Papers by Alhassan I. Gabasawa
Earth and environmental sciences library, 2024
Earth and environmental sciences library, 2024

Performance Stability of Oat (Avena magna) Lines in Diverse Agro-ecologies of Nigeria, 2023
Assessment of oat (Avena magna) lines for performance and adaptation to diverse agro-ecologies is... more Assessment of oat (Avena magna) lines for performance and adaptation to diverse agro-ecologies is vital for the commercialization of oat lines in Nigeria. Twelve oat lines were evaluated at six locations in Nigeria during the 2019/2020 dry season and two locations in Jos in 2020 and 2021 to identify (i) highyielding, stable and adapted oat lines in Nigeria; and (ii) the best testing locations for selection of superior oat lines. Oat lines, location, year and their interactive effects were significant (P < 0•05) for panicle yield and most measured traits. The panicle yield of the oat lines ranged from 502 kg ha-1 for Entry 6 (2013Y1444) to 1512 kg ha-1 for Entry 11 (BAM_96_6_55) and from 955 kg ha-1 for Entry 6 (2013Y1444) to 2305 kg ha-1 for Entry 11 (BAM_96_6_55) in the first and second set trials, respectively. Location accounted for 77.4% of the total variation in panicle yield, followed by genotype × location (13.7%) and genotype accounted for only 8.9%. The genotype main effects plus genotype × environment interaction biplot analysis revealed that genotype BAM_96_6_55 was the highest yielding and most stable line across locations. Jos, Kadawa, Funtua, Gusau, and Minjibir were the most discriminating locations identified. Jos and Minjibir were discriminating and representative locations and, thus, were identified as the best testing locations and should therefore, facilitate future evaluation and identification of outstanding oat lines in Nigeria. Line BAM_96_6_55 was recommended for adoption and commercialization to contribute to alleviating food insecurity and malnutrition in Nigeria.

Rhizosphere is a bio-influenced zone of soil where the interaction of microorganism and plant roo... more Rhizosphere is a bio-influenced zone of soil where the interaction of microorganism and plant roots occurred tailored by the activity of soil enzymes. The activity of the enzymes depends largely on the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil environment. Experiment was carried out to examine the activity of phosphomonoesterases in the rhizosphere of cassava planted in two sites (Samaru and Minjibir) located in savanna ecologies of Nigeria. Soils from rhizosphere of the cassava were sampled from each treatment in an experiment involving split plot design. The treatments included 3 main plots (phosphorus rates at 0, 17.5 and 35 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1) and 3 sub-plots (mycorrhizal inoculants: Glomygel and Mycodrip; and a Control). The Result of the analysis indicated higher activities of the phosphomonoesterases (acid and alkaline phosphatases) in Samaru site than Minjibir. The former recorded higher acid and alkaline phosphates activities over the latter with a magnitude of 96.84% and 43.65% respectively. This is attributed to the variability in the soil characteristics between the two sites. The main effect of P fertilizer indicated that 0 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 recorded a significantly (p<0.05) higher phosphomonoesterases activity than application of 17.5 and 35 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1. Inoculation with mycorrhizae also increased the activities of the phosphomonoesterases in both sites which indicate increase mycorrhizal colonization as a result of inoculation. It is concluded therefore, that the activity of phosphomonoesterases in the rhizosphere can be affected by fertilization as well as enhanced by inoculation with the influence of soil characteristics.

Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, 2019
Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analys... more Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were applied to water quality parameters in order to interpret complex matrices for better assessment of water quality and environmental status of a watershed. A study was conducted to assess water quality and to establish relationship among water quality parameters in Kelantan River basin. Water quality data was obtained from Department of Environment, (DOE) Malaysia from 2005-2014. Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were applied to 15 water quality parameters in order to interpret complex matrices for better assessment of water quality and environmental status of the watershed. From the results, five PCs were extracted which are collectively accountable for controlling approximately 70% of the watershed's water quality. Results of cluster analysis indicated that three water quality parameters that included total suspended solids, total solids and turbidity control the water quality of the study area. These parameters were allocated into three clusters based on their similarity. The finding of this study will contribute to existing knowledge of the problems brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2016
between bioremediators and the mineral particles in the soil environment was explained.

Soils are polluted by both organic and inorganic substances. Plants growing in
polluted soils suf... more Soils are polluted by both organic and inorganic substances. Plants growing in
polluted soils suffer damages such as leaf rolls, chlorosis, growth inhibition,
root tips browning, and death of plant. Soil pollutants such as hydrocarbon and
heavy metals are absorbed by crops and such ends up being consumed by
human posing health risk like cancer and respiratory abnormally. Conventional
methods of remediation such as chemical and physical methods are very
expensive and not sustainable. Excavation, which is a type of physical method,
merely shifts the pollutant from one site to another. Bioremediation is a
biological method of reclaiming polluted soils. Bioremediation is less
expensive and more sustainable and safer when compared to the
conventional methods of reclamation of polluted environment. This
biological method of remediation is an extremely attractive, important, and
productive alternative for cleaning, debugging, managing, and rehabilitating
and consequently ameliorating contaminated environments via judicious
utilization of microbial activities. The rate, at which the waste substances are
degraded, is usually dictated by competitiveness among biological agents, suboptimal supply of essential nutrients, unconducive abiotic conditions (in forms
of temperature, aeration, pH, and moisture), and constrained pollutant’s
bioavailability. Bioremediation is often effective only under conducive
environmental conditions favorable for microbial growth and development. It
has been successfully used at various parts of the world. Based on the
significance of bioremediation in enhancing the reclamation of polluted
environments by decontaminating and degrading heavy metals and
xenobiotics, more focused researches would be needed so as to improve
contaminated environments in much safer ways and conditions through
bioremediation techniques. This research discussed the various types and
methods of bioremediation. The mechanisms of actions and strategies of
microorganisms in bioremediation were well expatiated. The interaction between bioremediators and the mineral particles in the soil environment
was explained.

The role of N2 fixation through symbiotic relationship between legumes and root nodule bacteria o... more The role of N2 fixation through symbiotic relationship between legumes and root nodule bacteria or rhizobia could not be over emphasized, as an alternative nitrogen source for legumes and other crops. The N2 fixed by legume-rhizobia symbiosis ranges between 16 -145 kg N ha-1 year-1 in fertile soils and 15 -123 kg N ha-1 year-1 in poorly fertilized soils, while annual chemical fertilizer use has been reported as 89.7 kg per ha year-1. This paper reviews legumes, their interaction with rhizobia in N2 fixation and importance to agricultural systems. More than 732 genera of legumes have been discovered, with more than 19, 321 species. Legumes, through N2 fixation,directly influence their own growth and development, simultaneously benefit companion crops in mixed cropping and subsequent crops in rotation. Likewise, there are diverse nature of rhizobia, and more genera and species are being discovered. This therefore, emphasizes the need to intensify legume production, through identifyi...

Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Jan 18, 2018
Legumes require substantial quantities of phosphorus (P) for effective growth and yield. Under de... more Legumes require substantial quantities of phosphorus (P) for effective growth and yield. Under deficient conditions, P fertilisation will improve these. Field experiments were conducted in 2016 cropping season, at two Nigerian agro-ecologies, to evaluate effects of genotype and P source on yield of groundnuts grown on P-poor soils. The experiments were conducted at two experimental sites of the Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (Minjibir and Samaru). The treatments consisted of 16 groundnut genotypes and three P sources. The P source was laid out in main-and genotype in sub-plot of a split plot design with four replicates. Data on pods, haulms and chlorophyll content (CC) were observed. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the genotypes in terms of pod yield, although higher pod yield was recorded at Samaru than Minjibir. SAMNUT 22 recorded the highest haulm yield (27.85 g plant-1) among all the genotypes, while SAMNUT 21 (18.57 g plant-1) and SAMNUT 24 (18.18 g plant-1), which were statistically similar, recorded the least haulm yield. Highest CC was recorded in SAMNUT 23 (40.39 mg plant-1), which was at par with ICGV-IS 07083 (39.06 mg plant-1) while Kwankwaso had the lowest (34.18 mg plant-1) CC. Higher CC and haulm yield were recorded at Minjibir than at Samaru. The P source significantly contributed to dry haulm (P<0.05) and pod (P<0.01) yields, but not in terms of CC (P>0.05).
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2019
Treatment with 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 significantly (P<0.0001) increased the number of leaves, flowe... more Treatment with 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 significantly (P<0.0001) increased the number of leaves, flowers, branches and plant height. The irradiated genotypes were generally observed to significantly perform better than their non-radiated counterparts under the application of both 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 and 20 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 . Thus, application of 20 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 is recommended for optimum plant height, flowers and CC in groundnut production; while 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 is recommended for optimum numbers of branches and leaves, especially when the irradiated SAMNUT 24 and SAMNUT 26 are to be used for production of both seeds and biomass.

Current Microbiological Research in Africa, 2020
Inoculation is an external rhizobia source aimed at fostering viable root nodulation and hence N2... more Inoculation is an external rhizobia source aimed at fostering viable root nodulation and hence N2 fixation. It remains a readily available solution in circumstances where specific root nodule rhizobia present in some soils are unable to nodulate cultivated legumes or may not be able to form the much-needed viable symbiotic interaction to complement the amount of N required by the legume hosts. Although inoculation activities have been in vogue in sub-Saharan Africa from the 1950s, the introduction of soya bean (Glycine max) into Nigeria initiated an array of studies on the utilization of inoculants on soya beans in the nation. The introduction of promiscuous (indiscriminate) soya bean cultivars by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, significantly further encouraged a new era to the studies. An evaluation of the present status of bacterial inoculants for the current agricultural practice in Nigeria is paramount, particularly regarding the actual status and future utilization. This chapter attempts to identify the present situation and the potential future of inoculated agriculture in Nigeria, vis-a-vis the development of effective and competitive indigenous strains.

A field trial was conducted in 2008 at the Institute for Agricultural Research farm at Samaru, to... more A field trial was conducted in 2008 at the Institute for Agricultural Research farm at Samaru, to evaluate the phosphorus uptake, phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) and yield potentials, of five groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes (SAMNUT 10, 11, 21, 22 and 23). Four levels of phosphorus (0, 20, 40 and 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 ) were applied to each genotype in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. In addition to PUE indices, haulms and pod yields were also recorded. Among the genotypes evaluated, SAMNUT 23 recorded the highest total P uptake of 68.96 mg P kg -1 while SAMNUT 10 recorded the least (44.22 mg P kg -1 ). SAMNUT 23 also produced the highest (2,298 kg ha -1 ) dry pod yield. The highest PUE of 71.71 and 64.53% were recorded by SAMNUT 10 and 21 respectively, while SAMNUT 23 recorded the least (31.46%) PUE. The early or medium, maturing genotypes, SAMNUT 21 and 22, were observed to be better than both the extra-early, SAMNUT 23, and late-maturing SAMNUT 10 and 11, in terms of dry haulms yield. Therefore, SAMNUT 10 and 21 had greater adaptation for low soil P conditions than the other genotypes, and hence more suitable to resource-poor farmers.

Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2013
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), brought about by both free living soil microorganisms and the... more Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), brought about by both free living soil microorganisms and their symbiotic associations with higher plants, is the major source of N input into agricultural systems. Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), in symbiosis with rhizobia, in their root nodules, fix atmospheric nitrogen (N 2 ). A field trial was carried out at Samaru, Nigeria, in 2008 with a view to evaluate BNF potentials of five groundnut genotypes (SAMNUT 10, 11, 21, 22 and 23). Each genotype received four rates of P (0, 20, 40 and 60 P 2 O 5 ha -1 ) in an RCBD with three replications. N-Difference method was employed in assessing the BNF of the genotypes. Nodulation performance of the genotypes was observed. Results of the study showed that SAMNUT 11 and 22 significantly recorded the highest nodulation, by number and weight. All the remaining genotypes statistically produced same nodule number. Moreover, the early maturing SAMNUT 21 fixed the highest (82 kg N ha -1 ) quantity of N 2 , while SAMNUT 11 (46 kg N ha -1 ) and 23 (31 kg N ha -1 ) were statistically similar and fixed the lowest N 2 . SAMNUT 11 and 22 were, therefore, found to significantly record the highest nodule number and weigh and SAMNUT 21 fixed the highest N 2 , and hence the highest BNF, indicating their genotypic desirability in terms of N 2 addition to the soil environment, especially for subsequent crops.
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2014
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author AIG designed the study, wr... more This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author AIG designed the study, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author HM managed the literature searches, analyses of the study performed the spectroscopy analysis. Authors AAY and AIG managed the experimental process. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Long-Term Water Quality Assessment in a Tropical Monsoon, 2019
Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analys... more Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were applied to water quality parameters in order to interpret complex matrices for better assessment of water quality and environmental status of a watershed. A study was conducted to assess water quality and to establish relationship among water quality parameters in Kelantan River basin. Water quality data was obtained from Department of Environment, (DOE) Malaysia from 2005-2014. Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were applied to 15 water quality parameters in order to interpret complex matrices for better assessment of water quality and environmental status of the watershed. From the results, five PCs were extracted which are collectively accountable for controlling approximately 70% of the watershed's water quality. Results of cluster analysis indicated that three water quality parameters that included total suspended solids, total solids and turbidity control the water quality of the study area. These parameters were allocated into three clusters based on their similarity. The finding of this study will contribute to existing knowledge of the problems

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), brought about by both free living soil microorganisms and the... more Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), brought about by both free living soil microorganisms and their symbiotic associations with higher plants, is the major source of N input into agricultural systems. Groundnuts (Arachis hypogeae L.), in symbiosis with Rhizobia, in their root nodules, fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2). A field trial was carried out at Samaru, Nigeria, in 2008 with a view to evaluating BNF potential of five groundnut genotypes (SAMNUT 10, 11, 21, 22 and 23) categorized into three maturity classes. Each genotype received four rates of P (0, 20, 40 and 60 P2O5 ha-1) in an RCBD with three replications. N-Difference method was employed in assessing the BNF of the genotypes. Nodulation, biomass and yield of the genotypes were recorded. SAMNUT 22 and 11 statistically produced the highest nodulation, by number and weight. All the genotypes, except SAMNUT 22, statistically produced same nodule quantities. However, the early maturing SAMNUT 22 (2.48 %Ndfa) and the extra-early SAMNUT 23 (2.27%Ndfa) fixed a statistically similar and the highest N2 and produced a statistically greater dry pod weight, and was followed together by statistically similar SAMNUT 21, 10 and 11 while SAMNUT 11 fixed the lowest (13.43 g kg-1) N2. P rate had no significant effect on pod yield, while highest N2 was fixed at 60 and 40 P2O5ha-1.

A field study was conducted on an Alfisol, in the Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria, to compara... more A field study was conducted on an Alfisol, in the Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria, to comparatively assess activities of some soil enzymes catalysing specific biochemical reactions within the soil environment, following standard procedures. The treatments, comprising different N fertiliser application rates (0 kgNha-1 and 90 kgNha-1) and tillage type (Reduced and Conventional), were laid out in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) replicated thrice. Differentiating extracellular enzymatic activities from those associated with living organisms presents one of the most difficult challenges facing soil biologists and biochemists. Reports are available on enzymes extracted from soils, yet no soil enzyme has so far been purified like those extracted from microorganisms, plants, and animal tissues. Such attempt will eventually bring a new dawn towards alleviating the dearth. The results obtained from the interaction between tillage type and N rate did not show any significant (P<0.05) effect on amidase, urease, acid and alkaline phosphatases. More P (RT=0.0002 µgmL-1hr-1 and CT= 0.0001 µgmL-1hr-1) was, however, significantly (P<0.05) cleaved by acid phosphatase (AcPhase) than by alkaline phosphatase (AkPhase) (RT=0.00001 µgmL-1hr-1 and CT=0.00001 µgmL-1hr-1), under both tillage practices. This indicated AcPhase activity as being more common in a lower, than higher pH range condition. More research activities on tillage-fertiliser dynamics are paramount.

Plant roots with higher rhizosphere phosphatase activity are reported to have greater potential f... more Plant roots with higher rhizosphere phosphatase activity are reported to have greater potential for utilizing soil P. The enzymes play vital roles in the mineralization and liberation of inorganic P by dephosphorylation of organic forms of P and in routine utilization of inorganic P reserves. A field trial was conducted in 200B cropping season to evaluate five groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars with varying maturity periods for their acid and alkaline phosphatases enzyme activities under two rates of phosphorus (0 and 60 kg P20S ha,l) The treatments were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design. Rhizosphere soils collected from the roots of the cultivars were used during the assay for enzyme activity. Among the cultivars evaluated, the late-maturing SAMNUT 10 and 11,"and the extra early-maturing SAMNUT 23 recorded a statistically similar and highest AcPase activity of 0.0044," and 0.0042 and 0.0040 pmol s" soil h'l, respectively, while the early-maturing SAMNUT 21 recorded the least (0.0030 pmol s" soil h'1). Similarly, SAMNUT 10 and 11 also recorded the highest AkPase activity of 44.52 and 37.99 umol s:' soil h'l respectively. These were followed by SAMNUT 22 which was superior to SAMNUT 21 and 23 which had the lowest AkPase activities of 14.56 and 19.34 pmol s" soil h,l respectively. The interaction between groundnut cultivar and P rate indicated that late-maturing SAMNUT 10 and 11 recorded the highest AcPase activity at 0 kg P20S ha'l whereas extra early-maturing SAMNUT 23 had similar high activity but at 60 kg P20S be", AkPase activity was also higher in SAMNUT 10 and 11 but at 60 kg P20S ha') whereas SAMNUT 23 showed no difference in the enzyme activity at both P rates. The results indicated that there is inverse relationship between the activities of both phosphatases with P application to SAMNUT 10 and 11 whereas only AcPase activity is sensitive to P application in SAMNUT 23. This indicated that late-maturing SAMNUT 10 and 11 recorded the highest activities of both enzymes at the lowest and highest P rate, respectively, for AcPase and AkPase, just as the early-maturing SAMNUT 21 recorded the least in both activities, thereby indicating an inter-cultiver variation in terms of secretion of the enzymes.

Two field experiments were conducted in the year 2007 and 2008 at the Institute for Agncult o ' ,... more Two field experiments were conducted in the year 2007 and 2008 at the Institute for Agncult o ' ,-£J ' IIral Research (IAR) research farm Samaru, Located on Long, 11 11N and Lat. Or 38£ in the North Guinea Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria to study the performance of sweet pepper (Capsic~n annum L) as affected by sheep manure and intra row spacing. Treatments evaluated conSistedf actorial combination of four levels of sheep manure rates (0, S; 10, and15 t ha-I) and threeintra row spacings of 20, 30, and 40 cm, The treatment combination were laid out in a randomized complete block design and 'replicated three times. Application of sheep manure produced significant increase in number of branches by more than 51% and fruit weight per plant by 181% and 154%, Fresh fruit yields (Kg ha-I) recorded 192% and 145% increase. 5 and 10 t ha-I shee; manure produced statistically comparable fresh fruit yields kg he", Intra-row spacing was observed to significantfy increase fruits weight per plant with the wider spacing of 40 cm recorded 95.37g and 116g per plant in 2007and 2008 seasons respectively. The use of 5tha I sheep manure and 30cm intra row spacing could be recommended for sweet pepper producers in Samaru area.
Papers by Alhassan I. Gabasawa
polluted soils suffer damages such as leaf rolls, chlorosis, growth inhibition,
root tips browning, and death of plant. Soil pollutants such as hydrocarbon and
heavy metals are absorbed by crops and such ends up being consumed by
human posing health risk like cancer and respiratory abnormally. Conventional
methods of remediation such as chemical and physical methods are very
expensive and not sustainable. Excavation, which is a type of physical method,
merely shifts the pollutant from one site to another. Bioremediation is a
biological method of reclaiming polluted soils. Bioremediation is less
expensive and more sustainable and safer when compared to the
conventional methods of reclamation of polluted environment. This
biological method of remediation is an extremely attractive, important, and
productive alternative for cleaning, debugging, managing, and rehabilitating
and consequently ameliorating contaminated environments via judicious
utilization of microbial activities. The rate, at which the waste substances are
degraded, is usually dictated by competitiveness among biological agents, suboptimal supply of essential nutrients, unconducive abiotic conditions (in forms
of temperature, aeration, pH, and moisture), and constrained pollutant’s
bioavailability. Bioremediation is often effective only under conducive
environmental conditions favorable for microbial growth and development. It
has been successfully used at various parts of the world. Based on the
significance of bioremediation in enhancing the reclamation of polluted
environments by decontaminating and degrading heavy metals and
xenobiotics, more focused researches would be needed so as to improve
contaminated environments in much safer ways and conditions through
bioremediation techniques. This research discussed the various types and
methods of bioremediation. The mechanisms of actions and strategies of
microorganisms in bioremediation were well expatiated. The interaction between bioremediators and the mineral particles in the soil environment
was explained.
polluted soils suffer damages such as leaf rolls, chlorosis, growth inhibition,
root tips browning, and death of plant. Soil pollutants such as hydrocarbon and
heavy metals are absorbed by crops and such ends up being consumed by
human posing health risk like cancer and respiratory abnormally. Conventional
methods of remediation such as chemical and physical methods are very
expensive and not sustainable. Excavation, which is a type of physical method,
merely shifts the pollutant from one site to another. Bioremediation is a
biological method of reclaiming polluted soils. Bioremediation is less
expensive and more sustainable and safer when compared to the
conventional methods of reclamation of polluted environment. This
biological method of remediation is an extremely attractive, important, and
productive alternative for cleaning, debugging, managing, and rehabilitating
and consequently ameliorating contaminated environments via judicious
utilization of microbial activities. The rate, at which the waste substances are
degraded, is usually dictated by competitiveness among biological agents, suboptimal supply of essential nutrients, unconducive abiotic conditions (in forms
of temperature, aeration, pH, and moisture), and constrained pollutant’s
bioavailability. Bioremediation is often effective only under conducive
environmental conditions favorable for microbial growth and development. It
has been successfully used at various parts of the world. Based on the
significance of bioremediation in enhancing the reclamation of polluted
environments by decontaminating and degrading heavy metals and
xenobiotics, more focused researches would be needed so as to improve
contaminated environments in much safer ways and conditions through
bioremediation techniques. This research discussed the various types and
methods of bioremediation. The mechanisms of actions and strategies of
microorganisms in bioremediation were well expatiated. The interaction between bioremediators and the mineral particles in the soil environment
was explained.