Papers by Leonardo Pacheco

IFBA, 2015
Resumo Este trabalho apresenta um estudo aprofundado sobre o código de ética do profissional de e... more Resumo Este trabalho apresenta um estudo aprofundado sobre o código de ética do profissional de engenharia e áreas similares, aspecto importante para o desenvolvimento de um engenheiro competente e de bom comportamento. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, mas principalmente o estudo do código de ética, e o entendimento de cada um dos seus artigos, levando em consideração especial os que mais afetam o dia-a-dia do profissional. Nos dias atuais, as pessoas que atuam no mercado de trabalho, ao ouvir sobre leis e direito, se voltam mais a leis criminais ou infrações financeiras, esquecendo-se da ética. O entendimento desse aspecto da lei é de fundamental importância, pois dita como deve ser o comportamento do engenheiro no seu ambiente de trabalho, e o seu relacionamento com os demais colegas e clientes. Outro fator importante do código de ética é a preocupação com o meio ambiente, levando o profissional a pensar em como desenvolver o seu trabalho de forma sustentável, garantindo assim, um futuro melhor para as próximas gerações.

Mostra Nacional de Robótica - MNR, 2016
This article aims to describe the assembly and
operation of a packaging line with reducing trappe... more This article aims to describe the assembly and
operation of a packaging line with reducing trapped volume in
an automated. The pinch point step is critical in the aluminum
can recycling process. This process is fundamental to help an
action that reduces pollution and waste production and that
causes a cycle in the production process. The work aims to
streamline the press step, which is performed manually by
collectors, creating an efficient system through the use of a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and pneumatic
actuators making it possible to reduce the volume of metal cans
to compact storage. pneumatic pistons are used for the packing
of tins and has a conveyor belt used to carry the cans to the
pinch point location, which would be deposited in the storage
container. All control is done through PLC. This work stands
out for having a metallic material separation system and nonmetallic,
through sensors that tells the controller, responsible
for taking decisions. The results were satisfactory because the
correct selectivity.

Mostra Nacional de Robótica - MNR, 2016
This document aims to present the implementation of
steering control system by means of a haptic ... more This document aims to present the implementation of
steering control system by means of a haptic system in a mobile
prototype through a wireless controller. The prototype had its
engine controlled by an H bridge switching through PWM port
an embedded system. All communication is done via RF
modules. The final design was composed of the prototype and a
glove that had the transmitter module, which sent the motion
information to the car, and the receiving plate, which was
responsible for the PWM signal controlling the engine
prototype. Its speed was controlled by the wearer's wrist
angulation; as the clock approached 90, the car reached
maximum speed and the same move forward and backward. In
addition to the control system, the car was also equipped with an
ultrasound sensor to prevent head-on collisions. The control
system showed satisfactory efficiency relative speed and the
distance that the car was controlled, and avoid collision

IFBA, 2013
RESUMO Este trabalho apresenta o funcionamento e os fundamentos teóricos utilizados em um motor e... more RESUMO Este trabalho apresenta o funcionamento e os fundamentos teóricos utilizados em um motor elétrico de maneira que possa ser explicado através das leis do eletromagnetismo. O trabalho é apresentado mostrando alguns tipos de motores elétricos de corrente contínua (CC) e suas principais aplicações. INTRODUÇÃO " Motores elétricos são uma parte importantíssima do processo produtivo industrial, não só no Brasil, como no mundo. Base de uma infinidade de equipamentos e facilidades como gerador de força motriz, o parque de motores elétricos é responsável pelo consumo de um terço de toda a energia ofertada no país " [Editado] (Garcia, 2003). O motor elétrico é o responsável por converter a energia elétrica que chega em nossas casas, empresas, indústrias, etc. em uma forma de energia mecânica capaz de gerar trabalho, onde será transmitido para mover equipamentos ou substituir trabalho humano. Hoje em dia, o motor elétrico faz parte cotidiano da sociedade estando nos mais diversos equipamentos, desde os mais simples, como os liquidificadores, até os maiores, como elevadores, etc. E é também parte fundamental da automação industrial.

2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), 2018
The study and use of solid state transformers (SST) has grown exponentially, and new technologies... more The study and use of solid state transformers (SST) has grown exponentially, and new technologies are being developed every day. The application of a series resonant converter in a SST allows improvement of its efficiency, through soft switching of the power switches. The present paper proposes a bidirectional topology capable of receiving an AC voltage in its input, and delivers the same AC voltage on its output through a series resonant converter and a push-pull AC-AC converter, with all switches operating with soft switching. The converter has three different switching elements and is capable of adjusting the output voltage level by changing the switching frequency. In this paper, the description of the converter's operation and simulation results are presented. A prototype is being built to be tested in laboratory.

Anais de trabalhos completos da VI Mostra Nacional de Robótica, 2016
Resumo: O presente documento tem o intuito de apresentar a implementação de sistema de controle d... more Resumo: O presente documento tem o intuito de apresentar a implementação de sistema de controle de direção, por meio de um sistema háptico em um protótipo móvel, através de um controle sem fio. O protótipo teve o seu motor controlado por uma ponte H, chaveada através de portas PWM de um sistema embarcado. Toda a comunicação foi feita através de módulos RF. O projeto final foi composto pelo protótipo e por uma luva, que possuía o módulo transmissor, que enviava as informações de movimento para o carro, e a placa receptora, que era responsável pelo sinal PWM que controlava o motor do protótipo. A sua velocidade era controlada através da angulação do pulso do portador; à medida que o pulso se aproximava de 90º, o carro atingia velocidade máxima, podendo o mesmo se movimentar para frente e para trás. Além de ter sistema de controle, o carro também foi equipado com sensor ultrassom para evitar colisões frontais. O sistema de controle mostrou eficiência satisfatória em relação a velocidade e a distância em que o carro era controlado, e ao evitar colisão em obstáculos.
Palavras Chaves: Controle, Ponte H, Sistema Embarcado, Modulo RF, Sensor.
Abstract: This document aims to present the implementation of steering control system by means of a haptic system in a mobile prototype through a wireless controller. The prototype had its engine controlled by an H bridge switching through PWM port an embedded system. All communication is done via RF modules. The final design was composed of the prototype and a glove that had the transmitter module, which sent the motion information to the car, and the receiving plate, which was responsible for the PWM signal controlling the engine prototype. Its speed was controlled by the wearer's wrist angulation; as the clock approached 90, the car reached maximum speed and the same move forward and backward. In addition to the control system, the car was also equipped with an ultrasound sensor to prevent head-on collisions. The control system showed satisfactory efficiency relative speed and the distance that the car was controlled, and avoid collision obstacles.
Papers by Leonardo Pacheco
operation of a packaging line with reducing trapped volume in
an automated. The pinch point step is critical in the aluminum
can recycling process. This process is fundamental to help an
action that reduces pollution and waste production and that
causes a cycle in the production process. The work aims to
streamline the press step, which is performed manually by
collectors, creating an efficient system through the use of a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and pneumatic
actuators making it possible to reduce the volume of metal cans
to compact storage. pneumatic pistons are used for the packing
of tins and has a conveyor belt used to carry the cans to the
pinch point location, which would be deposited in the storage
container. All control is done through PLC. This work stands
out for having a metallic material separation system and nonmetallic,
through sensors that tells the controller, responsible
for taking decisions. The results were satisfactory because the
correct selectivity.
steering control system by means of a haptic system in a mobile
prototype through a wireless controller. The prototype had its
engine controlled by an H bridge switching through PWM port
an embedded system. All communication is done via RF
modules. The final design was composed of the prototype and a
glove that had the transmitter module, which sent the motion
information to the car, and the receiving plate, which was
responsible for the PWM signal controlling the engine
prototype. Its speed was controlled by the wearer's wrist
angulation; as the clock approached 90, the car reached
maximum speed and the same move forward and backward. In
addition to the control system, the car was also equipped with an
ultrasound sensor to prevent head-on collisions. The control
system showed satisfactory efficiency relative speed and the
distance that the car was controlled, and avoid collision
Palavras Chaves: Controle, Ponte H, Sistema Embarcado, Modulo RF, Sensor.
Abstract: This document aims to present the implementation of steering control system by means of a haptic system in a mobile prototype through a wireless controller. The prototype had its engine controlled by an H bridge switching through PWM port an embedded system. All communication is done via RF modules. The final design was composed of the prototype and a glove that had the transmitter module, which sent the motion information to the car, and the receiving plate, which was responsible for the PWM signal controlling the engine prototype. Its speed was controlled by the wearer's wrist angulation; as the clock approached 90, the car reached maximum speed and the same move forward and backward. In addition to the control system, the car was also equipped with an ultrasound sensor to prevent head-on collisions. The control system showed satisfactory efficiency relative speed and the distance that the car was controlled, and avoid collision obstacles.
operation of a packaging line with reducing trapped volume in
an automated. The pinch point step is critical in the aluminum
can recycling process. This process is fundamental to help an
action that reduces pollution and waste production and that
causes a cycle in the production process. The work aims to
streamline the press step, which is performed manually by
collectors, creating an efficient system through the use of a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and pneumatic
actuators making it possible to reduce the volume of metal cans
to compact storage. pneumatic pistons are used for the packing
of tins and has a conveyor belt used to carry the cans to the
pinch point location, which would be deposited in the storage
container. All control is done through PLC. This work stands
out for having a metallic material separation system and nonmetallic,
through sensors that tells the controller, responsible
for taking decisions. The results were satisfactory because the
correct selectivity.
steering control system by means of a haptic system in a mobile
prototype through a wireless controller. The prototype had its
engine controlled by an H bridge switching through PWM port
an embedded system. All communication is done via RF
modules. The final design was composed of the prototype and a
glove that had the transmitter module, which sent the motion
information to the car, and the receiving plate, which was
responsible for the PWM signal controlling the engine
prototype. Its speed was controlled by the wearer's wrist
angulation; as the clock approached 90, the car reached
maximum speed and the same move forward and backward. In
addition to the control system, the car was also equipped with an
ultrasound sensor to prevent head-on collisions. The control
system showed satisfactory efficiency relative speed and the
distance that the car was controlled, and avoid collision
Palavras Chaves: Controle, Ponte H, Sistema Embarcado, Modulo RF, Sensor.
Abstract: This document aims to present the implementation of steering control system by means of a haptic system in a mobile prototype through a wireless controller. The prototype had its engine controlled by an H bridge switching through PWM port an embedded system. All communication is done via RF modules. The final design was composed of the prototype and a glove that had the transmitter module, which sent the motion information to the car, and the receiving plate, which was responsible for the PWM signal controlling the engine prototype. Its speed was controlled by the wearer's wrist angulation; as the clock approached 90, the car reached maximum speed and the same move forward and backward. In addition to the control system, the car was also equipped with an ultrasound sensor to prevent head-on collisions. The control system showed satisfactory efficiency relative speed and the distance that the car was controlled, and avoid collision obstacles.