Papers by Michal Stefaniuk

Applied Sciences
The paper presents the problem of generation and validation of Velocity Interval Depth (VID) mode... more The paper presents the problem of generation and validation of Velocity Interval Depth (VID) models with the application of non-seismic geophysical and geological data. The study area is a part of the Carpathian Foredeep located close to its contact with the Carpathian Overthrust. In this area of complicated geological structure, hydrocarbon deposits have been successfully explored for decades with seismic methods and drilling. The research applied the Simultaneous Joint Inversion (SJI) of independent geophysical data, which is a modern methodology of geophysical data processing, that is still under development. Such an attempt was necessary due to the lack of a sufficiently dense grid of wells in the study area, in which seismic velocities would be correctly recorded. Such data would be then applied for the generation of relevant VID models, which in turn, could be used to perform the Prestack Depth Migration (PreSDM) procedures. The application of procedures taking advantage of in...

Celem niniejszej pracy jest prezentacja studium geologiczno-krajobrazowego z inwentaryzacją obiek... more Celem niniejszej pracy jest prezentacja studium geologiczno-krajobrazowego z inwentaryzacją obiektów dziedzictwa przyrody nieożywionej dla obszaru Sudetów, wzdłuż proponowanej trasy turystyczno-rekreacyjnej, nazwanej Geostradą Sudecką im. Leszka Sawickiego. Poprzez inwentaryzację, opis oraz propozycje zagospodarowania wytypowanych obiektów geoturystycznych położonych wzdłuż trasy, Geostrada przyczyni się do przybliżenia skomplikowanych zagadnień geologii Sudetów turyście nie znającemu podstaw geologii. Wykorzystując przejezdne drogi, ustalono przebieg Geostrady wzdłuż głównych grzbietów górskich Sudetów po obu stronach granicy polsko-czeskiej, promując przy tym mało znane, ale atrakcyjne rejony Sudetów i ich przedpola. Przebieg polskich odcinków Geostrady (łącznie ok. 285 km) wyznaczono w taki sposób, aby w pasie o szerokości 10 km (5 km po obu stronach Geostrady) znalazło się jak najwięcej najatrakcyjniejszych geoturystycznie obiektów dziedzictwa geologiczno-górniczego, do których można dojechać lub dojść pieszo.

Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 2016
A series of catastrophic floods that have occurred over the last twenty years in Poland, brought ... more A series of catastrophic floods that have occurred over the last twenty years in Poland, brought an urgent need for taking preventive steps to monitor river embankments conditions. The main problem seems to be development of efficient, ie. fast and economical measurements for controlling the condition of the river embankments, because the execution of the full range of geotechnical measurements is lengthy and costly. In this situation, thecheap and quick geophysical survey has been proposed to undertake this purpose. In this article the results of geophysical surveys were described which were performed using geoelectric and electromagnetic methods along a section of the Vistula embankment, located near the Maniow area in the Malopolska province. According to the archival data, this region is situated at the high-risk flooding zone. Three geophysical methods were used to recognize geotechnical conditions of the levee: (i) Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), (ii) Induced Polar...

Energies, 2021
In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of walkaway vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data, ... more In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of walkaway vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data, which can be used to obtain Thomsen parameters using P-wave-only inversion. Data acquisition took place in difficult field conditions, which influenced the quality of the data. Therefore, this paper also shows a seismic data processing scheme that allows the estimation of correct polarization angles despite poor input data quality. Moreover, we showed that it is possible to obtain reliable and detailed values of Thomsen’s anisotropy parameters for data that are challenging due to extremely difficult field conditions during acquisition and the presence of an overburden of salt and anhydrite (Zechstein formation). This complex is known for its strong seismic signal-attenuating properties. We designed a special processing workflow with a signal-matching procedure that allows reliable estimation of polarization angles for low-quality data. Additionally, we showed that P-wave-only inversion f...

Geology Geophysics and Environment, 2011
Treoeae: W pracy przedstawiono ogólne za³o¿enia jedno-i dwuwymiarowych modelowañ prostych i odwro... more Treoeae: W pracy przedstawiono ogólne za³o¿enia jedno-i dwuwymiarowych modelowañ prostych i odwrotnych (inwersyjnych) pola magnetotellurycznego. Opisano metodykê interpretacji danych magnetotellurycznych, w tym analizê wymiarowooeci ooerodka geoelektrycznego oraz jej wp³yw na dobór odpowiedniego modelu interpretacyjnego. Na przyk³adzie polowych danych magnetotellurycznych (AMT i CSAMT) zarejestrowanych w rejonie z³o¿a wêglowodorów Grabownica pokazano wp³yw modelu startowego na wynik koñcowy inwersji 2D. Drugim analizowanym z³o¿em by³o z³o¿e ropy naftowej £odyna. Skupiono siê na analizie mo¿liwooeci wyinterpretowania na drodze inwersji 1D i 2D cienkich, pionowych warstw, jakimi w przybli¿eniu mo¿na to z³o¿e aproksymowaae. Wskazano na ró¿nice w odwzorowaniu budowy geologicznej w zale¿nooeci od polaryzacji interpretowanych krzywych (TE mode lub TM mode) oraz zaproponowano zoptymalizowan¹ metodykê interpretacji.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2015
Zero echo time (ZTE) imaging at 9.4T was used to assess local water saturation level in the tight... more Zero echo time (ZTE) imaging at 9.4T was used to assess local water saturation level in the tight sandstone rocks. The results were compared with the industry standard porosity estimation basing on T2 relaxation analysis at 0.05 T. A linear dependence between the two was achieved. This suggests the possibility to use 3D ZTE method for assessment of local amount of water in rocks. The method can be applicable in investigation of water saturation processes in tight rocks, where imaging methods based on spin echo like RARE failed due to short T2, while single point imaging (SPI) is impractical due to long acquisition time.

A geodynamical hazard over Poland’s territory is mainly connected with landslide processes. The a... more A geodynamical hazard over Poland’s territory is mainly connected with landslide processes. The activation of those processes has been noticed during several last years, particularly in the area of the Carpathians and in some parts of the Baltic Sea coast, where they had locally a disastrous scale. The inventory of surface mass movements over Poland’s territory based on archive data, and verified and supplemented by field works, was made in the years 2002–2005. Places of landslides occurrence were reported by “Landslide inventory cards”. Following the assumptions taken, all geological disasters should be a subject of inventory. However, a much bigger scale of observed phenomena than it was anticipated, caused a necessity to concentrate the inventory at selected, most endangered areas. The territorial zonation was applied in synthetic description of results of mass movement inventory. Sets of landslides of similar genesis and developed in similar geomorphologic and geological conditi...
An attempt at applying magnetotelluric data to structural interpretation of the flysch cover alon... more An attempt at applying magnetotelluric data to structural interpretation of the flysch cover along two semi-detailed profiles in the Polish Outer Carpathians is described. Surface geological maps, borehole data, and results of 1-D inversion of MT sounding data were employed in interpretation. Resistivity distributions in a geological medium was combined with lithological and stratigrafic data using results of the interpretation of parametric soundings made close to deep drillholes.

Investigation of landslide processes in the northeastern Poland represents a part of geological w... more Investigation of landslide processes in the northeastern Poland represents a part of geological work: Identifying and cataloguing natural geological hazards (especially landslides and other geodynamic phenomena) over Poland's territory commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Wa- ter Management. As it was assumed, all aspects of geological hazards should be a subject of inventory. As the range of the ob- served phenomena was much bigger then expected, the investigations were concentrated on selected zones, strongly influenced by geological hazards. Except for landslides and other mass movements recorded in inventory cards, numerous objects of smaller hazards dimensions or scale were observed and listed for further documentation. Detailed geodetic survey and resistivity geotomography, and shallow geological drillings were made in some landslides creating a significant hazard to prepare the entrance data for...
The pattern of main structures of the Carpathian basement obtained as a result magnetotelluric da... more The pattern of main structures of the Carpathian basement obtained as a result magnetotelluric data interpretation is presented. Two generations of magnetotelluric data were applied. Regional resistivity cross-sections and structural map of the basement roof were made. Two overthrusts modifying structures of the basement were distinguished. A strong differentiation of basement resistivity was observed.

Important factors controlling the effective utilization of geothermal energy are favorable reserv... more Important factors controlling the effective utilization of geothermal energy are favorable reservoir properties of rock formations, which determine both the availability and the transfer opportunities of reservoir fluids. Hence, crucial to the successful utilization of a given reservoir is the preliminary recognition of distribution of reservoir parameters as it enables the researchers to select the prospective areas for localization of future geothermal installations and to decide on their characters. The objectives of this paper are analyses and discussion of the properties of quartz sandstones buried down to a depth interval from about 3000 to under 5000 m below surface. These sandstones belong to Ediacaran–Lowery Cambrian Łeba, Kluki and Żarnowiec formations. The source data from the Słupsk IG-1 provided the basis for 1D reconstruction of burial depth and paleothermal conditions as well as enabled the authors to validate of the results of 2D models. Then, porosity distribution w...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
It is a common knowledge that proper inclinations and azimuth angle determination is a critical s... more It is a common knowledge that proper inclinations and azimuth angle determination is a critical step in processing and interpretation of walk-away VSP data. Additionally, an in-depth analysis of the uncertainty of these interpreted values requires the introduction of measurement errors. In this contribution, we present a statistical analysis of obtained polarization angles from three-component, multi-depth level, walk-away VSP using Python 3 programming language. Our analysis is presented in the context of different processing sequences and correlation with local features of the geological medium. We show that the obtained values of polarization angles and their errors can be strongly affected by processing sequence and-when done correctly-can give addition inside into features of analysis medium. Moreover, in some cases, even a presence of saturation can be express by polarization angles variations. Additionally, we examined the impact of well-casing on interpretational values of polarization angles.
Magnetic resonance imaging, Apr 1, 2018
Zero echo time magnetic resonance imaging (ZTE MRI) at 9.4T was used to assess the local distribu... more Zero echo time magnetic resonance imaging (ZTE MRI) at 9.4T was used to assess the local distribution of water in dolomite rocks under different saturation conditions. The results were compared with the industry standard Single Point Imaging (SPI) at 0.6T. 3D maps of the local amount of water saturating heterogeneous rock were obtained from the imaging data, and correlated with the corresponding structural images from high resolution micro-CT (μCT). The method can be applicable in the investigation of spatial kinetics of water saturation processes in porous, heterogeneous rocks where imaging methods based on spin echo, such as RARE, have failed due to short T, while SPI is often impractical due to its long acquisition time.

Geology Geophysics and Environment, 2011
Treoeae: W artykule przedstawiono metodê polaryzacji wzbudzonej, a w szczególnooeci jej zastosowa... more Treoeae: W artykule przedstawiono metodê polaryzacji wzbudzonej, a w szczególnooeci jej zastosowanie do bezpooeredniego wykrywania z³ó¿ wêglowodorów. Zaprezentowane zosta³y parametry polaryzacji wzbudzonej, jakie uzyskuje siê w pomiarach w domenie czasu i czêstotliwooeci. Przeanalizowana zosta³a klasyfikacja ska³ i minera³ów ze wzglêdu na parametr polaryzowalnooeci. Przedstawiono piêae przyk³adów wykorzystania metody polaryzacji wzbudzonej do wykrywania i rozpoznawania z³ó¿ wêglowodorów przez zagraniczne firmy poszukiwawcze. Omówiona zosta³a metodyka prac polowych na obszarze polskich Karpat i zapadliska przedkarpackiego w przypadku zastosowania uk³adu ekwatorialnego i dipolowego uk³adu osiowego. Przeanalizowano mapy rozk³adów parametru fazowego uzyskane z pomiarów uk³adem ekwatorialnym w z³o¿ach Rudka i Grabownica oraz wykres parametru fazowego wzd³u¿ profilu przecinaj¹cego z³o¿e Rylowa. Sporz¹dzono przekroje trzech parametrów polaryzacji wzbudzonej uzyskane z pomiarów dipolowym uk³adem osiowym, a nastêpnie przeanalizowano je w kompleksie z przekrojami opornooeci wyinterpretowanymi na podstawie danych CSAMT.

E3S Web of Conferences
It is a common knowledge that proper inclinations and azimuth angle determination is a critical s... more It is a common knowledge that proper inclinations and azimuth angle determination is a critical step in processing and interpretation of walk-away VSP data. Additionally, an in-depth analysis of the uncertainty of these interpreted values requires the introduction of measurement errors. In this contribution, we present a statistical analysis of obtained polarization angles from three-component, multi-depth level, walk-away VSP using Python 3 programming language. Our analysis is presented in the context of different processing sequences and correlation with local features of the geological medium. We show that the obtained values of polarization angles and their errors can be strongly affected by processing sequence and - when done correctly - can give addition inside into features of analysis medium. Moreover, in some cases, even a presence of saturation can be express by polarization angles variations. Additionally, we examined the impact of well-casing on interpretational values ...

Geology Geophysics and Environment, 2011
Nasycenie wêglowodorami powoduje anomalne zmiany w³asnooeci fizycznych ooerodka geologicznego i p... more Nasycenie wêglowodorami powoduje anomalne zmiany w³asnooeci fizycznych ooerodka geologicznego i pomierzonych pól geofizycznych, pozwalaj¹ce na wykrywanie i rozpoznawanie z³ó¿ ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego. Kompleksy z³o¿owe charakteryzuj¹ siê podwy¿szeniem opornooeci o 1-4 rzêdy wielkooeci wzglêdem otoczenia. Kontrasty pojawiaj¹ siê na granicy dolnej z³o¿a pomiêdzy ska³¹ zbiornikow¹ nasycon¹ zmineralizowan¹ wod¹ z³o¿ow¹ i nasycon¹ wêglowodorami oraz na jego granicy górnej z niskooporowymi, uszczelniaj¹cymi ska³ami ilastymi. Na granicy pomiêdzy rop¹ naftow¹ i wod¹ z³o¿ow¹ pojawia siê ponadto radykalny kontrast zdolnooeci do polaryzacji elektrycznej ooerodka, wzbudzonej przez przep³yw pr¹du. Pooerednim wskaŸnikiem obecnooeci z³o¿a wêglowodorów jest przypowierzchniowa strefa mineralizacji siarczkowej zwi¹zana z dyfuzj¹ wêglowodorów, zmieniaj¹ca w³aoeciwooeci magnetyczne i polaryzowalnooeae ooerodka. Prezentowane przyk³ady pochodz¹ ze strefy karpackiego z³o¿a ropnego "Grabownica" oraz z³o¿a gazowego "Rudka" w zapadlisku przedkarpackim.

Geology, Geophysics and Environment
An attempt was made to describe the quality of the stacked seismic data semi-quantitatively with ... more An attempt was made to describe the quality of the stacked seismic data semi-quantitatively with respect to the spacing of shot and receiver lines. The methods used included: signal-to-noise ratio calculation, seismic-to-well tie accuracy, wavelet extraction effectiveness and reliability of semi-automated interpretation of seismic attributes. This study was focused on the Ordovician-Silurian interval of the Lublin Basin, Poland, as it was considered as a main target for the exploration of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits. Our results reconfirm the obvious dependency between the density of the acquisition parameters and data quality. However, we also discovered that the seismic data quality is less affected by the shot line spacing than by comparable receiver line spacing. We attributed this issue to the fact of the higher irregularity of the shot points than receiver points, imposed by the terrain accessibility. We have also proven that the regularity of receiver and shot point d...
Papers by Michal Stefaniuk