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Human demands on the world's available freshwater supplies continue to grow as the global population increases. In the endeavor to manage water to meet human needs, the needs of freshwater species and ecosystems have largely been... more
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      BiodiversityEcosystem managementWater ManagementBiological Sciences
Studies have identified constraints with the way that accessible accommodation information is documented and marketed. Yet, no research has investigated the criteria that people with disabilities determine as 'important' to selecting... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementDigital PhotographySustainability in Hotels & Resorts
Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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    • Human-wildlife conflicts
Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism Planning and PolicyTouirsm Studies
Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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      Tourism ManagementSustainable Tourism
NINAs publikasjoner NINA Rapport Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter... more
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Beslutningsprosesser i elgforvaltningen -åpne prosesser eller forbeholdt saerinteresser?
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Dette er en elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-, overvåkings-eller... more
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Why did questions of indigenous rights and new indigenous development models emerge within the discourse of international agencies in this particular period? One important explanation is found in the historical context of Latin America at... more
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Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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    • Human-wildlife conflicts
Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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    • Human-wildlife conflicts
Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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    • Human-wildlife conflicts
Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
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This paper is based on the experiences of teaching gender and diversity applying a team based approach. The course ‘gender, culture and everyday life’ is taught as part of an online MA programme on Development Management to a group of... more
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Haaland, H. & Aas, Ø. Sertifisering: Miljøtiltak eller markedsføring? NINA rapport 144, 56 pp. The purpose of this report is to evaluate international experiences with certification or approval systems for nature-based tourism.... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism Planning and PolicyTouirsm Studies
This paper describes a prototype agent-based model used to explain why and how a norm of humanitarianism diffuses through a population. The model is constructed on norm diffusion theories as a foundation for developing explaining the... more
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Thomassen,J., Keyyu, J. & Haaland, H. 2005. The effects of congestion of vehicles on the environment – an EIA in the Ngorongoro crater. Results from the scoping process NINA Report 17. 68 pp. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority... more
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    • Geography
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      Political ScienceRoutledge
In this paper, we explore the process of co-creation of knowledge between modelers and ethnographers through a project focusing on the role played by CIGS (Citizen initiatives for global solidarity) in the refugee crisis in the island of... more
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In recent years, what has been called citizen initiatives for global solidarity (CIGS) have grown considerably in numbers across Europe and beyond. Lately, CIGS have also received attention as they are responding to humanitarian crisis... more
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      Political ScienceCrisis ManagementSolidarityPublic Administration and Policy