Papers by Ariane A Corradi

Revista Psicologia, Organizações e Trabalho, 2016
This paper presents a paradigmatic analysis of the literature in Work and Organizational Psycholo... more This paper presents a paradigmatic analysis of the literature in Work and Organizational Psychology produced in Brazil, based on Burrell and Morgan's model (1979). Five research themes were selected: learning, citizenship, justice, commitment, and socialization. In total, we analysed the paradigmatic orientations of 276 papers published in high-rank peer review Brazilian journals between 2004 and 2014. The functionalist or the interpretive paradigms predominate, but there are also inter-paradigmatic papers, which indicate the epistemological plurality in this field. More established themes show more paradigmatic diversity in comparison to recent themes. Burrell and Morgan's model was applicable to paradigmatic analysis of empirical studies in WOP; nevertheless, findings corroborate criticism of the assumption of exclusivity between paradigms. Future studies could explore trends in paradigmatic orientations in other themes and investigate the implications of this multi-paradigmatic perspective on knowledge production in WOP. Pesquisa empírica em POT no Brasil: Uma análise paradigmática Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma análise paradigmática da literatura em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho produzida no Brasil, baseada no modelo de Burrell e Morgan (1979). Cinco temas de pesquisa foram selecionados: aprendizagem, cidadania, justiça, comprometimento e socialização organizacional. Ao todo, foram investigadas as orientações paradigmáticas de 276 artigos publicados em periódicos brasileiros qualificados, entre 2004 e 2014. Observou-se a predominância do paradigma funcionalista ou do interpretativo, e a ocorrência de artigos interparadigmáticos, evidenciando pluralidade epistemológica no campo. Temas mais estabelecidos mostram mais diversidade paradigmática em comparação a temas recentes. O modelo de Burrell e Morgan mostrou-se aplicável a análises paradigmáticas de estudos empíricos em POT. Contudo, os resultados corroboram críticas ao pressuposto da exclusividade entre paradigmas. Estudos futuros poderiam explorar tendências nas orientações paradigmáticas em outros temas e investigar as implicações dessa perspectiva multiparadigmática na produção de conhecimento em POT. La investigación empírica en POT en Brasil: Un análisis paradigmático Resumen En este artículo se presenta un análisis paradigmático de la literatura en Psicología Organizacional y del Trabajo, producida en Brasil, basada en el modelo de Burrell y Morgan (1979). Se han seleccionado seis temas de investigación, a saber: aprendizaje, ciudadanía, justicia, comprometimiento y socialización. En total, se han investigado las orientaciones paradigmáticas de 276 artículos publicados en revistas brasileñas cualificadas entre 2004 y 2014. Los resultados han demostrado el predominio del paradigma funcionalista o interpretativo, y la ocurrencia de artículos interparadigmáticos, indicando la pluralidad epistemológica en el campo. Temas más establecidos en el área demuestran más diversidad paradigmática en comparación con temas recientes. El modelo de Burrell y Morgan demostró ser aplicable a los análisis paradigmáticos de los estudios empíricos de POT. Sin embargo, los resultados corroboran las críticas a la premisa de la exclusividad entre paradigmas. Estudios futuros podrían explorar tendencias en las orientaciones paradigmáticas en otros temas y, además, investigar las implicaciones de esa perspectiva multiparadigmática en la producción del conocimiento en POT.

Este artigo analisa professores que realizam atividades de interação universidade-empresa na Univ... more Este artigo analisa professores que realizam atividades de interação universidade-empresa na Universidade Nacional da Colombia, entendendo, especificamente, suas motivações para interagir e os canais de interação utilizados. Para isto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 15 professores e três funcionários encarregados dos programas de transferência de tecnologia na universidade. Como resultado, identificou-se heterogeneidade de posicionamentos dos professores sobre a interação universidade-empresa e propôs-se uma tipologia os dividindo em quatro grupos com características particulares, sendo: 1) Colaboradores Circunstanciais, são professores que têm um contato esporádico com as empresas; 2) Independentes, são os professores que têm foco no desenvolvimento de iniciativas próprias via spin-off, e que têm um contato esporádico com as empresas; 3) Integrados, são os professores com foco na transferência de conhecimentos e pesquisas, que veem nas empresas um parceiro estratégico mas não desejam empreender; 4) Empreendedores Acadêmicos, são os professores com foco no desenvolvimento de iniciativas próprias via spin-off, que veem nas empresas um parceiro estratégico. Recomenda-se que as universidades avancem na criação de programas de inovação e transferência de tecnologia que sejam mais flexíveis e variados, entendendo que os incentivos e as iniciativas que são adequadas para um tipo de professor não necessariamente o são para outros.

Industry and Higher Education
This paper analyzes the role of the university research laboratory in university–industry interac... more This paper analyzes the role of the university research laboratory in university–industry interactions for technology transfer. Specifically, it examines how the laboratory research infrastructure, team qualification and local incentives influence knowledge and technology transfer in biotechnology. Despite the importance of the research laboratory for an entrepreneurial university and the development of new technologies, few studies have focused on this level of analysis. This research addresses this literature gap with data from two leading laboratories in a highly-ranked Brazilian university. Data were collected through questionnaires on laboratory infrastructure and channels of collaboration with firms, interviews with laboratory leaders and key post-doc fellows, and documentary research. The results show that physical infrastructure, biological samples and qualified teams enabled technology transfer to firms. The main channel of interaction between these laboratories and firms i...

Blucher Engineering Proceedings, May 1, 2021
This paper analyzes the university laboratory's role in the university-industry interactions for ... more This paper analyzes the university laboratory's role in the university-industry interactions for technology transfer in biotechnology. Despite the importance of laboratory infrastructure for an entrepreneurial university and the development of new technologies, there are few studies focusing on this level of analysis. This study explores this literature gap with data from two leading laboratories in a high-ranked university in Brazil, the Federal University of Minas Gerais. This case study includes the application of two questionnaires to describe laboratory infrastructure and its firm collaboration, five interviews with laboratory leaders and key post-doc fellows, and documentary research. Results show that physical infrastructure, biological samples, and qualified people enabled technology transfer to firms. The channels of interaction between the laboratories and firms were identified. Spin-offs are a channel for technology transfer in the two laboratories, performing a bilateral hybrid function of disseminating university research results and brokering patent licensing to firms. Spin-offs also contribute to the absorptive capacity of other firms and, above all, allow laboratories to disclose results to the community and potential end-users. Findings present a new perspective on spin-off technology transfer in Brazil and in other developing countries.
This chapter explores the role of business incubators as meso-institutions of local economic deve... more This chapter explores the role of business incubators as meso-institutions of local economic development, through the brokerage actions of their managers in influencing the networking dynamics of entrepreneurs. Acting as enabling brokers, incubators facilitate the public-private interaction through policy and planning (Helmsing 2006), and play the role of development policy agent to prevent high rates of closure in start-ups (SEBRAE 2007). Nevertheless, the incubators’ brokerage, and the potentialities this brings to local development processes, are scarce. Consequently, this implies a poor understanding and management of these networks.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Mar 1, 2014
The Civic Innovation Research Initiative (CIRI) is a research program that explores how organizat... more The Civic Innovation Research Initiative (CIRI) is a research program that explores how organizations and individuals mobilize to change their societies. CIRI focuses on how actors co-shape political, economic and cultural trends in pursuing the common interest whilst respecting differences. CIRI is one of the research programs of The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). The CIRI Working Paper series provides a forum for work in progress that seeks to elicit comments and generate discussion. The series includes academic research by staff, PhD participants, visiting fellows, and research papers by graduate students.

International Journal of Intangible Heritage, 2018
This paper endeavours to emphasise one particular vector of sustainable development from intangib... more This paper endeavours to emphasise one particular vector of sustainable development from intangible cultural heritage: ‘frugal innovations’. It discusses the potential of ICH to generate frugal innovations, contributing to improving communities’ quality of life and enhancing the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. A type of innovation constrained by limited resources, frugal innovation means the development of processes, products or services reduced to core functionalities with optimised performance levels, addressing the needs of the bottom of the pyramid market. When implemented at community level, it aims to create a novel solution from the scarce resources available to respond to the needs of the communities concerned. This paper presents two case studies - the Indian Mitticool, and the Australian WALFA project - to illustrate the transformation of specific traditional knowledge into frugal innovations, and their impact on their respective communities. The analysis will build on the conceptual framework proposed by Soni and Krishnan (2014) that defines the dimensions of frugal innovation in terms of mindset, process and product. This paper then analyses the institutional framework provided by the 2003 Convention, especially its Chapter VI on ‘Sustainable Development’, to legitimise and leverage ICH-related frugal innovations, as well as to ensure that this transformation is fair and collectively beneficial.

Curriculo sem Fronteiras, 2020
Este estudo objetiva relatar experiências de ensino-aprendizagem de métodos qualitativos construí... more Este estudo objetiva relatar experiências de ensino-aprendizagem de métodos qualitativos construídas com estudantes, discentes e monitoras de um curso de graduação em Psicologia, tendo como suporte a discussão sobre Direitos Humanos. Tem-se em vista o desafio de ampliar a concepção de ciência, ainda muito associada ao modelo positivista, para incluir a perspectiva de epistemologias emergentes. Esse debate requer a contextualização do conhecimento produzido, especialmente no Brasil de hoje, marcado por um histórico de exclusão social e posturas antagônicas. Com o propósito didático de gerar e fortalecer a consciência dos discentes acerca da diversidade de vozes sociais e da necessidade de se engajar politicamente para promover os Direitos Humanos, a disciplina é estruturada para abarcar o surgimento e os aspectos éticos de métodos qualitativos nas Ciências Humanas e na Psicologia, a relevância da pesquisa para os psicólogos e os principais aspectos de algumas modalidades e técnicas de coleta e análise de dados. Algumas estratégias didáticas consistem na elaboração de um projeto de pesquisa, avaliação de painéis em eventos científicos locais e entrevistas com estagiários em Psicologia. Essa pluralidade de atividades fomenta a formação metodológica dos estudantes, aproximando-os da complexidade e do dinamismo das abordagens qualitativas, bem como refletindo a policromia das epistemologias emergentes.

Revista Psicologia, Organizações e Trabalho, 2016
This paper presents a paradigmatic analysis of the literature in Work and Organizational Psycholo... more This paper presents a paradigmatic analysis of the literature in Work and Organizational Psychology produced in Brazil, based on Burrell and Morgan's model (1979). Five research themes were selected: learning, citizenship, justice, commitment, and socialization. In total, we analysed the paradigmatic orientations of 276 papers published in high-rank peer review Brazilian journals between 2004 and 2014. The functionalist or the interpretive paradigms predominate, but there are also inter-paradigmatic papers, which indicate the epistemological plurality in this field. More established themes show more paradigmatic diversity in comparison to recent themes. Burrell and Morgan's model was applicable to paradigmatic analysis of empirical studies in WOP; nevertheless, findings corroborate criticism of the assumption of exclusivity between paradigms. Future studies could explore trends in paradigmatic orientations in other themes and investigate the implications of this multi-paradigmatic perspective on knowledge production in WOP. Pesquisa empírica em POT no Brasil: Uma análise paradigmática Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma análise paradigmática da literatura em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho produzida no Brasil, baseada no modelo de Burrell e Morgan (1979). Cinco temas de pesquisa foram selecionados: aprendizagem, cidadania, justiça, comprometimento e socialização organizacional. Ao todo, foram investigadas as orientações paradigmáticas de 276 artigos publicados em periódicos brasileiros qualificados, entre 2004 e 2014. Observou-se a predominância do paradigma funcionalista ou do interpretativo, e a ocorrência de artigos interparadigmáticos, evidenciando pluralidade epistemológica no campo. Temas mais estabelecidos mostram mais diversidade paradigmática em comparação a temas recentes. O modelo de Burrell e Morgan mostrou-se aplicável a análises paradigmáticas de estudos empíricos em POT. Contudo, os resultados corroboram críticas ao pressuposto da exclusividade entre paradigmas. Estudos futuros poderiam explorar tendências nas orientações paradigmáticas em outros temas e investigar as implicações dessa perspectiva multiparadigmática na produção de conhecimento em POT. La investigación empírica en POT en Brasil: Un análisis paradigmático Resumen En este artículo se presenta un análisis paradigmático de la literatura en Psicología Organizacional y del Trabajo, producida en Brasil, basada en el modelo de Burrell y Morgan (1979). Se han seleccionado seis temas de investigación, a saber: aprendizaje, ciudadanía, justicia, comprometimiento y socialización. En total, se han investigado las orientaciones paradigmáticas de 276 artículos publicados en revistas brasileñas cualificadas entre 2004 y 2014. Los resultados han demostrado el predominio del paradigma funcionalista o interpretativo, y la ocurrencia de artículos interparadigmáticos, indicando la pluralidad epistemológica en el campo. Temas más establecidos en el área demuestran más diversidad paradigmática en comparación con temas recientes. El modelo de Burrell y Morgan demostró ser aplicable a los análisis paradigmáticos de los estudios empíricos de POT. Sin embargo, los resultados corroboran las críticas a la premisa de la exclusividad entre paradigmas. Estudios futuros podrían explorar tendencias en las orientaciones paradigmáticas en otros temas y, además, investigar las implicaciones de esa perspectiva multiparadigmática en la producción del conocimiento en POT.
Local Governance, Economic Development and Institutions, 2016
This chapter explores the role of business incubators as meso-institutions of local economic deve... more This chapter explores the role of business incubators as meso-institutions of local economic development, through the brokerage actions of their managers in influencing the networking dynamics of entrepreneurs. Acting as enabling brokers, incubators facilitate the public-private interaction through policy and planning (Helmsing 2006), and play the role of development policy agent to prevent high rates of closure in start-ups (SEBRAE 2007). Nevertheless, the incubators’ brokerage, and the potentialities this brings to local development processes, are scarce. Consequently, this implies a poor understanding and management of these networks.

Samenvatting xxiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Telling two short stories 2 Case A: Manufacturing sector (cl... more Samenvatting xxiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Telling two short stories 2 Case A: Manufacturing sector (clothing) 2 Case B: Information and communication sector (built-in software) 3 Drawing some initial arguments 5 1.2 Motivation for the study and research questions 7 Local and regional availability of resources Other motivations 1.3 Theoretical positioning Resource-based theory of the firm Dynamic capabilities Resource dependence theory Population ecology Entrepreneurship literature and the theory of the firm Closing remarks about the theoretical position of this study 1.4 Objectives and method Data collection strategies Overview of data treatment and analysis 1.5 Outline of the thesis 1.6 Key terms Notes Contents vii THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS 2.1 Analytical framework 2.2 Evolutionary economics Search Routine Evolution of business start-ups Learning in evolutionary economics 2.3 Learning in the resource-based theory of the firm 2.4 Learning in organizational psychology Learning strategies 2.5 Networking Networking and embeddedness Networking and evolutionary processes 2.6 Critical learning episodes 2.7 Final remarks Notes BUSINESS INCUBATORS, START-UPS AND ENTREPRENEURS 3.1 Business incubation programmes Business incubators in Brazil 3.2 The institutional environment of the business incubators in this study Legal framework Formal sources of funding Geographical distribution of business incubators Importance of actors in the institutional setting 3.3 Description of the researched business incubators Packages of services provided Selection criteria for new incubatees Partnerships Who the managers are 3.4 The start-ups 3.5 The entrepreneurs 3.6 Conclusion Notes viii CRITICAL LEARNING EPISODES IN THE EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS START-UPS CRITICAL LEARNING EPISODES 4.1 Study 1: Identification of critical learning episodes Categorization of critical learning episodes Descriptive quantitative results 4.2 Study 2: Critical learning episodes and the analytical framework Triggers and learning strategies Learning strategies and learning contents Learning strategies across time Learning contents and outcomes Learning outcomes and routines Organizational routines and triggers Illustrative cases 4.3 Study 3: Use of resources and networking Access and creation of resources Dynamics of resources in critical learning episodes The dynamics of resources, learning strategies and services by the start-up Networking dynamics 4.4 Conclusion Notes PATHWAYS 5.1 Constructing a definition of pathways 5.2 Descriptive correlational results Correlational results for type of critical learning episode Correlational results for the length of sequences of critical learning episodes Correlational results for the diversity of critical learning episodes 5.3 The five typical pathways Grounded theory principles Initial and current conditions Pathway 1: Direct product of the core product or service Pathway 2: Dependence on investment capital to develop the core product, without secondary products Pathway 3: Secondary product as means to enter the market while the core one is developed Contents ix Pathway 4: Independent or complementary products or services that become spin-offs with parallel administrative structures Pathway 5: Secondary product becomes the core business or competes with its development Statistical clustering Comparative analysis between pathways 5.4 Pathways and individual factors Pathways and entrepreneurial characteristics Pathways and learning strategies 5.5 Pathways and firms' characteristics 5.6 Pathways and use of resources 5.7 Conclusion Notes EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS START-UPS 6.1 Revisiting the key concepts 6.2 Summing up the argument 6.3 Contributions to resource-based theories of the firm Types, sources of resources, and contingencies The role of entrepreneurial agency Processes of emergence of learning at the organizational level Pathways and diversification Competitiveness versus cooperation and growth Concluding the argument 6.4 Learning-based pathways and the evolution of business start-ups Evolution in jumps versus incremental change Unpacking search processes Roles and dynamics of organizational routines Pathways 6.5 Business incubators: invisible services The role of operational services The role of strategic services Invisible services: informal dynamics in business incubation settings 6.6 Methodological contributions 6.7 Contributions to development issues x CRITICAL LEARNING EPISODES IN THE EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS START-UPS 6.8 Limitations and research agenda Notes Appendices References xi List of Tables, Figures, Maps and Appendices Tables 1.1 R&D indices for São Paulo and Minas Gerais in the regional and national contexts 3.1 Distribution of the interviews 3.2 Local context of business incubators (BI 1-10 are in São Paulo and 11-17 are in Minas Gerais) 3.3 Strategic services provided by the business incubators (n=49 entrepreneurs) 3.4 Characteristics of the business start-ups (n=43) 3.5 Distribution of cases per R&D-intensity and initial size of the market (n=43) 3.6 Characteristics of the entrepreneurs (n=43) 3.7 Entrepreneurial characteristics and R&D-intensity of start-ups' activities (n=43) 3.8 Entrepreneurial characteristics and type of business incubator (n=43) 3.9 Entrepreneurial characteristics and initial financial resources 4.1 Distribution of CLEs in 10 categories of triggers 4.2 Distribution of CLEs in five categories of triggers 4.3 Critical learning episodes started in the first year of the business start-up (n=11 out of 17) 4.4 Critical learning episodes started in the second year of the business start-up (n=12 out of 22) 4.5 Use of resources per type of CLE (n=207 CLEs) 4.6 Types of resource use and learning strategies (n=207 CLEs) xii CRITICAL LEARNING EPISODES IN THE EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS START-UPS 4.7 Structural measures comparing network configurations at two points in time 5.1 Significant positive correlations between types of CLEs and process and firm variables 5.2 Typical pathways per focus of the resource-base and production 5.3 Summary of key characteristics List of Tables, Figures, Maps and Appendices xiii 5.3 Structure of pathways 5.4 Model fit of two-cluster analysis for pathways 5.5 Proportion of main learning strategies per pathway 5.6 The most common sub-categories of learning strategies per pathway (n=43 start-ups) 5.7 Key factors to define pathways 6.1 Diagram of the mixed-methods approach Maps 3.1 Distribution of incubators (in red) and science parks (in blue) in all federative units in Brazil 3.2 Geographical location of the areas investigated and geographical distribution of the business incubators Boxes 4.1 Critical learning episode: entrepreneur-specific issues 4.2 Critical learning episode: entry and survival in the market 4.3 Critical learning episode: production-related issues 4.4 Critical learning episode: managerial issues 4.5 Routines as triggers: Firm27 4.6 Routines as triggers: Firm06 4.7 Resources that are acquired and corresponding services 4.8 Resources that are under-utilized and related services 4.9 Resources that are created and corresponding services 4.10 Resources that are lost and remaining services 5.1 Initial conditions 5.2 Current conditions Appendices 1 Outline of the interviews with the entrepreneurs 2 Profile of business incubators' (BI) managers 3 Business start-ups' general profile xiv CRITICAL LEARNING EPISODES IN THE EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS START-UPS 4 Classification of market and economic activities according to the product 5 Codebook from Atlas.Ti 6 Two-step cluster analysis for critical learning episodes 7 Codebook for SPSS and correlation matrices 8 List of routines, per category 9 Diagrams of individual pathways 10 Two-step cluster analysis for pathways 11 Business start-ups per typical pathway

Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 2016
Resumo Esta pesquisa objetivou: a) identificar características estruturais, relacionais e posicio... more Resumo Esta pesquisa objetivou: a) identificar características estruturais, relacionais e posicionais das redes sociais de pesquisadores em Psicologia no Brasil e b) relacionar indicadores de produtividade fornecidos pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico com características estruturais e posicionais da rede social de pesquisadores. No total, 417 participantes responderam ao questionário sobre as relações existentes entre pesquisadores, tipo de conteúdo intercambiado nas relações e fatores que influenciam a atuação em rede. Foram realizadas análise das redes sociais das áreas da Psicologia, avaliação do currículo Lattes dos pesquisadores para identificar indicadores de produtividade e uma regressão múltipla para verificar a predição das características das redes sobre os indicadores de desempenho do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Verificou-se que as medidas estruturais da rede, como centralidade, são preditores de produtivi...

Firm dynamics are commonly explained through learning processes by evolutionary economics and res... more Firm dynamics are commonly explained through learning processes by evolutionary economics and resource-based theories of the firm. The literature, however, also highlights the methodological difficulty to unpack learning. With the support of cognitive-behavioural theories of learning and the use of a multi-method approach, this study investigates the evolution of business start-ups and interactions between markets, institutions and learning strategies. In retrospective interviews, entrepreneurs-founders of 43 Brazilian start-ups reconstructed the storyline of the first three to five years of their firms, focussing on critical learning episodes. Analyses of the narratives resulted in 207 critical learning episodes, based on the analytical framework, empirical content, expert evaluation and the literature. These episodes were clustered in five categories. Quantitative descriptive analysis showed the cross-cutting dynamics of these episodes. Then, relationships between episodes were in...

This study investigates critical learning episodes as landmarks in the evolution of business star... more This study investigates critical learning episodes as landmarks in the evolution of business start-ups. A framework that combines individual learning processes with the Penrosian resource-based theory of the firm, and the concepts of search and routines from evolutionary economics provides the theoretical ground on which this study is developed. Multilevel factors, ranging from entrepreneurial agency to the institutional setting of business development services, represent different levels of analysis. These levels are connected through critical learning episodes, which are triggered by endogenous or exogenous factors and culminate in the creation of new or in the change of current organizational routines. These episodes were narrated by 43 entrepreneurs-founders through semi-structured interviews. Their business start-ups were operating for an average of 4 years (s.d.=1,9) and were linked to business incubation programmes in the two most resource-rich regions in Brazil. These start-...

Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 2009
Este artigo investiga, apoiado na abordagem de redes sociais, a influência de relações acadêmicas... more Este artigo investiga, apoiado na abordagem de redes sociais, a influência de relações acadêmicas e de atributos de programas de pós-graduação em administração na estrutura da rede desses programas. Os dados foram coletados entre fevereiro e julho de 2007. Um questionário eletrônico foi enviado aos coordenadores de 58 programas em funcionamento nesse período. Destes, 32 (55%) responderam à pesquisa, e informaram as relações do próprio programa com os demais 57 programas, em sete atividades: pesquisas conjuntas, produção intelectual compartilhada, realização de eventos científicos, disciplinas compartilhadas, intercâmbio de professores, intercâmbio de estudantes, e participação em comissões examinadoras de dissertações e teses. Os atributos dos programas foram identificados nas páginas eletrônicas da CAPES e de cada programa. Os resultados mostram que: (1) a rede pesquisada é pouco densa, com relações esparsas e, na maioria das vezes, fracas entre programas; (2) a localização geográf...

Blucher Engineering Proceedings, May 1, 2021
Este artigo analisa professores que realizam atividades de interação universidade-empresa na Univ... more Este artigo analisa professores que realizam atividades de interação universidade-empresa na Universidade Nacional da Colombia, entendendo, especificamente, suas motivações para interagir e os canais de interação utilizados. Para isto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 15 professores e três funcionários encarregados dos programas de transferência de tecnologia na universidade. Como resultado, identificou-se heterogeneidade de posicionamentos dos professores sobre a interação universidade-empresa e propôs-se uma tipologia os dividindo em quatro grupos com características particulares, sendo: 1) Colaboradores Circunstanciais, são professores que têm um contato esporádico com as empresas; 2) Independentes, são os professores que têm foco no desenvolvimento de iniciativas próprias via spin-off, e que têm um contato esporádico com as empresas; 3) Integrados, são os professores com foco na transferência de conhecimentos e pesquisas, que veem nas empresas um parceiro estratégico mas não desejam empreender; 4) Empreendedores Acadêmicos, são os professores com foco no desenvolvimento de iniciativas próprias via spin-off, que veem nas empresas um parceiro estratégico. Recomenda-se que as universidades avancem na criação de programas de inovação e transferência de tecnologia que sejam mais flexíveis e variados, entendendo que os incentivos e as iniciativas que são adequadas para um tipo de professor não necessariamente o são para outros.
Papers by Ariane A Corradi