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Wdrożenie i wieloośrodkowa ocena przydatności klinicznej polskiego systemu telekonsultacji angiograficznych TeleDICOM -analiza kwalifikacji operacyjnej 735 pacjentów
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In this paper we present some methods and algorithms for large scale computing which cover different areas of computational and computer sciences. They concern particle models, CFD computing, animation, monitoring and predicting of... more
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      Scientific VisualizationComputer AnimationScientific DataLarge Scale
The goal of the EU IST project is to build middleware facilities which enable the execution of real-time and interactive applications on the Grid. Within this research, relevant support for the HEP application is provided by... more
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      e-InfrastructuresMiddleware Technologies
The paper describes a sequential MD algorithm in which distances between particles are evaluated using fixed point arithmetics. Errors introduced by the method are estimated. Some simulation timings as well as fluctuations of the total... more
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      MolecularMolecular SimulationPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
This paper describes Graph Investigator, the application intended for analysis of complex networks. A rich set of application functions is briefly described including graph feature generation, comparison, visualization and edition. The... more
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      Graph TheoryNetwork AnalysisCellular AutomataComplex network
The oceanic lithosphère subducts into deep mantle due to the negative buoyancy forces through fractures in the near surface layer and plastic flow in the central portions (1). Once subducted, lithospheric plates will encounter another... more
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A novel technique based on cluster analysis of the multi-resolutional structure of earthquake patterns is developed and applied to observed and synthetic seismic catalogs. The observed data represent seismic activities situated around the... more
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      Data MiningNumerical SimulationPower LawCluster Analysis
Grid Virtual metacomputer, which uses a network of geographically distributed local networks, computers and computational resources and services. Grid Computing focuses on distributed computing technologies, which are not in the... more
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A new model for thermal convection simulations using molecular dynamics (MD) approach is reported brie y. Preliminary results are presented. Development of the method is discussed shortly
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      High performanceThermal Convection
In this paper we present short-range molecular dynamics algorithms and programs elaborated for sequential and vector computer architectures. They are suitable for investigations of surface and subsurface layer properties which require of... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
In this paper we present some methods and algorithms for large scale computing which cover different areas of computational and computer sciences. They concern particle models, CFD computing, animation, monitoring and predicting of... more
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      Scientific VisualizationComputer AnimationScientific DataLarge Scale
We check-out a set of statistical network descriptors for classification of various vascular networks generated by model of Tumour Induced Angiogenesis. In the model two spatio-temporal scales representing global behaviour of vascular... more
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Microstructural dynamics and boundary singularities generate complex multiresolution patterns, which are difficult to model with the continuum approaches using partial differential equations. To provide an effective solver across the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamicsLaboratory experiment
KEYWORDS 22 Fibrin polymerization; Blood modeling; Capillary vessels; Discrete-particles 23 24 25 26
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      Biomedical EngineeringComputational BiologyCell AdhesionFibrinogen
The paper presents a molecular dynamics C-language program suitable for mixtures of mono-atomic molecules of different types include in a cuboid box' with periodic boundary conditions. The molecules mutually interact with the short-range... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesEquation of MotionMolecular Dynamic Simulation
Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) and its generalization -the fluid particle model (FPM) -represent the "fluid particle" approach for simulating fluid-like behavior in the mesoscale. Unlike particles from molecular dynamics (MD) method,... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDistributed ComputingComputer SoftwareDissipative particle dynamics
Simulating natural phenomena at greater accuracy results in an explosive growth of data. Large-scale simulations with particles currently involve ensembles consisting of between 10 6 and 10 9 particles, which cover 10 5 -10 6 time steps.... more
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      Distributed ComputingData MiningComputer SoftwareData Clustering
We investigate the physical mechanism of aggregation of red blood cells (RBC) in capillary vessels, using a discrete particle model. This model can accurately capture the scales from 0.001µm to 100µm, far below the scales, which can be... more
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      EngineeringSickle Cell AnemiaCell AdhesionComputer Simulation
In the paper the assumptions of the particles method are presented and adapted to macroscopic quasi-particles and quasi-potentials. The system representing a physical object consists of a large number of mutually interacting "particles"... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPartial Differential EquationsModeling
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComputer SimulationManufacturing Engineering