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The Fuzzy Logic or the Fuzzy Logic Control is an Artificial Intelligence approach/technique, which is especially used for designing and developing intelligent controlling systems. It provides an effective and efficient method to simulate... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceFuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic Control
[TR] Bu çalışmanın amacı, mevcut mesleki eğitimin eleştirisine alternatif bir katkı olması adına; Türkiye'deki meslek yüksekokullarını, geçmiş süreçteki (1940'lı yıllardan 50'li yılara kadar) köy enstitüleri dönemini ve şu sıralar oldukça... more
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      EducationVocational EducationEducation SystemsEducation in Finland
The definition, diagnosis and classification of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications are very important. First of all, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other societies, as well as scientists have done lots of studies regarding... more
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      Support Vector MachinesDiabetes DiagnosisCognitive Development Optimization Algorithm
The diagnosis of heart diseases from heart sounds is a matter of many years. This is the effect of having too many people with heart diseases in the world. Studies on heart sounds are usually based on classification for helping doctors.... more
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    • Convolutional Neural Network
Diyabet hastalığının tespiti çalışmalarının temelini klinik karar destek sistemlerinin altyapısını oluşturan sınıflandırma çalışmaları oluşturmaktadır. Sınıflandırma çalışmalarındaki temel amaç sınıflandırma başarımını artırmak, teşhis... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringMachine LearningDiabetes
Diyabetik retinopati, şeker hastalığı kaynaklı ciddi bir göz hastalığıdır ve gelişmiş ülkelerde körlüğün en yaygın nedenidir. Bu çalışma retina fundus görüntülerinden diyabetik retinopatiyi teşhis etmek için görüntü işleme ve derin... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingMachine Learning
This paper describes a blended learning implementation and experience supported with intelligent learning environments included in a learning management system (LMS) called @KU-UZEM. The blended learning model is realized as a combination... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDistance EducationEngineering EducationBlended Learning
At the nexus of education and technology, blended learning is growing rapidly. Integrating faceto-face and online learning, blending can enhance learning and optimize seat time. This paper describes the use of the blended e-learning model... more
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      EngineeringEducationEducational TechnologyDistance Education
This paper introduces a complete design method to construct an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) for DC-DC converter. In a conventional fuzzy logic controller (FLC), knowledge on the system supplied by an expert is required for... more
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      Mathematical SciencesDesign methodMembership FunctionBoost Converter
In today's world, Web-Based Distance Education Systems have a great importance. Web-based Distance Education Systems are usually known as Learning Management Systems (LMS). In this article, a database design, which was developed to create... more
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      Educational TechnologyDatabasesDatabase Management SystemsDatabase Design
Cognition is a process, which includes perceiving, storing, remembering, recalling , and using the senses. In other words, cognition consists of the physical and mental activities of understanding, commenting on, and learning to... more
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One of the most important functions of distance learning systems is determining the student knowledge level and performance clearly. In traditional education systems, students can be assessed in single-stage via tests and homework... more
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    • Distance Education
This paper introduces a complete design method to construct an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) for DC-DC converter. In a conventional fuzzy logic controller (FLC), knowledge on the system supplied by an expert is required for... more
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      Mathematical SciencesDesign methodMembership FunctionBoost Converter
Nowadays heart diseases are the first cause of human deaths. For this reason, many studies have been carried out to reduce early diagnosis and death of heart diseases. These studies are mostly about developing computer-aided diagnosis... more
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As it was discussed before in Chap. 4, the disease of diabetic retinopathy (DR) ensure terrible results such as blindness, it has been a remarkable medical problem examined recently. Here, especially retinal pathologies can be the biggest... more
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The high number of sudden deaths from heart diseases today makes early diagnosis of heart diseases very important in order to prevent these deaths. The first method that doctors use to diagnose heart disease is to listen to heart sounds... more
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    • Computer Science
Managing medical information and knowledge is becoming an increasing problem for healthcare professionals. Medical science that contains ever-increasing amounts of knowledge, such as the medical history of a patient, medical data about... more
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    • Computer Science
The Fuzzy Logic or the Fuzzy Logic Control is an Artificial Int elligence approach/technique, which is especially used for designing and developing intelligent controlling systems. It provides an effective and efficient method to simulate... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceFuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic Control
One of the first causes of human deaths in recent years in our world is heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases. Phonocardiograms (PCG) and electrocardiograms (ECG) are usually used for the detection of heart diseases. Studies on... more
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In this paper, a general purpose Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) controller for dc-dc switching converters is researched. It has been proved that ANFIS controllers are capable of approximating any real continuous control... more
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