Uluslararası Türk Dünyasında Değerler ve Kültür Aktarımı Sempozyumu (Çizgi Filmler, Dil Çalışmaları ve Edebî Eserler, Tarih, Turizm) Bildiri Kitabı, 2024
Coding in communication is the way of processing hidden or visible symbols that are delivered to ... more Coding in communication is the way of processing hidden or visible symbols that are delivered to the receiver through the media by adhering to certain rules. In other words, coding is the preservation of the integrity of meaning while transforming data into text by dividing them into meaningful parts. Coding theory first emerged in the 1940s in relation to some engineering problems, and was later used in different disciplines such as communication. Cartoons and animation films are important because their target audience is mostly children. There are strong codings in cartoons that have a high impact on children. Codings in cartoons are generally culture-centered. These codings are generally inspired by elements such as history, mythology, epic and tradition. Since the target audience is children, cartoons and animation films have an instructive quality. The Kultegin animation film, directed by Aday Abilda, is about the
childhood of Kultegin (Kol Tigin), who united the nomadic Turkic tribes and helped strengthen the Kokturk Khaganate again. There are some cultural codings in this animation film, which takes its subject from Kokturk history. In the film, the Kokturk Khaganate is in danger of collapse. In this paper, cultural elements and codings in the Kazakhstan-made animation film Kultegin will be discussed. The cultural elements in the animation film will be classified and their communication value will be explained. At the same time, the external references of the determined cultural coding elements to historical and mythological events and Turkic epics and traditions will be emphasized.
Papers by Osman KABADAYI
simulate real situations. The new educational multimedia environment creates additional opportunities for the development of students' creativity, stimulates their curiosity and instills interest in scientific activities. Thus, multimedia is an extremely useful and fruitful educational technology due to its inherent qualities of interactivity, flexibility, and integration of various types of multimedia educational information, as well as due to the ability to take into account the individual characteristics of students and help to increase their motivation. The purpose of the article is to observe the correctness of the system of training using didactic materials and prove its effectiveness. To achieve this goal, an experiment was conducted. During the experiment, platforms such as the Kahoot and Learnings.app and visual aids were used. As a result, the quality of students' knowledge of English has increased, and interest in the lesson has awakened.
Since word-initial vowel deletion (or elision) is not a frequent phonological
phenomenon, and it requires, in some cases, etymological knowledge, it has been
studied on Turkology in a very limited way. The most exhaustive work carried on
the phenomenon so far has been the paper of Vahit Türk, “Türkçede Ön Seste Ünlü
Düşmesi (Aphaeresis, Aphesis) Örnekleri” [Word-initial vowel deletion (Aphaeresis,
Aphesis) examples in Turkish], which was published in 2003. The paper, however, lacks
earlier literature concerning the phenomenon. Therefore, our paper aims to complete the
gap in terms of literature around word-initial vowel deletion and share new observations
through whole materials including the ones that escaped Türk’s work.
The scope of this paper is restricted to diachronic (lexicalized) word-initial vowel
deletion (henceforth WIVD) instances in Turkic literary languages. In cases where the
references include dialectical materials, we’ve also considered them, otherwise we
have not, in order to find further instances, resorted to dialectological dictionaries of
the languages in question. The sandhi cases (e.g., cuma ertesi ‘Saturday’ > cumartesi),
whose phonological consideration is controversial in literature of Turkology, have
been ruled out. Early cases are shown only when we seek to indicate the diachronic
traces of modern examples. If we’ve determined a word base with WIVD, we have
not taken derivatives from the base into consideration. The word definitions elicited
from dictionaries have been curtailed to the extend to give basic meaning.
WIVD in Turkic Studies
Turkologists who have examined WIVD cases in Turkic languages or a given
Turkic language since XIXth century all come to the conclusion that this phonological
phenomenon not often occurs. Yet, Deny disagrees with them in case of Turkish, saying
“it occurs quite often than we think” (1995, p. 101). There are some explanations on
why this phenomenon takes place. Räsänen claims that stress on final syllable of
word causes reduction on the first syllable vowel, even deletion of it (1949, p. 44). In
Deny’s opinion, aphérèse principally happens on an open syllable and causes the loss
of that syllable (1995, p. 101). Tenishev et al. propose that vowels in initial syllables in
polysyllabic words transform according to following conditions: 1) quality of vowel,
2) stress, 3) character of syllable, 4) adjoining consonants, 5) influence of following
vowels (1984, p. 78). All the observations on WIVD correspond on following three
a) It occurs on unstressed and high vowels,
b) It occurs on open syllables,
c) It occurs before liquid or fricative consonants.
Nevertheless, we have also those instances violating first fact. Türk underscores
the fact that WIVD cases on low vowels go through raising before vowel deletion
(2003, p. 228). Our paper, involves, though a few in number, those which violate the
second and third facts.
As mentioned above the only mono-graphic work on WIVD in Turkic languages
belongs to Vahit Türk. Since this paper has unique position on the Turkology literature, it is worth mentioning. As he puts, he determined 89 words (some are nominal
phrases) with WIVD, yet it is 97 according to our calculation. A small part of the
instances are taken from early Turkic texts and Anatolian Turkish dialects, whereas
majority are elicited from modern Turkic languages. Some examples are but phonetic
variants in different languages, e.g., fat- ‘to crush, crumble’ (Gagauz, Ottoman) ~ vat-
(Bashkir, Chuvash, Tatar), lep ‘flame’ (Kirgiz) ~ lav (Kazakh, Tatar, Uyghur), sen- ‘to
trust’ (Kazakh) ~ şan- (Chuvash), etc. In addition to simplex and derivatives, phrases
or compounds are also considered in the paper: birisi gün ‘the day after’ (< ol birisi
gün), eşu ‘that’s’ (< ana şu), yıbar- ‘to send’ (< Old Turkic ıdu ber-) or oblique forms
such as yessi ‘owner’ (Anatolian dialect), yiliğe ‘for good’ (Anatolian dialect). Though
Türk devoted his article to word-initial vowel deletion, he also exemplified following
CV and VC elisions: çık- (< Old Turkic taşık-), nāk ‘cheek’ (< yanak), lak ‘yeanling’
(< ulak < ūlak < oglak).
Phonosyntax in the WIVD mechanism
As mentioned above, scholars agree on some points that induce initial vowel drop.
The whole material tells us that phonosyntax might as well be responsible for WIVD.
The phonsyntax VCV... dramatically preponderates on WIVD occurrences: alaçık >
laçık, ılıca > lıca, emekle- > mekle-, ınan- > nan-, ısırga > sırga, umutlu > mutlu etc. This
phonosyntax, however, include some exceptions, such as ıltam > ltam, ısmarla-
> smarla-, işte > şte.
Do Turkic linguistic sub-groups have peculiar patterns for WIVD?
Given the syllable number of each word in whole material, it is obvious that Oghuz
and Kipchak sub-groups dramatically differ from each other at syllable number in
any word with WIVD. In the Oghuz sub-group where Turkish and Gagauz instances
are significant in number, the predominant part consists of trisyllabic or polysyllabic
words, whereas disyllabic ones are in minority. As for Kipchak sub-group, even
though there is no preponderance on disyllabic or trisyllabic words, disyllabic words
are not restricted as many as in Oghuz sub-group.
Authenticity of WIVD instances
Some words, after several phonetic developments, might look like that they are
WIVD cases. What causes this as follows:
1) Word-initial metathesis as VCC... > CVC (e.g., ıslıh > sılıh, uksa- > kusa-)
2) Elision of prothetic vowel
The second condition lessens the genuineness of WIVD cases, since prothesis is
characteristic attribute of Turkic languages when they copy a lexeme starting with
/l/ or /r/. For instance, laçın ‘falcon’ is in every scholarly work regarded as a WIVD
instance (as, alaçın/ılaçın > laçın), yet the oldest version of the word is attested as laçın/
lāçın in 8-9th cc. Turkic texts (see Clauson, 1972, p. 763) or flamur ‘linden’ is thought
by Gülensoy (1987, p. 115) to be a WIVD as ıhlamur > flamur, but the word appears
as flamouri in donor language, namely Greek language. Thus, before determining a
word as WVID, one must make sure about each word’s past.
Today, this alphabet, which was forgotten in Kazakhstan, is still used by Kazakhs in East Turkestan. The studies on the place of Akhmet Baitursynov in Turkology can be taken back to 1919. Although the first studies were conducted by Russian scientists, important studies on Baitursynov were also revealed in Kazakhstan and a discipline was established. Important studies have been carried out on Akhmet Baitursynov in Turkey as well. It is among the purposes of writing this article to introduce studies on Baitursynov in Turkey.
1929’a kadar Arap harfleriyle yazılmış, 1929-
1940 yılları arasında Lâtin harflerine geçilmiş,
1940 yılından günümüze ise Kiril alfabesi ile yazılagelmiştir.
Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Nursultan
Nazarbayev, Egemen Kazakistan gazetesinde 12
Nisan 2017 tarihinde yayımlanan “Bolaşaqqa
Bağdar: Ruhani Janğıruw” (Geleceğe Doğru Yol:
Manevi Canlanma) başlıklı makalesinde Kazakistan’ın
2025 yılına kadar Lâtin alfabesine geçmesi
gerektiğini öngörmüş, bu konuyla ilgili halkın ve
bilim adamlarının görüş belirtmesini istemiştir.
Buna göre Kazakistan’da 2018 yılından itibaren
kademeli bir şekilde Lâtin harflerine geçilmesi
planlanmaktadır. Bu minvalde Kazakistan’ın çeşitli
yerlerinde bilimsel toplantılar düzenlenmiş
ve Kazak bilim adamlarının konuyla ilgili görüşlerine
başvurulmuştur. Bir grup bilim adamı
Kiril alfabesinde kalma gerekliliğini savunurken
bir grup da Lâtin alfabesine geçilmesi gerektiğini
belirtmektedir. Bir başka önemli konu ise Kazak
Türkçesi için nasıl bir Lâtin alfabesinin benimsenmesi
gerektiği konusudur.
Bu çalışmada Kazakçanın niçin Lâtin
harfleriyle yazılması gerektiği ve Kazakça için
nasıl bir Lâtin alfabesi benimsenmesi gerektiği
açıklanmaya çalışılacak ve Türk dünyası için
ortak dilin önemine vurgu yapılacaktır. Bununla
beraber konuyla ilgili Kazakistan’daki sıcak gelişmeler, önerilen Latin alfabesi teklifleri hakkındada bilgiler verilecektir
simulate real situations. The new educational multimedia environment creates additional opportunities for the development of students' creativity, stimulates their curiosity and instills interest in scientific activities. Thus, multimedia is an extremely useful and fruitful educational technology due to its inherent qualities of interactivity, flexibility, and integration of various types of multimedia educational information, as well as due to the ability to take into account the individual characteristics of students and help to increase their motivation. The purpose of the article is to observe the correctness of the system of training using didactic materials and prove its effectiveness. To achieve this goal, an experiment was conducted. During the experiment, platforms such as the Kahoot and Learnings.app and visual aids were used. As a result, the quality of students' knowledge of English has increased, and interest in the lesson has awakened.
Since word-initial vowel deletion (or elision) is not a frequent phonological
phenomenon, and it requires, in some cases, etymological knowledge, it has been
studied on Turkology in a very limited way. The most exhaustive work carried on
the phenomenon so far has been the paper of Vahit Türk, “Türkçede Ön Seste Ünlü
Düşmesi (Aphaeresis, Aphesis) Örnekleri” [Word-initial vowel deletion (Aphaeresis,
Aphesis) examples in Turkish], which was published in 2003. The paper, however, lacks
earlier literature concerning the phenomenon. Therefore, our paper aims to complete the
gap in terms of literature around word-initial vowel deletion and share new observations
through whole materials including the ones that escaped Türk’s work.
The scope of this paper is restricted to diachronic (lexicalized) word-initial vowel
deletion (henceforth WIVD) instances in Turkic literary languages. In cases where the
references include dialectical materials, we’ve also considered them, otherwise we
have not, in order to find further instances, resorted to dialectological dictionaries of
the languages in question. The sandhi cases (e.g., cuma ertesi ‘Saturday’ > cumartesi),
whose phonological consideration is controversial in literature of Turkology, have
been ruled out. Early cases are shown only when we seek to indicate the diachronic
traces of modern examples. If we’ve determined a word base with WIVD, we have
not taken derivatives from the base into consideration. The word definitions elicited
from dictionaries have been curtailed to the extend to give basic meaning.
WIVD in Turkic Studies
Turkologists who have examined WIVD cases in Turkic languages or a given
Turkic language since XIXth century all come to the conclusion that this phonological
phenomenon not often occurs. Yet, Deny disagrees with them in case of Turkish, saying
“it occurs quite often than we think” (1995, p. 101). There are some explanations on
why this phenomenon takes place. Räsänen claims that stress on final syllable of
word causes reduction on the first syllable vowel, even deletion of it (1949, p. 44). In
Deny’s opinion, aphérèse principally happens on an open syllable and causes the loss
of that syllable (1995, p. 101). Tenishev et al. propose that vowels in initial syllables in
polysyllabic words transform according to following conditions: 1) quality of vowel,
2) stress, 3) character of syllable, 4) adjoining consonants, 5) influence of following
vowels (1984, p. 78). All the observations on WIVD correspond on following three
a) It occurs on unstressed and high vowels,
b) It occurs on open syllables,
c) It occurs before liquid or fricative consonants.
Nevertheless, we have also those instances violating first fact. Türk underscores
the fact that WIVD cases on low vowels go through raising before vowel deletion
(2003, p. 228). Our paper, involves, though a few in number, those which violate the
second and third facts.
As mentioned above the only mono-graphic work on WIVD in Turkic languages
belongs to Vahit Türk. Since this paper has unique position on the Turkology literature, it is worth mentioning. As he puts, he determined 89 words (some are nominal
phrases) with WIVD, yet it is 97 according to our calculation. A small part of the
instances are taken from early Turkic texts and Anatolian Turkish dialects, whereas
majority are elicited from modern Turkic languages. Some examples are but phonetic
variants in different languages, e.g., fat- ‘to crush, crumble’ (Gagauz, Ottoman) ~ vat-
(Bashkir, Chuvash, Tatar), lep ‘flame’ (Kirgiz) ~ lav (Kazakh, Tatar, Uyghur), sen- ‘to
trust’ (Kazakh) ~ şan- (Chuvash), etc. In addition to simplex and derivatives, phrases
or compounds are also considered in the paper: birisi gün ‘the day after’ (< ol birisi
gün), eşu ‘that’s’ (< ana şu), yıbar- ‘to send’ (< Old Turkic ıdu ber-) or oblique forms
such as yessi ‘owner’ (Anatolian dialect), yiliğe ‘for good’ (Anatolian dialect). Though
Türk devoted his article to word-initial vowel deletion, he also exemplified following
CV and VC elisions: çık- (< Old Turkic taşık-), nāk ‘cheek’ (< yanak), lak ‘yeanling’
(< ulak < ūlak < oglak).
Phonosyntax in the WIVD mechanism
As mentioned above, scholars agree on some points that induce initial vowel drop.
The whole material tells us that phonosyntax might as well be responsible for WIVD.
The phonsyntax VCV... dramatically preponderates on WIVD occurrences: alaçık >
laçık, ılıca > lıca, emekle- > mekle-, ınan- > nan-, ısırga > sırga, umutlu > mutlu etc. This
phonosyntax, however, include some exceptions, such as ıltam > ltam, ısmarla-
> smarla-, işte > şte.
Do Turkic linguistic sub-groups have peculiar patterns for WIVD?
Given the syllable number of each word in whole material, it is obvious that Oghuz
and Kipchak sub-groups dramatically differ from each other at syllable number in
any word with WIVD. In the Oghuz sub-group where Turkish and Gagauz instances
are significant in number, the predominant part consists of trisyllabic or polysyllabic
words, whereas disyllabic ones are in minority. As for Kipchak sub-group, even
though there is no preponderance on disyllabic or trisyllabic words, disyllabic words
are not restricted as many as in Oghuz sub-group.
Authenticity of WIVD instances
Some words, after several phonetic developments, might look like that they are
WIVD cases. What causes this as follows:
1) Word-initial metathesis as VCC... > CVC (e.g., ıslıh > sılıh, uksa- > kusa-)
2) Elision of prothetic vowel
The second condition lessens the genuineness of WIVD cases, since prothesis is
characteristic attribute of Turkic languages when they copy a lexeme starting with
/l/ or /r/. For instance, laçın ‘falcon’ is in every scholarly work regarded as a WIVD
instance (as, alaçın/ılaçın > laçın), yet the oldest version of the word is attested as laçın/
lāçın in 8-9th cc. Turkic texts (see Clauson, 1972, p. 763) or flamur ‘linden’ is thought
by Gülensoy (1987, p. 115) to be a WIVD as ıhlamur > flamur, but the word appears
as flamouri in donor language, namely Greek language. Thus, before determining a
word as WVID, one must make sure about each word’s past.
Today, this alphabet, which was forgotten in Kazakhstan, is still used by Kazakhs in East Turkestan. The studies on the place of Akhmet Baitursynov in Turkology can be taken back to 1919. Although the first studies were conducted by Russian scientists, important studies on Baitursynov were also revealed in Kazakhstan and a discipline was established. Important studies have been carried out on Akhmet Baitursynov in Turkey as well. It is among the purposes of writing this article to introduce studies on Baitursynov in Turkey.
1929’a kadar Arap harfleriyle yazılmış, 1929-
1940 yılları arasında Lâtin harflerine geçilmiş,
1940 yılından günümüze ise Kiril alfabesi ile yazılagelmiştir.
Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Nursultan
Nazarbayev, Egemen Kazakistan gazetesinde 12
Nisan 2017 tarihinde yayımlanan “Bolaşaqqa
Bağdar: Ruhani Janğıruw” (Geleceğe Doğru Yol:
Manevi Canlanma) başlıklı makalesinde Kazakistan’ın
2025 yılına kadar Lâtin alfabesine geçmesi
gerektiğini öngörmüş, bu konuyla ilgili halkın ve
bilim adamlarının görüş belirtmesini istemiştir.
Buna göre Kazakistan’da 2018 yılından itibaren
kademeli bir şekilde Lâtin harflerine geçilmesi
planlanmaktadır. Bu minvalde Kazakistan’ın çeşitli
yerlerinde bilimsel toplantılar düzenlenmiş
ve Kazak bilim adamlarının konuyla ilgili görüşlerine
başvurulmuştur. Bir grup bilim adamı
Kiril alfabesinde kalma gerekliliğini savunurken
bir grup da Lâtin alfabesine geçilmesi gerektiğini
belirtmektedir. Bir başka önemli konu ise Kazak
Türkçesi için nasıl bir Lâtin alfabesinin benimsenmesi
gerektiği konusudur.
Bu çalışmada Kazakçanın niçin Lâtin
harfleriyle yazılması gerektiği ve Kazakça için
nasıl bir Lâtin alfabesi benimsenmesi gerektiği
açıklanmaya çalışılacak ve Türk dünyası için
ortak dilin önemine vurgu yapılacaktır. Bununla
beraber konuyla ilgili Kazakistan’daki sıcak gelişmeler, önerilen Latin alfabesi teklifleri hakkındada bilgiler verilecektir
Kazan, Orenburg, Tashkent, St. Petersburg, where there was a printing press. The Kazakh language was written with the Arabic alphabet until 1929. The number of academic studies on Kazakh texts with Arabic
alphabet, which constitute the beginning period of the Kazakh written language, is extremely limited. The work called Narik ogly Chora, which is the subject of this study, is the second part of the Batyrlar series compiled by Abubakir Divayev and published with the Arabic alphabet in Tashkent in 1922. The work is a short variant of the Chora Batyr epic. This rare work is registered at number 27 in the Rare and Manuscripts Department of the Kazakhstan National Library. In this study, the language features of the
text, which constitutes the initial stage of the Kazakh written language, will be emphasized.
childhood of Kultegin (Kol Tigin), who united the nomadic Turkic tribes and helped strengthen the Kokturk Khaganate again. There are some cultural codings in this animation film, which takes its subject from Kokturk history. In the film, the Kokturk Khaganate is in danger of collapse. In this paper, cultural elements and codings in the Kazakhstan-made animation film Kultegin will be discussed. The cultural elements in the animation film will be classified and their communication value will be explained. At the same time, the external references of the determined cultural coding elements to historical and mythological events and Turkic epics and traditions will be emphasized.
who lived a nomadic lifestyle in ancient times and whose basic livelihood was based on animal husbandry. For this reason, Kazakhs attached special importance to horse harnesses. Whip in horse harness is considered sacred by Kazakh. There are many types of whips such as biyşik, selebe, jılanbavır, dırav, doyır, segiz ḳırlı ḳamşı which consist of three basic parts called sap, örim and alaḳan. Şokan Velihanov, considered to be the first Kazakh scientist, stated that the whip was also used as a war tool in ancient times. The use of words such as atjürgiş or atsoğar instead of the word ḳamşı in various dialects of Kazakh is remarkable. According to old Kazakh traditions, a man had to have a whip from the moment he entered puberty. Along with a whip, he should have had a horse and a saddle set. The whip, used as both a fighting instrument and a horse-riding instrument and attributed to sanctity, has had an important place in Kazakh society since time immemorial. In the vocabulary of Kazakh language, phrases related to the whip, word patterns also occupy a very large place. However, in the nomadic Kazakh society, other duties and meanings besides horse riding were also dedicated to whip. In this paper, the words about whip in Kazakh vocabulary, naming whip, traditions, customs and practices relevant to whip in Kazakh society will be included. The vocabulary related to whip was determined by scanning the dictionaries containing the existence of Kazakh words, especially the fifteen volumes of Ḳazaḳ ädebiy tiliniñ sözdigi (QETS), and was presented by translating to Turkish.
(varsa mütercimi), eserin adı, eserin dili, yazı cinsi, konusu, cilt sayısı, tarihi ve yeri, varak (sayfa) sayısı, satır sayısı, kitabın iç ve dış ölçüleri, kitabın kütüphaneye satın alınma bilgileri, fiziki durumu ve eserle ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı açıklamalar bölümü gibi toplam 16 adet bilgilendirici başlığa yer verilmiştir. Takip edilebildiği kadarıyla bir kitapla ilgili bu oranda bilgilendirici başlıkların tamamını bir arada veren herhangi bir katalog çalışmasına rastlanılamamıştır.
цифрлау)» атты түркі тілдеріндегі тарихи қолжазбаларды зерттеудің өзектілігі жəне оның
ғалымдар назарынан тыс қалған мол мұрасын жарыққа шығару жөніндегі халықаралық жиын өтті. Осы мақсатта жас зерттеуші Осман Қабадайының еңбегі орасан. Осман мырза 1,5 жыл Қазақстандағы кітапханалардан күні-түні бабалардың
қолтаңбасын, мұрасын іздеумен болды. Өз жұмысының нəтижесі ретінде алдағы уақытта қолжазбалардың каталогын шығармақшы. Осы каталогтан зерттеушілердің назарынан тыс қалып жатқан дүниелер, архивтердегі шаң басқан жазбалар ғылыми айналымға енері хақ.
Yayımı, Kataloglama, Dijitalleştirme)” başlıklı sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerden
Eldeki bu kitapçık “Uluslararası Türkçe Tarihî Metin Araştırmaları Sempozyumu (Metin Yayımı, Kataloglama, Dijitalleştirme)” başlıklı sempozyumda sunulan bildiri özetlerinden oluşmaktadır.