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The operational method (V-cut pelvic ostectomy) was applied on seven dogs. Pubic symphysis was cut in an inverted "V" fashion and a bone gap occurred between pelvic halves. The gap was reduced by contracting both sides of the... more
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Kemik grefleri gunumuzde veteriner cerrahi alaninda siklikla kullanilmaktadir. Ulkemizde kemik greflerinin sagladigi bir cok imkan arastirmacilar ve klinisyenler tarafindan yeterince degerlendirilememektedir. Bu derleme hazirlanirken... more
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Kopeklerin on capraz bag (OCB) kopuklari sik gorulen bir travmatik gelisimdir. Tedavisinde operatif ve konservatif tedaviler olmak uzere bircok teknik tanimlanmistir. Operatif yontemlerin yaninda konservatif tedavilerin etkileri sinirli... more
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    • Medicine
Two radiographic distraction techniques (Standard Ventrodorsal Hip-Extended Radiography, SHER, and Balanced Hip-Extended Radiography, BHER) were evaluated for Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) diagnosis on 100 hip joints of 50 dogs to determine... more
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Gelisimsel kalca displazisi hastaligi uluslararasi hayvan ortopedi birligi tarafindan taninan 350 kopek irkinin onemli bir kisminda gorulmektedir. Hastalik cok erken yaslarda baslar ve ilerleyen zamanlarda kireclenme olarak da tabir... more
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The operational method (V-cut pelvic ostectomy) was applied on seven dogs. Pubic symphysis was cut in an inverted "V" fashion and a bone gap occurred between pelvic halves. The gap was reduced by contracting both sides of the pelvis. A... more
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      Orthopedic SurgeryMedicinePelvisRadiography
This study was carried out for the determination and the evaluation of intraocular pressure (IOP) in Anatolian Buffalo calve by means of applanation tonometry. A total of 78 eyes of 39 healthy Anatolian Buffalo calves aged between 1 and... more
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    • Medicine
Bu olgu sunumunda doğan ailesinden yırtıcı bir kuş olan falco peregrinus'da (alaca doğan) görülen açık humerus kırığı ve sağaltımının sunulması amaçlanmaktadır. Yırtıcı kuşlar özellikle kış aylarında yaşanan besin kıtlığı nedeniyle doğal... more
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    • Medicine
The purpose of this study was to investigate biomechanical optimization of the newly designed circular external fixator (CEF) system, used in the orthopaedics surgery, that is capable of continuous compression at the fracture line.... more
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      Materials ScienceBiomedical EngineeringStructural EngineeringFinite element method
This study examined the TTO method to share the treatment results on dogs and contribute to the current scientific literature in Turkey. 2. Materials and methods Herein, 7 dogs diagnosed with CrCL deficiency were assessed using clinical... more
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      SurgeryMedicineAnimal ProductionAnterior Cruciate Ligament
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, pelikanlarda ateşli silah yaralanmaları sonucu oluşan kırıkların yeri, şeklinin ve sağaltım seçeneklerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışma materyalini, 2004-2013 yılları arasında Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi,... more
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      MedicineGunshot injury
Kemik grefleri günümüzde veteriner cerrahi alanında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Ülkemizde kemik greflerinin sağladığı bir çok imkan araştırmacılar ve klinisyenler tarafından yeterince değerlendirilememektedir. Bu derleme hazırlanırken... more
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    • Medicine
Olfactory stem cells have great potential in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and they are good candidates for cell therapy due to the easy accessibility of olfactory mucosa. The main objectives of this study were isolation,... more
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    • Biology
Kemik grefleri günümüzde veteriner cerrahi alanında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Ülkemizde kemik greflerinin sağladığı bir çok imkan araştırmacılar ve klinisyenler tarafından yeterince değerlendirilememektedir. Bu derleme hazırlanırken... more
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There is no consensus on the properties of an ideal dressing for treating wounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of dressings using topically administered bitter melon extract with olive oil, pure olive oil,... more
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      BiologyOlive OilMedicineMelon
Bu olgu sunumunda doğan ailesinden yırtıcı bir kuş olan falco peregrinus'da (alaca doğan) görülen açık humerus kırığı ve sağaltımının sunulması amaçlanmaktadır. Yırtıcı kuşlar özellikle kış aylarında yaşanan besin kıtlığı nedeniyle doğal... more
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      MedicineFalco PeregrinusFalcon
We would like to report a rare case of bladder retroflexion during pregnancy in a bitch.
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    • Mathematics
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      ZoologyBiologyAnimal ProductionAnimal
This study was carried out for the determination and the evaluation of intraocular pressure (IOP) in Anatolian Buffalo calve by means of applanation tonometry. A total of 78 eyes of 39 healthy Anatolian Buffalo calves aged between 1 and... more
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      MedicineIntraocular Pressure
We would like to report a rare case of bladder retroflexion during pregnancy in a bitch.
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