax seal on the Viminacium site - Upper Moesia (Stari Kostolac, Serbia), mainly from the area of the necropolis (ten were found in the graves and ten at the cemetery between the graves). Six are from buildings that had a storage function, five are from public facilities - an amphitheatre, and only one find is from the military fort of the legion VII Claudia, which was stationed in Viminacium in the second half of the 1st century. Thirty-two seal boxes have been processed: nine whole, six with fragmented upper and lower parts, seven bases and ten covers. Seal boxes consist of two parts: the cover and the base. The cover is decorated with figural images, concentric rings and especially with applied ornaments. Some of the motifs are filled with enamel. The base always has three to five circular perforations at the bottom, the side walls are a height of 4 to 5 mm with two opposed notches or slots which are thought to have facilitate...

Starinar, 2008
The prosopomorphic vessels from Moesia Superior had the form of beakers varying in outline but si... more The prosopomorphic vessels from Moesia Superior had the form of beakers varying in outline but similar in size. They were wheel-thrown, mould-made or manufactured by using a combination of wheel-throwing and mould-made appliqu?s. Given that face vessels are considerably scarcer than other kinds of pottery, more than fifty finds from Moesia Superior make an enviable collection. In this and other provinces face vessels have been recovered from military camps, civilian settlements and necropolises, which suggests that they served more than one purpose. It is generally accepted that the faces-masks gave a protective role to the vessels, be it to protect the deceased or the family, their house and possessions. More than forty of all known finds from Moesia Superior come from Viminacium, a half of that number from necropolises. Although tangible evidence is lacking, there must have been several local workshops producing face vessels. The number and technological characteristics of the dis...

Starinar, 2006
The earliest balsamaria to appear in the Hellenistic and Early Roman periods are ceramic and seld... more The earliest balsamaria to appear in the Hellenistic and Early Roman periods are ceramic and seldom over 10 cm in height. On the Southern Necropolis of Viminacium (sites Vise grobalja and Pecine) 21 vessels of this type have been found. The features they have in common are a long slender neck and the absence of handles. Based on the shape of their bodies nine groups have been identified. Although they are similar to glass balsamaria, the term bottle seems more appropriate chiefly on account of their size. Of several proposed suggestions about their basic function, the most plausible seems to be that their primary use was as containers for products packed in small amounts. Although most published finds come from burials, the question of their significance and use in funerary rituals remains inadequately elucidated. It is impossible to say with certainty whether the larger-sized vessels of a later date had the same function as the smaller Hellenistic and Early Roman ones. What is cert...
The beginning of 2018 was the starting date of Life on the Roman Road: Communications, trade and ... more The beginning of 2018 was the starting date of Life on the Roman Road: Communications, trade and identities on the Roman roads in Croatia from the 1st to the 8th century (UIP-05-2017-9768) (led by Ivana Ožanić Roguljić), a project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and executed at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. The first year of the project was dedicated to research, dissemination, popularising and educational activities. The first activity of the project was the on-site inspection of the Čepin municipality and of the area next to the Josipovac.
Arheologija i prirodne nauke
Papers by Angelina Raičković Savić
vremenu njegovog osnivanja, ovde prikazan materijal omogućava da se sagledaju sličnosti
i razlike sa istovremenim posudama nađenim u grobovima na nekropolama Viminacijuma.
Osim keramičkih posuda, u najstarijim celinama logora su evidentirani i drugi predmeti,
među kojima je veliki broj lampi sa volutama (Ivanyi I: cf. Ivanyi 1935), delova vojne opreme,
kriškastih perli, itd. Datovanje ovih celina potvrđeno je i brojnim numizmatičkim nalazima iz
perioda dinastije Flavijevaca,2 uglavnom imperatora Vespazijana i Domicijana, među kojima
su i dva iskovana od zlata. Slični nalazi potiču iz najstarijih horizonata istraženih u okviru
kula i manjih celina koje pripadaju najstarijoj fazi logora, mada je u njima bilo znatno manje
arheološkog materijala.
vremenu njegovog osnivanja, ovde prikazan materijal omogućava da se sagledaju sličnosti
i razlike sa istovremenim posudama nađenim u grobovima na nekropolama Viminacijuma.
Osim keramičkih posuda, u najstarijim celinama logora su evidentirani i drugi predmeti,
među kojima je veliki broj lampi sa volutama (Ivanyi I: cf. Ivanyi 1935), delova vojne opreme,
kriškastih perli, itd. Datovanje ovih celina potvrđeno je i brojnim numizmatičkim nalazima iz
perioda dinastije Flavijevaca,2 uglavnom imperatora Vespazijana i Domicijana, među kojima
su i dva iskovana od zlata. Slični nalazi potiču iz najstarijih horizonata istraženih u okviru
kula i manjih celina koje pripadaju najstarijoj fazi logora, mada je u njima bilo znatno manje
arheološkog materijala.
je jedan od većih do sada istraženih grnčarsko-opekarskih kompleksa na prostoru provincija Gornje
Mezije, Panonije i Dakije. Sastoji se od dosada istraženih 13 peći (10 za keramiku, a 3 za opeku i drugi
građevinski materijal). Njegovi proizvodi nalaze se u širokom krugu, kako u samoj provinciji, tako i
u susednim. Izdvojeno je preko 45000 fragmenata, koji su razvrstani u 15 oblika i 130 tipova posuda.
Brojno najzastupljeniji su oblici trpezne, zatim ognjišne keramike, dok je luksuznija keramika zastupljena
manjim brojem. Najvećim brojem oblika odlikuju se zdele i lonci, a najmanjim pitosi i patere.
Pronalasci fragmenata posuda sa apliciranim zmijama, kao i kalupa za tera sigilatu ukazuju na to
da su majstori Zanatskog centra poznavali i izrađivali i tehnološki zahtevnije oblike posuda. Glavno
tržište koje je snabdevano ovim proizvodima je lokalno stanovništo i stacionirana vojska. Putevi eksporta
išli su tokovima Dunava i najviše se nalaze uz njega dok se u unutrašnjosti provincije manje
sreću. Materijal koji je ovde obrađen potiče iz zatvorenih celina Zanatskog centra, iz ložišta peći, i iz
otpadnih jama uz te peći i hronološko određenje trajanja ovog proizvodžačkog kompleksa je kraj II i
ceo III vek.
LIFE ON THE ROMAN ROAD: communications, trade and identities on Roman roads in Croatia from 1st – 8th CE
- Project manager – IVANA OŽANIĆ ROGULJIĆ
- Collaborators – Pia Šmalcelj Novaković, Anita Rapan Papeša, Angelina Raičković Savić, Valentina Mantovai
- Name of the organization – INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY
- Project proposal´s full title – LIFE ON ROMAN ROAD: communications, trade and identities on Roman roads in Croatia from 1st – 8th CE
- Project proposal´s duration– 60 MONTHS; 01.01.2018. - 31.12.2022
- Web site -
- Facebook -
We are pleased to announce the organization of a scientific conference "Eating and drinking along ancient roads and rivers: Study opportunities, archaeological sources and open issues about diet habits" (Roads and rivers 3). The conference will be held in Zagreb, Croatia 11 - 12 November 2021.
Please see the attached file for more details.
This year's conference focuses on small finds, those types and categories of finds often presented summarily in the publication of research results; those which are considered uniform, chronologically indeterminate or difficult to determine, insufficiently known. Every research we come across finds that, at first glance, do not offer more profound knowledge or any significant conclusion about communities who left them behind. However, researchers often encounter new questions in specific cases when processing such findings. They can also notice certain deviations from the usual picture of the finds in question. For example, more ceramic vessels at the site than is usual in the period and/or area in question; the range of certain finds differs from the expected one, a find of this type in an unusual context, a new pattern of occurrence of a certain type of finds on the site, a morphological feature not yet observed and/or any deviation encountered by the researcher. We are particularly interested in such phenomena or cases that indicate the existence of certain communication paths or connections between different communities or cultural circles in the period from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the Carpathian Basin.
Jewellery: local variants, curiosities, possible suprachronological or supraregional connections
Household items made of metal: type of finds which are usually deemed chronologically insensitive/neutral, but can point out to other patterns: social organisation or valuation of community or an individual, or any other phenomenon
Pottery: number, type, the context of the find deviates from the expected picture/result
The connection between Antiquity and Middle Ages; finds pointing to the existence of communication between different communities.
Topic: Scientific conference; "Eating and drinking along ancient roads and rivers: Study opportunities, archaeological sources and open issues about diet habits" Roads and rivers 3, 11th to 12th Nov. 2021
Time: Nov 11, 2021 08:45 AM Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb
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